Accepted ZeroPants Event Concept

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Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team
Steam Name & ID: ZeroPants STEAM_0:1:94990857
Discord Name & ID: ZeroPants#9511

Minimum two paragraph backstory on the concept:

Main idea:

"You work at one of four research bases located four miles below sea level, Research base Angler. You work in 15 day-long shifts, after that time is up the facility staff is rotated and you get to go back to the surface until your next shift.

It has been 18 days.

Usually, that wouldn't be something to be worried about, it's not the first time the sub has been late. The problem is that a few days ago ANGLER base lost contact with the other four bases. On its own ANGLER base isn't equipped with the necessary equipment needed to contact the surface. You and your crewmates are trapped 4 miles below sea level with no way to escape. You must either explore the depths in hopes of finding an answer or wait in hope that someone rescues you."

The event takes place in a deep-sea research base four miles below sea level, the players in the event would fill the roles of the various research base crew members, things such as engineers, researchers, and security officers. The plot would revolve around the crew of ANGLER station uncovering what happened to the other four bases while also trying to contact the surface.

Additional plot info:

There are four research bases:

Base SEDNA - The first of the thee auxiliary bases, it is used as a utility and storage base, this base does not house any crew. SEDNA base has access to a number of useful things, such as:

-Two Exploration drones, one is missing and the other is broken
-A crate filled with stunsticks
-A small communications tower located outside of the base, it is in need of repairs.

To get to SEDNA base, follow the red lights from VIPER base.

Base VIPER - The second auxiliary base, it is equipped with a fully functional medical ward, should a crew member from any of the other four stations get sick or injured, they are brought to base VIPER to recover. This base also houses a therapist should the pressure of being four miles below sea level get to you. VIPER base is located next to SEDNA and ANGLER base. To get to VIPER base, follow the GREEN lights from SEDNA or ANGLER base.

Base ANGLER - The largest of the four bases, ANGLER base is responsible for carrying out all research efforts. ANGLER base is equipped with a range of facilities, such as:

-A high-end research lab with storage containers capable of containing and preserving any specimens you come across.​
-A Security office with the ability to remotely lock down parts of the facility.​
-An Oxygen supply room (remember to replace the oxygen tanks every so often, they tend to run out pretty fast.​
-A small engineering lab connected to the oxygen supply room.​
-A communications tower, this tower is outdated and hasn't been used since the 90s, all communications to the surface is handled by GRALLATOR base now as they are equipped with a much stronger comms tower. This communications tower *could* be fixed up with some effort, but who knows if it would be capable of sending a message to the surface. There might not even be anyone listening.​
-A comms room capable of sending very basic transmissions to LANTERN station.​
-A moon pool with easy access to the depths.​
-A mess hall stocked with enough rations to last you a month or two.​

ANGLER base is located next to VIPER and LANTERN base. To get to ANGLER base, follow the WHITE lights from VIPER or LANTERN base.

Base LANTERN - The third auxiliary base, it is stocked with a good deal of provisions, should any of the other bases become inhabitable, the crew from those stations are to evacuate to LANTERN base, the food stock should be enough to last four people a month. This base is usually left uncrewed, it is checked up on every few days by a maintenance team. LANTERN base is located next to ANGLER and GRALLATOR base, to get to LANTERN base, follow the ORANGE lights from ANGLER or GRALLATOR base.

Base GRALLATOR - Base GRALLATOR is responsible for maintaining communications with the surface, this base is equipped with a top-of-the-line radio tower strong enough to reach the surface, should anything bad happen to the other bases GRALLATOR is used to call for help. GRALLATOR base is located next to LANTERN base. To get to GRALLATOR base, follow the BLUE lights from LANTERN base.


Facility Director:
The person tasked with managing the research base, they only hold authority over the base they are tasked with managing and have no authority over other research bases, (for example, the director for Angler base wouldn't have authority over Viper base). While they may appear important, there is always a bigger fish.

Head of Security: The head of security is responsible for managing the various security officers, they have the authority to call for lockdowns and can act as the base's second in command in times of crisis, they are the only person on the station granted access to a firearm.

Security Officer: A standard security officer equipped with a baton and a stun gun, they are only really needed when crewmate disputes get heated.

Engineer: One of the most important jobs for the base, Engineers are tasked with repairing any damaged or malfunctioning equipment, they are also tasked with replacing the base's oxygen supply ever so often so everyone in the base can stay alive.

Diver: They are tasked with exploring the depths, they must collect samples and photograph anything that would be of use to the research team, they are equipped with deep-sea diving gear, anyone that doesn't use the diving gear would pop under the intense pressure. All members of the base staff are trained in the use of Deep-sea diving gear in the event that a base needs to be evacuated.

Researcher: The main reason for the base's existence, they are tasked with researching and recording anything of importance found in the depths.

Chef: Responsible for cooking and preparing meals for the crew.

Some of these roles could be combined should we not have enough players to fill them, (researchers could double as divers or the head of security and facility director could be mixed)

Misc info and map:

I wanted to design an event around a map, the map for the event is gm_abyssalplain

The event would play out similar to a game of barotrauma and it would play on the same fears as that game does.


If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team.):

I would love to help as much as possible with this project

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?:

It could be, but it doesn't have to be, the event could take place during the cascade, as that would explain why the rescue submarine hasn't been sent, the surface would be too busy dealing with the xenains to rescue the research base crew.

Will this concept follow Willard’s Timeline?:

That is up to the creative team, it *could* fit in with the Willard timeline

Will this concept affect the mainserver?:

No, it would only affect the main server if characters from the event are allowed to carry onto the main server, however, that is unlikely.
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I was only waiting for someone to finally use this map. It has a great opportunity for RolePlay and maybe even more in the future, when they're going to update it, hopefully. Also, great concept for the event. It's very flexable, it can or cannot be in the HL2 universe, everything can happen. This map has a great atmosphere for a short horror story, especially with all of the background noises that happen from time to time.
I figured someone would suggest something with this map. I’ll take a look into this one after work.
Made an update, the mapmaker added some more stuff to the map, it appears as though the map has some more changes coming in the future
Damn this looks really cool, I would love to play this if it was accepted
the map is huge and there are tons of different locations to explore, I would want to give the players in the event enough time to explore the map, the problem is that finding these various locations would take time, we would either need to have the event take place over a few days or guide the players to the locations somehow, or we could just stick to the major locations and not do anything with the smaller locations (such as the giant fish bones or the altar)
the map is huge and there are tons of different locations to explore, I would want to give the players in the event enough time to explore the map, the problem is that finding these various locations would take time, we would either need to have the event take place over a few days or guide the players to the locations somehow, or we could just stick to the major locations and not do anything with the smaller locations (such as the giant fish bones or the altar)
It might suit better as a short stories series then a one-time event, in that case.
I see potential here. I’ll discuss this later with the others and come back with an answer.
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