[V3] Bekasi Administration rewrite


(this exists as a rewrite for a portion of City Sixty - Jakarta)
Declared as an administrative centre of trade import/export during the founding of the city, Bekasi was at first an unremarkable division of Sixty that was chosen by the Combine for carrying out impartial order over the city due to an abundant expatriate populace that would ultimately be more disconnected from the choices they were inflicting on the people of Sixty. With a large percentage of T2+ loyalist populace, the division was deemed significant in 2012 and began to be walled over to prevent overlap by underclass within the Slums in the north and to drag out the a siege being carried out by Race X forces in the south, who had been slowly approaching the location. For a time, it had existed as an enclave during the Conflict until the Liberation of Bekasi which resulted in the founding of the Crude Oil Manufacturing District - regardless, in both situations, the Administration has existed as an enclave of Combine regime within barbaric chaos and provided an essential gateway and outpost to the Combine's order.

Deemed the hub of total City Administration of Sixty in 2014 after the loss of Tangerang to Race X, the cities walls compose the former territory of Bekasi City. The running of the city is all done by hundreds of layers of bureaucracy that as a collective form an incredibly efficient if not simultaneously incredibly complicated way of governing not often seen within the Combine. Existing as a house of cards, the city's is dependent on the Administration's commands and large CCA populace. Deemed something that must be maintained at all costs, a majority of Civil protection (>100,000) are stationed at the walls and nearby it to prevent further Race X attacks, possible Rebel conspiracy and many other threats.

The region mostly consists of the slums that were built in the region, expanded heavily by alien technologies and renovated in order to create massive structures designed to imitate the high rise office buildings of the past. A majority of the populace exists as loyalists, with none of the population being T2, and 45% being documented to be T4 plus and CCA. Being one of the best developed regions of Sixty, the small, petty gangs that rampant outside of the territory are nowhere to speak of, with the exception of rumours that circulate of 'sewer dwellers'. Juxtaposing the chaos that rules almost everywhere else in the city, Bekasi prides itself in propaganda as the promised land for struggling loyalists within the Housing Blocks, although some doubt if that is to be believed.

With the MCOMD being essentially autonomous as long as it produces the right amounts of oil, Race X have been able to set up hidden, thriving and malignant bases like a cancer to the City over a time period of several years, despite Civil Protection's involvement, which has meant that although the district has been liberated, Race X still continues their siege on the walls. A recent overwhelming attack on the South End of the wall has meant that Bekasi has become incredibly hard to sustain, resulting in rationing being set up within the region.

Despite all of these constraints being forced on these loyalists, they have remarkably been able to maintain both the city and Port Sixty at an acceptable rate, for now, but the pounding at the city walls grow ever louder here and every day is more of a risk. Many have assumed for too long that the walls of the Benefactors are impenetrable to threats as powerful as Race X, but if they ever were to fall, order within Sixty would fall with them.