Welcome to Willard Networks!

Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

Search results

  1. C


    David Kay - RPD SWAT ** 'Saint Michael, watch over us.' A pacifist. That's how David Kay began. His father was a priest in the local church in Los Angeles. His mother a school teacher. One could argue that David had the perfect upbringing. 'Thou shall not kill' His father drilled into his...
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    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    Got called out directly for disagreeing without commenting 💀 Okay. I disagreed because I played on multiple other servers where stuff like this keeps getting added to LEO organisations, basically it devolves down to 'My organisation is super special and so cool' and it's just a title without...
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    The Guardian: Only one will go to Paradise, claim the essence. Lex Denovo, Wagner man, CPs, and the Hope gang: Actual Feedback time: - It would have been nice to have something for the lost to do while trials were happening. Maybe The Traveller can give quests - It would have been better if...
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    I heard someone forcefully put one on your arm but idk
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    Galanga. Wheeeeeeee Actual feedback: The amount of effort put into this is unreal. The gameplay dynamics & what we need to do became apparent from reading notes scattered around. The soul coin mechanic I only understood after I died (thinking this was it). I like the NPC placement of...
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    - Section One - Steam Name: Cocohop Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:45979100 Discord Name & ID: Cocohop Timezone: BST - Section Two - Character name: Lex Denovo - The Paladin Character's role during life: Professional Rebel & Anti Citizen How did your character die: Engaged the Civil Protection during...
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    Settlements Expeditions - First Day - Feedback

    Resonance & Sailor on base 2 location. Real feedback time: OTA's second wave was too powerful for the weapons we have. We pretty much stood no chance & had to leave. First wave made sense, though! I don't think I have any negative feedback otherwise, the expedition seemed very cool although...
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    Settlements Expeditions - First Day - Feedback

    I love Cengiz so much Real feedback: The map was very well crafted, lovely atmosphere. I would have enjoyed more combat vs Combine (maybe the OTA/CP NPCs?), I think there was too much focus on Necrotic Combat. Overall easily 9/10 event, CANNOT wait for Day 2
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    A Half Life Story - The Seven Hours War

    It would be nice, I already have a character idea for it. We also have quite a few maps to choose from, either southside, union city, or this newly released NYC map by Fishke, incredibly detailed: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2925489145 Would play this 🙏
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    How to have fun as a citizen / How to write engaging citizen events

    Least morally corrupt loyalist player 💀
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    I am criminal 😈

    I am criminal 😈
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    Official Guide to Shoot To Roleplay (S2RP) - WIP

    Counter point: "/me tries to attack you from the back" "/me tries to notice you and dodge" "/looc you can't do that with 1 action" "/looc yes I can because if I see you I would dodge instinctively" "/looc no because 2 rolls so 2 actions" "/looc I would say it's 1 roll" "@admin come supervise...
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    Official Guide to Shoot To Roleplay (S2RP) - WIP

    If you thought CPs and Rebels making PK appeals on the tiniest of grounds was too much before and trying to void situations they lost in, just you wait till you add a huge subjective element to it. I don't envy the staff who have to enforce this, good luck to you guys.
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    Under Red Skies - Feedback thread!

    Got beheaded by 'Friend' Group. Bad first day
  15. C

    The cat update will be released on

    The cat update will be released on