With Fire and Sword Finale Feedback

Final fight was probably the best of the entire event, had plenty of fun getting my sword and shield repeatedly taken from me, then eventually turning on the princess and fighting her for what seemed like an eternity as the other cultists wrapped up their work killing everyone else, eventually, by my own hand, forcing the princess to yield, I did my part.

Overall event-wise, some absolutely immense character building, Rosie's story of humble blacksmith, to warrior-smith of the axes, to holy warrior burdened by evil relics, to broken possessed, leading to servitude to MEZERET, which lead eventually to becoming an undead host to MEZERET's magic, barely more that a draugr, all in the lust for blood.

I enjoyed making a name for myself as this brutal slaughtering machine, after killing 3 members of the inquisition in the cave, the brutal nature in which I did it, fit the character, then the incredibly brutal execution of the final inquisitor inside a cell in the cultist lair, leading up to an intense battle against Halgart's own host facing against me, I held my own, eventually we win the day through a yield, and I got to mercilessly execute one of the wounded priests.

10/10 best character I've ever had, will miss them.
The S2RP was long AF. Probably should've collectively given everyone less health or something and forbade using bandages mid-combat that was Dumb. I got lazy with my /me's by the end because I can't be flowery when I'm just dice rolling over and over.

My only real complaint is that I didn't get to do the awesome Cuz the ascension stuff was done in like two turns and I was being Nice by not trying to immediately do things that might derail what was going on. The Berenice-Halgart ascension ending would have been kino ok?

This is all Mathias of Pickering's fault.
super fucking good. only hitched in a few spots (s2rp at the end was great though could use refinement) overall amazing use of the atmosphere and setting. y'all fuckin did it, it was peam
Actually probably the height of the event.

Time it took to get going was too much, admittingly, but when it actually started firing - it went well.

Thought the S2RP was going to be a mess, and for the first few turns of it, it was, however it corrected itself fairly quickly and led to a really awesome fight with some characters Cador knew. Complete with theatric monologuing and theatrical moments and motions.

Balancing wasn't all that good probably, but Im going to be honest, really not that big of a deal.

All in all, could've been shorter, but aside from that, there isn't a whole lot I would change. Events had some real lowpoints, but this was certainly not one of them. In truth, even though the event did have such problems, the dedication of those running/making it is noteworthy. Taking what could have been a disaster of an event, and molded it into one that was outright good. Solid 7/10 all told.
I'm reviewing everything because it all ended.

I thought that this event was done fantastically. I've been a good few SS events now, dating way back and this might be honestly the best one I've been in. The pacing felt good as something seemed to actually happen every day, the extra systems were very interesting and flavored, and the world itself felt very alive in no small part due to the fact that players had a hand in writing the lore for everything, which was a fantastic idea. I know that Lowborn might've had a rougher time, but overall I think this event went about as well as it could have. However, I will say that, to conclude this positive section, I demand a sequel. I will personally fucking write as much as I have to, to justify a character who rebels against the new world order. I WILL BRING THE STARS BACK I SWEAR, I'm serious though. I will do it.

Now, unfortunately, I have to talk about my gripes with the event. Thankfully there are few, as again, I loved this event. I also have to say I don't blame any players for the issues I have, no one caused any issues and I don't think Alessio or anyone else running the story meant anything malicious. However, I think that while this event went perfectly overall. I think it did trip up at the end, however, as I think the encounter given was frankly unbalanced and I think that easily could have been avoided. I know that part of the issue was people leaving, but I think a dynamic change of the event's plan should've been done for the sake of the Royalists. I want to preface the meat of my issues again with the fact that obviously I have Royalist bias, I was Mathias and a die-hard royalist. That being said, I think it was a bad idea to have us on the offensive.

I'm not sure of the exact numbers of players on each side, but so far as I could tell at the start the Royalists and Cultists were equal in number, or there was a slight favor in Cultist numbers. I'm not entirely sure, regardless. The fact is that the Cultists were better equipped for the fight with higher health pools, more varied abilities (The Draugr Lord, Karling), and better healing abilities. I mean, for god's sake, Cador could regenerate 1 HP every three rounds. The plan that a smaller group of us thought was gonna happen was that we would defend Castle Conrad, which I think would've gone better considering we could've continuously fallen back on the Royalist side while slowly whittling away at the Cultists who were equipped for attack. The fact that the Royalists were instead told to go on the ATTACK was just a bad idea, and I think should not have been done. I think my point stands when you realize the casualties, which were ALL the royalists and only I think Marco's cultist and the Draugr Lord, and Marco had to leave so I'm not even sure if he was actually killed. If that was on purpose, then I wish that was portrayed better that the Royalists were marching towards a hopeless situation, if not, then this should serve as a learning moment because I cannot help but be a bit frustrated and dissatisfied with how the fight went.

All of that being said, I still had a ridiculous amount of fun in the S2RP. I think that using a system similar to what BDB has used in the past was smart, and I think it was even better that you broke us up into smaller fighting groups as that kept things going. Things went long, but that was honestly inevitable so I cannot complain about that. However, once again, I feel like I had fun in the S2RP because of the players within and not because of the balancing. The only reason my sorcerer (Mathias of Pickering) lasted so long alongside Arnold was because of the LUDICROUS rolls that I got, in a more normal situation we would've been defeated in like 4-5 rounds instead of like 12.

Once again though, there better be more to this world that we've made Alessio and crew because I swear to god I will explode the UK if we end with the world being completely fucked.​
this s2rp session felt much better, much smoother and much cleaner than others. I didn't spend an hour doing movement /mes, but instead spent an hour wacking people with bells and stomping on the king.

10/10 will play gb's medieval rp server
Final fight was probably the best of the entire event, had plenty of fun getting my sword and shield repeatedly taken from me, then eventually turning on the princess and fighting her for what seemed like an eternity as the other cultists wrapped up their work killing everyone else, eventually, by my own hand, forcing the princess to yield, I did my part.

Overall event-wise, some absolutely immense character building, Rosie's story of humble blacksmith, to warrior-smith of the axes, to holy warrior burdened by evil relics, to broken possessed, leading to servitude to MEZERET, which lead eventually to becoming an undead host to MEZERET's magic, barely more that a draugr, all in the lust for blood.

I enjoyed making a name for myself as this brutal slaughtering machine, after killing 3 members of the inquisition in the cave, the brutal nature in which I did it, fit the character, then the incredibly brutal execution of the final inquisitor inside a cell in the cultist lair, leading up to an intense battle against Halgart's own host facing against me, I held my own, eventually we win the day through a yield, and I got to mercilessly execute one of the wounded priests.

10/10 best character I've ever had, will miss them.
Didnt even mention killing one of her best friends fr fr

But I agree
I was on yesterday, which apparently counts in here too, so I will be Talking about it.

I enjoyed the feelings of dread and also helplessness, as we thought its over, until a plan came by. It pushed things proper and actually got people to prepare.

While some People Disliked the length and aspects of S2RP during the Inquisitor vs Cultist fight (which we could have won btw), I enjoyed it a ton too, even if the loss was a bit forced ( Badger running away and Raptorian letting Carling kill him). I especially enjoyed the part of my final stand against 3 of the Cultists and not only being a nuissance, but also hunting them, even if not killing. I liked going out like that.

I dunno the rest of the event, but apparently we lost so lol.

In the end tho I liked the event as a whole, it was mostly low pop, among other things, but I enjoyed it! 7.5 / 10
What the FUCK!!!
alright, on a real note since I feel like one of the main characters of the event should probably leave a.. actual review.

The rating.

To be straight, this event was a C- ranked event at best, no where close to the golden Frozen Tears or Holy Light(s2) or any other events I’ve played.

And.. I’m gonna be real, I really hated this event for its lack of people, lack of actual civilians and the overflow of political talks.. I honestly didn’t even *want* to be king during the last few moments of the event, it was very well; tiring to do, I’d log on the event and have to do a meeting where literally everyone would talk over themselves or actual chaos would break out, there was barely any room for genuine passive besides the first day or three, besides that i genuinely didn’t enjoy the event that much, it was really buggy and it lacked a lot that i really wished would have happened.

the entire event was just.. two houses that fought against cultists just for a single one to be standing, it made zero sense for some characters to join the cultists from a third person view as well..

When I said “I wish I was playing a bird right now” i literally meant that, being the king was NOT a fun role to play as at all for a role player.. at that it was stressful and annoying to play as the character.

I just, overall didn’t like playing in this event; sure it was a EVENT, a really big one and im grateful for a event like this to work but it just lacked a lot of constant roleplay on my end.

though, i do appreciate and applaud GB, CreekMando, Alessio and whoever else worked on the event, as none of this could have been done without them.

Overall, I did not like the event.
It lacked a lot on my end as a character and a player, was extremely buggy at times and did not encourage me to roleplay whatsoever during the second week due to everyone being in a house and lack of civilians.. anywhere.

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The "Of Fire and Sword" event was an extraordinary experience that truly brought history to life. The attention to detail in recreating the atmosphere of the period was impressive, from the authentic costumes to the immersive reenactments that transported us back in time. The organizers did a phenomenal job in blending education with entertainment, making it not just a showcase of historical battles but also a deep dive into the cultural and social aspects of the era. The passion and dedication of everyone involved, from the participants to the volunteers, were evident in every moment of the event.

What made "Of Fire and Sword" particularly special was the sense of community it fostered among attendees. The event was more than just a display of historical knowledge; it was a gathering of people who share a love for history and storytelling. The interactive exhibits and engaging presentations encouraged everyone to participate, making it a memorable and educational experience for all ages. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who worked tirelessly to make this event possible. It was truly a celebration of history, culture, and the human spirit.

Honestly guys, Bravo, SS, CT, Lore, you're all the G.O.A.T