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V3 Lore Announcements/Changelog

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British Swan
Staff Member
Server Council
Galunga Prince
Content Creator
Creative Team
Willard V3 Lore Announcements and Changelog

This thread exists to keep you up to date with changes being made to V3 Lore and even its World map. It is also where I will post relevant V3 announcements regarding the direction the lore and story are taking and where we will go from here.

If you wish to give feedback to V3 Lore or contribute to it, you may post within Lore Submissions in the following format:
1. The title of the post must state [V3 - Lore Submission] (Name)
2. At the end of the submission thread, include the following text:
"Note: This lore has nothing to with current Willard and is a submission for V3 Willard Lore"

Unlike V2 Lore, Changes or Additions that involve a specific faction do not require approval from their faction's leaders. For the time being it is freeform but this does not mean you can change the very nature of a faction's lore or function. Such will be held under the jurisdiction of the Server Council or may even include the FL's.

In short, Faction History is one example of a lore submission you can provide. Though CT reserves the right to deny such submissions.

Contributors to the World-Map:

Contributors to the V3 Lore as a whole:
@Imperator RAD-X
- Will add more as I have to establish a list of who is involved thus far -
First, going to post a small document to explain what is on our TODO list so far:

Going to copy & paste what I got in CT V3 updates thus far and of course, edited it to remove the fluff:

1. A brand new sector map is finally being created and finished up. This was a project we started 1.5 years ago but was never finished due some issues we had within Google My Maps, but now it has finally decided to work after all this time allowing me to finish it up and ready it for V3. There will be a total of 24 sectors (no, that was not intentional) and because some of these Sectors are barren, we have decided that it be best not to give those Sectors an Administrator. Meaning there are fewer Sector Admins who will exist in the WNCU by the time V3 comes around.

2. Citadels have been reduced and moved around the map to create a proper network of Citadels around the globe within a reasonable distance of one another. To this end, there are now 8 citadels, was going to be 7 but thanks to the Server and Hl2, 2 citadels exist in the same place. Oh well, here is the list of cities with Citadels:

City 17 - Citadel as per the core game
City 24 - Citadel as per the map and because it has always been there in Willard
City 8 - Tokyo
City 30 - Washington
City 6 - Buenos Aires
City 41 - Tenerife
City 26 - Sydney
City 55 - Dubai

Some may ask why there is a Citadel on an island (City 41) well this is because it was the only good location to fit the reasonable distance and spaced-out network for the other Citadels. We could of course create a new City to place a random Citadel in or move an existing one, but for now, we left the Citadel on the Island. I have to mention that as it used to have 0 reasons to exist.

3. KROT, ESIC, UKF and SRF have all been rewritten. Well, SRF is still a work in progress, but it is making its way through alongside its splinter group named the Narod Rossi which will take the place of the SRF v2, a reformed and revised version of the original SRF. I know that sounds vague, but bear with us.

KROT is still intact in terms of its lore pre-2004, but its lore beyond that has changed where KROT is no longer some major organisation with the capability of mass producing reverse-engineered tech but instead a tiny science faction with minor militaristic elements, mainly focusing on the utmost secrecy. It will become a group which will be extremely rare to encounter and make friends with which can gain you massive benefits as a Rebel... only if you put the time and effort in.

ESIC and the UKF have been changed slightly with them both dying out for effect to Eastern Rebellions in 2005. This added to the effect of the most recent Seven Hour War in the eyes of the people, which is the effect of "Don't openly mess with the Combine.". This is one problem we are solving in V3 as the current V2 lore makes the Combine look like a pathetic, lazy and nonsensically stupid joke of a force and removes the idea of "Rebel Standing Armies".

4. Finally, LFC is being given a rewrite too, and I know some LFC members weren't exactly happy with the points there were given on the faction changes. Because of this, LFC will have the ability to provide feedback and suggestions on their lore rewrite once it is ready for presentation to avoid direct conflicting changes as we are aware the LFC themselves is performing their own rework.

For minor changes, here is a list.
- Moscow Dome removed in favour of a wall
- Smokers Union left as is but noted to be long dead
- SHRAPNEL died early on, and thus its name was erased from the history books
- The Skirmishers met the same fate as SHRAPNEL
- OCIN slightly rewritten and refined
- Summit 24 slight refinement
- ECHELON slightly modified in terms of how education works
- TN Lore will remain intact
- Antlion King Moved to Turkey
- Artic Hive downsized
- City 3 edited to fit new lore.
Old lore with no V3 Tag will be auto-moved to the denied section within 1 week of this post. I will make some exceptions for some posts potentially, but the large majority of unmarked posts will be denied automatically.
Will get an update out on this soon as been a while...
New update:

Timeline will now run as an Alternate timeline to the current WN timeline. We are currently in the V2 timeline where the balance of power is swaying in multiple directions as per the world map- with the resistance seemingly faring well enough against the current Combine and the Combine is not as strong as it could be... given our events tend to have odd balancing at this time so just going to dub this timeline as the "Warring Timeline" or as I like to call it, the utterly dysfunctional timeline where even without Gordon Freeman, everything is slowly going to shit anyway.

V3 timeline will take you, the players, throughout a journey starting in 2004 within the wee early hours just before the Seven Hour War. As you enjoy your seemingly peaceful lives within one of the remaining cities untouched by the Portal Storms that had been waging for the last 3 years and onward, your peace is suddenly disrupted as reports of mass portals opening up across Earth begin pouring in- before silence fills every radio station, tv broadcast and any form of communication... all comms are cut and you are on your own with no news to rely on. All you know is that something is invading the Earth on an unbelievable scale.

(The above is just to give you an idea of where we are starting in V3)

V3 Timeline while it does start from the 7HW will include a few time skips, it will be similar to the famed "The Long Haul" of Willard's first opening reveal when it was at its peak, and its first major event that kicked off the first stories of Willard. It is important to note that you may recreate any character you have from the Current timeline as we will be time-skipping, just note if you choose to bring it too early on- it may accidentally get killed off in an event- so do be warned of what path you choose to walk- overall it is up to you where your story goes... and up to ALL of you to decide where the story goes.

The best way to summarize the above is that:
Start 2004 > 7HW occurs w/ all its chaos > you traverse the world w/ time skips along the way, until we reach the designated year of 2016 where you start your full lives as Citizens of whatever City we end up in (Most likely C24)

(This timeline will try to include more HL:A elements. Also note that since of V3's design, all old lore will be wiped clean and only select few pieces will be able to enter. The world map will be empty to represent how much you, the player, knows about the outside world. You can only unlock more places on the world map via exploration)

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