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Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

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1. We literally just had an activity check not even a month ago.

2. We’re not gonna promote players who don’t deserve the rank. Activity doesn’t equal quality necessary to fulfill the standards of higher ranks.
What doesn't an activity check entail? Is it clicking the agree emote on the discord announcement? Or is it actually, seeing a players time in game? Players who don't deserve the rank, what is this a fortune 500 company that requires the best of the best? Bro this is hl2rp. Y'all should really give people a chance. If they fuck up, guess what. That is an RP level event. It's almost like you can't lose. Sure, you might get people like Xanth(no offense bro), a bit quirky but they have the spirit.
I've lived long enough to understand " We’re not gonna promote players who don’t deserve the rank." is a euphemism for nepotism. Because, I've said the same thing regarding people who I don't like from getting higher rank. I don't really care if y'all do that or not, I just want to see activity rise so rebels can do stuff.
Is this really a suggestion to fix an actual problem or just a way to get some weird badge of status for CP characters? Because these elitist subgroups always become some kind of cool-kids club with no real gain for everybody else.
What issue is this even trying to fix and how would it fix it? King squad was a stupid idea before and this is just sounds like a bad rehash.
Is this really a suggestion to fix an actual problem or just a way to get some weird badge of status for CP characters? Because these elitist subgroups always become some kind of cool-kids club with no real gain for everybody else.
What issue is this even trying to fix and how would it fix it? King squad was a stupid idea before and this is just sounds like a bad rehash.
it started a means to give CP characters an end goal besides retirement, death, or otherwise. I do have a rehash in order that lets units in squads to spec into sub specialties within their parent squad. To get “tabbed” in a sense and recognized for their personal abilities and accomplishments.

This is just a jumping off point for a complete overhaul proposal to how CPs get skill identifiers, medals, awards, skills, sub specialties etc. Right now this is just a Pilot program to add more fluff for CPs and thus give them a goal to aspire to or sub spec into. A squad focused on internal rp.

Do you have suggestions?
What doesn't an activity check entail? Is it clicking the agree emote on the discord announcement? Or is it actually, seeing a players time in game? Players who don't deserve the rank, what is this a fortune 500 company that requires the best of the best? Bro this is hl2rp. Y'all should really give people a chance. If they fuck up, guess what. That is an RP level event. It's almost like you can't lose. Sure, you might get people like Xanth(no offense bro), a bit quirky but they have the spirit.
I've lived long enough to understand " We’re not gonna promote players who don’t deserve the rank." is a euphemism for nepotism. Because, I've said the same thing regarding people who I don't like from getting higher rank. I don't really care if y'all do that or not, I just want to see activity rise so rebels can do stuff.
You’re assumin quite a bit in literally all of this. Yeah, I checked most of the players’ activities involved in the activity check. Alone. It took damn near a quarter of my day off just to do it.

I have my theories on why activity has dropped in recent time, but it’s all just speculation. I sure as hell know that promoting people won’t fix it, and for you to misinterpret what I said for nepotism is absolutely insane. There’s a bare minimum standard for people to join the Civil Protection. There’s also a bare minimum standard for people to get Rank Leader in the Civil Protection. Neither of these two are on the same level.
You’re assumin quite a bit in literally all of this. Yeah, I checked most of the players’ activities involved in the activity check. Alone. It took damn near a quarter of my day off just to do it.

I have my theories on why activity has dropped in recent time, but it’s all just speculation. I sure as hell know that promoting people won’t fix it, and for you to misinterpret what I said for nepotism is absolutely insane. There’s a bare minimum standard for people to join the Civil Protection. There’s also a bare minimum standard for people to get Rank Leader in the Civil Protection. Neither of these two are on the same level.
None of what I said was accusatory, I said it's a euphemism. Not what is actually going on. I could honestly care less. I am curious however, what are are the standards you are referring to?
Got called out directly for disagreeing without commenting 💀

Okay. I disagreed because I played on multiple other servers where stuff like this keeps getting added to LEO organisations, basically it devolves down to 'My organisation is super special and so cool' and it's just a title without really adding anything of use, in my opinion. Or in this case, a title and extra scripts.

Specialisations are cool IMO but we had them and they got removed, I don't know of the reason.

I'd prefer not to then see another thread weeks from now going 'Here's SWORD, a more elite unit than all of CPs and SHIELD and they even have larger biceps than OTA' and frankly that's what it seems like this is to me.

I don't play CP anymore, so feel free to disregard this comment.
Below I will state the reaction of the people who view this page. Disagree or Agree. I will note down the status of your query, should you write one. If you are disagreeing just to disagree. Then go away and touch grass.
Got called out directly for disagreeing without commenting 💀

Okay. I disagreed because I played on multiple other servers where stuff like this keeps getting added to LEO organisations, basically it devolves down to 'My organisation is super special and so cool' and it's just a title without really adding anything of use, in my opinion. Or in this case, a title and extra scripts.

Specialisations are cool IMO but we had them and they got removed, I don't know of the reason.

I'd prefer not to then see another thread weeks from now going 'Here's SWORD, a more elite unit than all of CPs and SHIELD and they even have larger biceps than OTA' and frankly that's what it seems like this is to me.

I don't play CP anymore, so feel free to disregard this comment.
Thanks bruv for giving an /actual non meme response/
As I have stated before. This is ultimarely the end game for CP characters. Veterans of the force. There is zero conversation on a hypothetical “elite” force that will be better than OTA since there is a clear line that was outlined to me by the Leads, and Because thats dumb.
Why would there be any veterans within civil protection? Sure, they would keep an amount to ensure that the command structure is maintained and the the new recruits are being processed, but any further, they would turn them into transhumans to not have their skills wasted. Civil Protection are just thugs basically, there to enforce order
Why would there be any veterans within civil protection? Sure, they would keep an amount to ensure that the command structure is maintained and the the new recruits are being processed, but any further, they would turn them into transhumans to not have their skills wasted. Civil Protection are just thugs basically, there to enforce order
There would exist Veterans because they have invaluable skills to teach to the new cops who would obviously lack experience and well, Basic skills. We already have an in lore reward for legitimate retirement which is implied to not happen in actual hl2 lore. So I believe without a shadow of a doubt that there would exist a program to allow officers to continue a long career in civil protection by giving them opportunities. Think of it like a Re-Enlistment bonus.

Transhumans, are not people. They are lobotomized humans that have everything stripped out of them that could be defined as "human" besides that of tactics and how to fire a weapon. In lore, its implied that they recruit from Civil Protection, which is why we on server have the CP to OTA program thing for an STC reward. Which I've seen a grand total of zero people take. Purely, in my mind atleast you can just apply for it and you don't play a "character" anymore.

This is a means to keep a character developed and not make them basically into an npc character with an Overwatch Soldier. This is from a gameplay standpoint because I don't see OTA holding friendly conversations as they RP getting chow. An opportunity for a CP to /progress/ as a Character and then continue their arc as they inevitably reach the apex of their career and move onto either becoming a Citizen, through the Emancipation Reward, or choose to be a Transhuman. Thus, concluding their character arc as a CP.

Its fluff to broaden how CPs can operate, and give them more opportunities as characters to develop and progress throughout their career rather than just a /charsetname i4 - i3.

As for the maintain order things, This is a video game and video games /should/ be fun. As dystopian and bleak HL2 lore is, I doubt it would make for great roleplay opportunities to stick to defined dogma. I mean, Willard basically is a MMO RPG at this point.

Good Concerns btw, I hope I answered them all to your liking.
Why would you further need to be hand held to create interesting characters? Do better and make characters have actual goals apart from bureaucratic progression. You don’t need to have your character become a RL to feel as if their story is complete. Use Civil Protection to diversity your collection of stories rather than stick to the cookie cutter i5 to RL progression. You don’t need to have all this convoluted shit to create good roleplay. You’ll just complicate an already complicated system.
There would exist Veterans because they have invaluable skills to teach to the new cops who would obviously lack experience and well, Basic skills. We already have an in lore reward for legitimate retirement which is implied to not happen in actual hl2 lore. So I believe without a shadow of a doubt that there would exist a program to allow officers to continue a long career in civil protection by giving them opportunities. Think of it like a Re-Enlistment bonus.
What skills? And i2 and i1 already sorta act as that 'veteran' status because that's what they actually are. Veterans. They lived long enough to know the job and handle most things as they've learned it from experience. It has always been their job and Rank Leaders to do training. Training is definitely lacking but I do notice a lot of advice given out at least between cops. Tips and such to know the ins and outs of daily directives and handling rebel activity. Pretty useful stuff and provides something at least.

This is a means to keep a character developed and not make them basically into an npc character with an Overwatch Soldier. This is from a gameplay standpoint because I don't see OTA holding friendly conversations as they RP getting chow. An opportunity for a CP to /progress/ as a Character and then continue their arc as they inevitably reach the apex of their career and move onto either becoming a Citizen, through the Emancipation Reward, or choose to be a Transhuman. Thus, concluding their character arc as a CP.
Progression is good but I don't see this as the way. It's a little convoluted and it'll only add as unnecessary bloat to the faction. And personally I find it a bit silly because I've seen this kind of 'specialized, elite, secret ops' suggestions before on several servers in the past. Just going to say they don't work out well or rather as intended. It has always usually attract a certain kind of player and it just turns into a cesspool of circle jerks. Something we really rather avoid.

I personally do think the faction should re-look at how squads work and possibly look into other things. But other than that, I don't think this will solve our activity or progression issue.

Honestly, personally. From my experience from being Rank Leader then dropped to i5 after my PK. Playing as i3 now, it's not so bad. I do at times feel to strive for a command position but only because I become so full of myself that I can do better when I see some i2 is doing something wrong in a sweep. But at the end of the day, it's fine. i3 is honestly the end-game for most Civil Protection players (at least for a while till a spot opens up). And it's not so bad. The only limit is your imagination. If you chose to just stand in a street, do patrols, attend shifts, et cetera. Of course you're gonna be bored. You're gonna feel like your character has no purpose. Because you're essentially doing nothing.
Why would you further need to be hand held to create interesting characters? Do better and make characters have actual goals apart from bureaucratic progression. You don’t need to have your character become a RL to feel as if their story is complete. Use Civil Protection to diversity your collection of stories rather than stick to the cookie cutter i5 to RL progression. You don’t need to have all this convoluted shit to create good roleplay. You’ll just complicate an already complicated system.
My point is, Civil Protection potentially lacks any sort of development besides choosing between the good cop, or the bad cop. The human, or the inhuman. I am suggesting this in conjunction with the leads because CPs should find the ingame opportunity to learn new things or have a new reward to gain in the end game instead of sticking to the cookie cutter i2-i1 phase.

Or for i3s, they gain greater responsibilities without holding a IC command role rather than just remaining static and stuck and stuck as /just another i3.
Complicated is a valid concern. But I don't see how complicated you think a i5 to RL system is. This is just segwaying into a secondary opportunity for CPs to chase rather than promotions. Gain skills to help them on the job through a centralized training structure.

What skills? And i2 and i1 already sorta act as that 'veteran' status because that's what they actually are. Veterans. They lived long enough to know the job and handle most things as they've learned it from experience. It has always been their job and Rank Leaders to do training. Training is definitely lacking but I do notice a lot of advice given out at least between cops. Tips and such to know the ins and outs of daily directives and handling rebel activity. Pretty useful stuff and provides something at least.

Progression is good but I don't see this as the way. It's a little convoluted and it'll only add as unnecessary bloat to the faction. And personally I find it a bit silly because I've seen this kind of 'specialized, elite, secret ops' suggestions before on several servers in the past. Just going to say they don't work out well or rather as intended. It has always usually attract a certain kind of player and it just turns into a cesspool of circle jerks. Something we really rather avoid.

I personally do think the faction should re-look at how squads work and possibly look into other things. But other than that, I don't think this will solve our activity or progression issue.

Honestly, personally. From my experience from being Rank Leader then dropped to i5 after my PK. Playing as i3 now, it's not so bad. I do at times feel to strive for a command position but only because I become so full of myself that I can do better when I see some i2 is doing something wrong in a sweep. But at the end of the day, it's fine. i3 is honestly the end-game for most Civil Protection players (at least for a while till a spot opens up). And it's not so bad. The only limit is your imagination. If you chose to just stand in a street, do patrols, attend shifts, et cetera. Of course you're gonna be bored. You're gonna feel like your character has no purpose. Because you're essentially doing nothing.

i2s and i1s aren't Veterans by any means. They are Squad and Team leaders, beyond that they may lack skills to help them be those team and squad leaders. They are just i3s granted command authority. Beyond that they are just as incomprehensible and as incompetent as they choose to be. I give you a point that an i1 acts more or less as a right hand man to a RL. But they are chosen based off merit and aren't typically as skilled.

SHIELD is proposed to be a primarily, both an late game award, and a squad for people to choose that primarily has Training, and Skill Certs as a primary directive for them. i4s and i3s can choose to directly transfer over. (I will make that change promptly.)

They are the teachers, the instructors, and if they come from a Feeder specialization, like UNION, HELIX, VICE, or XRAY. They are designated Veterans and Masters of their craft once they complete their specific feeder skill training.

The full intention of this isn't a elite exclusive group. Just people who are highly skilled in their profession and given a chance to teach others their skills. I may have to rephrase several paragraphs and entries to better support it.

I cannot control the activity of people. That is a question for the leads.
To state, I won't be jumping into the band wagon of what you feel may be the incoherent disagree spam. With that in mind, I will give you my thoughts analysis:

The Betrayers
In the very beginning of the Occupation, The first Civil Protection Officers were men and women who had served as Law Enforcement and former military officials drafted into the newfound organization. This first Generation of Officers had seen first hand how Civil Protection was created and how it evolved over the coming two decades. The 1st Generation of these units would be the backbone of how Civil Protection doctrine was created, and many of their number were mastermind over the first formations of fully outfitted CP Assets, from the ragtag and broken Civilian Police that existed as a stopgap to curb global chaos after the war To the specialized formations of Veterans that exist today.

Veteran units necessarily get shifted around often in the regime. Elite Protection Units, I will not lie, have been used as NPC threats and as considerations for implementation as actual characters in the past; however the key ingredient thing here is that EpUs are glorified Rank Leaders with an edge-complex. I will quote this from someone I knew years ago who was a CP Enthusiast / Hardliner to the core, and even mentioned this about EPUs:

"EPUs are practically engineered to have a low temper and patience. They're blood thirsty for the sake of being blood thirsty. If you're looking for Shock Troopers in a Beta-looking server for the Combine other than OTA - it'd be them. Otherwise, they'll serve little purpose than being walking anger management cops holding guns and would serve no purpose in HL2RP."

Those words, or those words there-alike, still ring with me today.

Anyway, imagine we put a hypothesis that this was accepted; how many people will change their backstory to say they're veterans from the Seven Hour War just to have potential future chance at becoming said faction? Why veterans, specifically? What constitutes a veteran? Why? We have a little bit of lore about what goes on with Civil Protection after the Seven Hour War and originally they are as you'd expect; military occupiers serving the state until the Eastern Uprisings occur a year or so later after the war. That's the grueling part of where Civil Protection started to become Civil Protection, because it takes some insanity to create insanity on a scale never seen.

I will admit - the origin story is nicely delivered. Would it suit City Twenty Four? Probably not, but I can see it probably serving somewhere else that isn't down to conventional use. It's a hyper-specialised force composed of something akin to what would rival that of Overwatch to a point where if they were ever introduced; there'd be no mercy given to anyone. It'd be a walking bloodbath for most RP scenario involving them. Doesn't sit right.

The Birth of the CPV
The Birth of the CPV began in the middle years of the occupation. Comprised mostly of seasoned Units all throughout the globe and including long Veterans from even before the 7 Hour War. The CPV was created as a means of a permanent feeder pipeline of CP Officers who, through great skill and cunning either surviving years of service, or as a reward for personal actions on the field. Units involved were extraordinarily skilled- long lived Veterans of the Global Spanning Law Enforcement force. They were the Veterans, the reliable, the skilled, the few.

See, your writing intrigues me. I don't think anyone disagrees that there's problems with the writing and that I'm inclined to stay on that hill and defend that because, in my head, it makes sense.


This whole concept is built around the idea of what keeps on being repeated; veterans. At any rate, every unit is essentially some form of veteran. We're roughly 15+ years into the occupation and Civil Protection is mostly composed of the same players. So would this be suited for City RP? The answer would be no, so what would they constitute other than being one of Mendelevius' videos of the unit getting shot in the side of the head by a revolver, only for it to ricochet? This is the energy I'm feeling.

The Purpose of the CPV and Feeder CPOS - Civil Protection Occupational Specialties
The Existence of the CPV and the purpose that they serve is primarily a extremely specialized role of Veterans, Technicals, and Discipline Masters. Serving Civil Protection as Drill Instructors, Political Commissars, Chaplains, Snipers, CQC Specialists, Weapon Engineers, Surgeons, Instructors, and when need be. Paragons of the very tenants and ideals of what the /perfect/ CP Officer should be. Stern, yet understanding, professional, yet humble. And whose loyalty is unbreakable. They are the "Tabbed" Officers. They, are the end goal to which every CP should strive to be.

CPV Exists in two sub variations. Those coming in through the feeder pipeline from the various squad formations in Civil Protection. And those who enter through direct appointment as a reward for long service. The two differing pipelines are outlined below.
I've came to a quick conclusion these are Mary Sues.

I hope every advisor in the Combine reads this and just discontinues OTA because reading this does make me put the idea in my head that you don't need anything else except these guys. The biggest issues with the whole post stems from this on a storyline perspective. We've already assumed they're going to be top-of-the-line, but this puts them past that level and we've gone from possibly overpowered cops in an EPU uniform to "An EPU with a god-complex as well."

We have the Civil Protection, the CCR and the OTA and ontop of that - Synths. Adding yet another layer I think will oversaturate the server with varying levels of threats that, if one deployment fails, disorganisation OOC occurs.

The big list of ranks and taglines.
CP Leads responded to that. If they're not keen, I can't help but probably nod my head to their assessments.

Basic Authorizations
-Squad Operational Command
- Authority over junior units not exceeding their Rank
- May pick from 4 of any of the above authorizations. They must pick (2) or less from any one Squad with a maximum of four total. For instance
+ Authorization to use a Radio Pack
+ Usage to use less than lethal implements
+ Foreign Language School
+ Authorization to use Body Armor

So anything that an i3+ can do on a CP already but with an additional command layer. I can already envision the massive arguments that occur because 'SHIELD' appeared and started barking as pocket Rank Leaders. Then an actual Rank Leader activates and then the SHIELD Rank Leader out-ranks the normal Rank Leader. There will be chaos.

I can't accept the suggestion but I will give these suggestions, instead:

Remake this, because we do have such a thing called "Canal Duty" and we do have a frontier which exists where SPECIALISED UNITS of this calibre may be sent, whether as an honourable or dishonourable relocation. You can either get the best, or the total worst shoved on the Frontier like in the American Wastes, Arabian Deserts, Asian Wastelands, etc etc... that's where I feel this would work best - but the way it's described makes it less than desirable and everyone is pointing that out. The Combine aren't anyone's friends and would simply use these people as a resource in the worst places possible to get results. Otherwise you're giving them far too much credibility and protection.

Keep them away from City RP. It's like mixing the Waffen SS in with the Wehrmacht / NKVD in the Red Army and they had a very terrible reputation of working together for... obvious reasons.

Thank you for the post, but I think your talents can be best served alternatively.
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