A important document found on various notice boards throughout the ship.


Radio Bob Approved
Staff Member
Server Council
Galunga Prince
Creative Team
*The notice is clearly written up on a typewriter of some form. Where in the "void" did someone find a typewriter? Never mind...*

I have been watching the conflict closely on the ship and I have come to the conclusion that as passive observer of all things related to this journey: that Wyatt is to be immediately removed as Captain and further appointments to this position will be considered impossible until after the next destination of this voyage. That is of course if the group returns to the ship after the next port-of-call and this group does not move on to somewhere else. I do not care about your conflicts if you move onwards from this ship. In his stead the position of "Provisional Captain" shall be created and given to Callum Wood. He shall lead you to the best of his abilities until a meeting can be called after the next destination regarding the status of Wyatt and if he or anyone else shall be appointed as Captain.

Furthermore, any continued discussion on the matter that Wyatt is not Wyatt must be concluded promptly. Such trivial arguments are at best conspiracy and at worst cause for violent action which will not be happening on this ship. If you wish to discuss this line of reasoning then it would be better suited for the argument to be directed at "what makes a individual?" and "if that individual is no longer in the same body is it the same individual?".

Finally, if there is any violent actions taken towards anyone on this ship. Then the individual that had taken the action shall be thrown overboard.

I would have preferred not to get involved with your petty human conflicts but you have all taken this a bit too far. It will be stopping for now and resume after the next destination.

Thank You.

- Gavorche
A sticky note is pasted onto the lower right hand corner of the page. It is written in marker.

Can we please not throw anyone overboard?
I'll begin construction on a brig if Gav needs
one, but please... don't throw anyone over-

*Another sticky note is placed below that sticky note. Written on the same typewriter...*

I am in agreeance with the human.

A brig shall be constructed for offenders. However, if there is deliberate intent to kill by any individuals then they shall be thrown overboard. Cutting the coil of anyone is always unacceptable.

- G
[A ripped piece of paper taped by the other notes shows the following]

Those who have training within the medical field, please write your name down on this paper or leave a stickynote. We need to make sure that we're prepped for the journey ahead, whenever it'll be.

-Hector Horheim.

P.S. We are in this together. Remember that the 'enemy' is those that took our home. What grudges you have towards others can be directed to me, and I'll my best to accommodate. Those who need need counseling may also reach me as well.

Onto the main meat of the topic...

A meeting is being established. It will be in the next 5 days regarding *Earth* time. This means- any watches, or shit that still have time on it, are advised to be used to keep track of the date or time.. as obviously, we're living in.. Space.

Everyone is expected to attend this first meeting...
This meeting will address the following;
A makeshift timezone will be made, and be effective immediately as the meeting ends. There's not point explaining it here. It will also mean we will have a makeshift 'calendar' made, for any dates. It will start on the 1st, and.. well, we'll cover it in the meeting.

Teams are being established- it's yet to be discussed but these may also include training / practice regimes, amongst other things.
We are no longer allowing for 'unarmed citizens' or 'inactive individuals', sorry folks, every head *has to count*. You will be issued a role if you can complete it. If you do not fall under any of the assigned categories, you are still expected to complete *jobs* or eventually take part in a group / training regime for your benefit. More will be covered, but expect;
Basic first aid,
Tactic training,
Fire-arm training for those who need it,
Leadership and initative skills,

And more. Training regimes will be run by different instructors. This are future plans, so they may take one or two weeks to plan out.

A notice board is going to be made. It will list off who is in charge of said groups and.. what not. Also, any jobs that need to be done, urgent updates, maintenance checks of the ship.. basic ship stuff, y'know? This will be the *INFORMATION* board, and must only be used for urgent things, or upcoming, important jobs. We don't want your squabbles or internal issues here. Or at all. Any sign of notes regarding those issues are to be torn down. I'm sorry. We can't deal with them right now.

One last thing.
Rules will be discussed in the meeting. I won't go into details but *going overboard* will be a thing. But obviously, we're going to establish a Court, and a Trials will be run. Going overboard is only applicable to serious threats to the team and their lives. A jail or similar thing may be made if it becomes persistent.

Thanks folks,
Callum Wood.

Spread the word regarding the meeting, please. And any issues regarding the time, come to me.

(( 9 PM BST, SUNDAY. ))
We are leaving the void.

We estimate that upon angle of attack and the speed we are traveling that will around the same time as the Callum Wood's notified meeting. This is somewhat useful to say the least as most the crew are likely to attend that meeting...

- Gavorche