Under Red Skies - The Final Stretch

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Phew, today was a mess, huh?
RIP to the fallen homies.

Tomorrow will be set one week later ICly.

The Nexus has been fixed, some of the CCA offices revealed once more.
Loyalist apartments, and the theatre, has been cleared.
Farms have been replenished, allowing for a food bank to be opened.

Gangs have called in reinforcements, citizens have been dragged off the streets and forced to put on a Civil Protection suit.
A certain gang now owns the sewers and outlands as a territory.

All seems well, but what about the SCARABS?

Use tonight to apply for a character to use in the final stretch.
Civil Protection, CCA and Vortigaunts are free reign.

You do NOT need to apply to make a gang, message me on discord to set one up. (Kaffee#4481)

See you tomorrow.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Character Role:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory:
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Darth Vader​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:155946230​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Darth Vader#0680​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Suzuki Akihito​
  • *Character Role: Sectorial Commissioner​
  • *Brief summary of the character: A dark reflection of Imperial Commissioner Lin Zexu, who was sent to crack down on corruption in Canton and destroy the Opium trade, Sectorial Commissioner Suzuki Akihito is a foreign enforcer of the Combine's will, dispatched from his native City 8 to bring City 51 back into line, restoring order by any means and deciding if the city is truly beyond saving, or if the situation can be salvaged.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I think that Suzuki would provide a fun parallel storyline for the players to engage with in tandem to the scarabs. The recent and highly successful uprising by ESIC and the Red Guards has more or less destroyed Combine Authority and the gangs that were so prevalent before. This also shows tangible consequences for the revolt, as the Combine has finally decided to bring the hammer down on City 51 in light of the very real possibility of a rebel victory. Suzuki's antagonistic role to the existing order may force unlikely alliances to form, even between warring factions, in the face of him and the invading foreign armies of the Combine. And for those who do not seek to oppose the Combine, he offers an avenue for the last remaining loyalists and neutrals to pick the side of the Combine in the upcoming struggle for Beijing, and not be railroaded down a single path.​
  • Full Backstory:
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The Iron Fist of Sector 8

"The City Has Fallen"

These 4 simple words are all that Sector 8's Administration has received in the past week from Beijing. The city is in turmoil and collapsing into anarchy before their eyes, but if anyone said they were surprised that the abandoned cesspit of gang violence, administrative corruption and rampant rebellion had finally imploded on itself, then they would be lying.

However, whilst the Sectorial Administration may be willing to write off City 51 as just another failed city to be glassed into oblivion by an Overwatch Battalion, it seems OCIN is not done with the people of Beijing quite yet, and has dispatched the Combine's most ruthless and dedicated enforcer in the region to assess if the ancient Chinese capital is truly beyond saving and see if, just possibly, the Combine can snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.

Arriving with a vanguard force of Overwatch Soldiers ahead of the approaching Synthetic Legions ready to wipe Beijing off the map should the situation become unrecoverable, Suzuki faces an uphill struggle against a city in revolt, a corrupt and panicking CCA and a deadly virus that runs rampant throughout the city. He knows the difficulty of this seemingly impossible task, and privately acknowledges that he may be forced to concede Beijing is truly lost, but whilst there is a chance order can be restored and the city saved, Suzuki will grasp it with both hands and refuse to let go. No matter the cost to Beijing or its people.

But just who is Suzuki Akihito? Who is this man who will decide if Beijing's future will be one of hope and survival or death and destruction?

Being born into a poor family in the slums of Osaka, Suzuki Akihito joined the Japanese Army aged 18 as an Enlisted Soldier as a way to escape the poverty and violence of his home, with Yakuza thugs instilling in him a deep-seated hatred of crime, corruption and chaos. For Suzuki, the Army was everything he had wanted from life, and the complete opposite of his crime-riddled home. Here was a place of courage, discipline and above all, order. With the latter becoming more and more important to Suzuki as his grew older and climbed the ranks.

Dedicated, hard-working and loyal to a fault, Suzuki impressed his fellow soldiers and superior officers alike with his hands on approach to leadership and "Lead from the front" mentality that earned him swift promotions and gained the respect of all who served alongside him. After demonstrating noticeable intelligence and a capacity for higher leadership that had previously gone unnoticed, Suzuki was promoted to Lieutenant and only climbed the ranks further from there, reaching the rank of Major before the horrors of the portal storms destroyed the status quo for good.

With ruin and devastation crippling the home islands, rampant crime and chaos raised their ugly heads once again as the nation was thrown into turmoil. It was here that Suzuki finally had his revenge on the foul elements which had made his early life so miserable, and brutally suppressed all forms of disorder in and around his operational area, being swiftly appointed Special Commissioner for Law and Order in Osaka prefecture, restoring peace through sheer force.

When the Combine came and defeated Earth in Seven Hours, Suzuki was one of the first to realize the danger that resistance would bring to humanity as a whole, agreeing wholeheartedly with Dr Wallace Breen and his rationale for collaboration. Accepting an offer to be a Civil Administration liaison with local Civil Protection, Suzuki led one of the most effective yet brutal crackdowns on resistance activity across the planet, using any means necessary to ensure the triumph of Order.

As other City Administrators began to demand his services to resolve the resistance problem in their own cities, OCIN decided to elevate Suzuki to Sectorial Level as the Sectorial Commissioner for Sector 8. As Sectorial Commissioner, Suzuki goes wherever OCIN needs him, being sent in to restore order when local administration has failed.

And now, it is Beijing's turn.

Suzuki has been given two sets of orders to enact upon Beijing. One is the city's salvation, the other is its damnation. Whichever set Suzuki ends up following, one thing is for certain.

Beijing will be cleansed of the rot that has infested it for so long. Crime will be crushed, Corruption will be purged, and Chaos shall be ended.

Courage through Fear. Discipline through Punishment. And Order through Subjugation.

China shall once again burn under the
Rising Sun!
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- DM Furious#3632 on Discord if you're interested in RPing as a Corporate Soldier / Mercenary

Steam Name: Furious
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543970363
Discord Name & ID: Furious#3632
Character Name: Captain Kang Lei

Character Role: Captain of Banking Clan Security, Commander of the Corporate Mercenary Detachment.

Brief summary of the character: A veteran operative of Banking Clan Security serving under the Third Partner. Captain Kang Lei oversees of the detachment of the Corporate Army sent out to initially relieve the siege on the nexus. Later, tasked with the establishment of the clan's presence and protection in the newly repaired Loyalist Zone. Their additional priority is to ensure that the clan's will is carried out, this incorporates the unknown stake the bank possesses within the criminal underworld.

Why do you want to play this character?
I've played the Chief Executive of Banking Clan 51, Han Mingyu. I've loved the event thus far, and seeing as my request for the deployment of Corporate Military Forces was approved. I'd like to continue the Clan's story and lead the mercenary group stationed in the Loyalist Zone of the district.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
  • *Steam ID: (Cant find it L)
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Burzum Gimbatul
  • *Character Role: Alien Grunt.
  • *Brief summary of the character: A large 7'0 Alien Grunt with a hivehand.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Something a little different, and adds a interesting RP chance in the outlands.​

  • Burzum Gimbatul... The Killer of Humans and Vortikind alike.. A formidable foe..
    Summoned on the world Xen as the Nihilanths great warrior, Burzum was ruthless against the Slaves of the Nihilanth, sometimes just beating them to near death for failing such simple tasks.. But order must be kept!

    Burzum Gimbatul's arrival to Earth.. Almost like a dream come true for Burzum.. He could now kill, destroy all he wanted.. With nothing stopping him other then those who dare appose his might.. An attempt to enslave the Humans worked.. However communication was near impossible other then gestures. Always seeming to end in either the Humans escaping, or being slayed by Burzum.. Burzum traveled the large landscape of this odd desert.. Along the way.. Burzum noticed freed Vortikind, seeing them as traitors Burzum killed them.. All be getting injured in the process.

    Burzum now arrives in Beijing, killing the Infected Humans.. Burzum Gimbatul shall rule this land with a iron fist!
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: wackyTiger73883
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506620259
*Discord Name & ID: wackyTiger#7899

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:
Viktor Krane
*Character Role: Combine Civil Protection (I-5)
*Brief summary of the character: A Russian slavic born in Moscow, considered to be one of the more laid back and relaxed civil protection officers, often found drinking or smoking his sorrows away. He never really asserts any sort of authority over the civilians of Beijing as he doesn’t feel the need to with the current state of the city, however things may change where he has to assert dominance and fear in order to get the Combine back into control.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play this character seeing as Civil Protection is lacking a lot of lower enlisted lately and I feel the need to step in and contribute to the best of my ability, even if I’m not a full-blown CP player on the main C24 server. I haven’t seen a more casual character as a CP, neither have I seen an officer be anything other than Chinese. I wanna fill the gap and be that sorta comedic type of officer who’s the light of the mood in every situation.
Full Backstory:

The Early 2000s
Viktor himself grew up in a household with military veterans as parents, making him one of the more disciplined children in the neighborhood
he once lived in within Moscow, Russia. He wanted to become just like his father and mother in becoming apart of the Russian Army and contribute to his country by fighting for it. His dream ended up coming true when he became a young adult, giving him the eligibility to enlist in the army a couple of years before the Combine Invasion.

The Invasion itself resulted in the world’s behemoths , such as the United States Army, being toppled down pretty easily by the totalitarian alien force. The Russian Army attempted to fight back alongside the rest of the world, however they were defeated much more sooner than the U.S and many of its soldiers were either killed or forcefully converted into the Overwatch Transhuman Army, with the lower-skilled individuals being bumped down to Civil Protection. Lucky for Viktor, he was one of these individuals who weren’t a good fighter nor did he have a prominent role in the army prior to his deployment.

City-3: Relocation
After his official induction into Civil Protection, Viktor and many others were allowed to stay around the old Russian capital, now named “City-3”. Around this time, Viktor mostly goofed off and rarely did his job other than beat a civilian or two. This resulted in his relocation over to a different city in order to shapen him up a bit, this city being that of City-51.
Character Role: Vortigaunt, acolyte pacifist

A summary of the character:
Naz'Ira was spawned in The Ooz'Merian Realm a green hide and red-eyed. He was enslaved along with his kin by the NIHILANTH forced to work in the mines withering away with the rest. Until they were pulled into earth wakening dazed and confused in japan one of the biggest portal storms. They hid away like an outcast, afraid and unsure, he survived on the little knowledge he had.
He was lucky, Japan was only discovered by the combine 5 months after the war and he escaped in the nick of time along with some fishermen. Fleeing into North Korea just next to Terminal Seven, moving towards china where he met what would be the start of Buddhism, rejoicing with his kin he followed The Monk and his Teachings.

Vortigaunt Age: 692

Vortigaunt Region of Origin:
The Ooz'Merian Realm

Naz'Ira was Spawned in the rapid espinoids of one of the largest regions of the Old World. Lavish Forests with tall trees and a wide variety of wildlife, where the masses built their civilizations.
Naz'Ira would come to live there for two centuries, he was like his spawn brothers displaying interest in the art of husbandry of species and pilgrimages, he enjoyed it and it was peaceful. At least until...


Naz'ira and his brothers and kin were enslaved, forced to do the same duties as the others, build new xenian grunts, manage the machinery and wither away at the mines. It was hard, centuries under constant physical strain and abuse from the grunts, watching as one by one his brothers of spawn fell, withered by exhaustion or wounds from the constant abuse. It left him with a deep wound, one within the body deeper than any blade or beating.
Thankfully it would not last forever or until his whitening, for the NIHILANT would soon be defeated and welcomed to a new world EARTH, though the...

Naz'Ira found himself in an unknown territory, dizzy, confused, and lost, he looked around what would be the city of TOYAMA

Standing on a recognizable patch of XEN fauna, he lifted his eyes to find himself in the middle of the road surrounded by humans, vehicles, and other terrifying things, all that he had never seen. In his fear and confusion, he fled and ran as fast as he could away from the screams and the noise.
He found himself in Mount Kurobegorō Where he hid away in the mountains, surviving on his experience from the Ooz'Merian Realm, eating away at the large Japanese insects and flora. But his peace would quickly be disturbed by a human, his name was Asashi Kabuto, a fisherman and family man, whose custom was to visit the mounts of Yakushi, Suisho, and Toyama in different years each, a spiritual walk he called it, a ''reconnection with the nature''. He met with the human, who didn't yell, scream, or attempt to fight Naz, Instead, the man smiled speaking in a dialect unknown to him, the man believed Ira to be one of the gods from their mythology who had shown up to bestow knowledge or a miracle upon him. At first, Naz'ira was afraid more would come and disturb his peace, forcing him to move again. Instead, the man would come to pay visits to the vortigaunt, bringing offerings to him.
Slowly Naz' began to warm up to the man, the communication gap was large and challenging, but slowly they managed to teach Naz how to speak Japanese, allowing for easier communication they both started to know each other, carried by the curiosity of the other race.
That is until japan began to be torn apart by the portal storms, one of the portal storms had grown to such an exponential size that it effectively cut the entire island nation of Japan off from the rest of the world. It was a complete and utter disaster as most of the Japanese population had no chance to prepare with their minimal defense budget.
The only way? fleeing, the fishermen took their boats fleeing away from their neighbors.
And so did they, escaping with his family Naz'ira was once more taken away from a place he could call home, forced to relocate into more unknown parts of this world.
They made their way into the depths of China crossing the harsh land, Naz was forced to watch as the family of the man withered away, it reminded him of his brothers, his kin.
Once more that deep sharp pain filled him within watching as those who he cared for died and perished away, yet he moved forward for their sake, carrying the cane of Asashi he continued onward.


The seven hour war came quick, like a lightning strike.
It caught humanity off guard, unprepared and already suffering from the portal storms. Conquering cities and scouring the now-named outlands for strays and resources. The combine moved quickly and ruthlessly.
Naz' was safe, moving across deserted lands with no one in sight staying away from the combine's eyes, unknown to the danger that had fallen upon the earth once more.

City 51...

Finally, he would reach the outside of civilization, starved and tired he chose to remain there, and quickly rejoiced with others of his kin, slowly turning into a group.
This small group of vortigaunts would soon be met with a Movement, meeting the Elder by the name of Chaa hui'seng, Their teachings of preserving life and preventing loss as much as possible, captivated him due to his suffering in the past. He integrated himself as an acolyte within the Movement, aiding with ceasing violence in the region and providing food and materials to those in need.
Now turned an Acolyte Pacifisthe would remain in the outskirts of city 51 where he would aid with various tasks in delegating food and materials to his kin and the people.

But something bad happened, pain and suffering reached them from within the city, and the death of many of his kin at the hand of the Shu'ulathoi, many had fallen in such a quick time frame. Something wrong was happening within the city, and help was needed thus he was sent along with some other of his kin to aid and discover what caused such horrific events within.

Special characteristics that are uncharacteristic of vortigaunts: Naz'Ira Carried a cane with him, a cane that belonged to one of the fishermen, Asashi Kabuto. He now carries it as a memory of him.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
*Why do you want to play this character?:

I loved playing Ven'efi during the event, even if the passive was short it was still very fun to do so. I felt like i was playing Willard for the first time again learning new stuff and feeling excited even by the smallest interactions.
I would like to bring a more passive rp focused vortigaunt with less violence towards combine and OTA, instead help those in need and interact with the surrounding people and kin.

*Steam Name: Taliazure

*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67985352

*Discord Name & ID: Taliazre#7480
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128800129
*Discord Name & ID: MelonHeadzzz#8446

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Zhenya Luong

*Character Role: Combine Civil Administration; Bureau Commissariat

*Brief summary of the character: Zhenya Luong is a cog with a complex, and he knows it. He is a man of perfection, of pride in his work, and is in need of stability. That’s why he joined up with the Combine in the first place, he wanted more than to be a desk jockey. He wanted recognition. Only now, does Zhenya see the horrors of what he has been through. After the recent destruction of the neighboring District 9, Zhenya has been thrust into the politics of another district, grasping at straws trying to find that stability again, to show the Combine that he still has a reason to be kept alive - as a Bureau Commissariat, he will fix how people feel about the Combine, and ergo, will fix how the Combine feel about him. Zhenya is a cog, and God damn it, he will be the best cog the Combine has ever seen.

*Why do you want to play this character?: What City 51 needs right now is stability. But, stability in its government is something that has become hard to come by, all thanks to the lack of stability in its people. Its people are impoverished and abused, and they know it… but, they shouldn’t. That is where Zhenya comes in, to bring the Combine the stability it doesn’t know it needs, through propaganda. I hope to have Zhenya serve as the propaganda arm of City 51’s rebuilding, as farms are repaired, buildings are cleared of rubble, and City 51 becomes easier to live in. I also want Zhenya to serve as part of this reconstruction, more directly. Zhenya is a man of ambition, and as a Commissariat, he would gladly do whatever he needs to to make the city better, including making deals with unsavory characters, which would lead to interesting interactions and development of the story.

Full Backstory:


The Gilded Gear


Painted across a poster of black and orange, with fists raised to the sky, a poster rested on his desk. Zhenya didn’t feel right about it; something felt out of place. A puzzle piece, only slightly shifted to where it shouldn’t be – it wasn’t at its full potential. It wasn’t perfect. Zhenya leaned forward, staring at the desk with his hands placed on his forehead. This was the first of many of these Bureau rollouts; he had to get this right, or else City 51 would feel more demoralized than ever.

From District 9, one of the recently lost districts, Zhenya Luong is the new Bureau Commissariat for the Bureau of Enlightenment, a charismatic soul with an eye for what the people want and appreciate. Zhenya has witnessed the reconstruction of City 51 since his arrival. He watched as the bones of the skeleton, Beijing’s infrastructure, came together again, but what refused to be restored was its innards, its people. Still discouraged, as if their life is without purpose, Zhenya is the key to bringing the people back into the fold, and will fight with a neurosurgeon’s precision to ensure that every scrap of Enlightenment is put into place.

But what drove Zhenya down this path? What would convince him to turn on his species, to look to the Invader for guidance? The truth is, and always will be, power.

Zhenya was the only child to the Luong name, and so a tremendous weight was placed on his shoulders; he was told time and time again to ensure the family would be carried into prosperity. Throughout his young life, Zhenya felt if every minute of every day was not carried out with perfection, there would be consequences. And, unfortunately, this mindset carried into adulthood.

He witnessed the brunt of economic expansion under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping, and unlike his peasant family before him, Zhenya Luong would join a modern, urban workforce in the gilded city of Beijing. His parents were proud, oh so very proud, but things were not what he had hoped for. Life in an office was not perfect, there were twists and turns, unexpected developments, crises beyond compare, and even then, Zhenya felt as if nothing he did at that office meant anything. When the Portal Storms erupted and his small electronics company was bought into a shaky megacorporation, Zhenya was absorbed into a business under siege by disrupted supply chains brought about by disruptive workers, tired of working in impossible conditions. It was Zhenya’s job to fix it.

For years, Zhenya fought with the workers who resisted his publicity stunts and cries for the workers to settle; the more he pushed, the more they pushed back. The longer these workers remained unrestrained, the shakier this podium of power became beneath him. Zhenya did something drastic, and not only used a local Beijing garrison, but bribed them, making a deal with their local officer and convincing them to sweep in, disrupt the workers, and force them back into service. Military intervention into worker matters was massive news, something that Zhenya exploited throughout the company – stepping out of line doesn’t just upset the company, it upsets CHINA. They stopped after that.

But when the Portal Storms subsided and the Combine spilled through its gates, things grew more bleak. Those who surrounded him felt frightened, and that fear led to anger, and when tempered, grew to resistance. But Zhenya would not be one of those men, those who sought freedom under a power far above their own… Zhenya did not want to live in the muck, to subsist off of scraps, it would be unbecoming of him, and would no doubt disrespect his ancestors. No, he had come so close, he had just been through a hurricane of issues, and he was not about to dash it away.

Zhenya took to the chaotic streets of what would become District 9, speaking out in support of the Combine, and people quickly listened. Most notably, the Civil Protectors listened. Up the ladder did his words ascend, and soon, so did his reputation with his old company. Scooped up from the streets of Beijing, he was taken to the District 9 Nexus, placed in a tailored suit, and put to work in the glittering Bureau of Enlightenment. For years, he toiled, seeking perfection in every aspect, relishing the stability and the benefits he was given. He ate well, he did what he had grown to love, and he felt that his superiors were happy. The people were happy, and he would cherish that.

...until the agitators emerged. And those agitators grew to rioters. And those rioters grew to revolutionaries. District 9, in only 4 years, was in complete chaos, and Zhenya could see the writing on the wall. Placed on a train, escorted by the Overwatch Transhuman Arm, Zhenya was evacuated from the collapsing District 9, inbound to the center of City 51 to fix another problem – but, his pride was stung.

He feels as if his job is at that precipice it was before, that his stability and safety is under siege. He sees flaws in every part of his work, and feels as if nothing will meet up to the standards he pursues. Zhenya Luong is grasping at straws, trying to find a peaceable solution, but one never knows when the dam will break, and Zhenya will start to act unsavory. He is no stranger to backroom deals, and if his home city is on the line, he may very well have to. He would do anything to keep the Combine in his corner – he is a cog, he knows he is a cog, and he will prove that he is a damn good one.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Omega
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70142626
  • *Discord Name & ID: Omega#5347
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Sibaguchu

  • *Character Role: Shaman, Outlander, Doomsday Prepper

  • *Brief summary of the character: An old Mongolian Tengri shaman, living in the Outlands for years, even before the portal storms. When the storms happened, his life didn’t change much, and the invasion gave the same results.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I’ve only been playing Civil Protection this event, and I think a neutral shaman living outside the city is cool. The fact he’s been living like that for at least over a decade? Even cooler.

  • Full Backstory: Not much is known about Sibaguchu, even by those who frequent the outlands. All that is known is that he was ready when the borders between dimensions began to blur. Spending his days preparing, training, and harmonizing with the current universe, Sibaguchu honed his skills throughout life as he had seemed to always have expected something to come. When it did, his training and preparing paid off. Already living independently of any government or organization, the lack of any during the portal storms never affected his life, and the abundance of one now still hasn’t changed it. Armed with his trusty sniper rifle, he simply hunts, meditates, and teaches to those willing to listen. Those not willing to listen are not given much of another choice, as by the time they realize he wishes to speak with them, Sibaguchu would already be pouring the tea he had just brewed.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Maine
    • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93978068
  • *Discord Name & ID: Maine#8574
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Yamato Sato
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection Intention Four or Five.
  • *Brief summary of the character: A Half-Asian Half-American cop whos stuck in the city of Beijing. A greedy and selfish bastard who'd do anything to survive.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: The event in itself has been an interesting experience and has only been part of it on the Rebel side I'd like to see what the Combine side of the event is like.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Yamato was born in 1977, in Tokyo as an only child. In his early days, he was taught both Japanese and American, as his father came from the state of Oregon. His childhood was like any other. He attended primary school, although after it he had to move out to Oregon. His Father had gotten a more paying job from his friend, it was said. Though his father was seen mostly absent after their return to Oregon. Making Yamato and his mother worry for them as days he'd disappear and return without any notice. This left him to spend a lot of his time out with friends. Not having necessarily many restrictions- He lived his life as well as he could. Finishing high school and going through to College. He dreamed of getting a job next. A comfy one, yet good paying. Though that dream was cut short...
  • The Portal storms severely devastated Oregon. Chaos erupted and there were only screams and explosions to be heard as the storms tore through most of the city. Apartment blocks collapsing, and electricity getting cut. It all happened so quickly to everyone and in a panic, Yamato hid in his closet.
  • Being lucky enough to survive the initial wave of the storms was one thing, although hours after the storms eased off he was found by the large and menacing soldiers. Ones which did not seem from this world... Though as Yamato looked at them with fear, he was shortly knocked out by one of the Aliens.
  • Hours later he found himself at a Train station. Dumped by the side of a garbage pile he stood up confused. His belongings nowhere to be found and himself only being in a "Blue Tracksuit" he was afraid. Though with time he traversed the Train station. Only to be met by a Metrocop. They searched him before taking him in for processing. Interrogating him of any and all information he may have had- He eventually was given an ID and released into the populace. Now being informed he was in City 51, previously Beijing.
  • He lived his life as a worker. Working in the factories day by day to aid in the reconstruction of the city. Living off of cheap food such as Bread, Water and Noodles. All he could afford in a day of work after all. Though his efforts to reconstruct the city fell flat after a certain incident.
  • Alarms were blaring. People were screaming and gunfire was heard in the distance. Yamato was traversing the slums and as such... He feared what was to come. And as such he hid in the abandoned warehouse. Waiting it out yet again until tensions released and the alarms shut off... Though he wasn't given any rest.
  • As soon as he was found he got dragged with a group of Civil Protection. He found himself to be in a dark room and was handed a suit. He was unsure on what was happening- Though he was quickly ordered to put on the suit. He fitted right into it before the Officer infront of him gave him the details...
  • He had been conscripted into the Civil Protection Force.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: CyrusTheVirus
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:56913120
  • *Discord Name & ID: Cyrus#2978
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Francis Thoreson
  • *Character Role: CP
  • *Brief summary of the character: Francis, there was nothing special about him , his entire life he lived a quiet and secluded life, away from most civilization, that was until the Combine invasion happened, he was forced out of his lifestyle, it was one of the main reasons he joined the CP's, the promise of returning to his once beloved life
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I would like to play this character so I could get a feel of the Union's side in this event
  • Full Backstory:

    Pre-war: Francis was a single child born in 1960 Ireland, his childhood was not the most pleasant considering at school he was bullied for coming from a poor family, his parents were almost never there. For him it was only him and himself on this planet, he had no friends no parents, he had to fend for himself, this was the main reason he dropped out of school at 17 and decided to move out of his parent's house out into the countryside.
    During the "7 Hour War" : During the 7 hour war Francis was
    completely absent, not having a single clue about what was happening, he only found out about it when he went into town and saw everyone was gone, thinking that the town was evacuated because of the very bad storms that happened the night before, he went back to his home.Three weeks passed and still no sign of civilization appeared, he then decided to pack his things and make his way to London.

    During the occupation: When Francis arrived in London after a long tedious trip he was met by the very thing he later became, the Civil Protection, his weapons were confiscated and he was incarcerated for what seemed like an eternity, It was only a week before he was released and assigned a job, but he was not used to this, being around people, he then thought it would be a great idea to enlist in the Civil Protection aswell,He thought of this because he heard from other citizens that Civil Protection members got all sorts of benefits like extra food, security and much more.A few weeks pass and there he was, a CP... a hopeful one, hopeful that one day he will be able to return to his lifestyle and home, maybe even come to peace with his parents...if they are still alive.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: synccreeps
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120420347
  • *Discord Name & ID: Sync#4000
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Dong Shan​
  • *Character Role:
  • Village Idiot(Brother to Kong Shan)
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • About 8 foot tall man that isn't really the brightest.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Me and @reece were talking about how it would be fun to play as idiot brothers in a falling city. Seeing how people would take advantage of us for their own gain, creating interesting roleplay scenarios.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Jan and his brother Hans were born in a Chinese Miao Village. Early in their lives, they had been diagnosed by the village doctor with a birth defect called gigantism and grew tall as 5'8 at the age of 8. While being blessed with height, they were not the brightest, which led to them being picked on by other children and they were never properly able to socialize with others their age. Other parents didn't let their children play with them, as they looked very old for their age and were scared of their appearance. People started seeing the brothers as monsters, as they had been used in fairy tales and bad rumors about their mutant-like appearance. A murder had happened in the village, which led people to accuse the two brothers of the act, saying that they were the spawn of the devil and it couldn't have been anyone else. Luckily, this accusation was looked away from by the police, but the people of the village didn't like that. The people of the village had started a mob with torches and gardening equipment, trying to get rid of the two brothers. Eventually, their parents were forced to exile their children. Jan and his brother were wandering the streets for a little while until they had been hired by a wandering circus to perform for them as the "TWO GIANTS!". They have been underpaid since they were easy to manipulate. For the rest of their lives, they have been used for other peoples benefit, people taking advantage of them for their lack of intelligence. Nobody really knows how they survived the portal storms and combine invasion. People rumored that they ate the portals and the combine were just too scared of them. What is important is that they have been living in City 51 as CWU workers. Due to their lack of intelligence, it was never a priority to seperate them and they were allowed to live in the same city as the system of city 51 failed very soon. Jan has been kicked out of the CWU because he ate a whole crate of potluck, cause he has to eat a lot to maintain his health.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I have been a pretty active member of the community since the pre-beta release and have played in various factions already in my time here. My favorite is the bird faction as I can poop on people. I am known for playing the character Russell Makarov who is an old bastard that does anything to benefit himself by benefiting the union. My rather unknown characters are my Rebel char "Finn Fuchs", my alcoholic char "Bowie" and my domesticated bird named "Territorial Beast".

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • No, I have been here since Pre-beta

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • Yes, I am.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • If we are just talking about the game, it's the gameplay, fun physics and atmosphere that made me replay the game multiple times in my childhood. It manages to tell a story without forcing us into long cutscenes and teaches us mechanics without the need of tutorials. Lore-wise, I enjoy it a lot too, as it is never fully known who we are fighting and who even gman is, which forces us to make up stories to fill the gaps, but in the end we don't know.. Basically, the mystery is awesome.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: reece
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:158746618
  • *Discord Name & ID: reece#6442
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
    Kong Shan
  • *Character Role:
    Village Idiot

    *Brief summary of the character:
    A 8 foot monster hulking monster though like his brother his intelligence is quite lacking, so lacking in fact that it could potentially be exploitable.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
    Me and @Sync thought a idiot brother duo would be a interested idea for the city, how would they interact with the other people, how would people interact with us? We are hoping to create interesting and entertaining roleplay situations.
  • Full Backstory:
    Kong and his brother Dong grew up in a Chinese village known as Miao Village, they both lived there with their mother and father. Kong and his brother as children grew at a alarming rate, village members and parents began to worry for the boys health but also for the other children. Though the two weren't lacking with height and strength they were lacking in other areas, intelligence was one of these area. The two brothers were used for wicked fairy tales and were ridiculed on baseless rumours. One day a village murder was discovered and though the village knew a proper investigation could lead to the culprit they decided to point fingers towards the two brothers. The vilacromegalyappearance081401_643264.jpglage began to hold strong hatred towards the brothers and their parents, sadly the police force was unable to prosecute them due to a lack of evidence. Though the village didn't see a issue with this. A week had past since the murder, the village was up in arms demanding the family leave the village at once, Kong's mother and father spoke to the mob and negotiated their children to be exiled in return for their preservation. The mob accepted the parents offer and immediately had exiled Kong and his brother. The two brothers now abandoned, were left to wander the streets for their own survival, though to their surprise they were quickly accepted into a wandering circus. In the circus they were were displayed to the people because of their a abnormal height and was once again ridiculed. This didn't prove to be effective as Kong and his brother had a place to eat and sleep and that's all they cared for. Once the portal storms came, tearing up the landscape nobody really knew what happened to Kong and his brother, people say they stayed with the circus while others say they ran away. Though the end result was them both being captured by the combine but due to their extreme lack in intelligence the combine saw them as nothing more than extra labour, because of this they were allowed to be in the same city. When in City 51 they were quickly put to work in the CWU putting their strength to work though this lasted not for long because of the cities decaying structure and eating the CWU food supply without permission. They were swiftly removed from the CWU and at the same time the combine had left the city, the brothers remain inside the city to this day.

    --- Section Three (Optional) ---
    • Tell us about yourself:
      My name is Reece and this is my first time playing a short story.
    • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
      Nope, been here for a while now.

      Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
      Yes I've been in VC quite a couple times and in that time I've met a good amount of people.
    • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
      Easily the unexplored lore and universe of Half life 2.
  • *Steam Name: Alessiodoomboy
  • *Steam ID: 76561198355274960
  • *Discord Name & ID: AlessioDoomBoy#4859
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Kaia Sandhu
  • *Character Role: CP i4 or i5
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • A South Asian CP relocated as punishment for bad behaviour. She knows both Arabic and Chinese.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Didn't want to make male_05 no. 2486853459 but also didn't want to create Western European character no. 3484359345 either so I decided to go with a South Asian char to add some variety.
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