Blood on the Sands

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  • *Steam Name: Zero-The-Mad-Robot
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:25487548
  • *Discord Name & ID: Z.E.R.O#2786
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Roger Maxwell
  • *Character Role: MAA Soldier
  • *Brief summary of the character: A standard MAA Soldier, just trying to do something worth
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Part of the unit assigned to the battle for City 40
  • Full Backstory:
    A man who born in Geneva, Switzerland, his family was a Scottish father and Swiss Mother, after finishing the school, he was drafted to the obligatory service in the swiss army, where he learned the usage of fireamrs and basic formation on the military, graduating with honors.

  • Usually a man of little words till he develop a friendship with the people around him, if they want talk to him, prankester sometimes with a twisted humor,but also sometimes doesn't want to say too much or reveal too much things that he can consider better to don't remember.
    Durning the portal storm he was called to active service mostly his unit only fought off headcrabs, zombies and some houndeyes, till in 2001 the combine forces suddenly attacked catching the whole Swiss army by surprise giving no time to react, he and some soldiers that survived the onslaught hide in the basement of an abandoned building, when the things calmed down he parted in different ways along with the others, so he stayed in his native Geneva (now known as City 24) avoiding the world while trying to process all these events in his mind, till he managed to forget some elements from his previous life for a while, then decided to join the MAA, trying to finding something worth to do with his life and District 13 incident.




T H E - M O R O - C H A M P I ON


Ismael, a Son of Amun-Ra... Bestowed such an honor to serve under the elite-force by the Pharaoh, Ramesses Salah. Hailing from a long line of warriors, he now dedicates his undying loyalty to the Administrator.

A former member of the Metropolitan Desert Force. Notably, serving up until the coup on the Combine Civil Administration. He played a role during it, accompanying Overseer Salah to apprehend members of the CCA. Triumphant with their coup and the Pharaoh now as the Administrator. His dedication and loyalty, was recognized which promptly made him a Son.

During his ongoing service, he was titled 'The Moro Champion'. Mainly due to his Filipino-Muslim heritage.

With the conflict inching towards a boiling point, and foreign-forces now arriving to alleviate the situation... The Administrator appointed Ismael, his champion to venture forth onto the frontline. Leaving his previously assigned post in the Royal Guard.

Ismael, the Son of Amun-Ra now marches South. Down the Nile River, to oversee Combine Forces within the region. Carrying with him, the absolute authority of the Pharaoh... Fully intending to carry out his will.

Steam Name: Furious
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543970363
Discord Name & ID: Furious#3632
Character Name:
Ismael, 'The Moro Champion'

Character Role: Son of Amun-Ra

Brief summary of the character: Ismael, The Son of Amun-Ra. Apart of the elite fighting force of Administrator Salah, The Sons of Amun-Ra. His heritage being a Muslim-Filipino had him titled 'The Moro Champion'. Hailing from a longline of Moro Warriors. His undying loyalty, as a member of the MDF under Overseer Salah, and onwards towards the coup landed him a rare opportunity. With the distinguished honor of serving as a Son. He carries his loyalty with him to the battlefield. Appointed by the Pharaoh Salah, to oversee the Combine's offensive.

Why do you want to play this character? I've been waiting for a new event to take part in, after Rising Sun concluded. Throughout the time, I've been bogged down to a single character. Which has for the most part, restricted my creative freedom. I've found that I tend to perform much better and enjoy roleplay under a different character.

Unfortunately, I did not take part in Operation Exodus. I've based this character entirely around existing lore written by Darth. A handpicked member of the MDF, into the elite fighting force of the Pharaoh. Now sent to the battlefield to break the stalemate. Whilst making this character, the general lore of the Legion of Osiris has intrigued me. I like the idea of representing older cultures, to fit into modern WN Lore.

Seeing as no-one has thrown their hat into the ring for Son. I decided to shoot for it.​
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  • *Steam Name: Liamos​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52409406​
  • *Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Abraham 'Abbe' Levy​
  • *Character Role: N.R.A.U Worker
  • *Brief summary of the character:
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  • Abraham Levy is a ex-military man who's comfortable life was cut short by The Portal Storms and Seven Hour War, he finds himself in foreign territory, cut off from his entire family or the life he knew- Abraham, determined to survive whatever the world throws at him, decides to travel to Cairo in hopes of redemption and more over - - - survival.​
  • Only Cairo was not what it once was. And now, Abraham finds himself on the battlefield once again, this time- under a new banner : "The N.R.A.U"​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Well, ICly- I think that introducing a character that has, unlike many others- individualistic traits and personal goals in mind could really enhance the RP experience on the N.R.A.U side. It'll give N.A.RU a chance to have complex character interactions between one another- which will:​
  • 1. enhance everyone's experience in the event and 2. It'll be really fun to play as such a character.​
  • Full Backstory:
    • Abraham is an Israeli-Jewish of Turkish descent, his parents moved away from Turkey after experiencing immense anti-Semitism in the late 50's, Abraham was born in the year 1986 and speaks fluent Arabic as his parents never released their grip on their cultural history.​
    • As time passed Abraham was drafted to the military as it is required where he lived, in his military experience- Abraham got familiarized with automatic weapons and tactical operations of sorts, he decided to stay in the military and build himself a career there.​
    • After about a decade of hardships and constant stressful work, it was time for Abraham to leave the military and pursue a calmer, more relaxed life - He chose to visit Sinai and stay there for a couple of months, as a sort of an after-military vacation. While in Sinai, Abraham felt comfortable and happy, as all of his past worries were now nullified and he could speak his native tongue with the population there.​
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    • !!!ALAS!!!
    • The portal storms have erupted- everything's completely CHAOTIC, DEATH- everywhere and CONFUSTION is spread all around.​
    • Abraham, who is cut off from his family and friends and is seemingly all alone in The Sinai desert, decides that his best course of action is to travel to Egypt's Capitol, Cairo.​
    • Luckily, after weeks of hardship and constant life threating dangers- Abbe managed to arrive to the Capital, only to see it completely destoryed, yet he decided that his best shot of survival still is inside it's borders.​
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    • After the Combine's invasion and 'The Seven Hour War', Abraham was relocated to the eastern part of the city which was now intertwined with Giza and was renamed 'City 40'.​
    • After's 'N.R.A.U' declaration of war on The Combine, Abraham noticed their immense early success in their cause, having his own best interests in mind and recalling his military life before the war, Abbe thought that the best course of action is to join the N.R.A.U and their fight for freedom and perhaps- he'll get to live as a free man, united with his long lost family once more.​
    • *Why do you want to play this character?:
    • Well, ICly- I think that introducing a character that has, unlike some others- individualistic traits and strictly personal goals in mind could really enhance the RP experience on the N.R.A.U side. It'll give N.A.RU a chance to have complex character interactions between one another- which will:​
    • 1. enhance everyone's experience in the event and 2. It'll be really fun to play as such a character.​
    • And OOCly, Frankly, I've never been part of a 'Short Stories' event on Willard, or any 'exclusive' event really- I'd like to chance that and start this experience in this particular short story, one that I'm sure I'll have tons of fun playing in- Be it because of the story OR setting it's in.​

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Well, I've played HL2RP for a bunch of years, probably around 5 if I remember correctly.​
  • I was always drawn to deep and complex stories and that's why I found myself HL2RP-​
  • One of my favorite things in HL2RP are events, exclusive or server-wide, basically script following stories- and for the most part, I always try to partake in events when possible.​
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've played Willard here and there a year ago, but made an 'actual' comeback where I play consistently a few months back.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few people around the community, yes.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The Dystopia, it's my favorite subject any movie/game/book/TV-series can explore. I was always drawn to the idea of humanity fucking up bad and finding themselves in a Dystopian future, HL is basically, well- exactly, what I love about Dystopia.
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  • *Steam Name: Dr0pex
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:51264732
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dr0pex#3277
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  • *Character Name: Amirbek Iskakov
  • *Character Role: MAA Constituent
  • *Brief summary of the character: Ex-ISOCF Lance Corporal and Ex-MAA Commissar, Amirbek Iskakov has suffered first hand all the political power struggle related to City 24 and the Militia. After a brief period far from the MAA, he decided to rejoin the 24th 'Soldat' under Aleksander Wreath command.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: We are being deployed by order of the Commander.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Not much is known about Amirbek's past except the fact that he was born in Kazakhstan to a Sunni Muslim family. This calm and friendly Kazakh grew up in bad company and suffered the direct consequences of the USSR desintegration, it was rumoured that part of his family had a history of service within the Army, that could explain Amirbek's intention on joining the ISOCF when he first came across the old Triumph Street HQ. His career within the Combine security forces has been a turbulent one. Instability, lack of compliance with current legislation by the authorities and constant incidents between Civil Protection and his battalion have placed Amirbek in a delicate position. After leaving the MAA for some time, he was reinstated under Aleksander's command. Now he is waiting for his long awaited deployment.
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  • *Steam Name: Bluellionaire Shiftset
  • *Steam ID: Steam ID: 76561198155988671
  • *Discord Name & ID: The Elites are blind, Arbiter#3873
--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Michael Bernette
  • *Character Role: MAA Constituent
  • *Brief summary of the character: Random slummer with little to no prospects in life. Joined MAA to get away from both City 24 and the Food Crisis rummaging through it.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Those boot camp training days have to amount to something.
  • Full Backstory: Born in Boston, USA, Bernette was too young to remember the state of the world before his city was turned into a pile of rubble. Whatever portion was left intact, Michael couldn't have visited, as his family's fear of the Combine regime kept him well hidden in either slums or sewers of the newly branded City 16. Such a lifestyle would eventually claim the lives of his parents, leaving Bernette alone, scrounging whatever he could find to survive on daily basis. By the age of 20, he already got accustomed to his new standards of living, which would unfortunately soon be changed with the rise of civil unrest in 2018. Feeling that staying would simply be suicide, he decided that relocation would be the best course of action. Of course, the streets of City 24 were hardly better than 16's, with its doses of daily work and constant threats of hunger. After only a week of residing in here, Bernette knew he could no longer stand it. Trying to find a way to get out, it just so happened that he came upon a poster of MAA 24th Division, which seemed like a perfect way to break the monotony of his daily life and, ultimately, finally make something of himself.
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  • *Steam Name: Mr_Bruh36
  • *Steam ID: 76561199149030942
  • *Discord Name & ID: General Craw419#9525
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Abasi Abanoub
  • *Character Role: N.R.A.U. Director
  • *Summary of the character:
  • Abasi Abanoub is a strong standing Director of the Nile River Agricultural Union who stands as a loyal right-hand man to Moses and takes pride in his work. He is determined to hold back The Universal Union's forces from destroying all he has worked for over the years no matter the cost...
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Well, I first played Operation: Exodus which was where I first played as Abasi Abanoub and I loved the event and how it went. However, my character still survived the end so to bring him back would be amazing to see.
  • *Full Backstory:
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"Born in the early 1960s, Abasi Abanoub was born into a wealthy family of Lawyers within Cairo. Growing up he led a hard life as his mother died during Childbirth which led him towards looking up to his father who spent most of his time at work and not spending time at home with his family ao he was left to learn from the world around him in his empty house."

"By the age of Eighteen, Abasi had begun to work within a small Lawyering Firm within the main city of Egypt, Cairo. Abasi worked within the business for years, ending up in a management position within the higher ups of the firm by the time he was Twenty Seven"

"It was on Abasi's Thirty-Fifth Birthday when he had gained the terrible news of his Fathers Demise by a Heart attack, it was strange enough that his father had left a large inheritance sum towards his son...even though he neglected him for year's. Abasi inherited the deeds to the family home as well as a sum of 250,000 Egyptian Pounds which Abasi spent on a new car, House and luxury items which he enjoyed while keeping another large amount within his bank for further spending"

"As the years passed Abasi grew older and wiser of the ways and businesses of the world and felt at peace with the world knowing he would do this for the rest of his life...That was until a day late in the year 2001..."

"Abasi looked out of his Penthouse Window one day as he enjoyed the view of Cairo from bellow...suddenly the skies ripped open as a large flash blinded Abasi for a few seconds...he stared in horror as he watched twisted alien-like creatures descend into the streets of Cairo and cause complete chaos and havoc below...Abasi cowered in his office for hours until he heard the whirring of a helicopter's blades as The Egyptian Military landed on the roof and cleared the building of Civilians and borough Abasi among others to safety"

"The Years that passed as the Portal Storms ravaged earth went by quick for Abasi as he spent the remaining three or four years in a military protection outpost with other citizens of Cairo...One day Abasi sat by a bench outside the main outpost building as he looked over the deserts before him and looked up as he was slightly blinded once more by the skies ripping open...expecting this to be another rough portal storm...however this time synthoid ships rained down from above. Abasi ran inside to warn the military officers inside until a sudden Ship hit nearby where Abasi was, Hitting the ground and sending Abasi a few metres into the air...enough to knock him out cold"

"When Abasi awoke...the camp was destroyed and burned to the ground, as he rose a sharp hand gripped him by his shoulder and began to drag Abasi away much to his effort to escape, eventually thrown into some sort of shuttle before being knocked out again by the back end of a barrel"

"As the years passed, Abasi served under the new Universal Union of Earth. Living within the confines of various cities through the years. That was until he returned to Cairo or "City 40" as it was known nowadays. He began work within The Civil Workers Union for a few years...until he heard of an interesting project occurring by the Nile River...The N.R.A.U..."

"Upon the Arrival at the N.R.A.U. The site, Abasi works hard and took pride in it, always thinking that his work fed thousands to motivate him..."

"Years passed as Abasi worked and began to rise through the ranks of the N.R.A.U. eventually to the Rank of Supervisor in the Late months of 2017 when a Strife occurred between the NRAU CEO "Moses" and the City 40 Administration. The various fights and Discussions between both sides led to the very edge of a massive assault on the N.R.A.U. Headquarters which was cut short in a peace talk when Moses and the Head of MDF...Abasi himself attended this meeting which led towards a peace treaty...until now..."

"Over the following Year, Abasi was promoted to a Director of the N.R.A.U. as he continued to stand beside Moses as a loyal servant though now he seems clouded at the direction of which he should be following...He has watched as Moses has turned from CEO to some sort of Fascist Leader who revolted against the peace he begged for...Abasi wishes to protect his family which is the N.R.A.U. even if it leads to his death...


--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Ozzekiel
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:87098652
  • *Discord Name & ID: ozzy#7917
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Kumar Atiyeh

  • *Character Role:
  • NRAU Worker

  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • Born and raised in the coastal city of Mersa Matruh, later moving to study chemical engineering in Giza. Kumar was not able to complete his degree due to the effects on Egypt produced from the Portal Storms and Seven Hour War. He was relocated to City 40 and was conscripted into the N.R.A.U. The rest is history. The full coverage of Kumar's knowledge on guns is limited to point-and-shoot. However, he is a profound tinkerer and chemist. Kumar produces explosives for the N.R.A.U and is quick on his feet when placing them.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I have seen the videos of how these events go and have always wanted to play during one. But because of my scheduling before, I was never able to join a Short Stories event. Now that I'm able to, I want to experience it on the rebel side for the first time.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I am Ozzy, professional combine main, I played on my first HL2RP server around 8 years ago.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • No, I have been around for about 6 months.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • Yes, mostly Combine player base.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • How flexible the lore is.
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--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name: Kagh'Rah
  • *Character Role: Vortigaunt Elder
  • *Brief summary of the character:
    One of the leaders from the Sha'Gani tribe, Kagh'Rah possesses great battle powress and tactical knowledge, having been regarded as one of the strongest of the Ralsheck'Va realm.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: After having played a vortigaunt for a long while on the main server, I've got a good grasp on how they work and what the custom lore is here at Willard.
    It's also my first time at short stories, and I want to make my first appearance a good one. (I also think vorts are just cool in general and the potential for roleplaying them is huge)
  • Full Backstory:
    A powerful warrior from the home planet of the vortigaunts, Kagh'Rah was sent to planet Earth just like most vortigaunts; through the portals from Xen to Earth created by the Cascade.
    Being transported to the crueling deserts, Kagh'Rah did not find the situation too bad. Him along with his tribe had gone through worse conditions back on their home planet and even Xen, a little heat wouldn't hurt. It was only then that his morale was demolished after finding out that none of the remaining tribe members had made it to the same place as Kagh. Having no sense of direction, he decided to set up camp within a small valley in which some sparse vegetation was growing in. 1653600622293.png

    The life on Earth wasn't too bad. Kagh could survive off of the land by hunting the wild animals aswell as the lifeforms that came from Xen through the portals. And the spot that Kagh had chosen to hole up in turned out to be great, as sunlight couldn't reach into his dwelling after he constructed a crude roof into the valley. He came to realize that the desert was most likely the best place for him to stay, as through the vortessence he would come to learn that his kin were fighting the Combine forces and mostly losing in different parts of Earth. The desolate desert was seemingly the only place that the grasp of the Combine had not reached

    Knowing full well that there was other intelligent life Earth called "Humans", Kagh decided to head into a direction he could see activity in before, and soon enough he would run into the NRAU members being holed up in a camp near his own little settlement.
    Kagh would need allies to fight against the Combine, as he had been on his home planet when the invasion happened. Their power was devastating, and even while these humans aren't as strong as him or his kin, they would certain be of help.
    Having already deciphered their language through shared knowledge within the vortessence, Kagh could communicate with the group and join forces.
    Now united with new allies, Kagh felt better about defending the desert from the Combine forces. It seemed like the lack of resources and life within the desert made it the least prioritized place of attacks. All of the forces were focused on taking over the populated zones, maybe this was their chance to fight back and reunite with his kin?
--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a pretty chill person. Very tilt-proof and collected. I tend to overthink things and fuck myself over in fictional scenarios inside my own thoughts.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been playing on the main server for... about 8 months? 9 months? I started as a citizen before moving onto vortigaunts after a month's break.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Oh hell yeah
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Definitely how Xen life interacts with Earth and what it brings. I think it has many uses in creating different scenarios, but what interests me the most is the potential for horror with Xen life.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Alessiodoomboy
  • *Steam ID: 76561198355274960
  • *Discord Name & ID: AlessioDoomBoy#4859
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Vortigaunt name: Fore'siill Gett
  • *Character Role: Vortigaunt
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • A 3-4 hundred year old vortigaunt with memory loss who avoids accessing the vortessence, but is still capable of doing so, as well as vortal manipulation. They have adopted forms of human religion, mainly Islam.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I've always wanted to play a vortigaunt character. I've had no experience of playing a vortigaunt, and I think it would be interesting and new for me to play one.
  • Full Backstory:
  • The earliest memory Fore'siill has is of waking up in what they would soon learn was a small resistance base in City 40. The group was Islamic and quickly began tutoring Fore'siill in the religion when they discovered their memory loss. Fore'siill had an interest in their past, and at one point decided to search through the vortessence to find out about themselves. This proved to be overwhelming for Fore'siill, causing them great mental anguish and confusion. They decided not to try accessing the vortessence again unless necessary. The group was enamored at the idea of having a vortigaunt among them, even a less experienced one like Fore'siill. They believed it was a divine gift. Unfortunately, the group was disbanded after the leader and a few members were killed in a sweep, and the little that remained decided to part ways. After a few months of lone survival, Fore'siill was provided with an opportunity to join the NRAU by a fellow vortigaunt. Not having had been in the presence of another vortigaunt before, they originally found the psychic connection distressing. Their vortigaunt friend showed empathy to Fore'siill, and began helping them build trust with the vortessence and be able to harness it as any vortigaunt should. They successfully got Fore'siill to the point where they were able to access it in a non-damaging way, but before Fore'siill could begin getting comfortable with using it as a tool, their vortigaunt companion was shot dead in a skirmish that occured with the MAA. Fore'siill never got comfortable with fully emerging themselves in the vortessence, though now fully able to do so. They also fell into a small depression due to their companionship falling into tragedy twice, but after a few weeks it was lifted by the kinship they felt among the NRAU.
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  • *Steam Name: Ferno
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10716370
  • *Discord Name & ID: anfibon#3828
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Roy Cormack
  • *Character Role: (24th Div) MAA
  • *Brief summary of the character: An old veteran from the old world, willingly signing up for another carnage, and maybe his own death.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: It's probably the most natural next step on my character's narrative
  • Full Backstory:
    • Roy Cormack was a lousy student during his childhood in the outskirts of Dublin, unsatisfied with his dull, meaningless life, he left his home shortly after graduating from school and signed up for the Irish Defence Forces.

    • Having found his place in the world among soldiers, Roy spent all of his young adulthood in the army, living a tranquil life in the barracks until the portal storms arrived. The chaos that ensued forced him and many of his brothers-in-arms into a life as mercenaries due to both army and economy collapsing.

    • Roy spent the next few years selling his services to makeshift warlords and shady organizations. Making a living as such in the wilderness fighting off alien fauna spared him the horrors of the Seven Hour War and its immediate aftermath, but soon enough Roy was forced to re-enter civilized life in the new Combine cities.

    • Fast forward to the present, Roy Cormack found himself signing up to the local militia in an attempt to go back to his golden days in the military, completely disgusted with civilian life in its new dystopian version. Uninterested in the promised benefits and unconcerned about the certain possibility of death, Roy Cormack accepts his deployment as the natural course of fate.
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*Steam Name: Mongolian Quarian
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID: Combine Assassin#9078

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Ephrem Eleazar Menas
*Character Role: MAA Constituent
*Brief summary of the character: With the threat of famine in the region due to the actions of these rebels, Ephrem has signed up to defend not only his own life but those of his fellow citizens. The food belongs to all.
*Why do you want to play this character?: This scenario seems fun!
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  • *Character Name: Zargh'Cha, better known as "Monthu"
  • *Character Role: (Lone) Vortigaunt
  • *Brief summary of the character: An abnormally large and muscular vortigaunt, hailing from the Duvan region on his home planet. Monthu was present in the N.R.A.U, forming a temporary alliance with himself and his money-obsessed partner, Shu, to help take down a common enemy they have, their partnership did not last very long however, splitting ways after the N.R.A.Us first full-scale battle against the Combine, taking to the desert in search of a way to escape the Nile for good.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I played this Character all the way back in the Original Exodus, so it'd be wonderful to continue his character arc again. I also believe the dynamic between Shu and Monthu to be really interesting, with Monthu being a no-nonsense strong, silent type bodyguard to the cheapskate con-artist known as Shu.
  • Full Backstory:
Monthu was created around 600-700 years ago on his home planet, he was created into a fierce warrior clan that hunted and killed for Glory, Monthu was no exception, assisting in many hunts and raids for his group. He grew a reputation of a young but promising Vortigaunt, he was destined for great things, but they were cut short once the Combine invaded. His clan was slaughtered, leaving only him and a few others as remnants of a once-great tribe.

His life on Xen was about as unpleasant as the next Vortigaunt, arguably worst due to Monthu and many others who refused to accept the Nihilanth as his Master. Monthu was often beaten and humiliated along with those who shared his same tenacity, there wasn't a second where Monthu could be left alone in the piece without any Grunts harassing him. But it never broke him down, he always stood by what he believed in, he wasn't going to sacrifice his pride to live an easier life. His bravery was rewarded by being able to watch the Nihilanth crumble and wither away into atoms first-hand.

Monthus freedom was short-lived as he was re-captured by the combine, he was moved frequently, and his strength made him pretty useful to help start up new cities. Compared to what he had to go through under the Nihilanth this was a complete breeze, he was mostly left alone by Civil Protection, most likely fearing Monthu strangling them through his chains. While his life was easier, he still was not happy with the way he was living, he saw no honour in it and desperately wanted to be freed.

His wish was granted when he was taken in by a rebel group in City 40, they unshackled him and sent him down into the sewers. He was intercepted by a group of Civil Protection units, not Overwatch, meaning that he was able to put up a fight and potentially win. The fight went on for about 10 minutes between 6 units and Monthu, using his speed and vortal powers to his advantage. Eventually, Monthus vortal energy became exhausted and he was unable to continue fighting, luckily for him the rebel group from earlier came to his aid. The group defeated the Units and headed for the Outlands, Monthu and the group parted ways, but before the group left one of the rebels gave Monthu his nickname, and it stuck.

Monthu lingered on in city 40 a little longer, dwelling down underneath the city's sewers, where he spent most of his time training, hunting and sleeping. He'd occasionally come up to the surface to drink from a more freshwater source, and it was on one of these trips to his surface where he'd meet his good friend and business partner, Shu. Monthu was distracted from his water-collecting when he heard loud, violent bickering. He approached a room with a door on it, and heard what appeared to be another vortigaunt, Monthu kicked the door open and looked inside, he saw three men, one sitting down and two men behind him, the Vortigaunt was also sitting down. Between the two was a table with cards, chips and money stacked on top of it, the man sitting down was smoking a cigar but more importantly had a revolver in his hand pointing it at the shackled Vortigaunt. The cigar man panicked when Monthu kicked the door down, he fired two rounds into Monthus's chest, enraging him, and before he could plead and reason with Monthu, Monthu already pounced on him, ripping his face to shreds. The two men behind him drew their weapons, but Monthu kicked the table over to them, knocking them onto the ground, they became lambs to his slaughter.

Afterwards, the two discussed what just happened and why the man tried to kill him, the shackled Vortigaunt danced over the topic, not going into great detail, claiming they were crazy. He then gave Monthu his name, he went by Shu, and asked to stay in touch. Shu was a merchant of sorts, but merchant isn't very accurate, he was more of a scam artist that ripped people off for his own change, and with Monthu by his side, he would face zero repercussions for his actions. Monthu became Shu's bodyguard, ensuring that no harm was done to him, but also acted as his partner in crime, he would take down any competition by threats or more extreme methods such as killing them. With Monthu by his side, Shu dominated the market of city 40 and quickly became notorious around the slums.

Monthu eventually grew tired of this, he disapproved of what Shu was doing, claiming that there was no honour in monetary gain, but stuck by him to protect him as he was unable to convince him to stop. So Monthu made a proposal, Monthu would help free Shu and would also continue to be his bodyguard if it meant they left the city. Shu agreed and the two headed into the Nile, but the two could not have picked a worse time to leave as they were caught in the cross-fire of the heated N.R.A.U and Combine war. Monthu and Shu allied themselves with the N.R.A.U as they had no other choice, once the first few battles were done and a peace treaty was signed the two left the N.R.A.U in search of new lands to explore.

Problem is that it turns out that leaving the Nile was much harder than the duo anticipated. They were stopped at every corner by the combine who were hell-bent on capturing his criminals once and for good. They need to leave the Nile before the combine gets to them...And fast.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Hi, I'm crustytoes, I hate RP and I'm STILL muted on the short stories discord.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: God no
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Moderately
  • What's your favourite thing about Half-Life?: Troll answers aside I guess my favourite thing about half-life would be the themes, setting and storyline. Going into work and accidentally opening a rift to another dimension which leads to the enslavement of your world sounds pretty cool. Also, Gordon Freeman is the original Giga-Chad, dude was literally based before the term even existed. Oh, and Judith Mossman, can't forget her.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: The_Grass_Man
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID: The_Grass_Man#6549
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Edoardo Puritano

  • *Character Role: MAA constituent

  • *Brief summary of the character: A young and stubborn loyalist who wishes to die for his beloved union.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Because i've done a lot of RP with this character in my time in the MAA, it would be absolutely delusional to see all those hours of waiting and build go to waste.

  • Full Backstory: ''Eh, I ain't that interesting, I was born in a small place in Naples... Caserta, you've ever heard of that? No? Yeah very unknown place, very unfortunate 'cause it was one gorgeous town, my friend. Good people, good food, and loads of wine! We had a school but only a small part of the kids ever got degrees. When I was little me and my siblings always used to help around town, we usually would carry groceries for old people and pick up apples and grapes to sell 'em at the town's market, man I miss those days... One time my brother Valentino got stung by a bee and kept crying for days! He thought many small bees were living inside of him, hehe... What a guy my brother is... Heard he joined Civil Protection some months ago, I'm proud of him just hope he doesn't get shot by those goddamn shit-eating terrorists... Anyways, yeah... I lived in that city until the combine came, man how old was I when the invasion happened? 7? 8? hm... anyways, after we lost the war I got sent to one of those schools they built, and stayed there until I was 19, after finishing I was put on a train and sent to this shithole of a city.''



--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: MrMindBlow

*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:70815774

*Discord Name & ID: /Alex\#0001

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Marc Ammon Ra

*Character Role: N.R.A.U Director

*Brief summary of the character:
Marc Ammon Ra
, a versatile and adept mercenary with orchestrational skills is ready to follow Moses wherever he goes in the name and belief of the Nile and the N.R.A.U.

Initially serving and working amongst N.R.A.U Workers, the skirmish between the MDF and the N.R.A.U was Marc's first engagement which ultimately lead to their freedom through "free reign" as long as all the agreed accords were followed. This triumph, even in the face of retreat from the large Transhuman Striders that could have decimated the N.R.A.U forces showed that Marc Ammon Ra was a capable leader, a figure of authority and someone to be trusted amongst his colleagues. Moses, thoroughly intrigued by his skills, elected to have him as his trusted left hand and to serve him until no more enemy blood could be shed.​

  • *Why do you want to play this character?:

    Outside of playing the average city-dweller during the "Rising Sun" event, I would like to participate in the next chain of events and why not start with "Blood on the Sands" with a brand-new character! Seeing that the N.R.A.U are lacking participants and only seeing a single Director apply when writing this application, I would like to have a shot at winning against the "dreadful" MAA.


  • ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:Brennen
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:199644942
  • *Discord Name & ID: Brennenw05#4629
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Clint Omar
  • *Character Role: N.R.A.U Engineer (N.R.A.U Worker)
  • *Brief summary of the character: A lanky Egyptian-American Mechanical Engineer
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: i like the idea of a more support focused role in what seems to be a combat focused events, and i also just think engineers are cool
  • Full Backstory:
  • The Father
  • Born in Chicago to an American mother and an Egyptian immigrant father. Clint's father after a stink in the army's engineering corps, he was charged with false crimes and dishonorably discharged, he then immigrated to U.S in 1974. He met Clint's mother while looking for a job. A year later they got married, and had Clint the next year.
Clint's childhood seemed normal for any American kid, however Clint wasn't the normal kid, ha had an interest for all thing mechanical, from building, to designing. His father sall his interest, and started to teach him from an early age what he had learned from his days as an engineer. After completing high school he applied to New York State University, he was accepted and went on a Mechanical Engineering Degree.

Collage Days
Clint's collage days where not very exciting, he was mostly a shut in, working on his 6 year degree. With most of time decided to his classes, he did not have much of a social life. However he did meet a girl, Barbara, they started dating soon after. A few into his 6 year degree, they get married. Then he finished his degree graduating in the year 2000.

The Storms
Clint moved back to Chicago with his wife, soon after something happened on the west coast, suddenly it seemed that an alien invasion had occurred. The U.S Government quickly evacuated everyone west of the Mississippi. Soon a front line was established with the invaders, now called the "Xen". The next two years was marked with panic and devastation as the landscape was marked with massive portal storms. U.S military could not stop the invasion, the front got closer and closer till the military was in full retreat, managing to save the east coast, they moved all remaining civilians there including Clint, and his whole family. Soon his family made the decision to move to Egypt, where the storms and xen invaders has hit less harsh. They moved to Cairo where his grandparents lived, life here was somehwhat peaceful, with less stroms and the threat of the "Xen" gone, life seemed somewhat normal for about a year.

The Great War
Then on a day like any other, massive portal storms converged on every major nation, soon a massive invasion of Synthetic Soldiers, and giant machines. The Egyptian military managed to fight for a couple hours, before there surrender. Clint and his family had been evacuated to a bomb shelter in the first hour. After the announcement of the Military's and Earth Surrender. he and his family as well as other civilians, came out of there shelter greeted with Earths new rulers the "Combine".

Now stuck in Cairo, now remanded City 40, Clint started to make connections, using his engineering background as a way to enter the newly made Civil Workers Union, His wife joined Civil Protection the new "police". Soon things while bad managed to go back to seeming a normal life. That did not last, soon his wife was asked to kill an innocents person to prove her "loyalty" to the regime, she refused and was excused on the spot for her insubordination. For his wife "crimes", he was kicked from the CWU, and conscripted into the N.R.A.U, forced to maintain the agricultural equipment used by the farmers.

Soon after he joined the N.R.A.U, they leaders of the organization seceded From the Universal Union. The Leader Moses decarded there independence, Soon the combine started attacking N.R.A.U facility, soon Clint was called on to support the war against them, After his wife's death and his demotion for the CWU, he was eager to help the rebellion in anyway, not being much of a fight, he was put into a support role, that was supported by his background a Combat Engineer.

The N.R.A.U
Now years into the conflict Clint is now a seasoned veteran, he continues to serve the N.R.A.U as an Engineer. Taking supplies to the front lines, repairing weapons and armaments', and building, managing, and repairing fortifications. He fully supports the N.R.A.U, and would die for the cause. Now the regime sends the dogs of war to take our rightful lands. There will be combine blood on these sands.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Im a funny drummer, and a guy who pretends to be diffrent people in GMOD
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: no, I've played of and on in 2021, however I've played the main server regularly since the beginning of 2022
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: yeah, i know some peoples
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The tech and alien designs, they just look really good
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: TwoPlusTwoIsFive
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:157985167
  • *Discord Name & ID: boopeanuts#5255
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Morgan Valentine

  • *Character Role: 24th MAA

  • *Brief summary of the character: A naive young man hailing from the Slums of City 24 with aspirations above his station and the misguided belief that he's actually immortal.
  • Having been denied his rations by the local Civil Protection due to the food shortage in City 24 and his low Tier rank, a frustrated and starved Morgan finds himself signing away his life in pursuit of better life accomodations while thinking that his enlistment is gonna be a piece of cake - he realises a bit too late that maybe signing a document before actually reading it might not be the wisest move in the book.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I want to have Morgan, a rather unexperienced, uninterested and downright goofy young man, to experience the life-changing trauma that many endured during war times and to see whether his careless lifestyle will remain or dissipate as he sees what true combat is all about.

  • Full Backstory:
  • Morgan Valentine has been relocated from, from what he'll say, a better, yet-to-be-named city to City 24 (which he seems to hate for an unknown reason) about a week ago. Wasting no time getting a feel for the place, Morgan has already found himself at the wrong end of a Civil Protection stunstick several times since his arrival - his young and rebellious nature does not bode well with the easily angered local law enforcement and the snobbish Loyalists which led to him having found much more comfort and understanding in the Slum parts of the city and its inhabitants.
Believing himself to be destined for greatness, his plans soon foiled as he realised that City 24 operates in a much more unique way than other cities. One that has been unknown to him. It wouldn't have been that much of a problem, really - was it not for the food shortage that plagued the city. Realising rather quick that if he doesn't figure out a way to escape it, he will most definitely perish like all the other poor, starving sods.

Morgan's prayers were soon answered as he found his escape in the recruitment booth of the MAA.

...Of course, like many other young men, he wondered if that was indeed the right decision.
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Fiery
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80074268
*Discord Name & ID: Fiery#1260

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Bahadur Ali

*Character Role: NRAU Worker

*Brief summary of the character: A 37-year-old man around 6'2 in height, and weighing around 202lbs. He is adorned with light brown skin, black hair, a ponytail, and a full, but soft short beard and mustache. Several new scars dot his body, most seem to be bullet wounds or small burns. He seems to be tense due to the negotiations with the Combine as well as gruffer and more serious, although his quick-to-anger attitude remains.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Another NRAU event? Awesome! I wish to return as Bahadur Ali, my character in the last NRAU event, and continue his story.

I seem to have been careless with remembering the time the event was going to take place, and I am unfortunately not able to make a backstory quick enough without them being messy. I'm not exactly good at writing a character's backstory as well. Of course, this is no excuse, but I thought I'd alert you anyway.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: TheNewz
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:174058743
  • *Discord Name & ID: TheNewz#7806
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Jackson Wells
  • *Character Role: NRAU Worker
  • *Brief summary of the character: A white american that once was a CWU worker of City-01 before being transfered as a supervisor of NRAU, feeling quite lazy, he willingly leave his position to somebody else to work as a simple Worker due to not feeling like he's up to the task.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I was part of the first batch and I feel like murdering some MAA and CPs so here I am. Of course I'm not going to be a minge, gonna follow the story and all of that.
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