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The Red-Eye Flight

Scam Likely

New member
This Story is about an everyday man catching a flight during the events of the resident cascade. told in the first person

The shrill ring of the alarm clock jolted me awake at 4:30 in the morning. My groggy eyes blinked in the room's darkness, my mind slowly registering that it was the day I'd been waiting for. I was catching an early morning flight, and I had to get up and move. I fumbled for the snooze button and swung my legs out of bed. A cold chill ran through me as my feet made contact with the cool hardwood floor. I tiptoed to the bathroom, avoiding the creaky floorboards, not wanting to wake my still-sleeping family. The bathroom light stung my eyes as I turned it on, illuminating the groggy face staring back at me in the mirror. I splashed my face with cold water, hoping it would help shake off the remnants of sleep. The countdown had begun. I had a plane to catch. Next came the rituals I'd performed countless times before. I quickly showered, dressed in comfortable travel clothes, and double-checked my luggage, making sure my passport, boarding pass, and essential documents were safely stored in my backpack. Downstairs, the aroma of fresh coffee wafted from the kitchen. I had prepared a thermos the night before, knowing that caffeine would be my savior this early morning. I poured myself a steaming cup, its warmth seeping into my cold hands. With my backpack slung over one shoulder and the thermos in hand

I left a note for my family and stepped out into the pre-dawn darkness. The street was quiet, and a faint, golden glow on the horizon hinted at the impending sunrise. I called a cab to take me to the airport and settled into the backseat as the engine purred to life. The cab driver navigated the empty streets, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with a hint of anxiety. Airports were such curious places, bustling hubs of human activity, each traveler with their own unique story and destination. The airport terminal loomed in the distance, its lights like a beacon guiding travelers to their destinations. I paid the driver, thanked him, and stepped out into the brisk morning air. Inside the terminal, the buzz of conversations, footsteps, and announcements filled the air.

The departure board listed my flight as "On Time." I sighed with relief, even though I had arrived early, not wanting to take any chances. As I made my way through security, the familiar rituals of removing shoes, emptying pockets, and placing bags on the conveyor belt felt almost comforting. I shared a smile with a fellow traveler, understanding the unspoken camaraderie of early-morning airport goers. Sitting at the gate, I sipped on my thermos of coffee, watching the sunrise, painting the sky in shades of pink and orange. The anticipation built, and the excitement of the adventure ahead began to wash away any traces of sleepiness. As the flight was called, I joined the line of passengers, boarding pass in hand. I found my seat, settled in, and fastened my seatbelt. The engines roared to life, and the plane taxied toward the runway. I glanced out the window as the world became smaller, and the possibilities of the journey ahead loomed large. As the flight started to take speed I looked up at my inflight entertainment the screen seemed to be locked on a news broadcasting a tragedy taking place....

what could this mean?

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