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Experience a next-level Half-Life 2 Roleplay experience. Taking inspiration from games such as Divinity Original Sin and Xcom 2. Featuring a completely overhauled combat system, gameplay and UI.

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  1. Black Flag


    PATRIOT Steam name: Black Flag Steam profile link or ID: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972338530/ Discord: Black Flag Name: Johnny Swave What useful skills do you have? Spittin' Brass and Grabbing Ass.
  2. Black Flag

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    None of what I said was accusatory, I said it's a euphemism. Not what is actually going on. I could honestly care less. I am curious however, what are are the standards you are referring to?
  3. Black Flag

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    What doesn't an activity check entail? Is it clicking the agree emote on the discord announcement? Or is it actually, seeing a players time in game? Players who don't deserve the rank, what is this a fortune 500 company that requires the best of the best? Bro this is hl2rp. Y'all should really...
  4. Black Flag

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    I don't know where this terminal i3 thing is coming from. For the past week there haven't been enough CP's to commit crimes(via /checkcrime). So, the theory that there are so many i3's that have zero direction is confusing for me. Maybe the CP leads should audit themselves to get rid of inactive...
  5. Black Flag

    Denied Formation HAZOP 'SHIELD'

    I don't know man. The whole legionary stuff is too on the nose. Combine wouldn't care about making special titles or positions for "exemplary work".
  6. Black Flag

    Official Willard Game Plan

  7. Black Flag

    Operation Blackjack

    Steam Name: Black Flag Discord Name & ID: Black Flag 2823 Timezone: EST Character Name: Robert Rogers Rank: e-2 MOS(If applicable): rifleman Backstory (Optional):
  8. Black Flag

    Fair warning I will be harassing you

    Fair warning I will be harassing you
  9. Black Flag


    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: Black Flag *Steam ID: N/A *Discord Name & ID: Black Flag #2823 *Timezone: EST(US) --- Section Two --- *Role you're applying for: OTA *Character Name: Dagger-2 *Brief summary of the character: Moon Base OTA soldier. *Why do you want to play this character?: I...
  10. Black Flag

    COLLAPSE. (18th September 2021)

    --- Section One --- *Steam Name: Black Flag *Steam ID: *Discord Name & ID: Black Flag 2823 *Timezone: EST --- Section Two --- *Character Name: SPEAR-3 *Brief summary of the character: Fighting with the rest of the soldiers with religious devotion during the downfall. *Why do you want to play...
  11. Black Flag

    The Rebel's Guide to Launching a Resistance

    Being a rebel is an ooc mindset these days. Go out when there are no CPs/low pop. Get rations, loot trash spawns, get what they need run back to the subway. Only chads go out during the day. Instead of fighting the combine, which you will loose. Ultimately. Why don’t you hurt them where it...
  12. Black Flag

    Why don’t you command and conquer some bitches

    Why don’t you command and conquer some bitches
  13. Black Flag


    -- Section One --- *Steam Name: Black Flag *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:34491447 *Discord Name & ID: Black Flag 2823 *Timezone: US EST --- Section Two --- *Are you applying for an event character?: Yes Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Overwatch Transhuman Arm...
  14. Black Flag

    DA VINKI?!

    DA VINKI?!
  15. Black Flag


  16. Black Flag

    Inshallah, this will be fun.

    Inshallah, this will be fun.