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  1. Craw

    House - Feedback

    I was drafted into playing a House Loyalist. Went Roman. Alessio wanted to call me a "Glowie" (what's does that mean) I went full OTA mode. 10/7
  2. Craw


  3. Craw


    ====================================================== =========================== MAGISTRATE SENTIUS CONSUS =========================== "During the reining years of The Roman Empires Emperor Trajan the Great, Sentius served within the Roman army during his youth, fighting against the soldiers...
  4. Craw

    Merry Chrimbus

    Merry Chrimbus
  5. Craw

    Your Brown Bread son

    Your Brown Bread son
  6. Craw

    Return of the king

    Return of the king
  7. Craw


  8. Craw

    Containment Breach - Day 2 Feedback

  9. Craw

    Hello Not Robert Bot

    Hello Not Robert Bot
  10. Craw


  11. Craw

    Containment Breach - Day 1 Feedback

    Oof...yeah alot of people from Europe may not be able to attend at that time
  12. Craw

    Denied Donavin Jones - Event Concept #9 - 'Stuck'

    Listen dude, I understand what you mean as the creative flow to create constant events has happened to me before. You gotta just stop and take one idea. Make a Google doc and make it detailed. Do some research and refine all the kins out so you know Exactly what you wanna do. One you believe it...
  13. Craw

    The Melee of Quarrytown - Day 2

    Was a great experience to work alongside The SS team on this. Really fun to GM as several Headcrabs, Seagulls, Sea Monsters and GNOME huge props to @Freudek and @Cengiz for all the work we did on both Day 1 & 2. And of course huge thanks to @Hayden for allowing me to GM in the first place
  14. Craw

    The Melee of Quarrytown - Day 1

    @Cengiz loves narrating people problems
  15. Craw


  16. Craw

    Remember Remember The Fifth of November

    Remember Remember The Fifth of November
  17. Craw

    The Melee of Quarrytown

    ================================================ "D-DOG" ================================================ "Dennis 'D-Dog' Wright is the town technician and Radio man of Quarrytown, spending his time tuning the radios across town to his secure frequencies so he can inform the everyday citizens...
  18. Craw

    Operation Darkest Hour

    Yeah...Vorts can't join the OSF
  19. Craw

    Accepted Lost Coast Chanties - Event Concept #1 - Old Habits

    Cool event and Idea. Might want to change the name though. We already had an event called Exodus
  20. Craw

    Under Red Skies - Day 6 Feedback Thread.

    I had a stroke trying to read this