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The drums of war sound in Western Europe.
The Crown Jewel of the Empire, Sector 10, has been cast into the gutter.

In Iberia, the shackles of the Occupier have been thrown off in open rebellion.
In Italy, the once-fervorous Futurist capital lashes out against the hand that fed it.
In Switzerland, the city of hedonism and luxury lies in ruin.

Amidst the unraveling of the Imperial order, Breen's right hand has been shot dead.
In the aftermath, the poltik capital of the Empire has fled West.
Now, the Combine Leviathan prepares to bring down its iron fist.

In place of the Palace of Peace, a dark fortress rises.

However, a flicker of light, of hope, rages on.
The divided forces of Liberation must rise to the challenge or face total extinction.


CASE IRKALLA is a proposed event with massive, local lore potential. The event is styled akin to 'Rogue One' or the Death Star mission. Effectively a suicide mission, a small team of rebels will respond to the 'IRKALLA RISES' dark event and attempt to destroy the facility.

Logistically speaking of IC means, Irkalla is still under-construction. Once completed, any attack against it would be impossible. However, due to the circumstances, the short time period before completion allows the perfect possibility of attack. The ruins of Western City 24 provide the perfect cover to get into the City. Crossing Lake Geneva and slipping past the unfinished wall allows for a great approach. District 12, which surrounds Irkalla, is being deconstructed; thus allowing for cover for a final approach. Finally, once inside the facility, the team would fight their way to the Dark Energy Core and try to destroy it.

In regards to the event, I propose this as an S.S event for several reasons. First, as this is a suicide mission, it could be a great sendoff for any rebel players who wish to participate. By making it an S.S event, it would allow for everyone to have the chance to participate, regardless of affiliation etc, unlike an expedition. Secondly, I believe an S.S event would be more fitting for something of this scale compared to an expedition. Finally, I don't really play the server and it'd be a pain for me to try and assemble an expedition. I also doubt anyone else is willing to try and do this themselves. After all, why have Dark Events and things like this if no one reacts to them?

I envision this event being made for 4-8 rebels. I would like it to be fully S2RP/Roll based. There will need to be a fairly large event team and the OTA faction should have a major role. It'd be a 3 day event over 2 weekends (outline below.) With an outright assault on Irkalla impossible, it'd play heavily into stealth elements. The event would also play heavily into emotional elements. The weight and consequences of the assault (see below) should weigh onto the players. The journey will progressively get harder; the team will slowly dwindle in numbers along the way, their bond making each death more gut-wrenching. There's also the fact that this entire event could end in failure. Success is not guaranteed.

If the expedition ends in success, if Irkalla is destroyed, the lore impact should be massive. In my vision, the Dark Energy Reactor explosion would be akin to City 17's Citadel exploding. (Possibly have a portal storm over the ruins?) City Twenty-Four would essentially be wiped off the map, tens of thousands of innocents would die. The C.24 Citadel would also likely be damaged in the explosion. The shockwave following the attack, if successful, would likely be akin to the destruction of Nova Prospekt but (somewhat) localized in Western/Central Europe. Cities across Europe would destabilize or be outright overthrown. The Iberian line would likely collapse, leading to more insurrection and attacks across S.W Europe. Things like the OCIN Tower would be in rebel's sightlines. Expeditions in Western Europe would become much easier as the Combine's crackdown would backfire. With Western Europe uncontainable at this point, the Combine would likely focus on preventing the chaos from spreading East to the rest of Europe. All of this is up to revision, but it's simply how I envision it.

The event would also obviously have a major impact on the main server. While the effects of the event would obviously be really cool to see on the server, I also imagine the event could (partially) be played out on Main as well. If the rebels succeeded in breaching Irkalla, I imagine I.24 going into a frenzy akin to the beginning of HL2. (I've never seen the Citadel lit up like this before!). Alarms blaring, CPs/OTA in a frenzy, Dispatch going crazy, helicopters and dropships flying overhead, etc. If the attack succeeded, and Irkalla was destroyed, I imagine some events like "the air tastes like static!" before a synced up explosion plays out on main. People could see the fireball of energy from C.24 direction, they'd feel the shockwave. Windows would shatter, light damage would be done to the I24, there could be radiation poisoning, etc.

While I personally don't usually play Willard, I really wouldn't mind helping run (or play!) in this event. I also could do the groundwork on Main to build up to this event. I've already (sorta) been doing that such as with the document provided below. (I've been acting as an associate of Action Directe, my old proposal for the Rebel Faction.) I could meet with players, rebel groups, etc. Discuss the plan, try and recruit them, garner resources, etc. It could be cool!


As for the actual day-to-day of the event, I imagine the following. A map has been provided of the route and is color coordinated with each in-game map.

- Gathering everyone up. Leaving via the beach/harbor and moving into the Canals.
[MAP ONE - CANALS] - (Red. A standard Canal Map) - A tense beginning to the event. The players will have to fight or sneak their way past 'Conscript Garrison 24.' At the end of the Canals, they must break through Canal Checkpoint 'Zeta.' The Conscripts will be somewhat fearsome, but C.P Zeta, staffed by dysfunctional cops, won't be terribly hard to break through.

[MAP TWO - OUTLANDS] - (Green. Likely Ineu Valley or similar) - A calmer pace from the first map though still challenging. The team will have to avoid C.P patrols from Outpost 402, which also has dysfunctional cops. They will also be dealing with synths and other issues.

- (Orange. A standard coastal map) - This map will be primarily RP based and more relaxed in order to build up connections and emotional weight among the characters. They'll pass by the ruined Ascension Facility and will likely meet a host of event characters. I personally imagine them meeting a vortigaunt caravan, a member of A.D who sent them on the mission, rogue cops, etc. The sky is the limit here. They will encounter light enemies in the form of Antlions from the Ascension Facility.

[MAP FOUR- CITY 24] - (Yellow. C24_v4) - This map should see rising action and tension. It'll be a return to City 24_v4, which will be completely in ruins. They'll have to navigate these ruins, encountering antlions, rebels (which could be hostile!), and the occasional C.P/OTA patrol. Eventually they'll link up with a ferryman who will take them across Lake Geneva in the middle of the night.

[MAP FIVE - IRKALLA PREMITER] - (Blue. C24_v1) - This map will be the beginning of the end. Likely spawning across the bridge on C24_v1, the rebel team will have to navigate their way under the bridge, avoiding CP/OTA patrols, and then onto the streets. From here they will have to duck in-and-out of buildings under (de)construction, avoid further OTA/CP teams, construction striders, turrets, and cameras. This will be one of the hardest maps (bar Irkalla itself) and will end with the team sneaking into the C.24 palace (propped as the core Irkalla) through the park.
[MAP SIX - IRKALLA] - (Black. A Combine Facility Map. There's a few good ones) - The finale. The rebel team will have to sneak, and then fight, their way through the facility to reach its core. This will be the most deadly, gut wrenching part. When, and if, the remaining members of the team reach the core, they'll have to withstand an onslaught of soldiers until they blow the core and their mission is successful. Everyone will perish!

[EPILOGUE] - A small sendoff for the characters. I have a few ideas if this event is accepted.





Lots of yapping. Anyways, I think this event could be cool and I wrote it out. I know Willard has a thing for being iffy about major lore-shattering events like this but it could be cool and I hope you accept it.

Thanks for reading.
Steam Name & ID: Merlinsclaw | STEAM_0:1:63717084
Discord Name & ID: Merlinsclaw

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team): Yes, or at least play in it.
Workshop Content (collection including map, NPCs, unique tools/weapons, etc): Can be sorted out when details are finalized.
Map (Workshop link & ID, like gm_flatgrass): Rough ideas provided above. Needs to be finalized.

Do you have any SS members vouching for the event?: RAD-X, sorta

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The Short Stories team will discuss the feasibility of this event and decide if we'll go ahead with it. This will take longer than usual for player submissions because we'll need to go through discussing the concept with main server creative team & loremasters, plus get permission for our team to operate on main server.

If you have any questions about this or would like to discuss further please feel free to contact me on discord @Haydeon.
Writing this so I get notified with updates, sounds really god damn cool.
I'd wanna try participate as my rogue cop Green.
Hi Merlin,

Thanks for writing the concept - while it looks like it's very well made, and I'm sure could be enjoyable with some tweaks here and there, at the moment SS isn't looking to sponsor anything like this due to how much WN main is already dealing with. We don't want to risk rocking the boat too much - already, some people are saying that after the recent CA assassination, I24 should have been put into AJW. Destroying the Summit-fortress would risk forcing that as the only realistic avenue to take.

Plus - there's a lot of other concerns that staff have raised in regards to the submission. Every way that we can consider running the event leads to immense, overwhelming risk for any rebels who take part in it.

This doesn't mean that rebels have to sit down and let the fortress be built up - they can work with resistance groups in the server + GMs who I'm sure would be happy to work on a expedition or chain of events to allow rebels to sabotage the fortress. I encourage any rebel groups to contact Rebel Representatives like Gutsy, Maine, or Kappatalist, if they would like to start planning a expedition to assault the fortress.

Again, many thanks for writing up such a well made concept, and I apologise to anyone who got their hopes up in regards to this.
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