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City 59
Madrid, Spain
'Outer City'

Occupying the outskirts of Geneva you have slummers, those who don't want to cooperate with the occupation or are simply unaware of it. Madrid, now know as City 59, has this issue. But with a flatter terrain and more entry points, the populace of refugees, or slummers, is quite larger than that of Geneva. But unlike Geneva, refugees aren't at the heart of Europe. They're closed off, being on the Western end. This wouldn't be all bad, if it wasn't for the fact that humanity, most if it, and all of Earth is at constant war with a superpower which faulted the entire globe in less than seven hours.
The outskirts of the City aren't patrolled as much as the inside, which is obvious. City 59's forces stay more internal with the focus on policing being.At an all time high due to recent leadership changes. City 59 has other problems to focus on, leaving its outskirts to bolster for their much needed trade and organization. But that only brought in a new form of policing, gangs and extortion related organizations. With the loss of frequent patrols, in the slums district, others took over. Doing so for obvious reasons. Control over the slums would benefit the controller, they can set prices and choose who sells what... But only if their hand is strong.

Three gangs, or groups, are dominant in these areas. They're the more notable and active of the organizations.


Spanish Kings
The most dominant gang in C59, the member sof this gang get their income primarily through the smuggling network to the more Western parts of Europe. Being closer to the coast, a lot of their imports are American guns, Southern-American drugs, and any other contraband from the America's. They're prominent smuggling business is backed by their need to use violence to keep their territory for storehouses, contraband packaging, and hiding individuals wanted by authorities .

Suarez Cartel
Riding below Spanish Kings is the Suarez Cartel, originating in New York and deriving from a protection gang which used to take care and look after immigrants going from Latin-America to New York, the Suarez Cartel existed prior to the liberation of earth and because of this their connections and knowledge of store houses allowed them to have a head start in the slums. Of course, now, everything is empty so their need of contraband is filled through trades and services. They are based in the uppermost part of the slums, but trickle down into the Southern part, as the gangs divide.

Translating to English, the now 'universal' language of the world, this gang quite literally means 'Businessmen'. And its not for no reason. Founded by shopkeepers on the bordering streets of the slums, the Empresarios were created to allow for easier connections to the market, this 'gang' is not in the business of killing people, civilians or police, but more of making money, credits now, and chips for themselves. They're prominent in skimming, and or 'buying items on the black market to sell for credits in stores'. Practically money laundering, what makes this gang... A gang... Is their reputation for constant movement. Their network is always expanding, both in and outside of the slums, and because of that they're not messed with. Despite their small size and non-violent past. Being affiliated with someone, in Empresarios is good if you're looking to make credits/chips but if you're looking for blue collar crime, murder, extortion, theft, you're looking at the wrong people...



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City 59
Madrid, Spain
'Outer City'

Occupying the outskirts of Geneva you have slummers, those who don't want to cooperate with the occupation or are simply unaware of it. Madrid, now know as City 59, has this issue. But with a flatter terrain and more entry points, the populace of refugees, or slummers, is quite larger than that of Geneva. But unlike Geneva, refugees aren't at the heart of Europe. They're closed off, being on the Western end. This wouldn't be all bad, if it wasn't for the fact that humanity, most if it, and all of Earth is at constant war with a superpower which faulted the entire globe in less than seven hours.
The outskirts of the City aren't patrolled as much as the inside, which is obvious. City 59's forces stay more internal with the focus on policing being.At an all time high due to recent leadership changes. City 59 has other problems to focus on, leaving its outskirts to bolster for their much needed trade and organization. But that only brought in a new form of policing, gangs and extortion related organizations. With the loss of frequent patrols, in the slums district, others took over. Doing so for obvious reasons. Control over the slums would benefit the controller, they can set prices and choose who sells what... But only if their hand is strong.

Three gangs, or groups, are dominant in these areas. They're the more notable and active of the organizations.


Spanish Kings
The most dominant gang in C59, the member sof this gang get their income primarily through the smuggling network to the more Western parts of Europe. Being closer to the coast, a lot of their imports are American guns, Southern-American drugs, and any other contraband from the America's. They're prominent smuggling business is backed by their need to use violence to keep their territory for storehouses, contraband packaging, and hiding individuals wanted by authorities .

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Suarez Cartel
Riding below Spanish Kings is the Suarez Cartel, originating in New York and deriving from a protection gang which used to take care and look after immigrants going from Latin-America to New York, the Suarez Cartel existed prior to the liberation of earth and because of this their connections and knowledge of store houses allowed them to have a head start in the slums. Of course, now, everything is empty so their need of contraband is filled through trades and services. They are based in the uppermost part of the slums, but trickle down into the Southern part, as the gangs divide.

Translating to English, the now 'universal' language of the world, this gang quite literally means 'Businessmen'. And its not for no reason. Founded by shopkeepers on the bordering streets of the slums, the Empresarios were created to allow for easier connections to the market, this 'gang' is not in the business of killing people, civilians or police, but more of making money, credits now, and chips for themselves. They're prominent in skimming, and or 'buying items on the black market to sell for credits in stores'. Practically money laundering, what makes this gang... A gang... Is their reputation for constant movement. Their network is always expanding, both in and outside of the slums, and because of that they're not messed with. Despite their small size and non-violent past. Being affiliated with someone, in Empresarios is good if you're looking to make credits/chips but if you're looking for blue collar crime, murder, extortion, theft, you're looking at the wrong people...

I like what you have so far. I think you should do some additional research to bolster the underlying complexities.
I would recommend watching a video like this,
An interesting fact: Spain did not adopt the Euro until about 2002, so take that as you will regarding the HL2 timeline for the server.

It sounds like you're heavily invested in writing this already; something I wrote for one of my characters in the region is that Spain suffered massive political tension between res cascade/7 hr war/occupation and that major splits were going into occupation, which caused them to fall. A unified Spain is also possible, with occupants assimilating to differing subcultures.