Barotrauma (Twenty Leagues Under the Sea)


Content Creator


In an attempt to experiment and branch out (and to have some fun) we're hosting a Barotrauma RP server for an unspecified amount of time (until we sink probably).

Since the lore is going to be that of vanilla Barotrauma, there's nothing for me to add really, just that the size of the sub depends on the number of applications.

DATE - 26/08 - 28/08


No submarine can be ran by a man alone (unless you want to ride in the iron lung) pick a department and write up how your character got into that line of work. Remember that each department is split into officers and non-officers

1. Deck - This department is in charge of anything that isn't engineering. Navigation, Planning and expenses all fall under this department.

2. Engine - If it keeps the sub running, it's these guys that fixed it. Probably just within the last hour knowing the quality of the parts the deck buy them.

3. Security - Directly under the Captain, these lot are in charge of keeping everyone alive and in line


TBD (need a estimate of the number of players we'll get


Being quite a unique event, it's needed to go over a few things

Microphones are almost a requirement, I know we use text only in all other things, but I doubt we can make it work in this situation, you can always try however.

You can put on a accent to convince us that you are who you're roleplaying (and we will love you for it)

Sabotaging the sub for no reason will result in a ban


The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
    • *Do you own the game?:
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for:

*Character Name:
*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
*Why do you want to play this character?:
Full Backstory (Optional):

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life Barotrauma?:

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!
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--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:


*Character Name:

Sam the Security Man

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):

A rather obese man, he'd be bald, and have a bushy black mustache. He spoke with a British accent, and waddled around. Some wonder if his presence is the reason the submarine sinks so quickly.

See the source image

*Why do you want to play this character?:

I have never really played Barotrauma before, I do have the game, but it never really appealed as something for me to play alone. I want to play as my dream character, to bring a strong, hard willed security man to the team.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: My name is Kaffee, I am the co-manager of Short Stories. Everyday, I wonder to myself "Why is village elder higher than co-manager on the role list?". Maybe my question will be answered in this event.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a couple of people, I guess.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life Barotrauma?: I enjoy the gritty feel of it.
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--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for:
Engine (Chief Officer)
*Character Name: Jon Brunjes
*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
It had been 6 months since he dropped the drink and miraculously he had once again found employment upon a new submarine. With no family or friends really, he works for himself. Though the call of drink calls on him still.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to play in an event again :(
Full Backstory (Optional):


--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: My name's Fungle, I own the place (Short Stories)
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: No
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life Barotrauma?: The impending demise of all onboard
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
Bluellionaire Shiftset

*Steam ID:
Steam ID: 76561198155988671

*Discord Name & ID:
The Elites are blind, Arbiter#3873


*Do you own the game?:
Unfortunately, yes.

--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:


*Character Name:
Joseph "Mac" McPherson

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
An irish asshat who thinks he's better than everybody. Suffered an unfortunate accident at the hands of a raging mantis, loosing his voice entirely. Good thing the Coalition handicap bill exists, otherwise the submarine crew wouldn't hear his amazing textual inputs...

"Let's rev this sucka up, lads!"

*Why do you want to play this character?:

Engine seems like the only department I can go full text-chat. Also, engineers are the superior class. Kill your captain!​
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Translated_Iron
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:83615747
  • *Discord Name & ID: Translated_Iron#6666
  • *Timezone: CEST / GMT+2
  • *Do you own the game?: Yes.
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for:
*Character Name: Jack Wilde
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): Fresh from the university, a degree in philosophy in his pockets, Jack is hungry for adventure and a way to make a quick buck. He applies as an intern on a submarine on the distant Jupiter moon Europa which is looking for cheap labour. He deems acceptable to be the captain's coffee bringer and boy for everything, considering the pay. What would be an impossible entry wage on Earth for his kind of degree is a completely normal salary on Europa...
Without thinking twice he accepts, wondering why the pay was that good... if only he knew of the danger.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Roleplaying a naive, young, university student in the setting of Barotrauma seems extremely fun. Assistant is also my favourite class, being able to do everything and having the main task of supporting everyone else is right up my alley.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a very amateurish roleplayer called Translated_Iron :D
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, not really
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I've chatted with a few
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life Barotrauma?: The athmosphere and the extremely hostile environment that could strike or kill you at any moment. That you aren't safe anywhere, not even on your on ship.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Sachimii​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:148609479​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Sachimii#8451​
  • *Timezone: GMT
    • *Do you own the game?: Yes.​
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for:
Bridge (Medical Officer)
*Character Name: Hans Ludwig
*Brief summary of the character (be creative):

"When the crew of your rusted iron lung are under threat of being torn asunder by the next fucking mudraptor that claws its way between decks, 'professionalism' is a secondary standard against ability. I, my friend, provide plenty of ability."

A man with no formal medical education or licensing, he has worked many a submarine before this unfortunate rust-bucket. Strangely enough, they all seem to end in Calyx-related disasters. I am sure there is no connection.

Luckily for the captain, the pay is dirt-cheap. Unluckily for the captain, he is very particular about his methodology for treatment. I am sure there is nothing wrong with him. He is (probably) sane.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Barotrauma's medical system is a very fun one. Especially once you start getting creative with things. We'll need a medic aboard the ship, especially one that can get things done, but a little insanity lets me have some fun as well. Wacky funny experiments abound. (I promise I will not inject people with Calyx eggs that part of the backstory was a joke)

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Am Sachi. Server mentos and cat update enjoyer. I also play barotrauma because it's fun.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I have played the server for quite a few months now, and it's been fun. I've only been a part of 1 ss event so far.​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I come pre-programmed with knowledge of everyone. So yes.​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life Barotrauma?: You know that feeling you get when you see the roar signature of an endworm on the helm, and you know you only have a few seconds to prep before it's on you? That is my favourite thing about the game. That and drinking raw ethanol.​
Note: I no mic so expect a lot of ;r :)!!!
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: MAXYOURFRIEND
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:87834445
  • *Discord Name & ID: MAXYOURFRIEND#2992
  • *Timezone: CDT (GMT-5)
    • *Do you own the game?: Yes, I have almost 100 hours in it actually. Though I have spent very little of that doing serious RP.
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for:
Deck (Chief Officer)
*Character Name: Berengar Sykes
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): Berengar is one of the unlucky few of Europa as he was born on one of the stations of the planet. He has no dreams of an open sky or lush green fields since he has unfortunately never even seen them. His life has been station to station, submarine to submarine. He's able to do a bit of everything having even captained a couple of small subs, but when it comes to this time around he's chosen to stick to the "easier" job of the deck.
*Why do you want to play this character?: (EDITED SINCE BUNGLE TOLD ME THE RANK SYSTEM) I have a pretty decent idea of what needs doing on the day-to-day for the submarine, so I'd like to help out keeping everything organized on the ship while also being able to step in and help people if needed. Not to mention I think a sort of gruff and experienced officer character would just be fun to play!

Full Backstory (Optional):
"Anyone can hold the Helm when the sea is calm."

Berengar has seen a bit too much for his age, only being in his mid-twenties. Any off-worlder would likely assume him to be closer to his early forties, but his pre-mature aging is a result of the extreme stress one experiences when living their whole life in the dangerous oceans of Europa. Europa being the place that it is, Berengar considers the whole of the moon to be his home as his home station was likely destroyed or abandoned only a handful of months after his birth. He is begrudgingly loyal to the Europan Government due to being simply used to them, and believing the resistance to be too extreme in their methods to owe his support.

Berengar has spent most of his adult life working on the many submarines darting across the oceans keeping the economy of the moon alive. Anyone who bothers to talk to him could hear any number of his stories or the old sailor stories of terrifying creatures such as Charybdis and the Latcher, as well as the dangers of the Calyx eggs and the husks they create.

Berengar's "age" is catching up to him in the current time, with his experiences being enough for him to begin slowing down from a combination of old injuries and mental stress. He works the deck now, trying to keep everyone in line so that they can make it home. He prays that one day he'll make enough to finally settle in a station of his own, though such a dream on this planet is naive at best. He signed onto the current submarine with the goal of stockpiling his money, though he's lost essentially everything else he had due to his last submarine sinking, with himself barely escaping onto a passing sub that caught him on sonar.

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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • Processed Grain​
  • *Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:222027191S​
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • Processed Grain#7433​
  • *Timezone:
  • CST​
  • *Do you own the game?:
    • Yes, I own Barotrauma, have almost 150 hours, and have made several submarines ranging from Horrible to Somewhat usable.​
--- Section Two ---
*Department you're applying for:

Deck Department (Captain's Assistant preferably)

*Character Name:
Albert Harrison

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
Albert was born and raised in a colony belonging to the Children of the Honkmother. He joined the crew of a new submarine passing by and was put in charge of plotting courses in the seas of Europa for the captain.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Honkmother RP = Best RP. Everyone is trying to gun for Captain or Security, so I decided to gun for Clown Assistant.

Full Backstory (Optional):
Find out IC.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm Processed Grain and do gaming sometimes.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I have been playing for at least a few months by now.​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I play Sandbox with some people sometimes, that's all.​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life Barotrauma?: The prospect of having to work with your crew or face certain death is captivating to me.​
  • *Steam Name: Sasuga
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID: Kamilisha Haijulikani#7616
  • *Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
    • *Do you own the game?: Yes . I have twelve hours in-game, primarily with me as a traitor.
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for:

Engineering or Mechanical, whichever fits.

*Character Name:

Charles Zootopia


*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
Charles Zootopia is a down-on-his-luck born on one of the many habitable stations resting beneath the icy, cold ocean roof. Asserting himself from a young age, he eventually rose to the low-bearing qualifications required to become an engineer, joining one of many crews in the alien, hostile environment of Saturn's Europa moon. However, unknowing to others and even Charles at the time, these ocean journeys to the bottom of Europa's depths would have a long-lasting imprint on his mental health, a pressuring environment that differed immensely from the station floors he was so familiar with.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I've long been an advocate of a short-stories barotrauma session and would love to partake in it in some form or another. I really want to partake in one way or another. I know for sure that I'll be up to some minor antics then and there, so I want to play a moody character affected by the dark and alien environment around him that'll be able to justify some of his more egregious actions.

Full Backstory (Optional):

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: i partook in several SS beforehand. i own barotrauma, so i am instantly qualified for this game. i also have microphone, though my voice acting isn't the best, so i might not be able to sound totally realistic for the character i am trying to imitiate.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: heck no​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: yeah​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life Barotrauma?: Traitor mode.​
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*Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:167370961
  • *Discord Name & ID: codi#8889
  • *Timezone: BST
    • *Do you own the game?: Yes


of neptunian heritage
vessel command - security

HANS TRITON was born sometime before the present. His scope is unknown, the only discernible facts that his crew can make out are that he is, in some way, tied to the Io Mining Station-T2B accident, acting whilst under the Imperial Crescent.

A disgraced naval officer; Triton's military command of the space vessel Trappist came to a swift end upon his decision to obliterate civilian targets in the name of the House of Neptune. Trantor's family heritage, however, that of the Third Son of Colonel Prismus - the Fourth Commander of the Seventh Fleet of the Armada of Triton, had saved his life, although not his career.

Triton's existence is now confined to a lowly Europa submarine; one of many thousands mass produced from a colonisation effort decades prior, one that history had seemingly all but forgotten in an ocean that, thus far, has become a spaceborne grave of thousands.

Triton's heritage does not allow him to remain idle in a lowly Europan sub. It's something he feels above - it shouldn't be the Captain in charge, it should be him - he has the blood of Neptune's Moons coursing through his veins. His name was able to secure him a somewhat comfortable posting; a far off command position on some exploratory submarine - it's nothing like commanding the N.S.S. Trappist, or ferrying the Emperor of Neptune himself across the Kuiper Belt.

Triton's lost glory will be reclaimed, and he will return to Neptune.


I want to play this character because I like the story I've written for him, and I enjoy Barotrauma. I've played it a lot. I don't really care if he can't be a security officer; although I would prefer this. His backstory is fairly malleable. I would like to play in some form of command role, as the point of Triton is to reclaim his lost glory in the Neptunian navy; even if it requires giving the lives of other, lesser crewmen.

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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Ekrell

  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179035858

  • *Discord Name & ID: Ekrell#9249

  • *Timezone: GMT+2
    • *Do you own the game?: No, I have never played it and have no idea how the game operates (I am aware of all the goals and the general idea). I think it suits the character a lot, so hopefully, I'll get to hop in and experience my first hours with all of you. Do note that I played Space Station Thirteen quite a lot so the game mode shouldn't leave me that green.
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for: Security Rookie

*Character Name:

Leon Alterati


*Brief summary of the character (be creative): Leon is the third child of the overly rich and influential Alterati family. Being a jackass without any future in mind he wastes his family fortune. His older brother has enough and plots to kill him by sending him off on a deadly submarine mission.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I think it's a cool concept to conjoin my lack of knowledge about anything in the game with a character that's supposed to not know anything in the first place. It'll allow me to fully submerge in the discovering idea without the risk of accidentally turning out to be actually acquainted.

Full Backstory (Optional):

Leon is the third child of a very influential and rich family of Alterati, mainly focusing on shipping various rare ingredients, luxuries, and antiques from tropical islands and cut from societal norms places. Having no ambitions when compared to his older brother and sister, he became known as your typical overconfident, untouchable jackass. His older brother, finally having enough of the family's fortune spent on parties, plotted a plan to get rid of the boy. He nudged him towards the idea of becoming some unimaginable famous submarine captain. Lucas, being intoxicated by arrogance started complaining to his father to get him the position. Such titles don't come so easily though, even with millions of dollars at hand. That's when the brother came in for the rescue.

Why bother yourself with learning the basics, climbing up the marine ranks, and all that "boring stuff"? Real men take up the worst challenges up front and learn by making mistakes! The new exploration crew, going into the depths needed just the man that is Leon. His incredible charm and outstanding knowledge of avoiding work will surely bring him fame in no time. Just you wait, when they finally go back to the surface as heroes!

Getting the job needed but a symbolic amount of money. Of course, the best position, to begin with, would be security. Come now, they wouldn't accept him knowing that he has zero ideas of engineering, navigation, or even keeping the storage in check. And the best of members face the dangers first, so it's way more probable that he'll die on the first occasion. That's the entire idea, after all. One less jackass to worry about in the business.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I've been playing Divinity Original Sin 2 Game Master mode for a few years now, both as a player and the GM so roleplaying over voice chat isn't anything new to me. I also like frogs, they're cool yes.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope, I'm with ya for over a year now.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, I know a lot of people.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life Barotrauma?: You know things will go south at one point and everyone will be either loving or hating it, no questions asked. Roleplay potential here is huge, too!
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: General_Claw36
  • *Steam ID:
  • 76561199149030942​
  • *Discord Name & ID: General Craw419#9525
  • *Timezone: GMT+1
    • *Do you own the game?: Yes.
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for:
Deck (Janitor role preferably)

*Character Name:



*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A grumpy elderly man with a long story to tell. Even though he cannot speak, Scruffy is one to talk and complain weither it is about Paychecks, Safety, 401K plans etc. There is nothing he is happy about. He has ended up working in this backwater submarine due to several bad decisions...most of which involved Drinking...and Gambling.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Well...who wouldn't want to play a grumpy old Space Janitor. Honestly I always make these complex and unique characters in Short Stories so I decided to just relax and make a simple character for this one and I want to see how it plays out.

Full Backstory (Optional):

Born to a poor family on Europa in a large slum area built into the lower decks of an underwater submarine, Scruffy lived as an only child left with his Father who was a terrible gambler. One day when his father was in an intense gamble over twenty thousand credits where he lost and could not pay back the debt in cash...and so he decided the one sane solution to his money problem...Selling Scruffy as a Child Labourer to his opponent. That was the last time Scruffy ever saw his father before being shipped off the submarine towards his future working under for an Illegal Gambling rink where he grew up in, rising to a higher up Dealer in his mid 30s.

As time passed by Scruffy began to loose his footing in the group, drinking often and spilling secrets several times until the gang could not take it anymore as they gave Scrufy a severe punishment...They cut out his tongue as tk ensure he wouldn't say another word again. As revenge Scruffy decided to leak write down the locations of every illegal gambling rink on Europa that was connected to his gangs trade aswell as all the locations of their Submarine stashes to the Europan authorities...The gang did not take too kindly to this though. And suddenly Scruffy was being hunted down by several of the gangs enforcers before he escaped them, taking up a new Job as a Janitor in a Europan Security Vessel as to get away from his past in case it caught up with him.

--- Section One ---
  • Steam Name:
  • Foxy​
  • Steam ID:
  • 76561198070487739​
  • Discord Name & ID:
  • _Foxy_#6417​
  • Timezone:
  • PST​
  • Do you own the game?:
  • Yes, I have 155 Hours and have built multiple submarines that are of decent quality.​
--- Section Two ---

Department you're applying for:

Deck (Marine Biologist)
Character Name:
Axel A. Aaron
Brief summary of the character (be creative):
A Marine Biologist who is an expert on the creatures swimming in the waters of Europa, with a particular fascination for the Husk Parasite.
Why do you want to play this character?:
I think it would be fun to play some sort of fanatic-type character that's obsessed with the creatures on Europa, and is a little crazy...
Full Backstory (Optional):
Axel is Marine Biologist who came to Europa many years ago to study the life within. Axel became the leading expert on the subject and has proven to be a useful crew member on many voyages into the depths. He has transferred between many different outposts and submarines to see every part of the planet, Though he hasn't seen everything this planet has to offer. He continues to go on expeditions in order to document and study new life in the seemingly endless waters of Europa.
But you might want to watch yourself around him, the word around is that he "has a few screws loose", and supposedly has been seen communicating with members of The Church of The Husk.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I play video games and do 3D modeling.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • I've played a few times but never invested myself.​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • Processed_Grain and I play other games sometimes​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life Barotrauma?:
  • I like the intensity of it, where every moment you fear death and constantly have to avert disaster.​
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Alessiodoomboy
  • *Steam ID: 76561198355274960
  • *Discord Name & ID: AlessioDoomBoy#4859
  • *Timezone: BST
    • *Do you own the game?: Yes
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for:
*Character Name: Castral McClarin
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A less-than competent security guard who's extremely loose on the rules and quite cowardly.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Fun, mainly. Not great at barotrauma so I figured security felt like the easiest role.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Saint Jiub
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID: Saint Jiub#1191
  • British time zone IG it wouldnt let me post it in the timezone thing
  • *Timezone:
    • *Do you own the game?: Yeah
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for:
*Character Name: Ruairidh McCain
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A Chatty schizophrenic security guard with a crippling addiction to Opioids
*Why do you want to play this character?:
Never played with more than 4 people and its new ig

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I play Gmod
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not really
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Not really
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life Barotrauma?: Taking Morphine
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Fiery
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80074268
  • *Discord Name & ID: Fiery#1260
  • *Timezone: MST
    • *Do you own the game?: Yes
--- Section Two ---

*Department you're applying for:
Mid to high-ranking deck or security.
*Character Name: Aiden Swithun
*Brief summary of the character (be creative):

An experienced individual who served as a mercenary naval commander within a pioneering union dedicated to expanding human civilization further into Europa. The man has survived many eventful and hazardous days only due to well-planned execution of the task and superior equipment to any standard Europan weaponry.
*Why do you want to play this character?:

Hope I'm not too late to the part here, but I didn't receive any responses in the Short Stories Discord I decided it's better to be safe than sorry. I want to play this character to give some level of organization to the crew, I most certainly don't want to be on top, but an unorganized bunch is not going to last long. I also have genuine experience playing this game, having 487 hours, and I have successfully crewed and administrated a normal campaign all the way to the end of the game. While this is most certainly a role-play event, any NPCs, won't give a damn whether or not it is, and I can manage well-enough role-playing a character (as well as putting on an accent) to give a crew a fighting chance while role-playing simultaneously.