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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

[V3] Fairbanks, Alaska



America falls, the global superpower which boasted itself as the global police, backing itself with its leading economy, military, and civilian-led organizations it was evident that America could take on anything, prior to the liberation of earth. The past America, however, is different that what a resident of earth would see now. But this was clear with any country. Fracturing, provinces, states, and governments either split or dissolved due to the occupation and the unrest which was beyond impossible to put down. Political leaders, whether it'd be a head of state, house representative, military-brass, or a municipal joe, finding themselves having to strike forward to keep their pride or swallow it down and run off into the new world. Civil Society was lost, for the most part...

You'd think about small towns and how they'd prolong their life to avoid their inevitable extinction and question how they'd stay afloat. Surely something was possible due to them acting off little out-of-region support, from beforehand. Fairbanks is an example of that...

35,000 people call Fairbanks home, the township is governed by a Mayor, Rudolph H. Mockrow, who came into power during time of need. See, Fairbanks was disconnected from the rest of the world just as the portals opened. The storms had little affect on the town, and its surrounding area, Alaska is practically just a nothing state, miles and miles of nothing. A town spread out every so often. Fairbanks, being one of those towns, was just like any other when it came to seclusion. This made most realize, after two months, that for survival to be practical there would need to be leadership. Mockrow, a former Judge, was taken in to head the city via a community meeting, being Mayor he focused on making the town more self-reliant through means such as; solar energy, trade encouragement, catch and cake policy, and compact housing. His policies and points, looked something like this...


Solar Energy

Fairbanks was cut off, formerly ran by coal, with its every source no longer being viable due to the mines requiring men, equipment, and other things, it was simply impossible to have themselves rely on coal. Now because of this, the majority of the town's current power comes from solar paneling, the power is managed by the city who granted power, sed for heating, cooking, lighting, and so on, to the compact housing units and government buildings.

Compact Housing

To not spread out citizens, the township's government opened up housing blocks in which they provided cleaning services and electricity. The purpose of this is to have citizens closer together, to keep them in distance of emergency services, allow them to be in reach of news, and provide hands in work details.


Catch and Cake

Citizen's are encouraged to hunt, and trade, so to incentive this the township pays those who hunt with electricity to their own home. Now due to this Cake and Cake policy the city is able to feed citizens but not all of the food comes from hunting, seasons for farming still provide food to the city, this policy is simply a booster to the food intake of Fairbanks.

Hello everyone, this is my first lore piece for a Half Life server, please critique me on how I could do better and what you thought I did good on, I am very open to criticism.
Thank you, Sevens