BEFORE Feedback Thread


The Hat of All Time
A True Citizen
(thanks for RAD-X for allowing me to use his format.)

Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events?
  • What did you least enjoy most about the events?
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you?
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?
  • Did you like your preferred role?
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future?
  • What do you not wish to see in the future?
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?
Section Four
  • Do you believe the ending is satisfying to you after all of the events you have participated in (even if you only participated for one or two events)?
  • Would you participate in other elements of specific event arcs again, based on our interpretation of the Half Life universe?
    • Do you have any suggestions if it is a yes?
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events? The docks/worker rp at the start followed by the chaos and news reports.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the events? The sheer amount of s2k/npc's and how fast we got assault rifles and such.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I like long events generally.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? Yeah.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? Fairly helpful.
  • Did you like your preferred role? Eh, I didn't mind it, It gave a unique perspective of feeling helpless at times in the grand scheme, Would've liked to of applied for Crane Op or Security.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? @Cloudbucket and the suit's definitely did a great job, Along with @Dej As the captain.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? More pre-occupation or early/seven hour war events.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? Less of us getting military grade weapons *Hate using this word* Right off the bat, Imo especially for a civilian group it should be a scarcity/luxury item that only a few people get atleast at the start, It makes you have to be more resourcefu/careful and not charge head forward like GI-JOE.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? 6/10
Section Four
  • Do you believe the ending is satisfying to you after all of the events you have participated in (even if you only participated for one or two events)?
  • Would you participate in other elements of specific event arcs again, based on our interpretation of the Half Life universe?
    • Do you have any suggestions if it is a yes?
In honesty, I'd expected a little more from the ending, Namely I'd figured we'd see more of a resolution as to what happened and who went where, But Understanding this may be an ongoing thing I get the open ending kind of.
Section One

  • What did you enjoy the most about the events?

  • The excitement and the general look at an idea of what the early days were like.

  • What did you least enjoy most about the events?

  • N/A (Maybe the enemies were a bit too overpowered but eh.)

  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?

  • The event run time was likeable, though it could have gone on for a bit longer.
Section Two

  • Was the starting time preferable for you?

  • Borderline, normally I'd have had work to do that i'd have preferred to do earlier but it is fine.

  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?

  • They were certainly helpful.

  • Did you like your preferred role?

  • Why of course! A humble dock worker is all I needed.

  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?

  • I'd say everyone did just as well, or is it just that I did not see anything in the ensuing chaos?
Section Three

  • What do you wish to see in the future?

  • Perhaps an epilogue? When the combine comes to the front door and show salvation, what happens to the squad?

  • What do you not wish to see in the future?

  • I do not have an opinion on this, maybe something too far distant from how it began.

  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?

  • I'd give the event a nine out of ten. Tremendously good work, team!
Section Four

  • Do you believe the ending is satisfying to you after all of the events you have participated in (even if you only participated for one or two events)?
The ending was an exciting yet somehow empty one, where did they go next to survive exactly? Why was the post-fight flight so short? But that does not matter, I am happy with whatever we received!

  • Would you participate in other elements of specific event arcs again, based on our interpretation of the Half Life universe?
Of course, whenever I have time to do so.
  • Do you have any suggestions if it is a yes?
  • I cannot think of anything that would make a good short story.

Love you all ❤️
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events? How it started as a normal day and quickly descended into utter chaos, it was really fun to experience the shock and horror of the resonance cascade from a perspective other than Gordon's and seeing everything just completely collapse around us was fantastic.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the events? The grunt guns and the controllers, they were incredibly infuriating to deal with and could wipe nearly all your health out in a matter of seconds if you on hit you from behind after being spawned in.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I really liked the length of the events, I would have liked it if we have spent a little longer before reaching the outpost on part 2 and thus stayed in the swamp for a bit more but that is a minor gripe.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? Yes, the events started and finished at very good times for me and caused no issues at all.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? They were very helpful
  • Did you like your preferred role? Yes, playing as a shifty, arrogant and self-serving businessman along with @Cloudbucket was the highlight of the event for me. We had some excellent RP together and with the other characters in my opinion.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? @Cloudbucket was a great co-investor to RP with, @Hiros Was amazing as Lupu, our fairly conflicted bodyguard and the security team plus as well did marvelously from what I saw. Special shoutout for whoever played Ola, she was a great character who opposed us.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? More of this kind of multi-part event where it starts out normal but something goes wrong. Be it the 7 hour war, the uprising or something else entirely. I also would really like to see some of the alternate history events as well, I am still annoyed I missed out on Coterminous so something similar to that would be great.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? Events where the focus is on SK2 combat and not RP. What we had here was a brilliant balance as combat should supplement the RP, not dominate it.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? 9/10
Section Four
  • Do you believe the ending is satisfying to you after all of the events you have participated in (even if you only participated for one or two events)? Yes, the ending was really good. Rushing to the outpost with just 18HP left was really exhilarating and our final run back there genuinely did feel tense and dramatic, and with people being cut down left right and center there were real stakes involved as well.
  • Would you participate in other elements of specific event arcs again, based on our interpretation of the Half Life universe? Definitely
    • Do you have any suggestions if it is a yes? I would love to see a continuation of this but set just before and during the 7 hour war, would be great to see how everyone's characters got on and let them go through hell one final time.
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events?

  • The hopeless setting, it constantly felt like everyone was close to dying (which they were), the threat of xenians felt real.

  • What did you least enjoy most about the events?

  • The grunts that use the hive hands, they were really annoying to fight.

  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for?

  • I wish the event lasted a little longer actually, perhaps it could be a series, I hope we get to see what happens to the characters during the seven hour war in a future event.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you?

  • Yeah, though I almost slept in and missed the first event.

  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful?

  • Helpful, when I needed directions to the bunker after reading the map they helped me out.

  • Did you like your preferred role?

  • Playing a soldier was a ton of fun, I hope I can do something like that in the future.

  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay?

  • Alecu Tamas @Dej was great as the Captain/Commander
We did pretty well considering there were only 3 soldiers but 5 were meant to show up.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future?

  • More prequel events, seeing exactly how bad the cascade was was really cool, I hope we get to see the seven hour war.

  • What do you not wish to see in the future?
I don't know, I've liked everything I've seen so far

In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety?
9/10 or 10/10, I had a ton of fun, the threat felt real, and it made me care about my character, it got me asking myself if it would be worth it to go out of the bunker to help evac a few more people or if I should just stay inside and live, I really like it when events give you the chance to make a choice like that.
Section Four
  • Do you believe the ending is satisfying to you after all of the events you have participated in (even if you only participated for one or two events)?
The ending was satisfying, though I wish I could know what happened afterwards with the vortigaunt, I hope we get an event like this in the future.
  • Would you participate in other elements of specific event arcs again, based on our interpretation of the Half Life universe?

  • Yes, I would
    • Do you have any suggestions if it is a yes?
More prequels, those can help make interesting characters that can be brought to the main server.
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events? The character development, there is something just so great about meeting a character for 3 seconds just to nearly die then all of a sudden you are blood relatives and much protect each other.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the events? I know it was probably a logical decision and maybe not what I'm going to label it as but here we go; the amount of ammo hoarding (During the second part I shot 31 rounds in total, 30 out of a minimi doing very little damage and 1 from a Mosin trying to kill a grunt) but this didn't ruin the event for me its just the bit I least enjoyed. The event was great overall
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I think the length was good personally, if anything just a tad short but I don't mind how long it went on for.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? Absolutely, while I had to sacrifice an Arma OP to play it the time itself was really good and worth it.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? didn't interact with them too much but I think helpful, all be it besides the point where U tried to pull a City 2 and rip my sleeves off to save a mans live before being patched in @ chat and having to watch the man die.
  • Did you like your preferred role? Yep! totally the right choice for me! The comradeship I gained with my fellow security men and the pain I felt when I lost Solomon and Petre were surreal!
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? I can't really pick out someone in particular I did like Craw's character, the old man who had to calm me down before I beat a Vort to death
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? I would be okay with a series carrying this story on (Otherwise I'll just see about getting my char into the main server via Char auths maybe)
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? An immense limit on ammo and people sucking in 16 boxes into their guns while people have zero bullets in theirs.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? I'd say about 8/10 there were some jank parts but I refuse to give a bad rating after being so emotionally dedicated to the event and survival (That damn vort survived off a hair length)
Section Four
  • Do you believe the ending is satisfying to you after all of the events you have participated in (even if you only participated for one or two events)? Very much so, it was just good to be alive after loosing many good people.
  • Would you participate in other elements of specific event arcs again, based on our interpretation of the Half Life universe? Without hesitation!
    • Do you have any suggestions if it is a yes? Not really, I do like the idea of doing one during the 7 hour war or just afterwards, But I'm not the best at writing, just an idea I heard being passed around!

    • Thanks for the event lads, it was very fun!
I really enjoyed the event. The action, the combat, all was great. I'd love to see more 7 Hour War/Portal storm events in the future.
Section One

  • What did you enjoy the most about the events? The roleplay in the first part and the introduction to the resonance cascade was an exciting thing to witness. YOU WANT FISH? Also the special effects were nice.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the events? The second part was fine and all but seemed weak in some areas. I would've preferred a bit more if we continued our trait of the first run. Where weapons and ammo were hard to come by and we all felt weak.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? I believe it was a fine length with fantastic pacing.
Section Two

  • Was the starting time preferable for you? Yes it was!
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? They were very helpful
  • Did you like your preferred role? I enjoyed it very much.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? @Darth Vader was an amazing investor to be with. As for others @Hiros was amazing as our bodyguard, who through the first part was dedicated to us. But in the second part he came to be conflicted with us.
Some other honorable mentions are:
Security Captain who played a Security Guard very well.
Ola who disliked the Investors a lot.
The Chinese man who proved to be a nice background character.
Section Three

  • What do you wish to see in the future? I wish to see more roleplay placed between action (more so in the 2nd part). And more quality events like this.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? Anything focused on s2k.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? 8.5/10 With a good first part which was fun and interesting to get into. However it fell a little bit on the second part which I feel didn't have as much depth (although moments were created between characters during the time)
Section Four

  • Do you believe the ending is satisfying to you after all of the events you have participated in (even if you only participated for one or two events)? I think it would've been nice to see some people left behind. Or a helicopter getting shot down or something. The ending felt to heroic and full of plot armor while just moments ago choppers were getting knocked out of the sky every second.
  • Would you participate in other elements of specific event arcs again, based on our interpretation of the Half Life universe?For sure. This was an epic tale.
    • Do you have any suggestions if it is a yes? N/A
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events? Really enjoyed the roleplay before and the lead-up to the Resonance Cascade, watching as military convoys rode past to wherever they were needed was a cool sight. I also enjoyed the small moments of respite when we were able to get to relative safety.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the events? I understand it's a difficult situation with high stakes but the damage and tracking on some npcs used, namely the grunts and controllers was a bit too much in my opinion.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? It was the perfect length for me.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? Very much so.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? I didn't have much interaction with them but one offered to assist me when they thought I got lost during the initial cascade, so I'll say they were.
  • Did you like your preferred role? Security was very enjoyable, yes.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? More events based during the resonance cascade would be nice, perhaps a continuation that elaborates on what happened to our characters a bit more.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? Events that focus on S2K and combat instead of PassiveRP.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? 8/10
Section Four
  • Do you believe the ending is satisfying to you after all of the events you have participated in (even if you only participated for one or two events)? Like I said above it'd be nice to know what happened after we boarded the helicopters but the mad dash back to the HQ and final holdout while awaiting the helicopters arrival was great.
  • Would you participate in other elements of specific event arcs again, based on our interpretation of the Half Life universe? Absolutely.
    • Do you have any suggestions if it is a yes? N/A.
Section One
  • What did you enjoy the most about the events? - The intro with the dock RP, honestly fun as fuck getting some poor fishermen off of the dock and throwing his radio off the side. Along with the slowly building worry in the workers with the Military planes and news broadcasts which all slowly led up into the invasion.
  • What did you least enjoy most about the events? - The OP-ness of the second part, while it was fun it would've been cooler to continue with the whole 'week and running' thing. Along with the lack of any true resting points. It would've been badass to see some more longer resting spots for people to fully process the recent events. Along with a small break from the S2K.
  • Did you / did you not like how long the event lasted for? - I think it lasted for a good amount of time, short enough to be fun but not overly long.
Section Two
  • Was the starting time preferable for you? - Yes very. On a weekday + mid-day, literally perfect.
  • Were the Event's Staff helpful or unhelpful? - From what I saw they were very.
  • Did you like your preferred role? - Yes being a dock worker was just 10/10 amazing.
  • Who do you believe excelled in their position in the roleplay? - The Dock Manager, literal scumbag. They were great.
Section Three
  • What do you wish to see in the future? - A few more longer resting spots, and a little nerf of the everyone being OP.
  • What do you not wish to see in the future? - Again, every player being OP.
  • In an honest opinion, how would you rate the event in its entirety? - Overall. It was great, most fun I've had in a loooooong ass time. Though it did have a few flaws it was honestly very-very despite that. I would rate it a 9/10. I think the choice of maps, player models, interesting and cool setting, were all just really well and I think really fit the theme. Along with the NPCs, awww those too they were just perfect. I really like that massive boid during when the group was moving to the lighthouse, honestly scary.
Section Four
  • Do you believe the ending is satisfying to you after all of the events you have participated in (even if you only participated for one or two events)? - I do, the final mad dash to escape was really well made and fun.
  • Would you participate in other elements of specific event arcs again, based on our interpretation of the Half Life universe? - YES.
    • Do you have any suggestions if it is a yes? - None.