Accepted Zeropants Short Story Submission

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Radio Bob Approved
Creative Team
Steam Name & ID: ZeroPants STEAM_0:1:94990857
Discord Name & ID: ZeroPants#9511

Minimum two paragraph backstory on the concept:

Main idea:

What happened to the people stuck in prisons when the cascade happened?

The story would take place in the San Quentin State prison in san Francisco, a large and notorious prison near the ocean. The players would play the roles of prisoners and prison staff.

The event would start off a little while before the cascade, giving players time to RP their lives in the prison before the cascade occurs. When the cascade occurs the outside of the prison would be thrown into disarray, and the prison would be left to fend for itself with no help from the outside. Supplies like food and ammunition would eventually run out and the spread of xenian life and portal storms would inevitably consume and destroy the prison as well as the rest of san Francisco. The Prisoners and prison staff could either work with or against each other to survive and escape the prison.

Phase 1, Prison, passive RP/S2RP:

This is the first part of the event, it takes place in the prison, starting a little before the cascade, the cascade will occur around the middle of the phase causing law and order in the prison to slowly break down as things become more chaotic. The middle of the phase would involve players working with or against each other, and the prison phase would end when players manage their escape.

Phase 2, Escape, PVE with some possible PVP:

This is the second part of the event that takes place outside of the prison, players would carry out their escape from the prison, but being outside of the prison would only be more dangerous, I don't want to spoil the methods of escape here, but there will be various different ways for the players to escape. The outside of the prison would be infested with xenian life, and the escapees would have to use the tools and weapons at their disposal to fight or flee their way to safety.

Phase 3, Ending, passive RP focused:

The final phase would focus more on Passive RP with the survivors of the escape, letting them talk and discuss what to do next after their escape, the event could end many different ways, though I don't want to spoil them on a public thread

Misc info:

The Prison is located in California or what will come to be the xenian malignance zone, meaning xenian life would be more more common during the event, and would be a much greater threat because of this.

San Quentin is a minimum and maximum security prison, players could play the roles of minor or major criminals in the prison

The prison was nicknamed "The Arena" by the prisoners due to its incredibly violent nature, The Arena might be a good name for the event


If your backstory does not cover the following questions, please answer them.

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team.):

I would really like to help out with the project as much as possible

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?:

Yes, it takes place at the start of the cascade

Will this concept follow Willard’s Timeline?:

It takes place in the Willard timeline, characters could possibly be carried over to the main server, should they live

Will this concept affect the mainserver?:

Only if anyone survives and is carried on to the main server, otherwise it will only have some very minor additions to the world map
We did a prison event in September, it's called Ceres: Off-World.
What happened in it?

The reason I wanted to do this event was to both to add to the lore, explaining what happened to prisons after the cascade, as well as to let players carry on their characters from the event to the main server
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i like the idea, it maybe similar to ceres (at least i think so. I wasn't apart of it) but it takes place in the old world so it could be like TWD but with aliens
@RedHotGinger As the lore nerd of Willard, is there anything about prisons already in lore or the map? Would character transfers be allowed to main sever if this event goes through?
The story would take place in the San Quentin State prison in san Francisco, a large and notorious prison near the ocean. The players would play the roles of prisoners and prison staff.
the cascade will occur around the middle of the phase causing law and order in the prison to slowly break down
The outside of the prison would be infested with xenian life, and the escapees would have to use the tools and weapons at their disposal to fight or flee their way to safety.

Going off of these, I think there is a bit of a timeline issue involved. The Cascade did not actually instantly cause complete chaos across the world and its effects were initially felt around the BM facility and a large surrounding area. Outside of this, things continued to be normal for some time. Things like the malignance slowly forming and spreading, rather than rapidly. The situation across the world got progressively worse until it capped out, but it never was a total rapid decline. (As in it didn't take days for things to fall apart)

If the timeline were to be moved up, it could possibly work better. But, the Malignance was and is a slow moving entity. One would have to intentionally remain put to get caught out by it. So, would probably have to feature those inside the prison simply being left behind during evacuation.
Going off of these, I think there is a bit of a timeline issue involved. The Cascade did not actually instantly cause complete chaos across the world and its effects were initially felt around the BM facility and a large surrounding area. Outside of this, things continued to be normal for some time. Things like the malignance slowly forming and spreading, rather than rapidly. The situation across the world got progressively worse until it capped out, but it never was a total rapid decline. (As in it didn't take days for things to fall apart)

If the timeline were to be moved up, it could possibly work better. But, the Malignance was and is a slow moving entity. One would have to intentionally remain put to get caught out by it. So, would probably have to feature those inside the prison simply being left behind during evacuation.
When could the event take place on the timeline?
I like the idea and I think we could rework it to fit the timeline. I don’t think prisoners would be able to be transferred to the main server though.
Prisons being one of the most secure facilities in the world would be almost impossible to breach. Unless you can teleport.


I love Stories taking place during the Storms so I would really love to see this as a short story.


Going off of these, I think there is a bit of a timeline issue involved. The Cascade did not actually instantly cause complete chaos across the world and its effects were initially felt around the BM facility and a large surrounding area. Outside of this, things continued to be normal for some time. Things like the malignance slowly forming and spreading, rather than rapidly. The situation across the world got progressively worse until it capped out, but it never was a total rapid decline. (As in it didn't take days for things to fall apart)

If the timeline were to be moved up, it could possibly work better. But, the Malignance was and is a slow moving entity. One would have to intentionally remain put to get caught out by it. So, would probably have to feature those inside the prison simply being left behind during evacuation.

I thought of two changes we could do

Option 1:

We could change the event takes place in a different prison, perhaps one that is located closer to black mesa / new mexico

There is a prison in close proximity to black mesa

(prison is somewhere on that red dot, specifically the prison is NM DOC - Penitentiary of New Mexico)

This is just a suggestion, we could still stick with san Quentin easily by changing when the event takes place

Option 2:

There is a three year period of time between the cascade and the seven-hour war, and the san Quentin prison is located in California

(the san quentin prison is located on the red dot)

The prison is still pretty close to black mesa, meaning the prison would likely end up bumping into some xen creatures no more than a month or two after the cascade, I would think

One other issue is that I have no idea what map would be used for the event
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My big thing is that you would have to consider why the poisoners hung around when the infestation was slowly but surely making its way over.

The easy answer to this may just be that they never had a choice, and rather than guards remaining, the prisoners were just left behind during the ongoing evacuations - cause who cares about a bunch of prisoners? Since then, they set up their own little society within its walls since going outside is more than a little dangerous. Armories were raided and the current 'guards' are little more than just some chaotic security squad setup to keep the surviving prisoners in line, underneath the current leading gang.

Don't know exactly when you would set it. would have to look into how long it would have taken the Malignance to spread to that area.
My big thing is that you would have to consider why the poisoners hung around when the infestation was slowly but surely making its way over.

The easy answer to this may just be that they never had a choice, and rather than guards remaining, the prisoners were just left behind during the ongoing evacuations - cause who cares about a bunch of prisoners? Since then, they set up their own little society within its walls since going outside is more than a little dangerous. Armories were raided and the current 'guards' are little more than just some chaotic security squad setup to keep the surviving prisoners in line, underneath the current leading gang.

Don't know exactly when you would set it. would have to look into how long it would have taken the Malignance to spread to that area.
how about we do a TWD style of it where survivors of the seven hour war stumble upon this place either after the war or during it. They came this place as their home until they are driven out by combine or portal storms. A whole community is set up and everything with a warden and i guess guards?
how about we do a TWD style of it where survivors of the seven hour war stumble upon this place either after the war or during it. They came this place as their home until they are driven out by combine or portal storms. A whole community is set up and everything with a warden and i guess guards?
Stop you're gonna get furious going off on a tangent agian
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