Case File The Trial of Wallace Breen

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June, 2001
Albuquerque - New Mexico

During the proceeding weeks following the catastrophic tribulation referred to the masses as the Black Mesa Research Facility 'Accident', pressure began to ring down from above. Local and National leaders needed to identify and isolate exactly who was responsible for the determinantal amount of lives lost and damage done to the nearby region. Local residents of the state and families who had ties to the facility would not remain silent in the absence of answers. Because of this, only one direct line of action seemed to be idea in response to this seemingly ongoing issue. Legal action against the leaders of the research complex as a formal method of answer seeking.

Of the surviving on sight leaders that were present for the ordeal, only one became the primary target of scrutiny and blame, Black Mesa Administrator Dr. Wallace Breen. After being medically discharged from Saint David’s North Regional Hospital after the treatment of minor injuries, Wallace was taken into what the state government labeled ‘Protective Custody’ and was relocated to an undisclosed location. During his time of isolation, the charges against him would be formally laid out before him. A nasty and lengthy set of charges that if convicted, could have very well been the end of his life as a free man.

The legal proceedings began the following week. A build up of media and news outlet flooded the surrounding blocks around the court house. The public had been growing curious to see the face of the man supposably responsible for an unfathomable amount of damage to their state. He was an open target. The only face to pin on the entire body count laid to waste at the elusive testing grounds. It was predicted to be a landslide defeat. Some of the locals even betting on how many life sentences he would receive for his neglect and misuse of government assets.

Despite it all, his defense team put up a fight that only true landmark court cases have come to showcase. Much of the details surrounding what was disused have been lost to time and are riddled with speculation and hearsay. As for the verdict, one would never arise.

As the threat of portal storms and hostile creatures threatened the region, the trial was forced to be put on hold, and Breen to be relocated to Washington to assist in defensive efforts by providing his understanding and previous experience during the Black Mesa Incident to the United States Government.

The world would fall before the trail could conclude.

Neither Wallace nor any other Black Mesa officials have been held accountable for the loss of life and damage brought about by the incident.
for it being decently written, it's kind of short
and maybe unbold the text, it's just a pain to read
for it being decently written, it's kind of short
and maybe unbold the text, it's just a pain to read

While I possess the ability to write a full scale document detailing what could have been discussed and outlined in the trail, I thought it wise to keep it elusive, as realistically the public wouldn't know all that much about what was discussed and explored.
While I possess the ability to write a full scale document detailing what could have been discussed and outlined in the trail, I thought it wise to keep it elusive, as realistically the public wouldn't know all that much about what was discussed and explored.

They don't understand art
Gonna bump this as well.

Getting back on that lore grindset.
But wouldnt New Mexico and most of middle america already be showering in portal storms by june?
its funny how Wallace was about to be turned into a convict and then surrenders all of earth in the matter of seven hours

i like the ending considering it would make sense if Wallace was sent to relay information regarding Xenians and how they work to better combat them, and then surrendering as Earth's representative due to this knowledge