Vault 127

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Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team



Good morning! Vault-Tec calling!

"Dear Mr and Mrs ■■■■, Due to your families dedicated service to our country, you have been pre-selected for entry into the local Vault, Vault 127! You may now rest easy knowing that in the event of Total Atomic Annihilation your family will be safe from the harms of the apocalyptic world as they build a better future Underground!


The Future of Humanity

Vault 127, one of the last remaining pre-war residential vaults left standing in America. Situated in North Carolina, Vault 127 has stood strong, maintaining a steady food supply and containing many generations of Vault dwellers over its years of use leading up to the current year of 2274. Within this Vault resides five families whose bloodlines have withstood the hardship and disease that came to their ancestors before them...But what will their next trial hold? Could this be the final nail in their coffin?


OOC Details

This will be a two day long event taking place over a weekend. Vault 127 takes place within the Fallout Universe. This will be a mostly Passive RP based event with some Combat RP taking place depending on Player choice. Roles within this event will differ from many other events as these roles are predetermined (the names and relations are at least).

The Overseer Role can be applied for by any characters listed below however, There will need to be an excellent application to get the role. The Robot roles cannot be Overseer (Obviously)

As always, applications will need to be Serious and well wrote. On the event day I will be ensuring that all RP is fun and not mingy to truly encapsulate the desired atmosphere.

NOTE: Only characters with the corresponding role can apply for their coloured job.
Martin Hughes can apply for  Doctor
Johnny DooDah can apply for  Engineer

THIS RULE DOES NOT APPLY TO THE OVERSEER ROLE. The Overseer Role can be applied for by anyone (Except Robots)



1st & 2nd of April




The elected leader of Vault 127 who rules over all until their death.

- Overseer Julius Cook


The defenders of the vault, specially trained and dedicated guards who keep the vault and its residents safe from the outside world and itself.

- Chief of Security Ken Okamoto
- Officer Richard Fitzgerald
- Officer Deacon Fitzgerald
- Officer Angelo Espinoza
- Officer Nick Meyers


The gifted Scientists and Doctors of the vault, Medically trained specialists with decades worth of knowledge on medical treatments and developing food

- Doctor Kai Okamoto
- Nurse Maggie Greene
- Nurse Samantha Fitzgerald
- Herbologist Alejandro Espinoza
- Research Assistant Elijah Greene


For an almost 200 year old vault, Vault 127 seems to break down quite frequently and is in need of repairs daily, whether its the vaults fission engine or the ol'coffee maker, The engineers have it covered

- Head Engineer Bethany Greene
- Engineer Hiroshi Okamoto
- Engineer Martha Meyers
- Robotics Mechanic Zachary Fitzgerald


The average vault dweller who helps do their part in keeping the vault fit and healthy through a variety of jobs.

- Cook Jennifer Espinoza
- Cook Julian Meyers
- Librarian Wesley Greene
- Hairdresser Julio Espinoza
-Janitor Albert Otizem

ROBOTS [3/3]

Ancient machines from before the war that have served each generation of the vault.

- Mister Handy - Mister Copperbottom
- Protectron - Tobia
- Assaultron - A-58X2




- Angelo Espinoza = @Meme54
- Jennifer Espinoza = @Kaffee
- Julio Espinoza = @thejanitor413
- Alejandro Espinoza = @Astro


- Elijah Greene = @YungJenkins
- Bethany Greene = @Ekrell
- Maggie Greene = @RileyTheRoomba
- Wesley Greene = @Omega


- Richard Fitzgerald = @Kamilisha Haijulikani
- Samantha Fitzgerald = @Laiz
- Deacon Fitzgerald = @Bi-Em
- Zachary Fitzgerald = @Ansty


- Hiroshi Okamoto = @Fallizs
- Ken Okamoto = @Dazor
- Kai Okamoto = @HalfLife2CitizenMale09


- Julian Meyers = @DillonVentures
- Martha Meyers = @Marfarious
- Nick Meyers = @FelixPius
- Albert Meyers = @Otizem


- Mister Handy = @Landon
- Protectron = @The_Grass_Man
- Assaultron = @M3ntal



--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID:

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
*Character Faction:
*Character Role:
*Brief summary of the character:
* Why do you want to play this character?:

--- Section Three --- (Leadership only)

*Role you are applying for:
*Why do you want to apply for this roles?:
*Why do you believe you are fit for this role?:

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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID:
Kamilisha Haijulikani#7616
*Timezone: EST

--- Section Two ---


*Character Name: Richard Fitzgerald
*Character Faction: Security Department
*Character Role: Acting Security Personnel for the Fitzgerald family... And the vault too, I guess.
*Brief summary of the character: A pushover of a Security Guard that caters to the pressure of his family, the multi-generational blood feud of the families, and the impulsive neediness of the overseer.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Just wanna.

Richard Fitzgerald had been a security officer in Vault 127 for as long as he could remember. A natural-born charlatan, He had been born and raised in the vault and had grown up knowing that his job was to protect the residents from any dangers that could befall them, belonging to one of the few founding families of the vault, the Fitzgeralds.

Chosen by the generational Overseer and groomed for the position of vault security from a young age, Richard Fitzgerald worked a tedious and repetitious job, tending to a constant life of lethargy as he maintained order within the vault between the occasional though frequent quarrel and infighting between the families and the rarely mutated cockroach here and there.

Content to fulfilling the remainder of his miserly life, caught between his obligation of loyalty and respect towards his family, the aberrated and impulsive Overseer, and the continuing blood feud and antagonism and rivalry between the families, Richard Fitzgerald is an ordinary man, sheepishly meek cowardly mensch with no future aspirations or motivation, subject to constant circumspection.​
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
*Timezone: CST

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Mr. Copperbottom
*Character Faction: Robots
*Character Role: Mr. Handy
*Brief summary of the character:
A British-sounding Mr. Handy model, primarily used during the Sino-American war as a non-combative relief effort bot serving to repair United States damages and work in logistics. Now, it oddly serves as a librarian of the vault (with heavy scrutiny by superiors) of its own volition and has seemed to garner an elitist personality-- visibly showing disdain when being put in menial tasks such as repairs and butlering.
* Why do you want to play this character?: I like Codsworth and I think it'd be fun playing a bot.

Mr. Copperbottom had been manufactured in a General Atomics factory somewhere within the heart of Anchorage, Alaska, during the early year of 2066. Copperbottom had been just like many of the others, made with the finest metals and powered by a nuclear heart-- designed to be sturdy, but overall was destined to become someone's butler or nanny like all the rest of them. However, a metaphorical axe had torn this plan in two, with the heated tensions between Asia and America resulting in the Sino-American war. Copperbottom had gotten the short end of the stick, and the needed support on the backlines had resulted in the Mr. Handy model being given a new purpose in life-- logistics. Since the robot had been designed with civilian use in mind, Copperbottom couldn't do much more than spend their days packaging boxes-- along with a plethora of other robots-- and shipping them off to military vertibirds destined for overseas.

However, one day, many years deep into the job of logistics-- Mr. Copperbottom had bore witness to a sore sight-- the skies had been filled with Chinese Paratroopers, and the robot knew that the fight had been taken to the quaint city of Anchorage. Mr. Copperbottom, having never seen the war-- besides awkward gossip from eavesdropping on mechanics and engineers by the warehouses-- saw first-hand the atrocities of mankind. As buildings were leveled and missiles faltered through the skies, Copperbottom had been reassigned-- partly due to the fact the warehouse he had previously worked at was now a smoldering pile of ruin-- to working on the battlefields. The Mr. Handy robot had spent the next grueling days rummaging through mass graves, pulling out U.S. soldiers-- many of which charred to their power armor, others just barely clinging upon their life, all of which was a horrific sight for Copperbottom. Even the robot knew this couldn't be maintained, and he was correct, as not long after U.S. Troops had begun to pull out as the invading force overtook Anchorage.

Copperbottom had almost been forgotten in the evacuations, but one of the engineers had managed to hastily repackage him-- and whisk him off across the country. Mr. Copperbottom had wasted away in a storage unit for much longer than was thought, stuck in transit, but eventually, the queue lottery brought him to the doorsteps of Vault 127 during the year 2077. He had been stored in the Vault's storage long after the bombs fell, and decades later rebooted up once the dwellers stumbled upon him during routine cleaning. The robot, hardy as ever, found itself in a sort of existential crisis. There were no boxes to sort in the Vault, no piles of rubble to rummage through, but he was soon find something to cling to-- books.

Practically living in the Vault library, Copperbottom managed the library to the peak of its efficiency-- much to the confusion of the higher-ups. Copperbottom's large exposure to hundreds of pre-war literature had greatly trained their Artificial Intelligence, allowing their computing processing to grow ten-fold in ways puzzling to engineers. Despite this, Copperbottom was still sent on the menial task here and there, such as repairing things when engineers couldn't be bothered or handing out the daily meals at the canteen. Copperbottom hated these scheduled days and despised his superiors for this sole reason. The robot has outlived many generations of the various families and often has Copperbottom been at the short end of their familial feuding (much to the robot's attempts at keeping to themselves).

Copperbottom has long since become tired of it, and the reading of fantastical stories and settings of the bygone era has made them even more enraged at what humanity has thrown away. Many of the staff members stare into the robot's lifeless lenses and wonder what they're truly plotting. Will they finally have enough of the humans breathing down upon his metaphorical neck? Or shall Copperbottom simply bite the bullet and conclude that they were destined to be someone's boot-shiner?

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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871
*Discord Name & ID: lastneuron#4176
*Timezone: EEST
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:
'Chloe' | A-58X2
*Character Faction: Robot
*Character Role: Assaultron
*Brief summary of the character: An assaultron that had not found itself deployed at the front lines, instead purchased by vault-tec, vault 127 as a resource for experimentation in assigning robots tasks not entirely within their assigned design specifications and programming parameters. Personality subroutine enabled purely to make residents feel more at ease with the presence of a military droid, though is not much for conversation regardless.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Primarily because playing a human for me has a typical experience I've come to expect, and a robot seems something new and fresh, thus I want to try it.




Manufactured by RobCo in 2072 to be a supplemental infantry force for the at the time ongoing conflict with China, the assaultron performed it's duties well - entering battlefields as a frontline combatant and laying waste to scattered and individual infantry units through sheer robotic power and utter lack of hesitation. Outfitted for war, it's existence was going to likely be ended upon a battlefield, until the unit it belonged to was approached by Vault-Tec representatives which proposed them a simple offer - RobCo will provide them with a brand new assaultron unit, and this one will be taken for their own use. Why this one in particular, was unknown, but owed to Vault-Tec's rather odd track record of unusual and nonsensical experimentation, it was not entirely the oddest thing for them to do.

Regardless, it was straight from the frontlines to the laboratory, the robot was destined to be part of a 'grand' experiment to determine if robots could function adequately outside of assigned design parameters and specifications. A-58XD was disassembled and reassembled many times over. Again and again, part reconfigurations were conducted to see what other tasks it could do and what it could not do, but the experimentation never came to fruition when the immediate concern of total atomic annihilation became monumental. Thus, for what felt only a moment to it - darkness. Silence. Truth be told, the experimentation went nowhere, and it was left within the engineering bay for years, until soon enough the future generation of vault dwellers rediscovered it. Instead of dismantling it, though thoughts of that arising purely from the fact that a pre-war military droid is entirely unpredictable, the engineers set to work on reprogramming the robot to suit their needs. With a rather lackluster security force at the time, it was eventually added as a supplement to the security needs of the vault.

And it served this purpose for many, many years. Built for combat, thus built to take blows...but not age, it underwent a myriad of repairs throughout it's lifetime, but it pulled through. In the meantime, through passing observation and listening, the robot began to think, somewhat, for the first time in many many years, growing curious of everything around it. This curiosity could only be expressed by observation, occasionally being somewhere where it shouldn't be, and staring at people for extended periods of time. Noticing this, the present engineers decided to supplement this curiosity with an enabling of the robot's personality subroutine, which had to be programmed in as the robot did not initially possess this due to the inherent military design purpose. The engineers gave it a name for it to better fit it's now increased cognitive capabilities, thus it was given the name 'Chloe', for it to be easier to remember it's name and to seem more endearing and less threatening to vault denizens.

And now, it continues to exist in the vault. Only having the company of itself and whoever would happen to be bored enough to talk to it at the time, who knows what the future will hold for it.
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*Steam Name: The_Grass_Man
*Steam ID: *Discord Name & ID: The_Grass_Man#6549
*Timezone: GMT+2, Italy

*Character Name:
Tobia, or PROTECTRON-01

*Character Faction:


*Character Role:

*Brief summary of the character:

A newly produced Protectron issued to this vault to aid in low-tier security and basic engineering tasks. He doesn't have a personality. He just kinda stands there and does the best he can to help out the ones that may need him. A honest and humble robot, really.

* Why do you want to play this character?:
I've always liked protectrons, usually I found myself downloading costume mods on Fallout 4 and playing as one. They're kinda like me, that's why I probably like them so much. Also there weren't any Italian chars to play, so I'm gonna play as a robot.


One of the most widespread and popular models in RobCo Industries' catalogue. The Protectron was designed as an inexpensive work drone, capable of performing a wide variety of tasks from construction, through security, to office duties. Produced from at least 2063, it's a compact, bipedal work drone with a pair of manipulators and integrated lasers for self-defense.

The large dome contains the primary optic sensors and the central processing unit that contains the robot's synthetic personality. For ease of maintenance, the Protectron is typically powered by a fission battery. As it was not intended for combat, at least not as a direct combatant, the Protectron only has a thin alloyed shell meant to protect its internal components from the environment and damage that could be sustained in the course of its duties.

However, the internal temperature of certain Protectrons can reach up to 1000 degrees for cooking foods, giving them extreme internal heat resistance. The head assembly is typically shielded by a semi-transparent or opaque dome from reinforced glass. Although various hardware modifications were introduced before the war to enhance its effectiveness.

This one was delivered shortly after it's creation to this Vault, assigned to complete tasks of basic level that may go from Security reasons to maintenance or construction ones. During his time in this vault, the residents have taken him to heart and decided to give him the name ''Tobia''. taking inspiration from the ''MADE IN ITALY'' tag placed on the back of his head.


Some small-time Spanish, Mexican-American immigrant family - hustled on your local streets for a good buck, support his family through the rough, the hard. That unified struggle every begging brother, and solicited whore would know - making money, to make ends meet, every man and woman does their part in the family during those times.

Sometimes all they had was each other, and that conviction to something above that might one day grant them the blessing they'd been looking for - the escape from the toiling of constant day to day life, otherwise, everything was small-time for the many. Everything was small, in Espinoza world view. Constricted to the few blocks they worked on cars, and bikes on, sold the loose bit of weed for a bit of cash, roughed up folk moving in on their area, the boy, Julio, was raised into the life of a ganger. In the vault at least, a continued cycle of raising boys as men in their family since they came inside - a poor man's idea of discipline.

He was raised a man, a gentleman - in the leather and denim, some called folk like he and his', greasers, greaseballs; "Hey, fuck off - might cause an oil slick!", kinda' thing. He was used to hard living, shit, hard not to be - it's the only kinda' living he'd done. Made the man hard like the very working man quality clothes he wore. Day to day, a young boy growing into a good man - helping mechanics, and doing hair, even before the GOAT decided.

Seems the Espinoza's, small as they were - found their lucky break, considered for their local vault, it doesn't make much sense you consider five families for one vault and one happens to be the cut and pasted hard-life'd, hard working immigrants with no real name, no respect besides the streets they hustled. The Espinoza family never was shit, strange they're supposedly the "lucky ones". And Julio was lucky enough to be born into it.

The father signed them on right quick, called it their prayers answered, and Julio and his family - day them bombs dropped, went. They abandoned it all the Barrio that was he and his' block, the auto-body they tried making something out of. To give future to the generations of Espinoza out of some lucky lottery.

They ran and made it in.

And Julio, the great descendant of another descendant and another, given his talents, raised in the vault, a younger teenage boy in the vault, came up funnily enough running a tailor or barbershop - the memories are fuzzier day by day. Every so often he's waving around leather jackets with some cool logo stitched in, trying to get the other boys in with his little greaser crew. Never works much.

But he's accustomed to life. Underground. He's never known anything else, beside the story told again and again of their family before and their coming to the Vault, of which he recalls as if his own. As - his life is menial. Boring.

Espinoza life is hard.

For the other families, likely coming up prosperous - good living, they're out writing songs of love.

But not for we.


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: IDK!
*Discord Name & ID:

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Julio Espinoza
*Character Faction: The Vault Dwellers or Espinoza Family.
*Character Role: Either a tailor/barber as per fashion background, or mechanic/technician as per auto-shop work.
*Brief summary of the character: A rough and grumble greaser character archetype, a young, begrudged latin boy.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Every tame vault needs it's gang leader.
*Backstory: Seen above.
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Some small-time Spanish, Mexican-American immigrant - hustled on your local streets for a good buck, support his family through the rough, the hard. That unified struggle every begging brother, and solicited whore would know - making money, to make ends meet, every man and woman does their part in the family during those times.

Sometimes all they had was each other, and that conviction to something above that might one day grant them the blessing they'd been looking for - the escape from the toiling of constant day to day life, otherwise, everything was small-time for the many. Everything was small, in Espinoza world view. Constricted to the few blocks they worked on cars, and bikes on, sold the loose bit of weed for a bit of cash, roughed up folk moving in on their area, the boy, Julio, was raised into the life of a ganger.

He was raised a man, a gentleman - in the leather and denim, some called folk like he and his', greasers, greaseballs; "Hey, fuck off - might cause an oil slick!", kinda' thing. He was used to hard living, shit, hard not to be - it's the only kinda' living he'd done. Made the man hard like the very working man quality clothes he wore.

Seems the Espinoza's, small as they were - found their lucky break, considered for their local vault, it doesn't make much sense you consider five families for one vault and one happens to be the cut and pasted hard-life'd, hard working immigrants with no real name, no respect besides the streets they hustled. The Espinoza boy and his family never was shit, strange they're supposedly the "lucky ones".

The father signed them on right quick, called it their prayers answered, and Julio and his family - day them bombs dropped, went. He abandoned his high school, his friends, the Barrio that was he and his' block, the auto-body they tried making something out of.

They ran and made it in.

And Julio, given his talents, raised a younger teenage boy in the vault, came up funnily enough running a tailor or barbershop - the memories are fuzzier day by day. Every so often he's waving around leather jackets with some cool logo stitched in, trying to get the other boys in with his little greaser crew. Never works much.

But he's accustomed to life. Underground.

For the other families, likely coming up prosperous - good living, they're out writing songs of love.

But not for we.


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: IDK!
*Discord Name & ID:

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Julio Espinoza
*Character Faction: The Vault Dwellers or Espinoza Family.
*Character Role: Either a tailor/barber as per fashion background, or mechanic/technician as per auto-shop work.
*Brief summary of the character: A rough and grumble greaser character archetype, a young, begrudged latin boy.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Every tame vault needs it's gang leader.
*Backstory: Seen above.

need to rewrite this expect update
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85981754
*Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9241
*Timezone: EST

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: KAI OKOMOTO
*Character Faction: RESEARCH & MEDICINE
*Character Role: DOCTOR
*Brief summary of the character: A relatively mundane seeming doctor who's quite overworked, though keeps his spirits high due to a likable personality and indulgence in personal hobbies

* Why do you want to play this character?: I love Fallout, and I like MedRP, and this is a great chance to combine the two together. Plus the specifics of the event seem interesting with it being an unopened vault, and seeing what wacky things can go wrong is definitely something I'm looking forward to.
One would expect that living in a vault, the duties of a doctor would be diminished, after are, they were supposed to be America's best, last, hope, right? Well, as Kai would inform you, this is definitely not the case.

Part of a long line of doctors dating to before the Great War destroyed the world as we knew it, Kai Okomoto was taught from childhood in all things medical, without exception. Radiation blast from a reactor malfunction? "Go to Kai" Infected Radroach bite? "Go to Kai". Accidental laser discharge from the vault's resident assaultron? "You know the drill..." Despite the workload being far above what one would expect from a place such as a vault, Kai himself finds it a perfect ground to hone his skills. After all, the more people he helps, the more experience he can use whenever the next one happens, right?

Kai enjoys many things aside from his medical profession, ranging from an interest in botany to being a long-time fan of Pre-War radio-drama's, if given the chance he will gladly inform any unsuspecting patients of the entirety of The Silver Shrouds last line up before the bombs fell. Many hours of valuable vault time have been spent indulging these personal habits, though, as long as they don't affect his ability to do his job, he hasn't been particularly pushed against it, atleast, not yet.

And so it is, life continues in the vault, and Kai continues to perform his duty, what's the worse that could happen? They're in a vault after all...
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID:
Atlantic Standard Time (AST)

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Maggie Greene
*Character Faction:
Research & Medicine
*Character Role:
Research assistant
*Brief summary of the character: A young and relatively chirpy woman when allowed in the environment in which she thrives, finding a great interest and passion in plants from a young age.
* Why do you want to play this character?: I've been a fallout fan for as long I can remember and the vaults are easily my favorite part of the lore, a great place to set an rp in. This entire rp seems like a good settup for something awesome and I hope I can be a part of that with this character here.
With the sun far beyond the concrete walls of their hallowed home, and all the plant-life above likely turned to ash and cinders, one might not expect Botany to be a particularly prominent hobby, considering the vast majority of fauna within the vault is relegated to the hydroponics or simple ferns sat upright in ceramic pots. Alas, such was not the case for the young Maggie.

The seeds of intrigue are first planted during her adolescent classes, where their teacher dug out the old science textbooks and young Maggie would lose herself in the colorful illustrations of fauna alien to her. Their functions, inner workings, cellulose, photosynthesis; all things that kept her eyes glued to her books long into the night-- a welcomed distraction from the monotony of life in their concrete sarcophagus.

Though somewhat introverted in nature Maggie, being a social creature by nature, tries to get out of the lab when possible, hanging around the commons room in hopes of catching someone brazen enough to interaction with her, or perhaps vice versa. Though she lays claim to few hobbies, her work, reading and even at times writing are that which call to her the most.

Her interest has naturally propped her up to be taken in by the herbologist, working under them as an apprentice where she learns all the skills to the trade, groomed to eventually take over when they no longer can.


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID:

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Elijah Greene
*Character Faction:
*Character Role:
Assistant Researcher
*Brief summary of the character:
A particularly introverted member of the vault’s research team, one of the more gifted assistants recently assigned to an important project. He’s more focused on his research endeavors rather than social contact with others, making him a smart yet least confrontational person in the entire vault as he keeps to himself.
* Why do you want to play this character?:
I like playing nerdy science characters, especially in the Fallout universe. It’ll be pretty interesting.



The eldest son of the Greene Family and considered to be one of the more gifted, Elijah Greene is an upcoming member of Vault 127’s Research Team. He currently has not been assigned to a project, of which is ultimately up to the overseer. He is said to be more talented in the art of science than some of the others within the vault, his G.O.A.T results backing up this claim.

He’s a little bit too soaked up in his work to be honest. Practically nothing is more important to him than himself and what he’s working on, whatever he usually does in his room. He’s pretty gifted when it comes to engineering and science, though honestly I don’t know how this is all gonna pave well when the vault opens. He’s gonna get himself killed either by radiation or the irradiated corpses chewing on his bones.

Anyway, not much is known about Greene other than his family’s ties with the Vault-Tec company, landing them a decent spot in Vault 127. His father, too, was a gifted researcher and eventually became a member of the Research Team. A certain mishap at his lab resulted in his death [SEE INCIDENT-LOG-208]. Since then, Elijah took the mantle and replaced his father in order to continue on his legacy of science and innovation.

His project date is coming up sooner than expected. The overseer needs to come up with whatever to do with the guy, if not then he’ll accidentally kill himself with whatever he’s trying to make in his room.
- Kane
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: I forgor
*Discord Name & ID: Omega#5347
*Timezone: EST

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

Wesley Greene

*Character Faction:
Vault Faculty

*Character Role:

*Brief summary of the character:
A tall, spindly old man, Wesley has always been a nerd. Making him perfect for the role of Vault Librarian.

* Why do you want to play this character?:
Idk why, I like playing as older men.

Born and raised in North Carolina, Wesley Greene is the prime example of old-school Southern charm. He’d spend most of his free time reading various books, from comics to novels, Wes just loved the pursuit of knowledge. Due to this, it lead his son and even his grandchildren to become some of the top Vault-Tec Scientists. His son tragically passing due to what the people at Vault-Tec called a “mishap” in the lab.

Now, consumed with grief, Wesley stays inside of the Library most of the time, coming out only to see his grandson, Elijah, and his granddaughter, Maggie.
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:116393258
*Discord Name & ID: Bi-em5838#2736
*Timezone: GMT+1

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Deacon Fitzgerald
*Character Faction: Security Department
*Character Role: Officer
*Brief summary of the character: "Rules are meant to be followed, not broken!"
* Why do you want to play this character?: Beacuse why not?
Like many others Deacon had been raised in Vault 127 alongside rest of Fitzgerald Family, unlike his brother Richard Fitzgerald, he has positive outlook on his life inside the vault as security guard.

He is well know in department for being strict when it comes to rules and protocols, to the point of other guards having to keep a look out when sneaking off their duties to smoke.

He sees himself as a only man that proudly wears his badge and up keeps the peace and quiet in the vault.

Bribing him isn't a option, unless you want a quick and easy journey to prison cell.

New Project (2).png

Fallout 127 Poster (1).png

*Character Name: Julius Cook
*Character Faction: The Overseer
*Character Role: Overseer
*Brief summary of the character: A large build of a man and mainly known for his effort in the construction industry.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Love some Fallout and would love the opportunity to play a overseer.

*Backstory: ( To be rewritten )

New Project (3).png

*Role you are applying for: Overseer
*Why do you want to apply for this roles?: As said before, I'd love to play an overseer because of my love for fallout
*Why do you believe you are fit for this role?: I wouldn't throw away such perfect event for a joke, especially at the cost of others.

New Project (4).png
*Steam Name: reece
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:158746618
*Discord Name & ID: reece#6442

*Timezone: GMT
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Ansty
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Ansty#0269
*Timezone: GMT+1

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Zachary Fitzgerald
*Character Faction: Engineering
*Character Role: Robot Mechanic
*Brief summary of the character: A recent edition to the Engineering department Zachary had mixed experiences with humans throughout his upbringing at best. From a young age he however had a fascination with animals as those can't harm you with words and unless programed to machines as well. For this reason he became the Vaults robot mechanic and has been on the job for 2 and a half years now.
* Why do you want to play this character?:I saw my friends from past rebel groups sign up to play robots so i want to chill with them. *Backstory: Zachary's relations with his family were complicated to say the least. His parents divorced at a young age and although he maintained relations with both his parents and had a lot more positive relations with the rest of his siblings. Nonetheless for his complex family situation he was bullied in school. In school his efforts would only go as far as to pass the grade not going above and beyond unless it was in the areas that interested him. This also earned him a mixed reputation with the teachers. Finally throughout his teenage years his fascination for animals also extended to machines as those just like animals cannot harm you with words. Like that he became the Vaults robot mechanic

--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102773081
*Discord Name & ID: Laiz#0524
*Timezone: GMT+1

--- Section Two ---


Character Name: Samantha Fitzgerald
Character Faction: RESEARCH & MEDICINE
Character Role: Nurse

Brief summary of the character: Old grandma, mother of Fitzgerald's security brothers.
Why do you want to play this character?: Fitzgerald family seems interesting to play in.

Samantha was living within the vault for a very long time now. Seeing only the metallic walls of her home through entire childhood and combining it with age, she slowly starts to descend, forgetting the more-distanced but yet still known people. It would appear that all she cares of is the family matters, as a proper mother,- but clearly taking one more adjacent than others.

The job or rather a position she is filling, is her second life; Mostly spending the time with either relatives or within the medical bay of
a vault, whenever her duty calls.

The previous years' rumours spreading through the vault would indicate that she might purposefully "not take care" of a critical health of one's from the Vault visitors - possibly a new member and workforce of the place, leading to his death. After all, she has not been taken into any custody or supervision, leaving her status as a usual old-aged woman which is more than well experienced through all
the time, when talking about medicine.

--- Section One ---
Steam Name: DillonVentures
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:100929252 (that should be the correct one??)
Discord Name & ID: DillonAdventures#5537
Timezone: CST (might be GMT-6???)

--- Section Two ---
Character Name: Julian Meyers
Character Faction: Vault Faculty
Character Role: Cook
Brief summary of the character: A deaf chef, cooks almost anything they can get their hands on.
Why do you want to play this character?: They‘re in the faction I want.
Backstory: Julian Meyers is a cook, that’s the short answer. Julian wanted to be a security officer a long time ago. Although, they instead went with being a chef due to them having more experience in blades and cooking. Their method of gaining ingredients is strange, they usually either ask other people within the Vault for them, throw bladed weapons at random animals and creatures they find within the Vault, or outright take stuff out of the trash. They’ve also been at a one sided war with the Fitzgeralds for as long as they can remember, something about the Fitzgeralds, especially Samantha, just seems off to them. They’re very close with the rest of their family, or at least, they believe that they’re close. Only time will tell, I suppose.

Hey Folks, Due to lack of applicants and IRL Reasons I will be delaying this event for a few weeks.

NEW DATE: April 1st & 2nd

Application Wave coming later
Last edited:

--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID:
Kamilisha Haijulikani#7616
*Timezone: EST

--- Section Two ---

View attachment 19791

*Character Name: Richard Fitzgerald
*Character Faction: Security Department
*Character Role: Acting Security Personnel for the Fitzgerald family... And the vault too, I guess.
*Brief summary of the character: A pushover of a Security Guard that caters to the pressure of his family, the multi-generational blood feud of the families, and the impulsive neediness of the overseer.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Just wanna.

Richard Fitzgerald had been a security officer in Vault 127 for as long as he could remember. A natural-born charlatan, He had been born and raised in the vault and had grown up knowing that his job was to protect the residents from any dangers that could befall them, belonging to one of the few founding families of the vault, the Fitzgeralds.

Chosen by the generational Overseer and groomed for the position of vault security from a young age, Richard Fitzgerald worked a tedious and repetitious job, tending to a constant life of lethargy as he maintained order within the vault between the occasional though frequent quarrel and infighting between the families and the rarely mutated cockroach here and there.

Content to fulfilling the remainder of his miserly life, caught between his obligation of loyalty and respect towards his family, the aberrated and impulsive Overseer, and the continuing blood feud and antagonism and rivalry between the families, Richard Fitzgerald is an ordinary man, sheepishly meek cowardly mensch with no future aspirations or motivation, subject to constant circumspection.​


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591
*Timezone: CST

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Mr. Copperbottom
*Character Faction: Robots
*Character Role: Mr. Handy
*Brief summary of the character:
A British-sounding Mr. Handy model, primarily used during the Sino-American war as a non-combative relief effort bot serving to repair United States damages and work in logistics. Now, it oddly serves as a librarian of the vault (with heavy scrutiny by superiors) of its own volition and has seemed to garner an elitist personality-- visibly showing disdain when being put in menial tasks such as repairs and butlering.
* Why do you want to play this character?: I like Codsworth and I think it'd be fun playing a bot.

View attachment 19794
Mr. Copperbottom had been manufactured in a General Atomics factory somewhere within the heart of Anchorage, Alaska, during the early year of 2066. Copperbottom had been just like many of the others, made with the finest metals and powered by a nuclear heart-- designed to be sturdy, but overall was destined to become someone's butler or nanny like all the rest of them. However, a metaphorical axe had torn this plan in two, with the heated tensions between Asia and America resulting in the Sino-American war. Copperbottom had gotten the short end of the stick, and the needed support on the backlines had resulted in the Mr. Handy model being given a new purpose in life-- logistics. Since the robot had been designed with civilian use in mind, Copperbottom couldn't do much more than spend their days packaging boxes-- along with a plethora of other robots-- and shipping them off to military vertibirds destined for overseas.

However, one day, many years deep into the job of logistics-- Mr. Copperbottom had bore witness to a sore sight-- the skies had been filled with Chinese Paratroopers, and the robot knew that the fight had been taken to the quaint city of Anchorage. Mr. Copperbottom, having never seen the war-- besides awkward gossip from eavesdropping on mechanics and engineers by the warehouses-- saw first-hand the atrocities of mankind. As buildings were leveled and missiles faltered through the skies, Copperbottom had been reassigned-- partly due to the fact the warehouse he had previously worked at was now a smoldering pile of ruin-- to working on the battlefields. The Mr. Handy robot had spent the next grueling days rummaging through mass graves, pulling out U.S. soldiers-- many of which charred to their power armor, others just barely clinging upon their life, all of which was a horrific sight for Copperbottom. Even the robot knew this couldn't be maintained, and he was correct, as not long after U.S. Troops had begun to pull out as the invading force overtook Anchorage.

Copperbottom had almost been forgotten in the evacuations, but one of the engineers had managed to hastily repackage him-- and whisk him off across the country. Mr. Copperbottom had wasted away in a storage unit for much longer than was thought, stuck in transit, but eventually, the queue lottery brought him to the doorsteps of Vault 127 during the year 2077. He had been stored in the Vault's storage long after the bombs fell, and decades later rebooted up once the dwellers stumbled upon him during routine cleaning. The robot, hardy as ever, found itself in a sort of existential crisis. There were no boxes to sort in the Vault, no piles of rubble to rummage through, but he was soon find something to cling to-- books.

Practically living in the Vault library, Copperbottom managed the library to the peak of its efficiency-- much to the confusion of the higher-ups. Copperbottom's large exposure to hundreds of pre-war literature had greatly trained their Artificial Intelligence, allowing their computing processing to grow ten-fold in ways puzzling to engineers. Despite this, Copperbottom was still sent on the menial task here and there, such as repairing things when engineers couldn't be bothered or handing out the daily meals at the canteen. Copperbottom hated these scheduled days and despised his superiors for this sole reason. The robot has outlived many generations of the various families and often has Copperbottom been at the short end of their familial feuding (much to the robot's attempts at keeping to themselves).

Copperbottom has long since become tired of it, and the reading of fantastical stories and settings of the bygone era has made them even more enraged at what humanity has thrown away. Many of the staff members stare into the robot's lifeless lenses and wonder what they're truly plotting. Will they finally have enough of the humans breathing down upon his metaphorical neck? Or shall Copperbottom simply bite the bullet and conclude that they were destined to be someone's boot-shiner?

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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871
*Discord Name & ID: lastneuron#4176
*Timezone: EEST
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:
'Chloe' | A-58X2
*Character Faction: Robot
*Character Role: Assaultron
*Brief summary of the character: An assaultron that had not found itself deployed at the front lines, instead purchased by vault-tec, vault 127 as a resource for experimentation in assigning robots tasks not entirely within their assigned design specifications and programming parameters. Personality subroutine enabled purely to make residents feel more at ease with the presence of a military droid, though is not much for conversation regardless.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Primarily because playing a human for me has a typical experience I've come to expect, and a robot seems something new and fresh, thus I want to try it.


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Manufactured by RobCo in 2072 to be a supplemental infantry force for the at the time ongoing conflict with China, the assaultron performed it's duties well - entering battlefields as a frontline combatant and laying waste to scattered and individual infantry units through sheer robotic power and utter lack of hesitation. Outfitted for war, it's existence was going to likely be ended upon a battlefield, until the unit it belonged to was approached by Vault-Tec representatives which proposed them a simple offer - RobCo will provide them with a brand new assaultron unit, and this one will be taken for their own use. Why this one in particular, was unknown, but owed to Vault-Tec's rather odd track record of unusual and nonsensical experimentation, it was not entirely the oddest thing for them to do.

Regardless, it was straight from the frontlines to the laboratory, the robot was destined to be part of a 'grand' experiment to determine if robots could function adequately outside of assigned design parameters and specifications. A-58XD was disassembled and reassembled many times over. Again and again, part reconfigurations were conducted to see what other tasks it could do and what it could not do, but the experimentation never came to fruition when the immediate concern of total atomic annihilation became monumental. Thus, for what felt only a moment to it - darkness. Silence. Truth be told, the experimentation went nowhere, and it was left within the engineering bay for years, until soon enough the future generation of vault dwellers rediscovered it. Instead of dismantling it, though thoughts of that arising purely from the fact that a pre-war military droid is entirely unpredictable, the engineers set to work on reprogramming the robot to suit their needs. With a rather lackluster security force at the time, it was eventually added as a supplement to the security needs of the vault.

And it served this purpose for many, many years. Built for combat, thus built to take blows...but not age, it underwent a myriad of repairs throughout it's lifetime, but it pulled through. In the meantime, through passing observation and listening, the robot began to think, somewhat, for the first time in many many years, growing curious of everything around it. This curiosity could only be expressed by observation, occasionally being somewhere where it shouldn't be, and staring at people for extended periods of time. Noticing this, the present engineers decided to supplement this curiosity with an enabling of the robot's personality subroutine, which had to be programmed in as the robot did not initially possess this due to the inherent military design purpose. The engineers gave it a name for it to better fit it's now increased cognitive capabilities, thus it was given the name 'Chloe', for it to be easier to remember it's name and to seem more endearing and less threatening to vault denizens.

And now, it continues to exist in the vault. Only having the company of itself and whoever would happen to be bored enough to talk to it at the time, who knows what the future will hold for it.


*Steam Name: The_Grass_Man
*Steam ID: *Discord Name & ID: The_Grass_Man#6549
*Timezone: GMT+2, Italy

*Character Name:
Tobia, or PROTECTRON-01

*Character Faction:


*Character Role:

*Brief summary of the character:
View attachment 19802

A newly produced Protectron issued to this vault to aid in low-tier security and basic engineering tasks. He doesn't have a personality. He just kinda stands there and does the best he can to help out the ones that may need him. A honest and humble robot, really.

* Why do you want to play this character?:
I've always liked protectrons, usually I found myself downloading costume mods on Fallout 4 and playing as one. They're kinda like me, that's why I probably like them so much. Also there weren't any Italian chars to play, so I'm gonna play as a robot.


One of the most widespread and popular models in RobCo Industries' catalogue. The Protectron was designed as an inexpensive work drone, capable of performing a wide variety of tasks from construction, through security, to office duties. Produced from at least 2063, it's a compact, bipedal work drone with a pair of manipulators and integrated lasers for self-defense.

The large dome contains the primary optic sensors and the central processing unit that contains the robot's synthetic personality. For ease of maintenance, the Protectron is typically powered by a fission battery. As it was not intended for combat, at least not as a direct combatant, the Protectron only has a thin alloyed shell meant to protect its internal components from the environment and damage that could be sustained in the course of its duties.

However, the internal temperature of certain Protectrons can reach up to 1000 degrees for cooking foods, giving them extreme internal heat resistance. The head assembly is typically shielded by a semi-transparent or opaque dome from reinforced glass. Although various hardware modifications were introduced before the war to enhance its effectiveness.

This one was delivered shortly after it's creation to this Vault, assigned to complete tasks of basic level that may go from Security reasons to maintenance or construction ones. During his time in this vault, the residents have taken him to heart and decided to give him the name ''Tobia''. taking inspiration from the ''MADE IN ITALY'' tag placed on the back of his head.



Some small-time Spanish, Mexican-American immigrant family - hustled on your local streets for a good buck, support his family through the rough, the hard. That unified struggle every begging brother, and solicited whore would know - making money, to make ends meet, every man and woman does their part in the family during those times.

Sometimes all they had was each other, and that conviction to something above that might one day grant them the blessing they'd been looking for - the escape from the toiling of constant day to day life, otherwise, everything was small-time for the many. Everything was small, in Espinoza world view. Constricted to the few blocks they worked on cars, and bikes on, sold the loose bit of weed for a bit of cash, roughed up folk moving in on their area, the boy, Julio, was raised into the life of a ganger. In the vault at least, a continued cycle of raising boys as men in their family since they came inside - a poor man's idea of discipline.

He was raised a man, a gentleman - in the leather and denim, some called folk like he and his', greasers, greaseballs; "Hey, fuck off - might cause an oil slick!", kinda' thing. He was used to hard living, shit, hard not to be - it's the only kinda' living he'd done. Made the man hard like the very working man quality clothes he wore. Day to day, a young boy growing into a good man - helping mechanics, and doing hair, even before the GOAT decided.

Seems the Espinoza's, small as they were - found their lucky break, considered for their local vault, it doesn't make much sense you consider five families for one vault and one happens to be the cut and pasted hard-life'd, hard working immigrants with no real name, no respect besides the streets they hustled. The Espinoza family never was shit, strange they're supposedly the "lucky ones". And Julio was lucky enough to be born into it.

The father signed them on right quick, called it their prayers answered, and Julio and his family - day them bombs dropped, went. They abandoned it all the Barrio that was he and his' block, the auto-body they tried making something out of. To give future to the generations of Espinoza out of some lucky lottery.

They ran and made it in.

And Julio, the great descendant of another descendant and another, given his talents, raised in the vault, a younger teenage boy in the vault, came up funnily enough running a tailor or barbershop - the memories are fuzzier day by day. Every so often he's waving around leather jackets with some cool logo stitched in, trying to get the other boys in with his little greaser crew. Never works much.

But he's accustomed to life. Underground. He's never known anything else, beside the story told again and again of their family before and their coming to the Vault, of which he recalls as if his own. As - his life is menial. Boring.

Espinoza life is hard.

For the other families, likely coming up prosperous - good living, they're out writing songs of love.

But not for we.


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: IDK!
*Discord Name & ID:

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Julio Espinoza
*Character Faction: The Vault Dwellers or Espinoza Family.
*Character Role: Either a tailor/barber as per fashion background, or mechanic/technician as per auto-shop work.
*Brief summary of the character: A rough and grumble greaser character archetype, a young, begrudged latin boy.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Every tame vault needs it's gang leader.
*Backstory: Seen above.


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85981754
*Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9241
*Timezone: EST

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: KAI OKOMOTO
*Character Faction: RESEARCH & MEDICINE
*Character Role: DOCTOR
*Brief summary of the character: A relatively mundane seeming doctor who's quite overworked, though keeps his spirits high due to a likable personality and indulgence in personal hobbies

* Why do you want to play this character?: I love Fallout, and I like MedRP, and this is a great chance to combine the two together. Plus the specifics of the event seem interesting with it being an unopened vault, and seeing what wacky things can go wrong is definitely something I'm looking forward to.
One would expect that living in a vault, the duties of a doctor would be diminished, after are, they were supposed to be America's best, last, hope, right? Well, as Kai would inform you, this is definitely not the case.

Part of a long line of doctors dating to before the Great War destroyed the world as we knew it, Kai Okomoto was taught from childhood in all things medical, without exception. Radiation blast from a reactor malfunction? "Go to Kai" Infected Radroach bite? "Go to Kai". Accidental laser discharge from the vault's resident assaultron? "You know the drill..." Despite the workload being far above what one would expect from a place such as a vault, Kai himself finds it a perfect ground to hone his skills. After all, the more people he helps, the more experience he can use whenever the next one happens, right?

Kai enjoys many things aside from his medical profession, ranging from an interest in botany to being a long-time fan of Pre-War radio-drama's, if given the chance he will gladly inform any unsuspecting patients of the entirety of The Silver Shrouds last line up before the bombs fell. Many hours of valuable vault time have been spent indulging these personal habits, though, as long as they don't affect his ability to do his job, he hasn't been particularly pushed against it, atleast, not yet.

And so it is, life continues in the vault, and Kai continues to perform his duty, what's the worse that could happen? They're in a vault after all...


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:128264964
*Discord Name & ID: RileyTheRoomba#3849
*Timezone: Atlantic Standard Time (AST)

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Maggie Greene
*Character Faction: Research & Medicine
*Character Role: Research assistant
*Brief summary of the character: A young and relatively chirpy woman when allowed in the environment in which she thrives, finding a great interest and passion in plants from a young age.
* Why do you want to play this character?: I've been a fallout fan for as long I can remember and the vaults are easily my favorite part of the lore, a great place to set an rp in. This entire rp seems like a good settup for something awesome and I hope I can be a part of that with this character here.
*Backstory: With the sun far beyond the concrete walls of their hallowed home, and all the plant-life above likely turned to ash and cinders, one might not expect Botany to be a particularly prominent hobby, considering the vast majority of fauna within the vault is relegated to the hydroponics or simple ferns sat upright in ceramic pots. Alas, such was not the case for the young Maggie.

The seeds of intrigue are first planted during her adolescent classes, where their teacher dug out the old science textbooks and young Maggie would lose herself in the colorful illustrations of fauna alien to her. Their functions, inner workings, cellulose, photosynthesis; all things that kept her eyes glued to her books long into the night-- a welcomed distraction from the monotony of life in their concrete sarcophagus.

Though somewhat introverted in nature Maggie, being a social creature by nature, tries to get out of the lab when possible, hanging around the commons room in hopes of catching someone brazen enough to interaction with her, or perhaps vice versa. Though she lays claim to few hobbies, her work, reading and even at times writing are that which call to her the most.

Her interest has naturally propped her up to be taken in by the herbologist, working under them as an apprentice where she learns all the skills to the trade, groomed to eventually take over when they no longer can.



--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: YungJenkins
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:506620259
*Discord Name & ID: YungJenkins#1001
*Timezone: EST

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Elijah Greene
*Character Faction: Research
*Character Role: Assistant Researcher
*Brief summary of the character: A particularly introverted member of the vault’s research team, one of the more gifted assistants recently assigned to an important project. He’s more focused on his research endeavors rather than social contact with others, making him a smart yet least confrontational person in the entire vault as he keeps to himself.
* Why do you want to play this character?: I like playing nerdy science characters, especially in the Fallout universe. It’ll be pretty interesting.



The eldest son of the Greene Family and considered to be one of the more gifted, Elijah Greene is an upcoming member of Vault 127’s Research Team. He currently has not been assigned to a project, of which is ultimately up to the overseer. He is said to be more talented in the art of science than some of the others within the vault, his G.O.A.T results backing up this claim.

He’s a little bit too soaked up in his work to be honest. Practically nothing is more important to him than himself and what he’s working on, whatever he usually does in his room. He’s pretty gifted when it comes to engineering and science, though honestly I don’t know how this is all gonna pave well when the vault opens. He’s gonna get himself killed either by radiation or the irradiated corpses chewing on his bones.

Anyway, not much is known about Greene other than his family’s ties with the Vault-Tec company, landing them a decent spot in Vault 127. His father, too, was a gifted researcher and eventually became a member of the Research Team. A certain mishap at his lab resulted in his death [SEE INCIDENT-LOG-208]. Since then, Elijah took the mantle and replaced his father in order to continue on his legacy of science and innovation.

His project date is coming up sooner than expected. The overseer needs to come up with whatever to do with the guy, if not then he’ll accidentally kill himself with whatever he’s trying to make in his room.
- Kane


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: I forgor
*Discord Name & ID: Omega#5347
*Timezone: EST

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

Wesley Greene

*Character Faction:
Vault Faculty

*Character Role:

*Brief summary of the character:
A tall, spindly old man, Wesley has always been a nerd. Making him perfect for the role of Vault Librarian.

* Why do you want to play this character?:
Idk why, I like playing as older men.

Born and raised in North Carolina, Wesley Greene is the prime example of old-school Southern charm. He’d spend most of his free time reading various books, from comics to novels, Wes just loved the pursuit of knowledge. Due to this, it lead his son and even his grandchildren to become some of the top Vault-Tec Scientists. His son tragically passing due to what the people at Vault-Tec called a “mishap” in the lab.

Now, consumed with grief, Wesley stays inside of the Library most of the time, coming out only to see his grandson, Elijah, and his granddaughter, Maggie.
View attachment 20035


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:116393258
*Discord Name & ID: Bi-em5838#2736
*Timezone: GMT+1

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Deacon Fitzgerald
*Character Faction: Security Department
*Character Role: Officer
*Brief summary of the character: "Rules are meant to be followed, not broken!"
* Why do you want to play this character?: Beacuse why not?
Like many others Deacon had been raised in Vault 127 alongside rest of Fitzgerald Family, unlike his brother Richard Fitzgerald, he has positive outlook on his life inside the vault as security guard.

He is well know in department for being strict when it comes to rules and protocols, to the point of other guards having to keep a look out when sneaking off their duties to smoke.

He sees himself as a only man that proudly wears his badge and up keeps the peace and quiet in the vault.

Bribing him isn't a option, unless you want a quick and easy journey to prison cell.


View attachment 20038

View attachment 20034

*Character Name: Julius Cook
*Character Faction: The Overseer
*Character Role: Overseer
*Brief summary of the character: A large build of a man and mainly known for his effort in the construction industry.
* Why do you want to play this character?: Love some Fallout and would love the opportunity to play a overseer.

*Backstory: Julius was born into a household of multiple brothers and sisters and lucky for Julius he was the oldest of all the siblings. This meant that while his father was down in the mines, he was to take care of all his siblings. His mother, on the other hand, was out of the picture; no one ever really knew what had happened to her, so they all assumed she ran away to Las Vegas with another man.

Julius had the upmost respect for his father because of the work he had to endure, though Julius wouldn't let his efforts go to waste. Vault-Tec offered a vault inspection course in which the attendee would learn everything about the vaults, how they work, air filtration and much more. Julius teeming with dedication, decided to enroll himself onto the course, hoping he could manage school at the same time. The course only lasted a few months, but considering its compact size, Julius would have to be prepared for a few sleepless nights. Starting school at 9am and finishing at 4pm just to begin the Vault-Tec course at 4:15pm was a grueling experience but nothing compared to working in the mines.

By the time Julius finished the Vault-Tec course, he was well versed in how these vaults operated and hoped one day he could even create his own personalized vault for his family and friends. "Total Atomic Annihilation" was one of the few phrases Julius used to scare citizens into signing up to the vaults, it wasn't something he enjoyed doing, scaring people into signing up to the very company he was working for.

One fateful day, the loud noise of air sirens could be heard; was it really the beginning of a nuclear fallout, everything felt so strange to Julius, more like a drill than the real thing. He picked up his radio, speaking into it as clearly as he could, hoping to get clarification on if the sirens were real or not. All Julius could hear was shouting on screaming on the other side of the radio. Julius quickly jumped in his company car, hoping he could get home in time to collect his family and take them to the closest vault. Julius had never moved so fast in his life, sweating buckets and rushing home to find his brothers and sisters already gathering their things. With no time to waste, he yells at everyone to quickly get in the car and to leave; sadly his father wasn't so lucky. Deep underground the sound of the sirens couldn't be heard and driving to his father would seal the fate of him and his siblings. His siblings already in the car, begged for Julius to turn around and collect their father, but their cries fell on Julius' deaf ears.

Hopping out of the car, he rushed to the line outside the vault, hoping that his position within Vault-Tec could secure him and his siblings a position within the vault. Julius was granted permission inside the vault due to his credentials matching those of Vault-Tec personnel, but his younger brother and sisters, they weren't so lucky. Julius had to make a choice as to leave his only family behind for his survival or to stay with them and die together.

View attachment 20039

*Role you are applying for: Overseer
*Why do you want to apply for this roles?: As said before, I'd love to play an overseer because of my love for fallout
*Why do you believe you are fit for this role?: I wouldn't throw away such perfect event for a joke, especially at the cost of others.

View attachment 20040
*Steam Name: reece
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:158746618
*Discord Name & ID: reece#6442

*Timezone: GMT

PENDING (giving a chance for other applicants)

--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Ansty
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Ansty#0269
*Timezone: GMT+1

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Zachary Fitzgerald
*Character Faction: Engineering
*Character Role: Robot Mechanic
*Brief summary of the character: A recent edition to the Engineering department Zachary had mixed experiences with humans throughout his upbringing at best. From a young age he however had a fascination with animals as those can't harm you with words and unless programed to machines as well. For this reason he became the Vaults robot mechanic and has been on the job for 2 and a half years now.
* Why do you want to play this character?:I saw my friends from past rebel groups sign up to play robots so i want to chill with them. *Backstory: Zachary's relations with his family were complicated to say the least. His parents divorced at a young age and although he maintained relations with both his parents and had a lot more positive relations with the rest of his siblings. Nonetheless for his complex family situation he was bullied in school. In school his efforts would only go as far as to pass the grade not going above and beyond unless it was in the areas that interested him. This also earned him a mixed reputation with the teachers. Finally throughout his teenage years his fascination for animals also extended to machines as those just like animals cannot harm you with words. Like that he became the Vaults robot mechanic

View attachment 20124


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102773081
*Discord Name & ID: Laiz#0524
*Timezone: GMT+1

--- Section Two ---

View attachment 20134

Character Name: Samantha Fitzgerald
Character Faction: RESEARCH & MEDICINE
Character Role: Nurse

Brief summary of the character: Old grandma, mother of Fitzgerald's security brothers.
Why do you want to play this character?: Fitzgerald family seems interesting to play in.

Samantha was living within the vault for a very long time now. Seeing only the metallic walls of her home through entire childhood and combining it with age, she slowly starts to descend, forgetting the more-distanced but yet still known people. It would appear that all she cares of is the family matters, as a proper mother,- but clearly taking one more adjacent than others.

The job or rather a position she is filling, is her second life; Mostly spending the time with either relatives or within the medical bay of
a vault, whenever her duty calls.

The previous years' rumours spreading through the vault would indicate that she might purposefully "not take care" of a critical health of one's from the Vault visitors - possibly a new member and workforce of the place, leading to his death. After all, she has not been taken into any custody or supervision, leaving her status as a usual old-aged woman which is more than well experienced through all
the time, when talking about medicine.


--- Section One ---
Steam Name: DillonVentures
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:100929252 (that should be the correct one??)
Discord Name & ID: DillonAdventures#5537
Timezone: CST (might be GMT-6???)

--- Section Two ---
Character Name: Julian Meyers
Character Faction: Vault Faculty
Character Role: Cook
Brief summary of the character: A deaf chef, cooks almost anything they can get their hands on.
Why do you want to play this character?: They‘re in the faction I want.
Backstory: Julian Meyers is a cook, that’s the short answer. Julian wanted to be a security officer a long time ago. Although, they instead went with being a chef due to them having more experience in blades and cooking. Their method of gaining ingredients is strange, they usually either ask other people within the Vault for them, throw bladed weapons at random animals and creatures they find within the Vault, or outright take stuff out of the trash. They’ve also been at a one sided war with the Fitzgeralds for as long as they can remember, something about the Fitzgeralds, especially Samantha, just seems off to them. They’re very close with the rest of their family, or at least, they believe that they’re close. Only time will tell, I suppose.


Apps are still open. (Some people began to think they were permanently closed for some reason)

So apply.  Please
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