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--- Section One ---
*Steam Name:

*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:

Emir Maxim
*Brief summary of the character:
A scientist at the outpost, who will do what he has to when shit goes down, and will side with whoever ‘benefits’ him the most.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to play a scientist character that isn't just a ‘pencil pusher’, someone smart but with an attitude.
Full Backstory (Optional):
Emir was a scientist that originally sided with the rebellion who spent his entire life moving between various labs, until he was captured by the Combine while relocating. They captured him and decided they could use his brains. Not having much choice in the matter and not being a real fighter, he accepted. He wasn't against working for the Combine, He didn't feel any remorse for leaving the rebellion behind, he was now content with his existence, studying what secrets lie beneath the ice.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
Tell us about yourself:

I like drawing, 3d modelling, playing games, and I’m interested in game development.
Are you new to Willard Networks?:
I’ve played on the main server a little bit, and I participated in the recent Barotrauma event.
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
I sometimes play other games with Processed_Grain and I’m somewhat familiar with a few of the others that played in the Barotrauma event.
What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
I enjoy the aesthetic, design, lore, and also appreciate half-life games for always being groundbreaking for their time.
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--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Dr. Archimedes Lysander
  • *Brief summary of the character: A pre-war Virologist, now BRI member, sent to the Arctics with the goal in mind of discovering whatever he can about what resides beneath the permafrost. While the job doesn't exactly entail plague-related matters, he has a sneaking suspicion that his pre-war smarts will come in handy during the mission.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Cool premise.
  • Full-ish Backstory (Optional): Archimedes Lysander graduated top-of-his classes somewhere in Germany, and eventually graduated with his degree in Virology. He quickly landed himself a position and proved himself a very valuable asset to the company in the short amount of time that he worked. After the Combine's occupation, he found his soul belonging to science, and enlisted for the BRI within City 36. He proved exceptional in the work and was chosen for the job to investigate the permafrost. If he manages to succeed, he feels like that'll be the big start to his inevitable career.

    Something seems off about the doctor, though.
  • *Steam Name: Dazor
  • *Steam ID: N/A
  • *Discord Name & ID: DavidM#3902
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Leonard Bulmers
  • *Brief summary of the character: Leonard has always been considered a man full of life and passion. Growing up in Scotland made the heights of academia accessible to all. From a lower-class family who struggled to provide for their children, Leonard relied on the social system to enable a decent quality of life. Free school meals encouraged a young and eager Leonard to spend the early hours of the morning in school studying. It was in this period Leonard found an interest in mathematics and physics making his progress through school much filled with ease all through high school and eventually his studies at university. For the following many years, Leonard developed his academic understanding having his name included in some of the leading books on mathematics and popular quantum physics publishings. However, Leonard was never a man to be locked away with his studies, he nurtured and enjoyed a vibrant social life that eventually led him to meet his wife who was a clerk under one of Leonard's fellow physicists. It was 'mere years after they both had their third child that the Combine invaded and even from the early days of occupation, Leonard was torn from his family and headhunted by underground Combine projects after his previous record was flagged when the Combine wiped through Earth's databases. Leonard was lucky enough to be kept in much of the best conditions offered to humans through many of the post-war years, it was only once Leonard became more disobedient to the Combine's more underhand projects that h was selected to relocate to one of the Combine's most isolated and suffering science outposts.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: It's been a long time since I've played and sort of science RP in the passive sense. It is different to the normal sort of eat-walk repeat that can become common on the server as the base foundation of passive RP. I think this server will offer the environment for engaging RP. Further, I always find myself applying to SS because of the interesting deviations in each event and find it inspiring new characters and RP for me on the main server.​
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