Announcement Beta #2 - "The Forgotten Settlement" - 25.06.2021


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Willard Management


District Forty-Seven suffered at the hands of a critical outbreak of a Xenian malignance cluster, and with the Combine’s total rendition of the entire District of its previous inhabitants, a full year had passed since the silence became somewhat indefinite. That was until the recent efforts made by the highly secretive Combine’s Logistical Committee to oversee the reconstruction of the entire settlement began, one year after the incursion. A new force of industrial workers from across all of Sector Seventeen have been translocated to the District Forty-Seven premises, now seemingly urbanised far more additionally than its previous counterpart. Under direct order from Global Administrator Wallace Breen; the newly appointed District Administrator - Kennedy Snyder, is tasked with bringing order and stability to the once fallen district which, under his “good authority”, will ensure District Forty-Seven will “rise from the ashes”.

The organised forces of the Sector Seventeen Overwatch are hard pressed to cleanse the region of all foreign contaminants with the assistance of the industrial workforce sent to conduct the repairs necessary. Multiple threats lurk below and beyond the barricades to which the infestation has entirely solidified. Tensions are currently high, and work must be done.

Gloomy & charming

Character development

We have also decided to turn the table with character development within this period - to which we wish to give the players the opportunity to keep their event character into the main server. Given the event's details, you don't keep what's given to you on that character when prescribed, for the Combine will surely crack down on the population. For what it is worth, it is all "the benefactor's property" in the end...

You may keep the character and continue their story on the main server (set 2 years later ICly) but you may not keep any items, money, skills, attributes, etc.

Event info

This will be our final BETA before we officially launch the server. The BETA will last 2 weeks and although it is primarily an event focused setting we aim to keep RP conditions as close to the main server as possible. We hope to gain insight into the economy mechanics over a 2 week time period as well as feedback on the skills. This is also an excellent opportunity for factions to practice and test their systems before launch.

We recommend you install CS:GO for Garry's Mod for this event or use our optional CS:GO pack, we're using a lot of props from that game for this event.

The beta is set to launch friday 25th. June and we hope you'll enjoy it!


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wait so is this gonna have actual RP in it? cause this doesn't make sense to me, is it just to test the server but this time it's RP? or are we still doing what we did in the first test which was no RP and could test anything out no matter what?
wait so is this gonna have actual RP in it? cause this doesn't make sense to me, is it just to test the server but this time it's RP? or are we still doing what we did in the first test which was no RP and could test anything out no matter what?
So while we did have our test run for roughly a day as you remember, this will be a full two week HL2RP experience and not related to anything formed or undertaken previously. This is to see if everything is as ready can be within the actual environment we are all here to play in - the reason Willard as a community exists. A two week simulation combined with an event will give all players the benefit of keeping their characters created during this process to which will be within the Serious Roleplaying environment we surely anticipate.

I hope this clarifies it for you, King.
So while we did have our test run for roughly a day as you remember, this will be a full two week HL2RP experience and not related to anything formed or undertaken previously. This is to see if everything is as ready can be within the actual environment we are all here to play in - the reason Willard as a community exists. A two week simulation combined with an event will give all players the benefit of keeping their characters created during this process to which will be within the Serious Roleplaying environment we surely anticipate.

I hope this clarifies it for you, King.
Ok, but none of this progress and story will cross over to the official release, right?
Ok, but none of this progress and story will cross over to the official release, right?
The story will carry over but not items, skills, etc. So you may re-introduce the same character keeping all the stories / whitelists you gain from the BETA at launch