Blood on the Sands

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Blood on the Sands


"The serpents of the N.R.A.U will be crushed by the might of our legions! Egypt rises again!"
-Extract from Administrator Salah's declaration of war on the N.R.A.U, 2018

City 40 is at war

Other cities starve

Blood stains the dunes as Ramesses' legions clash against a hasty coalition of rebels

As the fighting rages on, an elite unit has struck deep into the Agri-zone

Their actions will decide the fate of mankind

The situation has grown dire for the combine, not due to mankind, but due to the environment which they had once ruled over. While at the end of the day the benefactors care little for a handful of starving citizens, the ministers understand that this is more important then a few undesirables. Something much more important in on the line. Their heads.

This is a situation they are driven to solve, each city in the affected area sending support to the land of the pharos. All in an effort to reclaim it for their own, and drive out the false prophet Moses.
-This event is taking place on the 28th till the end of the weekend

-You can choose what side you will support, the NRAU or the Combine

-The consequences of your actions WILL affect the main server


-The chance of us accepting a application drastically goes up with effort put into the application, though this doesn't mean we want as many words as possible.

-For the MAA, you can choose which city your character comes from


Son of Amun-Ra
The overall commander of the Combine forces, a veteran leader personally picked by Ramesses to act as his representative

MAA Officers
The very best officers within the MAA, handpicked for their superb combat skills and veteran status

Cannon fodder of the combine


Leader of the N.R.A.U and the Combine's target

N.R.A.U Directors
High ranking members of the N.R.A.U, they are secondary targets after Moses

N.R.A.U Workers
Workers within the N.R.A.U, they have been forced to pick up a gun to defend themselves against Ramesses' invasion

Vortigaunt Elder
Leader of the local tribe of free Vortigaunts, an important target for Combine

Free Vortigaunts who have allied with the N.R.A.U against their mutual enemy, the Combine


The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Character Role:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory:
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
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Reading music

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
  • *Steam ID: (I give up getting it its to much of a hassle)
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Reem Ali
  • *Character Role: NRAU worker
  • *Brief summary of the character: Reem Ali is a 37 year old Egyptian man who's voice is very deep.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I love attending short stories events, they are fun. And I had my eyes on this event when it was suggested a while back and did wanna attend this one since it looked awesome.
  • Full Backstory: Reem Ali was born in 1981 in a poor family in Naser(Bush), funnily enough, in the region of the NRAU now, in 1989 his family was able to pay for his school education all be late. He wanted in quote "Wanted to be a health man!", so he went on in the medical career. in 1998 life went in a downward spiral and his life went into massive amount of poverty, then in 1999 he went homeless and resorted to crime and participating in protests for better living conditions. 2001-2004 was probably as worse as it ever got for him and others, not much happened other then him looting and hiding and defending himself. 2007 was a interesting year for him, he had found what he thought was "paradise!", when allowed in City-40 he lived a pretty normal life and easy life, some would say this would've been a better life for him, then he met the oppressive nature of the combine of constant beatings, belittlement, and massive amount of hostility. in 2011 his wife was killed during a sweep of a housing block, which only filled his anger and hatred towards the combine, in quote "The combine are nearly the same as the old Egyptian government!". Then the faithful day of 2017, he would see himself joining an active rebellion with the NRAU against the oppressive state of the combine in city-40. He in quote "Will die for the NRAU, I will live for the NRAU!", with a weapon in hand, he is on the lines of war against the very thing that took over earth in 7 hours.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: ZeroPants
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94990857
  • *Discord Name & ID: ZeroPants#9511
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Jabare Ben Amun
  • *Character Role: MAA Officer
  • *Brief summary of the character: Jabare is a brainwashed Echelon graduate that blindly follows the combine. Despite being brainwashed he is still very skilled, having been taught tons of valuable information during his time in the Echelon program.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I want to try my hand at playing a military character
  • Full Backstory: Born soon before the cascade, Jabare never truly knew what the old world was like, only having faint memories of his family and life during the cascade. After the combine invaded he was taken from his family and put into the 'Echelon program', this program was designed to educate and brainwash children and teens. Jabare was raised never to question the administration, blindly following everything he was taught. His good grades had him placed in the MAA's 125th 'Green' Brigade as an officer.
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  • *Steam Name: culture​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:160134462​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Culture#3240​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Mahmoud Moustafa Al-Ali​
  • *Character Role: MAA Officer​
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • Al-Ali is a fighter with honour and discipline in mind. He will not let his life be taken from his hands from the traitorous N.R.A.U. He is determined to ensure blood is spilled on these lands, with men at his command and with the support of Our Benefactors, no more shall resistance be in this region.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I'd never played in a City 40 event before so I believe this would be interesting for me. I can RP very well but I lack creativity, so it takes a bit for my mind to get to the good parts.​
  • Full Backstory:
  • Born in 1966, Al-Ali was brought up in the city of Qena to his two parents. After his childhood had ended, he sought out a military career as he wanted to protect his country, he is very patriotic. After being discharged from the military since several years, having underwent extensive training, he worked a desk job at a textile company shortly before the world was invaded by the Combine. Having survived the 7 Hour War with his relatives all gone, he, like every other citizen was relocated and to Cairo, City 40. There he was heavily indoctrinated and initially disagreed with the motives of the Combine, and his mind now eliminated of any ill-thinking, he begun hard work as a citizen to get to the upper class of the regime. Now a MAA officer, his memories left him. Now, he serves his new occupiers, and has his future ahead of him. Fueled by hate and patriotism, he is a force to be reckoned with.​
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--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Suspicious Banjo Music
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:49381279
  • *Discord Name & ID: What?#2406
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Aleksander Wreath
  • *Character Role: MAA Vexillum
  • *Brief summary of the character: A veteran MAA soldier and now the field commander of the 24th Division.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Because simply, his unit is to be shipped out to city 40 by his superiors.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Raised in his simple life within some irrelevant Bulgarian village, Wreath actually began his experience in the military by serving in his country's mandatory service program, leaving it before the invasion of the Union. From there he lived in city 17, soon moving to 24 only to sign up as he was called for service by the MAA for the campaign in city 2. Beginning his militant career within the 103rd "Antlion" division, Wreath was placed as the leader of a squad after his training. He ended up being the one surviving nominal from his battalion after the disastrous "London Bridge" operation. Returning home, and keeping to himself as a shop manager, he eventually returned to serving within the MAA. Taking over command of the mismanaged 24th "Soldat" division and securing them a place to train. Now his unit is to be prematurely deployed to the east, to fight for the future of the city.

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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: 0xNiklas
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:424935776
  • *Discord Name & ID: 0xNiklas#5967
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Sven Aalto
  • *Character Role: MAA Constituent
  • *Brief summary of the character: Former ISOCF Member and short-while 24th Commander, demoted because of Injuries and accidents.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Simply said, a Soldier being ordered to fight for the Combines
  • Full Backstory: Born in Helsinki in Finnland, he studied Politics and Social-sciences, but never found a job still graduted though. He joined the ISOCF and became after Legion the Commander and after the creation of the MAA, he became the Commander of it, but it went all down in Chaos and mismanaged it somewhat until Aleksander Wreath replaced him. He isn't mad about it though. Now he is a Soldier of the 24th like usual and fights when he is getting ordered.

    "I hate this, why did I join"


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--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Stupid Void Fennec
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:15988465
  • *Discord Name & ID: Kate The Fox#3643
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Alice Chamberlain
  • *Character Role: MAA Soldier
  • *Brief summary of the character: A standard MAA Soldier
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Part of the unit being shipped out with the Vex
  • Full Backstory:
    Run of the mill girl who grew up on the farm in rural Poland, she typically never really strayed far outside of guidance from her father. She grew up learning how to tend the various farm animals they had; goats, sheep, cows, chickens. At her early teens instead of really spending her time with her friends, she typically was taught how to handle a firearm by her father, whom taught her to track and kill predators attempting to snack on the farm's population. Her proficiency in tracking was learned over several years, primarily through need to maintain a life out in the sticks; Regardless of this she thrived on her home turf. Her social life however never really did get to the point her preformance on the farm did; after all, you cant be a jack of all trades now can you? Her chosen skills once again out of necessity, was more or less in her tracking and hunting. Eventually though the portal storms ravaged the lands, rendering her a few skilled kills in the form of a bullsquid, and a few xenian parasites otherwise known as headcrabs. However it wasn't exactly enough, her efforts thrown in vein as the creatures killed off her farm animals, her father far too sickly to do these things anymore, passed in his bed during this, leaving her to fend for herself. To where she was rounded up post invasion with many others, eventually making her way to city 24, and in service of the MAA.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I am me
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes quite a few people
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I find intrest in the technology and adaption of the human race during times of strife. Half life has lots of that. Science fiction yo.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: DankeNerd
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:242727163
  • *Discord Name & ID: BennyTheClown#6155
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Lucas D. Nickel
  • *Character Role: 24th MAA Soldier
  • *Brief summary of the character: Lucas Nickel is a man who's of German decent who joined the MAA to get the roots of the problem of the Union he's come to respect, though he may respect his fellow soldiers a little more, willing to go out into the heat of battle with a blind cause and fight for them.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Just because I want something to do, and have fun.
  • Full Backstory: Growing up in Hamburg, Germany, Lucas before the invasion had taken up criminal psychology, attending college for several grinding years before at last getting his dream job, and settling down with a simplistic wife. After the invasion, he found himself losing a detriment of things, like many people after arriving at city twenty-four, he wanted a fresh start, working night and day to attain as many credits as possible, looking at the brighter side of things as much as humanly possible in dark and gritty areas. Eventually the optimism would catch up with him, because of the recent food shortages. All out of options now, he had no choice but to jump at the first opportunity that sprung out of the wood works. The brand spanking new MAA was offering the best things he had desperately wished for. Food, Tier Three Armbands, a proper place to sleep without all the roaches and bugs. He thought 'so what if I'd have to go through drilling?' 'It's better than where I was.' To him, the MAA would put everyone's best qualities together, and so, without needing much more motivation, he signed up. Day by day, he trained with his fellow soldiers and went through drill after drill, finally graduating with his platoon and becoming a fullfledged jarhead, serving the MAA proudly.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Anthrax
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:597566811
  • *Discord Name & ID: Anthrax#6331
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Calla Crack
  • *Character Role: MAA
  • *Brief summary of the character: Calla Crack is a miserable tier three citizen with no sense of belonging. She has worked with the CWU but was fired, afterwards became a drug user, unable to secure a job. Furthermore, Calla was abused by elite loyalists and officers, being called names and treated like scum for going through a difficult time. She finally was employed as an associate at Victory-3 before joining with the MAA and undergoing intense training to prove herself.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I believe Calla is plentiful when it comes to character, being rough around the edges and usually unable to hold her tongue. She can be seen as a parasite, latching on to whatever opportunity she may come upon in order to reap its benefits. This opportunity in her eyes is her final attempt at proving herself as a worthy citizen and not the garbage that she has been treated as for most of her life under the Union. I wish to further add to her character development by joining in and making it either her greatest deed or her last, either proving herself or dying a hero.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I am a committed, invested, serious player with years of experience on this and other serious RP servers.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been with WN for years
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Plenty of folks
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?: It feels nostalgic and depressing
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: GuyFromFortnite
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:182501483
  • *Discord Name & ID: Yahoi#4332
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Johna Smith
  • *Character Role: 24th MAA Constituent
  • *Brief summary of the character: Young adult relocated to City 24. Pursued the MAA in search of greater benefits to the Union as a whole, rather than himself.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Want to play this character because he has been through the required training, and I want to experience war.
  • Full Backstory: Johna Smith, aged 29, Was born in City 5, otherwise then known as Seattle, Washington. He spent his childhood years there, developing friendships, learning his wrongs from his rights etc....... When the invasion ensued, the citizens, including Johna and his family were relocated to different areas throughout the globe. The ones who escaped were lucky, majority of the city was turned to ash and rubble, leaving few survivors. The Smith family started their endeavor in their new city, located in Delhi, India, also know as City 16. There he held many part-time jobs that would earn him some cash, or "credits" as the currency was now called by this point. Fast forward, and Johna has been relocated to City 24, a thriving capital city of the Union. He doesn't like it compared to his old city, but he wished to embark on a new journey. Whilst attending a local city carnival, he noticed a recruitment stand for a organization foreign to him. He'd never heard of them, he was intrigued by this new "military group." After getting the information he wanted, he knew it would be the best path for him, and sure enough signed right there on the spot. As of now, Johna has just returned from the rigorous training given to him and fellow recruits that attended MAA Boot Camp. Smith now resides in City 24, waiting......waiting for his next objective.

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  • Steam Name: The Fog Deluxe​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93978068​
  • Discord Name & ID: Maine™#8574
--- Section Two ---
  • Character Name: Mihai Lazăr​
  • Character Role: Military Arteria Arm Officer​
  • Brief summary of the character: Mihai Lazăr Is an adult of Romanian descent, A Battle-hardened Veteran of the MAA that's stuck around since it's founding. He's seen as cold-hearted and ruthless when it comes to success.​
  • Why do you want to play this character?: I enjoyed the Prequel to this event, EXODUS and wish to play through the storyline until it's end. Generally speaking I had a good time playing through EXODUS and it's mixture of both Passive RP and Combat filled it with excitement and generally made it an enjoyable event.
  • Full Backstory:
  • The Cruelty of Bucharest
  • Mihai was born in 1985 alongside his brother, Vasile. They were born in a poor family in the Romanian capital of Bucharest. Their early days consisted of trying to scavenge the streets for food until they reached the age where they were permitted to go to school. At that point, they were taken into the same class, though they weren't high performers by any standard. They lacked discipline and hated studying, which resulted in them scoring poorly in school and had to result to pickpocketing in the nearby market. It was a tough life, though one they had gotten used to. It took alot of patience and practice to master this lifestyle though, and it did take them many numerous tries to manage to even get the hand of it. And this strengthened their bond, they were forced to stay together throughout the tough times and they learned how to efficiently work together.​
  • With this they grew to hate the people around them. Seeing wealthy people and seeing other people stay "happy" meanwhile they had to live off of scraps and theft infuriated them. Their mother was sick and their father was in the Army so they were left to fend for themselves.​
  • Years later they had hit their teens. Mihai and Vasile had kept to their shady lifestyle, staying hidden in the alleys and pickpocketing when it was oppurtune. With living like this, they hated the life. They wished for a purpose, and as they had heard from many and even their father the Military gave purpose. And they believed this, but time wasn't on their side..​
  • A New Journey, An unexpected one.
  • It was a gloomy day in Bucharest, and a storm had picked up. Mihai and Vasile, together as always looked upon the dark clouds in the sky as suddenly.. A Portal ripped through the sky, sending down a devastating blue beam in the distance. People were panicking, screaming and chaos erupted. The streets were shortly flooded with Xenians. Everything from Headcrabs and to Vortigaunts that got taken with the storm. Mihai and Vasile, with their knowledge of the city after having dealt with their shady business decided to hide in the attic of a nearby workshop. It was compact, sealed and easy to avoid the monsters in.. They hid there in wait for hours.. Until they heard the heavy thuds of something outside. Something that didn't sound from this world. They poked their head out to discover a squad of Outer-world soldiers.. Aliens they had never seen, but upon seeing them.. They were seen aswell. The squad was quickly dispatched to capture them. Vasile and Mihai, in a state of confusion and fear decided to fight back but were met with a stronger force than they could imagine. They were knocked out cold due to their resistance and quickly boarded up with the squad. Hours later when they woke up, they were found awake in a camp of some sort.. With mostly everything stripped than their own clothing. They saw something that looked like a "Conscript" force in the distance, and that was their oppurtunity. They had no knowledge of the Combine that had taken over, but saw militaristic figures that they believed could help them. And so their journey began as they got conscripted into the MAA. Did they have a choice? They don't know.. Maybe they'd have been forcefully conscripted if they didn't volunteer, but that was the start of a new age. An era of where they'd be trained to fight, an era they had longed for. And so they had been tricked into fighting for the combine not long after their invasion.​
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  • (An Image of Mihai and Vasile)​
---Section Three---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm known as Maine, previously known as Umbra. I'm quite the experienced Roleplayer and I enjoy talking to people generally. I've participated in numerous events such as COLLAPSE, ASPERA, OPERATION RED SCYTHE, INITIATIVE ACT ONE, OPERATION EXODUS (I was given the chance to participate as an extra character, thus not having an application for it.)
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope, I've been part of the community since V2 Launch,
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'm familiar with a good bit of people I'd say. Examples of people that I'm familiar with would be Raptorian, Milkman, Goose.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: My favorite thing about Half Life is the Combine. Their technology and lore that was shown around in the game fascinated me alot. Their OTA had a decent AI, Utilizing tactics and coordination and their CPs were intimidating at the start of the game, atleast in a first playthrough and with the addition of HL:A That came out in 2020 it made me even more interrested in their Tech and units.
--- Section One ---
  • Steam Name: The Ukrainian Man of Steel
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:201739431
  • Discord Name & ID: Steffan Wilhelm#4013
--- Section Two ---
  • Character Name: Vasile Lazăr
  • Character Role: MAA Officer

  • Brief summary of the character: A Hardened Veteran of the MAA who has been fighting with the Militants since the group's inception, initially joining
    voluntarily, then rising through the ranks alongside his Romanian brother in arms, Hihai Lazăr. Vasile Is Also Romanian, with a thick accent.

    Why do you want to play this character?:
    I think it would be interesting to play a Romanian character that has a strong bond with his brother, and will do anything he can to protect him, this can create interesting RP opportunities as Vasile tries to fight the NRAU whilst also keeping his brother alive.

    Full Backstory:

  • The Cruelty of Bucharest.
    Vasile was born in 1985 alongside his brother, Mihai. They were born in a poor family in the Romanian capital of Bucharest. Their early days consisted of trying to scavenge the streets for food until they reached the age where they were permitted to go to school. At that point, they were taken into the same class, though they weren't high performers by any standard. They lacked discipline and hated studying, which resulted in them scoring poorly in school and had to result to pickpocketing in the nearby market. It was a tough life, though one they had gotten used to. It took a lot of patience and practice to master this lifestyle though, and it did take them many numerous tries to manage to even get the hang of it. And this strengthened their bond, they were forced to stay together throughout the tough times and they learned how to efficiently work together.
    With this, they grew to hate the people around them. Seeing wealthy people and seeing other people stay "happy" meanwhile they had to live off of scraps and theft infuriated them. Their mother was sick and their father was in the Army so they were left to fend for themselves.
    Years later they had hit their teens. Vasile and Mihai had kept to their shady lifestyle, staying hidden in the alleys and pickpocketing when given the opportunity. With living like this, they hated the life. They wished for a purpose, and as they had heard from many and even their father the Military gave purpose. And they believed this, but time wasn't on their side..

    A New Journey, An unexpected one.
    It was a gloomy day in Bucharest, and a storm had picked up. Vasile and Mihai together as always looked upon the dark clouds in the sky as suddenly.. A Portal ripped through the sky, sending down a devastating blue beam in the distance. People were panicking, screaming and chaos erupted. The streets were shortly flooded with Xenians. Everything from Headcrabs to Vortigaunts that got taken with the storm. Vasile and Mihai, with their knowledge of the city after having dealt with their shady business decided to hide in the attic of a nearby workshop. It was compact, sealed and easy to avoid the monsters in.. They hid there in wait for hours.. Until they heard the heavy thuds of something outside. Something that didn't sound from this world. They poked their head out to discover a squad of Outer-world soldiers.. Aliens they had never seen, but upon seeing them.. They were seen as well. The squad was quickly dispatched to capture them. Mihai and Vasile, in a state of confusion and fear, decided to fight back but were met with a stronger force than they could imagine. They were knocked out cold due to their resistance and quickly boarded up with the squad. Hours later when they woke up, they were found awake in a camp of some sort.. With mostly everything stripped other than their clothing. They saw something that looked like a "Conscript" force in the distance, and that was their opportunity. They had no knowledge of the Combine that had taken over, but saw militaristic figures that they believed could help them. And so their journey began as they got conscripted into the MAA. Did they have a choice? They don't know.. Maybe they'd have been forcefully conscripted if they didn't volunteer, but that was the start of a new age. An era where they'd be trained to fight, an era they had longed for.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I always try to have fun and make sure to help out anyone who might be having issues or are new to Willard, I think that I always try to help people when given the opportunity in order to improve their chances in having a fun experience on Willard. I Have also Taken part in the events known as Exodus, Collapse, Operation Red Scythe, Coterminous, CERES: OFF-WORLD, and Operation London Bridge.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I'm not new to Willard As I have played it quite a bit from almost every faction I have experienced quite a rich amount of RP in Willard and I would say this has helped me develop my skills in RP and my experience has helped me understand the community of Willard, opting to make unique and engaging RP scenarios when possible.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I am Familiar with quite a few of the players in Willard and a few members of staff.​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I would say the thing I enjoy the most is the atmosphere and the storytelling of HL2 as it's the best of its time, I always thoroughly enjoy learning new information about the game, whether it be lore, or even stuff from the beta.​
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: quest
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:628296807
  • *Discord Name & ID: Quest#6480
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: David Somerset
  • *Character Role: 24th MAA Constituent
  • *Brief summary of the character: Somerset is a perceptive young adult, earning his stripes through hard work, discipline, and comradery by joining the Militant Arm Arteria, within the 24th "Soldat" Division, only recently attending boot camp for basic training as a recruit. Somerset has a deep respect for the Union and has a hatred against all things rebel.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: My plan for Somerset is to have him see the horrors of war, and what that can do psychologically to a man, and what reintegration into 'society' would play out like after, or maybe he'd just stay enlisted. He's been through Basic Training with the 24th Soldat Division and has created a sort of fraternal-like bond with his Platoon, giving him that extra edge to what it means to be a soldier.
  • Full Backstory: David Somerset was born in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, being raised by a single father alongside his brother Ellis Somerset, who was ten years older than David. His father worked for the Vancouver Police Department up until the 7-hour war, where subsequently the Somerset family was relocated to City 8, where his father who had past experience as a Police Officer was told to join the Civil Protection, one of the first few units of CP's to enter City Eight. David's brother Ellis was a construction worker pre-war, and was in the trades, allowing him to have a 'cozy' spot within one of the City's many different industrial factories, he didn't mind the work. David around this time was only entering his pre-teens and often saw the Overwatch and Civil Protection forces march down the dense concrete jungle, inspiring him, with the help of his father no doubt. Things were pretty good until his father was killed by rebel forces who managed to infiltrate a work cycle in a failed coup attempt, his father being caught in cross-fire between Overwatch forces and those few rebels, since then he's hated the rebels, and see them as nothing but trash and killers. Years later, he and his brother no longer had their father's benefits to live off of, having to work hard to make a living and eat, but their hopes remained high, and still trusted the Union and their Benefactors. In recent years he was relocated to City 24 where he found the opportunity to join the Militant Arm Arteria, enlisting as a recruit in the 24th "Soldat" Division, being sent off to basic training to learn the ropes, where he found comradery and disciple, and better yet gained even more trust in the Combine.
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  • *Steam Name: esim boost
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190762082
  • *Discord Name & ID: EBoost#8665
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Jester Pickle
  • *Character Role: 24th MAA
  • *Brief summary of the character: Jester Pickle is a solider under Aleksander Wreath, the MAA Vexillum. Pickle signed his life away at the flick of a pen for better housing and rations.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: For fun
  • Full Backstory:
  • Jester Pickle is a long time Finnish civilian and current solider for the Combine. He may be a strange looking man, but his life was never out of the ordinary. He grew up in a big city, a big family, and lost lots of family when the portal storms happened. Now he is just trying to regain his life under the Combine. He dabbled in the resistance at some point but all he really wants is to be safe. Combine or Resistance. If the Combine follow up with their promise for free food and tier-3 housing, why the hell wouldn't Mister Pickle sign up? So he did. He went to the little desk and signed up to be a solider. When Pickle arrived at the training camp, he immediately knew he was in over his head. Now he is being shipped out like a toy soldier to the slaughter. Now all he has to do is simply survive.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Dej​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68827315​
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShockyC#0978​
  • *Timezone: SGT (GMT+8)​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

*Role you're applying for:

*Brief summary of the character:
The Arabic Warlord of the Nile, Moses, once an influential and wealthy businessman, went from Entrepreneur, to Political Collaborator, and from Political Collaborator, to Insurrectionist, even "Field Commander". Leading NRAU through the "First War of the Nile" to Victory against Combine Forces has allowed Moses to establish NRAU as the dominant civilian and military leadership in the deserts, the first war ending in an uneasy treaty that basically gave NRAU freedom to do whatever they wanted, as long as the food kept coming, City 40 would look the other way. Though as of late, NRAU and City 40 have had negotiations break down once again, and they're at each other's throats.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I played Moses in Operation Exodus and I had a blast, I plan on continuing that here in furthering the story narrative that might have the chance of either making or breaking the food crisis in City 24.

Summarized Backstory:
The Story so far.
Moses' story begins as a businessman in the late 20th Century, his family being a rather wealthy one, and him following in their footsteps allowed him the boons of a successful business in the Arms and Agriculture Industry, especially in Egypt, where war was frequent in the Middle East, and the bad lands of Africa making the Nile River a highly desired agricultural zone.

This all changed during the Portal Storms, and the Seven Hour War, where most of his businesses were devastated by Xenians, and the Egyptian Military crushed by the Combine. Effectively destroying both his career, and by extension his life.

Not all was lost however, his connections to the shady politicians paid off, as eventually when the Collaborationist Regimes started popping up in various Cities, Cairo was fortunate enough to be chosen as one due to the potential of the Nile River for food, as places like the American Great Plains had been overrun with Xenian Malignancy.

Being instated as the "CEO" of the Nile-River Agricultural Union, or NRAU, Moses once again found himself in an influential and powerful position. City 40 depended on the constant Barley shipments that streamed from NRAU, and NRAU was given a fair amount of autonomy due to their remote location. This allowed him some exceptions which normally would be unthinkable, such as barley workers armed with AK pattern rifles, gun trucks, even an abomination the NRAU workers called the "Allah Mobile", which was a truck with a T-55 turret on the back.

This eventually put him in conflict with City 40 though, when an accident occurred where a headcrab had jumped at one of the Barley delivery trucks, and NRAU workers sprayed the truck with bullets in a panic, killing the driver and ending the barley shipments for that day. Needless to say, City 40 was pissed, negotiations broke down, NRAU refusing to fully submit to City 40, and City 40 demanding they double their quota.

Open war between NRAU and City 40's Metropolitan Desert Force, MDF, began, one which initially started with an MDF victory, but quickly became a cascading NRAU Victory, even destroying multiple older World War II era Crusader tanks the MDF used, and a Crab Synth, to which point they even repelled a Transhuman Force, and in a twisted turn of events, NRAU even somehow found themselves rescuing City 40 Administrative Delegates after the MDF, likely due to miscommunication, opened fire on their own ambassadors.

A ceasefire was declared afterwards as the NRAU opted to retreat in the face of a Transhuman Strider, the City 40 delegates and Moses struck a deal. NRAU would resume their food shipments and cooperate with the MDF should any persons of interest cross their area, and NRAU would be exempt from almost all scrutiny and regulations and be allowed "Free Reign".

NRAU had won their freedom.

It wouldn't last long however, the food crisis of Sector 10 adding mounting pressure from the already on-the-verge City 40 on NRAU. And it would appear that somewhere along the line, communications have broken down once again. Administrator Ramesses Sallah of Cairo is determined to wipe out NRAU as an entity entirely, and Moses will be damned if he didn't return the favour to the Administrator's MDF, to which he handed their asses back to months before.

A Broadcast can be heard across the deserts of the lands belonging to NRAU:

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Dej​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68827315​
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShockyC#0978​
  • *Timezone: SGT (GMT+8)​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

*Role you're applying for:

*Brief summary of the character:
The Arabic Warlord of the Nile, Moses, once an influential and wealthy businessman, went from Entrepreneur, to Political Collaborator, and from Political Collaborator, to Insurrectionist, even "Field Commander". Leading NRAU through the "First War of the Nile" to Victory against Combine Forces has allowed Moses to establish NRAU as the dominant civilian and military leadership in the deserts, the first war ending in an uneasy treaty that basically gave NRAU freedom to do whatever they wanted, as long as the food kept coming, City 40 would look the other way. Though as of late, NRAU and City 40 have had negotiations break down once again, and they're at each other's throats.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I played Moses in Operation Exodus and I had a blast, I plan on continuing that here in furthering the story narrative that might have the chance of either making or breaking the food crisis in City 24.

Summarized Backstory:
The Story so far.
Moses' story begins as a businessman in the late 20th Century, his family being a rather wealthy one, and him following in their footsteps allowed him the boons of a successful business in the Arms and Agriculture Industry, especially in Egypt, where war was frequent in the Middle East, and the bad lands of Africa making the Nile River a highly desired agricultural zone.

This all changed during the Portal Storms, and the Seven Hour War, where most of his businesses were devastated by Xenians, and the Egyptian Military crushed by the Combine. Effectively destroying both his career, and by extension his life.

Not all was lost however, his connections to the shady politicians paid off, as eventually when the Collaborationist Regimes started popping up in various Cities, Cairo was fortunate enough to be chosen as one due to the potential of the Nile River for food, as places like the American Great Plains had been overrun with Xenian Malignancy.

Being instated as the "CEO" of the Nile-River Agricultural Union, or NRAU, Moses once again found himself in an influential and powerful position. City 40 depended on the constant Barley shipments that streamed from NRAU, and NRAU was given a fair amount of autonomy due to their remote location. This allowed him some exceptions which normally would be unthinkable, such as barley workers armed with AK pattern rifles, gun trucks, even an abomination the NRAU workers called the "Allah Mobile", which was a truck with a T-55 turret on the back.

This eventually put him in conflict with City 40 though, when an accident occurred where a headcrab had jumped at one of the Barley delivery trucks, and NRAU workers sprayed the truck with bullets in a panic, killing the driver and ending the barley shipments for that day. Needless to say, City 40 was pissed, negotiations broke down, NRAU refusing to fully submit to City 40, and City 40 demanding they double their quota.

Open war between NRAU and City 40's Metropolitan Desert Force, MDF, began, one which initially started with an MDF victory, but quickly became a cascading NRAU Victory, even destroying multiple older World War II era Crusader tanks the MDF used, and a Crab Synth, to which point they even repelled a Transhuman Force, and in a twisted turn of events, NRAU even somehow found themselves rescuing City 40 Administrative Delegates after the MDF, likely due to miscommunication, opened fire on their own ambassadors.

A ceasefire was declared afterwards as the NRAU opted to retreat in the face of a Transhuman Strider, the City 40 delegates and Moses struck a deal. NRAU would resume their food shipments and cooperate with the MDF should any persons of interest cross their area, and NRAU would be exempt from almost all scrutiny and regulations and be allowed "Free Reign".

NRAU had won their freedom.

It wouldn't last long however, the food crisis of Sector 10 adding mounting pressure from the already on-the-verge City 40 on NRAU. And it would appear that somewhere along the line, communications have broken down once again. Administrator Ramesses Sallah of Cairo is determined to wipe out NRAU as an entity entirely, and Moses will be damned if he didn't return the favour to the Administrator's MDF, to which he handed their asses back to months before.

A Broadcast can be heard across the deserts of the lands belonging to NRAU:

Finally a fellow NRAU, also great auth man holy shit.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • landon
  • *Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:565672697
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • Landon#2591
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Scroq'aks
  • *Character Role:
  • NRAU Vortigaunt
  • *Brief summary of the character:
    A tribe-less Vortigaunt with a decent annoyance for the NRAU. Their only reasoning for allying with them is to rid of a greater evil, the Combine.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I wish to get another taste of roleplaying as a free Vortigaunt again, as it was a excellent experience during the City-8 event. I also have some experience playing a biotic in the main server.
  • Full Backstory:
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  • Scroq'aks was a fairly simply Vortigaunt, spawned deep within the Ooz'Merian Realm. He was quickly sent into work as a hunter, gearing up in makeshift armor and being sent out to hunt animals for the tribe. The tribe Scroq'aks was apart of was extremely small, hardly on the map of the Ooz'Merian Realm to begin with. Scroq'aks would be one of the last Vortigaunts to be spawned from the tribe, which made him fairly lucky. Since their tribe was so small, times were rough-- and some nights had left their members going to rest hungry.

  • Nonetheless, Scroq'aks put in its best effort-- training their vortal energy in capturing and defeating even the mightiest of extraterrestrial foes. After the Nihilanth's arrival, Scroq'aks and the majority of their tribe had managed to stay undetected for most of the centuries. Due to their small standing, it was easy for them to lay low-- until one day, they were ambushed by grunt forces. This had been shortly after the resonance cascade, which meant that the Nihilanth's army had been at a weakened state. With this considered, Scroq'aks had managed to flee-- but not without major casualties to the tribe.
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  • Since the grunts were pursuing them, the survivors had opted to split up. A noticeably large grunt had been hot on Scroq'aks metaphorical tail, when a blinding flash of green electricity buzzed-- and Scroq'aks was in the boiling hot deserts of Egypt. Scroq'aks had originally began living on his own, feeding off of Earth-native organisms and aliens transported from the mass of portal storms ravaging the lands. However, the once abundant supplies began to run dry. Particularly, there was a large lack of water.
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  • As well, the scorching heat was a major morale killer. Scroq'aks had reluctantly decided to branch out, and soon became acquainted with the local Resistance cells. One which primarily caught Scroq'aks' eye was the Nile River Agricultural Union, which Scroq'aks quickly got a distaste for. He found their petty squabbles and religions pointless, and thought Moses in particular was a poor leader-- believing him to be leading the NRAU to their untimely demise. Despite this fact, they provided what he needed-- food, water, armor, and shelter.

  • Scroq'aks decided to stick around and see how things play out, but they were set on taking their leave once they felt was the time. While they were allied with the NRAU, they had bound to learn of the Combine. They heard stories from NRAU members, on how this gigantic empire had a tyrannical grasp on the Earth. The NRAU had warned that combat with the two were bound to occur, but luckily Scroq'aks had never experienced any of that as of now. Having not actually seen or experienced the Combine's ravaging first-hand, Scroq'aks severely underestimate what power they hold.

  • Scroq'aks plan for when he eventually ditches the NRAU is to explore the lands, and more importantly reconnect with his lost tribe.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I'm Landon, I like Half Life.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • I've been apart of Willard Networks' community for a good amount of months.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • A few people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • All of the alien species and lifeforms, like bullsquids and houndeyes. They all have unique characteristics and mannerisms which is neat.


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