Guide WN Credits Transactions Guide


WN Owner
Staff Member
Willard Management
Simple Credits Guide
How does the WN credit transaction system work?

There's two ways of sending credits, via a Citizen Terminal or via use of a POS Terminal item.​


Where are credits stored?
Credits (money) are stored on your personal Identity Card. The Identity card is your personal ID card containing your name, genetic description, credits and various data the Combine use to Identity you. Credits aren't physical money like in traditional hl2rp but is now digitalized on the card. Beware.. The combine keeps keen eyes on your monetary activities.


How do I view and send credits?
You'll be able to view your credit amount and send credits to other players via Citizen Terminals found throughout the combine controlled areas on the map.

1) Citizen Terminal
Check the picture above for reference - This is a Citizen Terminal, simply click E to access and you'll progress to the next stage.

2) Terminal Menu
A menu will pop up with multiple choices:
  1. Generic Data: Lets you view data about yourself, name, loyalist points, etc.
  2. Communion: Allows you direct messaging to Civil Administration, requires 160 loyalist points to access.
  3. Credits: Click on this button to access your credit amount.

3) Credit Amount
On this screen you'll see your total amount of credits stored on your active Identity Card. From here you're able to send credits to other players by clicking "Send Credits".

4) Send Credits
On this screen you're able to send credits to other players, you'll find to fill in their CID, the credit amount and click "send".
  1. CID: You can find your CID by hovering over Identity Cards, it'll appear in the description or ask the player you're sending credits to type /id. Their CID will then appear in the chat.
  2. Credit amount: Enter the credit amount you'd like to send off to the with the CID entered above.
  3. Click "Send" once you're ready. The receiving player will get a notification informing you've sent credits to them.


POS Terminal Item
If you're a shop owner you'll have access to the POS Terminal item allowing you easy access to request credits without a Citizen Terminal.

1) POS item
As long as you have a POS Terminal item in your inventory you'll be able to access its features. You may get one by contacting Civil Administration, they'll offer it to shop owners.

2) Binding
When binding the POS Terminal Item to your Identity Card, it tells the POS item to transfer requested credits to your card. If your Identity Card gets stolen beaware all requested credits still transfer to your old one. Contact Civil Protection if this happens and they'll give you a new card.

3) Request Credits
To request credits from someone using the POS Terminal simply follow:
  1. Look at the person you're about to request credits from
  2. Open your inventory, right click your POS item
  3. Click "Request credits"

4) Request Credit Amount
Once you've clicked "Request credits" a popup will appear asking how much you'd like to request. Once you've entered a number the receiving player will receive a popup asking to confirm or deny the request. If the player accepts they'll transfer credits over to you.


Credits purchase example
Above is an example of where you'd spend credits, you'll see a small union symbol representing "Credits". The above example is from the Bartering skill where you're able to purchase lots of combine regime friendly items for Credits.

  1. Credits are stored on your Identity Card
  2. You may view your credits via a Citizen Terminal
  3. You can send credits to other players via the Citizen Terminal
  4. You can use a POS Terminal item to easily request credits
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Oooh, not a great idea I'm afraid. Will ruin rebel economy.
Or maybe rebels could perhaps not be money grubbing merchants and instead actually be an organized militia that pools and assigns resources where needed like they should be?

oh dang I didn't notice how old this thread is, sorry for the necropost