[Archived] Loyalist Collaboration 101

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Addendum: This guide will not be updated going forward. The introduction of the Security Council and any future changes will not be reflected. It is essentially archived. If anyone potentially wishes to acquire the thread in the future then I have no problem with that.

Loyalist Collaboration 101

A practical guide by Starless.

Social Credits:

These are the points you gain for doing worthwhile actions. If you have ever played another HL2RP server before then you can consider them to not be unlike Civic Deeds or Loyalist Points. They feed into the Collaboration system and act as an early filtration method to keep undesirables out of high society. Some incentives are provided to acquire these lucrative points, which act as a conditioning method to placate the population. The main methods of acquiring Social Credits are as follows:
    • - Being of use to the Combine City Administration in some way. This can involve acting as an informant, or simply being willing to lend a helping hand as required.
    • - Aiding Civil Protection in doing their duties or simply following their commands. This can range from reporting crimes and suspicious elements, to contraband reporting. They are even known to reward any requested community service. Simply ask them for something to do, especially if they are at a table waiting for people to approach for work.
    • - Attending Workshifts hosted by Combine organizations. The Bureau of Enlightenment and the Civil medical Union are capable of hosting workshifts, but the faction that mainly focuses on this is the Civil Workers Union. An auditory announcement is generally sent throughout the district when a Workshift is in need of participants, directing citizens to the Warehouse in Victory Square. Rewards are provided upon the work mandates completion.

The early Tiers 1-3:

The Social Credit system has the following Tiers:

Tier 1: 125 SC
Tier 2: 160 SC
Tier 3: 200 SC

The general view among the
Collaborators Party is Tier one to Tier three is little more than a point gathering phase. It is seen that these early stages reflect little of one's value to society, as anyone who simply works for a bit in a factory might acquire Social Credits with ease. These people are considered 'Supporters' more than Collaborators and are often treated as such. They tend to be disregarded and overlooked as just any other citizen. But upon one reaching Tier Three it does authorize one to be considered as a candidate for joining the Collaborators Party. This is the stage where politics start to come into play and knowing the right people and being of use to them becomes more valuable than any Credit Coupon might be.

Joining the Lower Collaborators Party:

This is where knowing the right people is key. Every member of the Combine Directorate is considered a Tier-Six Collaborator by virtue of their job. As a result these department heads are authorized to enable anyone's introduction into the Collaborators Party. Members of these organizations often have the easiest method of joining the party due to being in close proximity and often being valued by their respective department heads. If one has a good and active work-ethic and shows an eager willingness to abide by the Parties guidelines then it would be unlikely they would be refused introduction into the party.

However, If one is not a member of these organizations then they need to get creative and form some social connections.

Existing Tier-four members of the Party are able to 'vouch' for a Tier-Three Supporter. This process involves them arranging a meeting with a Tier-Six or Director on your behalf with you then being present. Both of you may plead your case, with the Tier-Four accepting social responsibility for any actions you may take to impress or otherwise bring shame to the party. It is no small thing to be blamed for vouching for a problematic element and if the person you vouch for turns out to be an anti-citizen then the spotlight will be on you. Multiple offences will lead to your expulsion, if the first was not enough cause. if your appeal impresses the petitioned Tier-Six then they may authorize your introduction to the party and have your status updated for you.

All availing perks will then be provided.

The introductory Tier 4:

Upon joining the Lower Party one is provided Tier-4 status and is considered something of a member on trial. The truth of this stage is it is considered in and of itself the final filtration method. While lucrative perks are afforded, few actually manage to ascend beyond this position. Members are watched closely for their associations and problematic elements may be expunged on a whim by any Tier 6 member. Healthy associations are required to remain viewed in a good light and one should always meet the parties bottom line with a full willingness to call out problematic individuals and ideals. This stage is all about making nice with others of your Tier, so that if one might rise you both will.

Behind closed doors Higher Party members maintain a fair bit of skepticism towards members of the lower party. Tier-Four members are viewed as potentially more dangerous than any slum dweller might be, as their associations are an unknown and their introduction was potentially one of flawed understanding by the vouching member. The thought that someone disloyal might make it to this stage is a frightening but not unlikely one. A Tier-Six might make nice and treat you warmly, but they do not inherently trust you.

This perception must change if one aspires to ascend further.

The Inspired Tier 5:

This is a fairly curated stage and one that can only be provided by a Tier-Six. It is largely considered the point where a party member may be more easily trusted and be considered an authentic supporter of the Combine's regime. This stage requires that one have the support of a Tier-Six Collaborator, which inevitably means you must be of value to them. This position is generally gained by members of Combine Organizations, who inevitably prove their worthiness through their duties and close proximity to their respective organizations Director. But that does not mean one cannot gain it as an unemployed Citizen.

Simply put you must find a Tier-Six and do all you can to prove useful to them. Being nice and stroking their ego is a good way to gain their favor, but to win their support is an ordeal in and of itself. The criteria largely depends on the individual in question, but generally an upper party member will be reluctant to simply hand Tier-five out to anyone they don't intimately know. The only exception to this would be gaining the support of another Tier-Five, or having Tier-Fours they trust vouch for you with praise. It is largely at their discretion whether you ever reach this stage and having the good word of someone guarantees little, unless they are someone this Tier-Six trusts unequivocally.
What is generally important is a Tier-Six knows you, or at least the side of you that you want them to see.

The criteria for ascending in the party only grows more difficult with the next stage.

The Elusive Tier 6:

The point at which a Citizen proves they have the Combines public interests at heart. Granted the ability to curate within the party and a degree of oversight towards it, this should prove no small feat to obtain. Only those who have the respect of the CCA can be granted this status. Put simply if one wants to reach it then either the Cities (Vice) Administrator needs to know you and approve it, or you need the CCA Directorate to hold a vote in your favor. If a majority of four Directors agree to support your ascension then you will be provided Priority-Citizen status. This is the stage where making nice with a Tier Six is not enough. The leadership of the city itself needs to be enamored with you, or at least be willing to approve your petition for their own reasons.

The best method of obtaining this elusive position is being an invaluable member of staff within a Combine Organization, aiding the active Director through thick and thin and gently encouraging them to preach your worth to the other Directors.

Unfortunately due to the intimate associations with City Leadership required for this task it is hard for an unemployed Citizen to gain the majority favor of the Directors, let alone the (vice) Administrator itself. But where there's a will there has to be a way. Charisma is a stat.


The Collaborators Party is really about presence and being noticed. Those who are content to remain in a certain Tier are more likely to stay there forever. The best way to earn your ascension early on is to seek it out. As for the later stages it is all about being useful, while also being recognized for it. You have to walk a fine line to ensure you are not being pushy about it. These are the people who can overlook the majority of the population as a statistic that can be sacrificed to keep everything in order. They want to pat each other on the back and talk about how good they are for choosing the needs of the species above their own wants and instinctual predispositions, while also sipping on champagne inside their luxury condos.

I hope this explanatory guide helped a little.
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What ever do you mean I think you are quite mistaken good sir, yes.
No, he's not. There was an announcement made on the Discord quite a while ago where it was made clear that tier 1/2 armbands and pins don't exist. It's only a thing because cop mains made them up and handed them out.
No, he's not. There was an announcement made on the Discord quite a while ago where it was made clear that tier 1/2 armbands and pins don't exist. It's only a thing because cop mains made them up and handed them out.
the joke was that they completely removed any mention of armbands and feigned ignorance to have included it in the first place.
We all know the true way of getting to T3 is alt-tabbing in the workshift line and playing other games while you wait for the workshift announcement. Then you can /me a few paragraphs and get back to the line after getting your juicy SC.

Sorry, these never work in long term:
- Being of use to the Combine City Administration in some way. This can involve acting as an informant, or simply being willing to lend a helping hand as required.
  • - Aiding Civil Protection in doing their duties or simply following their commands. This can range from reporting crimes and suspicious elements, to contraband reporting. They are even known to reward any requested community service. Simply ask them for something to do, especially if they are at a table waiting for people to approach for work.