The History of The Nachtigallen & Wardens

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The Rebel Man

Writer: @RedHotGinger


The Nachtigallen are the largest resistance organization within Sector 10 a fact understood by most who fall into the underground gossip of various Urban centers. The factions main base covers a swathe of territory which resides in Liechtenstein Pass. A well hidden, veritable fortress town that is sandwiched between frigid mountain passes and peaks. While this is far from the only base of operations the group possesses, it is uncompromising in its size, housing hundreds of active insurgents be them riflemen or poets. Yet, even more notable of this area is the armory that resides within it often referred to as the ‘Vault of Liechtenstein.’ All of the gear once brought to them by the Wardens, including gear they scavenged on their own, resides within this containment depot immersed by inner-defenses and watchful eyes. When it comes to arms, few can boast a more complete collection.

The Nachtigallen operate beyond City 24 but due to the hostile resistance movement in France, and the harsh conditions of the Italian peninsula, they tend to favor City 24 simply due to its relative accessibility and increased importance. As a result, multiple outposts now exist within the city itself, engrossed in the forgotten realms and spaces of such a scarred city. Typically passive hubs that continually remain quiet and rarely draw any risks of attention towards themselves. Reconnaissance and espionage are the favored actions of such a faction and only on particular occasions do they engage in hostile action.

As a result the Nachtigallen, despite their size, are not the most active resistance group around. When compared to the former Londoners of Britain, or the Earthquake of France, one would be forgiven for pondering if the Nachtigallen even existed without proper channels. Yet, it's not incapability that restricts them from following the examples of their peers, but rather internal values that still hold to this day. They are pacifists in the midst of a war that they unintentionally became a large player within. Those who founded the group, and those who were attracted to it ever since, were more artists than soldiers far away from the actual fighting. More comfortable striking pen to paper rather than primer to bullet.

But those days are behind them, and the power vacuum of the resistance has been filled by no others, whether they like it or not. So now, they idly engage in humanitarian and industrial trade with local resistance cells, protecting and enhancing current supply chains and outposts. Yet, committing to little more. This is what separates the Nachtigallen from other groups. What makes them better - and worse - from those who actively take to the fight and cause wanton ruin to the already weakened lives of citizens. In truth, the Nachtigallen have countless weapons that could be distributed at any time, right into the hands of all manner of resistance cells. Yet, these weapons remain locked away by the group, potential tools of liberation held at bay by idealist individuals.

Due to this innate reluctance, there are plenty who would view the Nachtigallen as little more than arrogant, cowards protected by high walls outside the city. A far cry from the Wardens of old, who actively, and brutally sought to take the fight to the enemy. This reluctance is a centerpiece of the Nachtigallen dilemma. To many, the war remains, and citizens is only a tertiary title. Yet, to the Nachtigallen, taking away what little peace these people have is cruel and often unwarranted. They await the time where resistance will sprout fruit, rather than charge into the fray blindly.


Wardens are the distinct opposite of the Nachtigallen. Where the Nachtigallen seek peace, the wardens seek conflict. Where they hide, the Wardens take flight. They are a highly active and volatile collection of resistance cells that survived the October Waiver of 2016. One of the few Judgment Waivers City 24 had ever experienced , and the second one in its entire history. An event that led to the elimination of most of the Wardens total strength, leaving most survivors to abandon the cause shortly after. While they have reformed since, it is a loose arrangement for certain, with some cells being almost entirely independent from each other in all but name and ideology.

All Wardens are commanded by an array of ‘Generals’ who themselves are loosely organized. While they maintain a unified command, differing strategy and tactics have led to much strife within this council of warriors. Kept together largely due to the continued efforts of Alessio Keller. The former leader of the Wardens, greatly respected by all who once followed his banner before the purge. Using his mighty reputation, both positive and negative, he maintains a tight command over the Wardens. No matter how sporadic they may seem at times.

Through this leadership, he commands his forces in what he sees as a time of total war. In the eyes of The Wardens, there can be no such thing as a citizen. That neutrality is not an option, and all regardless of intention, pick a side though either action or inaction. Loyalists and passive citizens are commonly viewed under a broad light - casting the shadow of an enemy. For this reason, Wardens care little about citizen comforts, or even their lives. Many members refer to them as ‘deserters’ or far less refined expletives.

Wardens are not entirely merciful to resistance forces either, however. They have an innate distaste for incompetence, which they see as the greatest threat to any budding force that could ever hope to combat the occupation. Due to this, they will often eliminate those deemed hazardous to further operations, or any who may be reasonably suspected of being rats. However, for those who do earn their favor, they can expect generous rewards when available. Though it is a relatively small faction, it is far more liberal with it's manpower - filled to the brim with members eager to face drastic odds in the name of furthering the revolution.

Despite the cruel reputation the Wardens have, they surprised the Nachtigallen greatly when despite Warden leaders knowing exactly where the pass is, it never faced Combine attack or direct observation. For whatever reason, the Wardens have refrained from selling out those they deem to have once betrayed them. The likely reason for this is the fear that the Combine may locate the massive weapon pool in Liechtenstein Pass and seize or destroy it.

The Central Conflict:

The Nachtigallen began as a humble group surviving north of City 24 in an area known as Liechtenstein Pass. The group was merely a collection of some two dozen survivors at the time, some of whom were refugees hailing from City 13. At this time, the group had no wide scale rebellious intent, but rather were naught but survivors marking days. They still retained their artistic talents they would eventually become noted for, but made little effort to spread projects to the city itself.

Contrasted with the Wardens, who were an active resistance building strength directly in the midst of the Combine within City 24. While still growing during the Winter of 2015, they were still a formidable force within the cities underground. One which absorbed many smaller cells into it's rapidly growing body. The Nachtigallen would become one of these cells when a food caravan from Lichtenstein entered the city and came into direct contact with the Wardens. The Wardens, interested in the ability of the group to withstand the outlands quickly gained a vested interest in the them. It was during this meeting that the Nachtigallen would be offered the chance to become a beneficiary of the Warden movement.

After being granted food and safe passage, the Nachtigallen members returned home in a hurry, telling all of the encounter and the generous offer provided to them. That offer had been the request for the Nachtigallen to hold all of the Wardens surplus weapons and supplies within the pass. Being granted food and the ability to use such an arsenal in defense of the pass, if the need ever arose. To some, this was an easy choice. Yet, many feared the implications of directly allying with an active resistance group - understanding that no matter the distance from the City they maintained - one day the fight would come to them. The peaceful life in the outlands as scavengers and foragers would end upon that day.

Despite the widespread reluctance, the Nachtigallen agreed to the terms and became a trusted ally of the Wardens for the year to come. An arrangement that truly would bring great benefits to both parties. The Wardens had newfound security in their property, no longer constantly fearing raids against stores and arsenals that must be defended at all times. While the Nachtigallen found the ability to abandon their foraging roots, and simply survive off of the supplies brought to them. As well as additional protection from Warden guards.

The Nachtigallen even began to participate in the rebel efforts, albeit from a distance. Using printing and the inherent talent found scattered across the group, they attacked the combine using the arts. Leaflets, stories, forbidden information, illegal documentations...all were written, printed and delivered by the Nachtigallen to the nearby Urban Centers. Aside from this, they provided long term care to those seriously wounded in operations who could be moved from the city safely. However, as the alliance reached its height, it would also meet its catalyst.

Unknown to the Nachtigallen, The Wardens, as they grew evermore and seemingly became a steady threat to the Combine, began resorting to increasingly extreme tactics to retain the power they had. While also ensuring it continued to grow. Such efforts would see the deaths of the innocent and guilty alike, causing great damage wherever they struck. Much of the city surface was paralyzed in fear as the Wardens grew confident in their ability to move out in the open. During this time, City 24 was declared ‘Unstable’ and the combine doubled down efforts to defeat the group - to no avail.

Much of the Local Administration had been breached. Units and ministers were threatened with the lives of their families and friends, or had joined the Wardens themselves. Store owners were conjouled into cooperation using fear and brutality. The citizenry themselves, loyalist or otherwise, were reluctant to report crimes, never knowing if the Wardens would discover the ‘rat’ and exterminate them. The City stood at the brink of open conflict.

However, upon hearing of the multitude of atrocities committed by the Wardens, the Nachtigallen were horrified. Suddenly, they had become openly complicit in the suffering of thousands and the butchering of hundreds more. A fact the leadership and many of its general members refused to tolerate. The Nachtigallen confronted the Wardens regarding their conduct - demanding an end to the brutality. Their answer was the mocking of laughter of hardened soldiers and killers, caring not what the thoughts of distant, petty artisans thought of warfare. In response, a Nightingale, a leading rank within the group, devised a massive document that decried the Wardens, revealing their horrific conduct to all within and without the city. Turning favor against them.

This stunned the Wardens, not only due to clear intent of sabotage, but also that it contained information that potentially could compromise agents who had infiltrated the CCA and Civil Protection forces. Outraged, they demanded the man who wrote it, Vivien Bessette and all complicit in its publication and distribution be arraigned by Wardens stationed at the pass. The Wardens present, refused the order, many of whom had become highly sympathetic to the people that had become their close friends in the year they remained there.

As if this were not enough, two weeks later the Wardens demanded all weapons held by the Nachtigallen be delivered back to City 24 in preparation for the final uprising. Seeing that nothing had changed in the last weeks, but rather worsened, Vivien Bessette and the other Nightingale refused the request. Naturally this angered the Wardens severely, who threatened to burn the Pass to the ground if the Nachtigallen did not comply. Even still, the council held its ground.

In retaliation, a caravan belonging to the Nachtigallen was captured and slaughtered. Twelve members were killed and all supplies seized. With this, the alliance had officially ended, and conflict was inevitable. The Wardens gathered in droves, preparing to march to the pass and take it by force, as well as its weapons. However, before they departed City 24, the eerie and booming sirens of the Citadel sounded, the lights flickered to life after years of silence. The synths began to march.

A Judgment Waiver was called. So, did the judgment of the Combine rain down upon the Wardens, gathered into large parties - entirely unprepared. Though they were anticipated to withstand the Combines onslaught for months or years if necessary in a glorious uprising - they fell in just three days. The groups scattered members desperately fleeing for survival, as they were cut apart by the ruthless and unimaginable force of the Combines occupation.

To this day, the event is known as the October Waiver. It is said that workshifts for next week were the removal of bodies from the strider's mighty spear-like legs and the gutters of broken streets. Any Wardens who survived did so by fleeing to the outlands, shattered. Hopeless. Lost. The dreams of an uprising scattered into less than dust.

Some, especially those who were a part of or loyal to the Wardens, claim that it was the Nachtigallen who intentionally sold Warden positions to the Combine, knowing they would soon march against them. Some say it was simply because the Nachtigallen are nothing more than loyalist implants. A docile group of would-be warriors.

The Nachtigallen deny all accusations, and many find cause to believe them. Others do not. In truth, the Nachtigallen gained little from the event as many will point out. Perhaps they secured themselves safety, but surely moving on would have been far easier? In the following months the Nachtigallen found themselves slowly but surely absorbed into the vacuum of power.

Slowly taking the place of the Wardens. Becoming the central body and largest source of resistance fighters and idealists in the region. Unwillingly or not. Meanwhile, the Wardens gathered what little strength they possibly could. Rallying under Alessio Keller into dozens of smaller cells, with one common ideal, revenge and revolution.

This is where the story rests now. Where will it go from here?

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