CFLU - Combine Exclusion Zone - 20

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Application Format for Citizen

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Lockbody
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63243442
  • *Discord Name & ID: Lockbody #5656
  • *Timezone: Central European Summer Time
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Pyotr Levin
*Brief summary of the character:

Pyotr, or Peter as he is commonly referred to by his friends, has always been an easy-going and trusting individual, often following the lead of others without question. Despite his generally passive nature, he has always tried to help others in need.

Pyotr spent most of his days in City 53, working regular shifts and doing menial tasks to make ends meet. As rumors of a better life beyond the city began to circulate, he found himself following a group of strangers who promised hope and freedom. Unbeknownst to him, these strangers were actually members of the resistance, and Pyotr found himself swept up in their cause, reluctantly leaving the city behind as he followed their leadership.

In the months that followed, Pyotr became part of a group of refugees who had settled on the fringes of the Exclusion Zone. He was little more than an errand boy, blindly following their commands and doing odd jobs, all in the hope of earning his keep and contributing in some small way to the group's efforts.

One day, while accompanying a group of men on a supply run, a chain of unfortunate events caused by the inexperience of one of the group's leaders left Pyotr stranded inside the Exclusion Zone. Given the dangerous nature of the area, the group faced a tough decision and ultimately decided to leave Pyotr behind to ensure their own safety. Cut off from any outside help and with no survival skills to speak of, Pyotr found himself struggling to survive in a harsh and dangerous environment.

Despite his fear and desperation, Pyotr refused to give up hope. He knew that he needed to find a way out of the Exclusion Zone and back to civilization. Pyotr drew on his innate kindness and willingness to help others, hoping that someone, somewhere, would be willing to lend a hand and help him escape.

Equipment: 0 Points: Winter Jacket, Gloves, Cap, Trousers | 2 Points: Gasmask with 2 Filters | 6 Points: Advanced Medical Items | 1 Point Custom Consumer Goods: A box of Pizza and a Bottle of Water | 1 Point: Custom Consumer Goods: Some cans of non perishable canned food

*Why do you want to play this character?: This looks like the ideal opportunity to gain some valuable roleplaying experience without the pressure of losing a character that you've spent weeks or even months building up. There's no need to grind or hoard scripts. Just some good old Roleplay for the heck of it.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Zu'jox Lnji
*Brief summary of the character:

Zu'jox Lnji, a vortigaunt of a young age. Summoned on this rock many call 'home'. Zu'jox Lnji was summoned before the suppression field was active, about a year or so before the citadel arrived. Zu'jox Lnji was summoned by many vortigaunt who did not speak the Human language well, and Zu'Jox Lnji was going to change that. Zu'jox Lnji literally meant 'The Translator'. They began to learn many languages, Arabic, Russian, German, Serbian, French, English.. You name it, it probably speaks it, and will speak it when most convenient for its Kin. For years it kept this up, avoiding civil protection and overwatch. And only engaging when it had to for either its own good, or for its Kin. Zu'jox had a fond interest into Human history, as it knew about every language presented to it reading books were no problem whatsoever, learning many great figures of Monarchy, such as Napoleon, and King Charles XII ect ect.. Then an idea sprung into its head, the idea of becoming a king grew fond to them.. They traveled the land entering eastern europe, finding many refugee groups and convincing them to join its Guild, the 'Kingdom of Europe', many laughed at this idea.. As it was indeed bold, but some did join its guild ranging about 70 people in its army.

They had reached what was remnant Belarus, setting up a small town that hunted Antlions and Zombies, attempting to recruit all into its guild. It called itself 'Emperor Zax', as it was nicknamed Zax from the Humans. The kingdom it had created attracted the Combine Forces on large, as a Vortigaunt ruling Humans was deemed a threat. Emperor Zax had proved well in battle with its Human followers, battling OTA and Synths, all be with many casualties they had won. Garnering quite the support from other resistance groups, refugees pouring into their guild and joining their Kingdom, for months they held their own from the Onslaught of chaos in front of them. The Kingdom had garnered so much support, some Resistance groups merged with them increasing not only its man power, but its influence in the land. The power and influence of the Vortigaunt impressed many of its Kin that joined its guild, its population reaching about 1400, 300 of which were in the army. The rest merely as a 'home defense', this proved to be the Kingdoms back bone, as a small army is no good.. But fate had other plans, as what was the now disbanded group the 'MAA' attempted to quell the looming threat near City-10, but it was a very interesting battle to bestow upon. Both sides had equal victories and defeats, until the combine decided it was time to quell this embarrassment the MAA have failed to destroy once and for all. Gunships and Dropships flooded the city, bombs going off.
The combine were going to win, no matter what. The siege lasted 2 weeks.. Until, the year had come for them to move, thus Emperor Zax and the remaining 120 Followers fled south reaching remnant City-10, many dying along the way as OTA chased them down on large, Emperor Zax and about 50 people lived. They were scattered on large, only around 5 still with them as they still sought to rule the European continent for itself, and bring down the combine. It sensed its Kin in the region, and sought to recruit them into its mission in creating the 'Kingdom of Europe'

1X Clothing Item - Refined Poncho (0P)
Medical Items - (3P)
Vortessence Points - (7P)

If people want, they can apply to be apart of my guild as a Citizen.

*Why do you want to play this character?:

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,
Donavin Jones
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--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: -Lu-
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:544932985DALL·E 2023-02-13 22.51.54 - Police officer running away while on fire. Snowy woods, cold season.png
*Discord Name & ID:-Lu-#2127
*Timezone: EST
I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
Is this character from the Main Server :[ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Otis McKeen
*Brief summary of the character: Otis McKeen was a man of modest means and average abilities. He had never been one to go on outdoor adventures or to test his limits in any extreme way. But when the world as he knew it crumbled around him and he found himself trapped in the QZ, he knew that he had to become a survivor if he wanted to make it out alive. Otis had worked as a police officer. He had always taken pride in serving his community and upholding the law. Once the Combine invaded earth he was, just like everyone else, sent to a city to work for the rest of his life. He was lawful, but afraid of the combine, so one day he chose to flee. He managed to travel on the chains of tunnels built by the resistance out of the city; Taking a wrong turn in the process. He ended up in a mountain on the freezing Belarus, He had no choice but to slide down the one-way ledge of the cliff; His worst mistake. Not long after, he ended up in the QZ. He was a good man, but in the QZ, the rules were different. There was no law except for the law of the strongest, and Otis quickly realized that he needed to band together with other survivors if he wanted to have any chance of making it through. So Otis began to form a small group of survivors. At first, it was just a handful of people who had banded together out of necessity. But Otis saw the potential for something more. He knew that if they could work together, they could establish a safe haven for themselves and others like them. Otis was not a natural leader, but he had a sense of duty and a willingness to do what was necessary to protect his people. He spent hours scouting out the area around their camp, looking for sources of food and water and potential threats. He trained his people in basic survival skills, teaching them how to start a fire, purify water, and defend themselves against the dangers of the QZ.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I'd like to participate in the event, I like the survival aesthetic and I think the formation of communities would be a good addition to the playground. I'd like to play a unlikely leader, someone who has good intentions but is not afraid to do the unspeakable to protect his position and his members.


By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: ISpilledMyRamen
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:426186854
  • *Discord Name & ID: ramen#2015
  • *Timezone: Central Standard (CST/UTC-6)
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Adrian Stone

*Brief summary of the character: An elderly man, a local to the area before it became an exclusion zone, now wanting to get out. A nobody, a man that lurks in the shadows. Holds himself in high regard, but appears to be losing his mind to dementia. He's often a blank slate, seemingly having a new personality every time you meet him. Why he decided to keep living here after the virus, he'll never remember, now it's up to luck for him to keep surviving.. Even if it means leaving the only home he's ever known.

Point distribution:
5 Points - Armor
3 Points - Toolkit and Repair Plating.
2 Points - Gasmask + Filters.
0 Points - Custom Clothing (Fedora, Glasses, Black Leather Jacket, Teal Trousers, Fingerless Gloves, Dress Shoes.)

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Adrian is a character I've played on many semi-serious servers, but I've never tried fully on serious. I think he would be fun to try out, especially given the short story. If he succumbs to CFLU that would seem, to me, a fitting end to my dementia-riddled, old man. If, however, he survives, I would be quite glad to see where his story could go. Perhaps he could reappear in other SSs, or more over, maybe the main servers, if transfers are allowed.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,
ramen.. Again.

ACCEPTED | 5 Armor | 3 Toolkit & Repair Plating | 2 Gasmask and Filters
Application Format for Civil Protection

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: toby
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:597855612
  • *Discord Name & ID: Pootis#6107
  • *Timezone:
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: C17:I4:VICTOR 60
Character Rank :I4
*Brief summary of the character: Victor 60 Was Conducting His Usual Raid On Rebel Outposts Near The City 10 Border, Till When He Was On His Razor Train An Ambush Happened And The Train Came To A Halt, 60 Was Left Alone As All His Squadmates And Fellow Units Died From The Explosion. Now His Main Goal Is To Escape To City 17.
*Why do you want to play this character?:

I Never Tried Short Stories And I Love Entropy Zero Related Stuff.
3 Filters: 2
A Stunbaton:3
USP 45: 10
By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

DENIED | I expect a High-Quality Application for Civil Protection & Vortigaunt
Application Format for Citizen

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Mr. Calcium
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:85981754
  • *Discord Name & ID: Justanotherguardthatexists #9241
  • *Timezone: EST
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Alexander Vitolov
*Brief summary of the character: One of the many citizens abandoned inside the Quarantine Zone, Alexander Vitolov was best known in the area for being a prominent gambler, and was infamous for his many attempts to convince those in the community to partake in the activity with him. He'd amassed quite a sizable amount of cash as a result of his illicit dealings, though, as fate would have it, the man who's fortune relied on luck would run out of his own. The creation of the Exclusion Zone was a blur for Alexander, who had foolishly thought that it would simply pass over, and he would return to his regular, shady lifestyle once more, but alas, this was not the case, and he found himself stuck like so many unfortunate others.

Upon realizing he had truly been abandoned, left alone, he had a brief mental break, disposing of his hard earned cash through a less than subtle tossing through a window, flushing everything he had earned down a metaphorical drain. After he had rid himself of his small fortune, his lucidity returned, and realizing that he now truly had nothing, his survival instincts kicked in, and he went about gathering whatever supplies he could manage to find. Unfortunately, by the time he had done this, most of zone's supplies had already been looted by the more astute survivors, leaving him with a pitiful collection of goods, just barely enough to protect from the various lifeforms that had taken root in the zone after its establishment.

Now, he is in the same situation as many others, abandoned by all, left to die, but his attitude has slowly returned to its earlier nature, a man fascinating in gaming luck to his advantage. Now all he needs is the luck to escape alive, but if lady luck blesses him, is yet to be seen..

CROWBAR (6 Points)
Minor Medical supplies (3 Points)

*Why do you want to play this character?: Admittedly my last app was a bit rushed, and I realized a citizen may be a better, more interesting option, as I mostly play CivPro on main, so I'm hoping this one will be a bit more interesting than the, in retrospect, generic CivPro character app I had made

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

ACCEPTED | 6 Large Melee Weapon | 3 Medical Supplies
Application format for Vortigaunts

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Jacob
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143759420
  • *Discord Name & ID: Gravel Eater#0007
  • *Timezone: EST
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Jal'Galahing (Sage) - Monk

*Brief summary of the character: Born in the border world of Xen, Jal’ is a uniquely colored black Vortigaunt with a dark purple eye sitting at about 900-1000 years old majority of his life has been living with kin occlusal hopping tribes and people. living a solitary life post-portal storms in and out of deep meditation. He had been separated from his kin for years during the initial push to Earth, wandering the outer wasteland of City 17 when the portals dropped him. in search of a purpose. Jal’ had once been a proud member of the kin, using his powerful electric shocks to defend his people against the Combine's forces.

View attachment 21747

View attachment 21748

But a disastrous battle against a group of soldiers had left him wounded and alone, his kin captured or killed. Now he lived in a makeshift shelter made of scavenged materials, using his knowledge of the land to survive. He hunted for food, scavenged for supplies, and avoided contact with the dangerous creatures that roamed the outlands. Despite his isolation, Jal never lost hope that one day he would be reunited with his tribe. He spent his days honing his skills, practicing his combat techniques, and perfecting his ability to manipulate electricity. One day, while foraging for food, he stumbled upon a kin living in the outlands alongside him. Jal’ was hesitant to join them, but as he watched the kin struggle against their oppressors, he knew he had to act. His kin was dead or captured and he needed somebody to take him in to live out his life with another kin

*Why do you want to play this character?: Want to see how the event will play out from a Vortigaunt perspective

Antlion Guard Plate | 5 Points
Remaining points to improve my vortessence | 5 Points​

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

ACCEPTED AS TRIAL | Should your Roleplay Quality not be satisfactory, then will you be removed from the Event | 5 Antlion Guard Plate | 5 Vortessence
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: M3ntal​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:93450871​
  • *Discord Name & ID: lastneuron#4176​
  • *Timezone: EEST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Hrii'Amthuur - The Healer

*Brief summary of the character:

View attachment 21749

An elder instance of the vortikind, hailing from the Ralsheck'Va Plains and nearing 2000 years in age, Hrii'Amthuur was described by his kin as a wise healer, and prominent sage. Such titles meant little to him, for his true goal was to utilize his healing prowess to usher in a prosperous age of vortikind. Like many are aware however, such an age would not come to pass with the collective enslavement of all vortikind, but compared to the length of his studies, servitude meant little, an interval that would serve no purpose but strengthen his resolve until their eventual emancipation, though the sage had never had the misfortune to be embroiled in servitude a second time, ending up within the wilderness of Earth's lushly barren wastelands. Thus the wandering began...however...

..the vortal threads had foretold of a great calamity and the thousand cries of many living things. His oath as a healer, to usher in a prosperous age of vortikind had evolved into a new goal, to venture forth to this source of calamity and bring salvation to those whom seek it. The choes of the vortessence steered him towards a particular destination, on the way to which he had encountered a myriad of creature. Both human, and vortal. All were granted penance, all were granted mercy if he deemed it fit. His vortal energies spared for all that were worthy of being bestowed.

Until at last his lengthy trek had guided him to the ruinous soils before him, what he knew not to be
Exclusion Zone, and yet he felt the diseased soil within his very bones. He knew that this was not a land where living were meant to tread, all the more reason for him to enact his sought goal, to prevent this foreseen calamity from occurring. He felt his kin walk within these grounds and wasted no time in convening. Though he trusts their motivations little, of kin they still are and with them he shall evict, or be evicted, living or dead.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Last time I played a vortal healer, it didn't turn out how I wanted it to, and as such I want to apply here as both an experience and to redeem myself.


10 - Improve Vortessence as much as possible.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

ACCEPTED | 10 Vortessence
Application Format for Citizen

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Lockbody
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:63243442
  • *Discord Name & ID: Lockbody #5656
  • *Timezone: Central European Summer Time
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Pyotr Levin
*Brief summary of the character:

Pyotr, or Peter as he is commonly referred to by his friends, has always been an easy-going and trusting individual, often following the lead of others without question. Despite his generally passive nature, he has always tried to help others in need.

Pyotr spent most of his days in City 53, working regular shifts and doing menial tasks to make ends meet. As rumors of a better life beyond the city began to circulate, he found himself following a group of strangers who promised hope and freedom. Unbeknownst to him, these strangers were actually members of the resistance, and Pyotr found himself swept up in their cause, reluctantly leaving the city behind as he followed their leadership.

In the months that followed, Pyotr became part of a group of refugees who had settled on the fringes of the Exclusion Zone. He was little more than an errand boy, blindly following their commands and doing odd jobs, all in the hope of earning his keep and contributing in some small way to the group's efforts.

One day, while accompanying a group of men on a supply run, a chain of unfortunate events caused by the inexperience of one of the group's leaders left Pyotr stranded inside the Exclusion Zone. Given the dangerous nature of the area, the group faced a tough decision and ultimately decided to leave Pyotr behind to ensure their own safety. Cut off from any outside help and with no survival skills to speak of, Pyotr found himself struggling to survive in a harsh and dangerous environment.

Despite his fear and desperation, Pyotr refused to give up hope. He knew that he needed to find a way out of the Exclusion Zone and back to civilization. Pyotr drew on his innate kindness and willingness to help others, hoping that someone, somewhere, would be willing to lend a hand and help him escape.

Equipment: 0 Points: Winter Jacket, Gloves, Cap, Trousers | 2 Points: Gasmask with 2 Filters | 6 Points: Advanced Medical Items | 1 Point Custom Consumer Goods: A box of Pizza and a Bottle of Water | 1 Point: Custom Consumer Goods: Some cans of non perishable canned food

*Why do you want to play this character?: This looks like the ideal opportunity to gain some valuable roleplaying experience without the pressure of losing a character that you've spent weeks or even months building up. There's no need to grind or hoard scripts. Just some good old Roleplay for the heck of it.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

ACCEPTED | 6 Advanced Medical Items | 2 Gasmask with 2 Filters | 1 Point Custom Consumer Goods | 1 Point Custom Consumer Goods | 0 Custom Cloths
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Zu'jox Lnji
*Brief summary of the character:

Zu'jox Lnji, a vortigaunt of a young age. Summoned on this rock many call 'home'. Zu'jox Lnji was summoned before the suppression field was active, about a year or so before the citadel arrived. Zu'jox Lnji was summoned by many vortigaunt who did not speak the Human language well, and Zu'Jox Lnji was going to change that. Zu'jox Lnji literally meant 'The Translator'. They began to learn many languages, Arabic, Russian, German, Serbian, French, English.. You name it, it probably speaks it, and will speak it when most convenient for its Kin. For years it kept this up, avoiding civil protection and overwatch. And only engaging when it had to for either its own good, or for its Kin. Zu'jox had a fond interest into Human history, as it knew about every language presented to it reading books were no problem whatsoever, learning many great figures of Monarchy, such as Napoleon, and King Charles XII ect ect.. Then an idea sprung into its head, the idea of becoming a king grew fond to them.. They traveled the land entering eastern europe, finding many refugee groups and convincing them to join its Guild, the 'Kingdom of Europe', many laughed at this idea.. As it was indeed bold, but some did join its guild ranging about 70 people in its army.

They had reached what was remnant Belarus, setting up a small town that hunted Antlions and Zombies, attempting to recruit all into its guild. It called itself 'Emperor Zax', as it was nicknamed Zax from the Humans. The kingdom it had created attracted the Combine Forces on large, as a Vortigaunt ruling Humans was deemed a threat. Emperor Zax had proved well in battle with its Human followers, battling OTA and Synths, all be with many casualties they had won. Garnering quite the support from other resistance groups, refugees pouring into their guild and joining their Kingdom, for months they held their own from the Onslaught of chaos in front of them. The Kingdom had garnered so much support, some Resistance groups merged with them increasing not only its man power, but its influence in the land. The power and influence of the Vortigaunt impressed many of its Kin that joined its guild, its population reaching about 1400, 300 of which were in the army. The rest merely as a 'home defense', this proved to be the Kingdoms back bone, as a small army is no good.. But fate had other plans, as what was the now disbanded group the 'MAA' attempted to quell the looming threat near City-10, but it was a very interesting battle to bestow upon. Both sides had equal victories and defeats, until the combine decided it was time to quell this embarrassment the MAA have failed to destroy once and for all. Gunships and Dropships flooded the city, bombs going off.
The combine were going to win, no matter what. The siege lasted 2 weeks.. Until, the year had come for them to move, thus Emperor Zax and the remaining 120 Followers fled south reaching remnant City-10, many dying along the way as OTA chased them down on large, Emperor Zax and about 50 people lived. They were scattered on large, only around 5 still with them as they still sought to rule the European continent for itself, and bring down the combine. It sensed its Kin in the region, and sought to recruit them into its mission in creating the 'Kingdom of Europe'

1X Clothing Item - Refined Poncho (0P)
Medical Items - (3P)
Vortessence Points - (7P)

If people want, they can apply to be apart of my guild as a Citizen.

*Why do you want to play this character?:

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,
Donavin Jones

DENIED | Your RP Background or Brief Summary of your Character, is not suited for this Short Stories Event
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name: -Lu-
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:544932985View attachment 21791
*Discord Name & ID:-Lu-#2127
*Timezone: EST
I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
Is this character from the Main Server :[ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Otis McKeen
*Brief summary of the character: Otis McKeen was a man of modest means and average abilities. He had never been one to go on outdoor adventures or to test his limits in any extreme way. But when the world as he knew it crumbled around him and he found himself trapped in the QZ, he knew that he had to become a survivor if he wanted to make it out alive. Otis had worked as a police officer. He had always taken pride in serving his community and upholding the law. Once the Combine invaded earth he was, just like everyone else, sent to a city to work for the rest of his life. He was lawful, but afraid of the combine, so one day he chose to flee. He managed to travel on the chains of tunnels built by the resistance out of the city; Taking a wrong turn in the process. He ended up in a mountain on the freezing Belarus, He had no choice but to slide down the one-way ledge of the cliff; His worst mistake. Not long after, he ended up in the QZ. He was a good man, but in the QZ, the rules were different. There was no law except for the law of the strongest, and Otis quickly realized that he needed to band together with other survivors if he wanted to have any chance of making it through. So Otis began to form a small group of survivors. At first, it was just a handful of people who had banded together out of necessity. But Otis saw the potential for something more. He knew that if they could work together, they could establish a safe haven for themselves and others like them. Otis was not a natural leader, but he had a sense of duty and a willingness to do what was necessary to protect his people. He spent hours scouting out the area around their camp, looking for sources of food and water and potential threats. He trained his people in basic survival skills, teaching them how to start a fire, purify water, and defend themselves against the dangers of the QZ.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I'd like to participate in the event, I like the survival aesthetic and I think the formation of communities would be a good addition to the playground. I'd like to play a unlikely leader, someone who has good intentions but is not afraid to do the unspeakable to protect his position and his members.

View attachment 21792

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,

ACCEPTED | 0 Custom Cloths | 2 Gasmask with 2 Filters | 3 Toolkit & Repair Plating | 5 Armor
Last edited:
-- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Daniels
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39991588
  • *Discord Name & ID: Daniels#0293
  • *Timezone: +2GMT
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Paul the Butcher

*Brief summary of the character: Paul the Butcher is a clinically insane male, an outcaste and psychopath that resides in the tunnels and sewers of EZ, he posses the body of a caveman with strong legs and arms, he is quite agile and strong a true huntsman, with bloodshot eyes and a roar of a berserker he is cunning and brave when it comes to combat.

He was out casted by a group of survivors in the EZ after being found by the groups nurse mutilating a body of a deceased rebel, since then he hunts alone feeding mostly on rats, maggots and other disgusting meats, rarely interacting with humans he lost most of his ability to speak English correctly, trading with different scavenger groups occasionally.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I'd like to contribute some interesting roleplaying scenarios to the event without changing the story or flow of the event in any major ways.

Armor | Meds | Gas Mask | Bum clothes if possible

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Yal'oa
*Brief summary of the character: Yal'oa, a large Bipedal Bullsquid that was born exactly a earth year before the portal storms. Once portals appeared, it was summoned in the city of Gomel in its sewers. Eating and Killing all who dare challenge its might, and for years it did this. Like most Bullsquids it stayed in one spot, a easy access to food even when the combine arrived.

Then, to its luck disaster struck and a deadly plague killed off most of the people in the city including combine forces, forcing it to move to the exclusion zone 020 until it met a Tribe of vortigaunt. Hostile it was at first, but the vortigaunts decided it'd be for the better to tame it, rather then slay it on the spot as it'd be a good hunting buddy and defense when the vorts are out without it at home. The Vortigaunt named it Yal'oa, for days they gave it food and gave it comfort until one day Yal'oa decided to join them, as it saw potential access to food and protection.

As of now, Yal'oa resides as a guard dog for the vortigaunt.. A powerful, and admirable foe.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Since my last 2 applications got denied, I thought I'd go back to my roots. And apply for a pet bullsquid, this time under different circumstances.

10 points for melee
By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,
Donavin Jones
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID:
I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

Marco Fidel
*Brief summary of the character:
Marco, a young Bosnian adult whom had found himself stuck in the wilderness of Bosnia for quite a long while. They had not been picked up by Overwatch once the invasion had occured, as they managed to hide and keep themselves hidden for long enough to be in the "clear". They were an adventurer, or rather an explorerer at heart. Though as time passed his supplies turned to be limited, and they dwindled with the harsh conditions of the outside world after the Portal storms had harmed it. Marco had set out to scavenge in any abandoned city, or area he could find. Travelling all accross Bosnia he had eventually found Z-020. It was fenced off, so surely it had to contain some goods Marco thought.

He decided upon venturing into the city by digging beneath an unguarded section of the Fence. His gasmask strapped, and remaining survival equipment on him he thought he was prepared, however he would not expect what was to be seen within the Quarantine Zone... With finding near to nothing valuable near the fences, he wandered deeper and deeper into the city in hopes of finding more gear to keep him running. Though unbeknownst to him, the further he travelled the more lost he became. Eventually reaching a point to where he didn't know how to get out of the city as he had been constantly having to hide, and evade Overwatch patrols... It was sure a hassle, and with the unfortunate result of him being trapped he decided upon scavenging, and surviving within the Zone until he could find a way out.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I believe that this event will be enticing, and packed with story. I also believe it will be an absolutely great experience. And with my character I wish to add onto this story, and see it to its end.

(2)- M40 Gasmask & 2 Filters
(2) - M40 Gasmask & 2 Filters
(3) - Repair Kit & Toolkit
(3) - Medical Items
(0) Custom Clothes - Brown Overcoat, Boonie Hat, 70s Aviator glasses, (If allowed, Small satchel), Full-tip gloves, Green padded pants.

GROUP - Scavengers (3/?)
Marco Fidel @Maine
nnis Del Mar - @Raptorian (Yet to apply)
Khristorozhdestvenskaya Jastrzębski - @Steffan (Yet to apply)

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,
Last edited:
Some of you Players will be Selected in the beginning to start as Infected Players. These Players will have the ability to infect other Players. Trust is going to become a Rare Good. Vortigaunts may also become Infected, always wear your Protective Gear folks!

You may also Start either in a Group or Solo!
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Tactically Edgy
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:552570998
  • *Discord Name & ID: Tactically Edgy#7777 | 732197163479728198
  • *Timezone: EEST (Eastern European Summer Time)
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---Screenshot_447.png

*Character Name: Vasil Iuryi
*Brief summary of the character: An unfortunate local to the Exclusion Zone, and an orphan, having his parents be killed in the Seven Hour War, Vasil was naturally extremely loyal to those who did not mistreat him, one of these people would be Vasil's mentor / father figure, an elderly man by the name of Alaxandr, a hunter who taught Vasil everything he knows about surviving in Brahin, upon the creation of the Exclusion Zone, a sense of panic came over the town and it's inhabitants once those who tried to leave were killed, retreating to Alaxandr's hunting cabin, they both lived the first few days of the outbreak in there, but Alaxandr's body was frail, dying. Vasil was forced to watch his only friend and mentor slowly inch closer to death everyday. When Alaxandr finally passed, Vasil had relocated to one of the few underground settlements that took him in, starting a new life there.

Over time, Vasil's mental state slowly deteriorated. The events of that day had replayed in his mind thousands of times, Vasil often questioned if he could have somehow saved Alaxandr, these repeating thoughts led to breakdowns, outbursts of hostility towards anybody in his path and more. sensing that he was going to become a threat to the settlement, the people had exiled him, leaving him with an old soviet gas mask and a knife, in the process of his exile the alarms went off, the settlement has been breached and was losing fighters at an extreme rate. The horde of Xen creatures was approaching Vasil, abandoning his escort, Vasil ran off to the closest exit into the sewer system which led to a ladder that would bring him


From that day on, Vasil lived his life in total isolation, returning to Alaxandr's old cabin and eating what he could harvest and hunt inside the woods, making the occasional run into town for any equipment that may have been left behind.

Vasil only knows this way of life. Nothing else. He is trapped in this hell forever. The only thing he can do is fight.

*Why do you want to play this character?: The idea of this event greatly interest me, I also enjoy infection / extreme survival RP as it has the potential to either end very quickly, or play out over several hours, and provides an exciting experience either way, I am also eager to participate in my first Short-Story.


CLOTHING: Green Jacket, Black Citizen Trousers, Backpack (if possible) 0 POINTS




By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

Tactically Edgy
--- Section One ---
  • Steam Name: RileyTheRoomba
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:128264964
  • Discord Name & ID: RileyTheRoomba#3849
  • Timezone: Atlantic Standard Time (AST)
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server: Yes.
  • Is this character from the Main Server: No.
--- Section Two ---


Character Name: Emilija Moiseyeva
Brief summary of the character: A filthy rat fueled by the unyielding and innate desire of self-preservation hailing originally from the makeshift shelters of Vilnius, Lithuania, where hers and many other families held out until eventually discovered by Outland patrols and relocated to various different cities across Eurasia, with her landing in City 10. A youth spent festering on mold-encrusted restaurant crumbs and rusted tins of food saw little improvement when reintroduced to so-called civilization, struggling to adjust to a foreign world wholly unfamiliar to that of which she originated from. With no place of her own she drifts between other groups of the equally disenfranchised, fleeing when relations soured or conflict brewed, sleeping in doorways and nourishing oneself on whatever food fell on one's lap-- often bird or headcrab.

The Outbreak offered little respite, hiding away as the city crumbles around her, listening as the sounds of marching boots and blaring horns all progressively fall silent. With the cold creeping in and the City laying still, she ventures off into the homes and buildings once inhabited by people now dead or evacuated, eager to find her next meal.

Why do you want to play this character?: I'm a huge fan of any setting that is steeped with just utter despair and melancholy, a situation which from the ic perspective seems entirely hopeless, yet one continues to endure until pushed to the brink or cut out of the equation. Additionally I have always loved the hoboMax grind and I think this setting is perfect for just that, going for the whole underarmed/underprepared survivors just trying to live day to day in a city that's destined to kill them eventually. Definitely my cup of tea and I'd be a pleasure to be a part of it.

--- Points ---
Custom Cloths | 0 Points (Baggy/bedraggled winter coat, if such models exist 🙏)
A Small Firearm | 6 Points
Gasmask with 2 Filters | 2 Points
2x Custom Consumer Goods | 1 Points each (Tins of food and bottle of water)

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,
Last edited:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Big Chef Dog
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54781117
  • *Discord Name & ID: chefbigdog#6146
  • *Timezone: EST
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Boris Morozov
*Brief summary of the character:
Before the Seven Hour War, Boris Morozov was attending one of the best medical schools in all of Belarus, he was on track to get his degree and secure himself a successful future! While on break, he decided to go back to his hometown and spend time with his family--unfortunately for him, his hometown just happened to be located right in the middle of the soon-to-be-named Exclusion Zone-020. Boris got separated from his family in the Seven Hour War, and the ensuing outbreak of a deadly alien virus made sure that he'd never see them again. Though he never finished his education, he does his best to provide medical attention to the scattered communities that still reside in the Exclusion Zone.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
I'm new to the Willard Networks community, and this event seems like a good way to put my name out there while engaging in some quality RP!

--- POINT SHOP ---
Hazmat suit with 3 filters (6 points), basic medical supplies (3 points), a water bottle (1 point), and some custom clothing (a jacket, some gloves, and some trousers, all 0 points)

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Ekrell​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179035858
  • *Discord Name & ID: Ekrell#9249​
  • *Timezone: GMT+2​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [YES]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [NO]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Go'll Val'galak THE WANDERING GUARDIAN

*Brief summary of the character:
A traveling vortigaunt, following the teachings of the Wanderer and the Eastern Dragon. He has sworn to visit the most dangerous of places that Earth can offer to truly master his abilities and save any kin whom he might encounter. He has never allowed himself to be captured by the Combine, and as a result, lacks basic communicative skills. He doesn't know how to speak any human language, including the common (English). He has sharpened both his vortal senses and close-quarter combat, though most of the time he will rely on the latter to defend and hunt. He's constantly on the move and thus has a great sense of direction. Vortigaunts who encountered him on the way bestowed him the title of "THE WANDERING GUARDIAN", solidifying his purpose in this New World. Whenever one is in danger, a mere bellow is all that's needed for Go'll to respond. No kindred left behind.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Go'll will start separated from the main vortigaunt group, and only meet them once the action unfolds. I believe it is going to be rather fun to play someone that has to rely on other vortigaunts to communicate. I have also been offered by the already enlisted vortigaunt players to join them, so here I am.

Points: Antlion Guardian Plating + SUSTENANCE belt

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,
-- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Daniels
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:39991588
  • *Discord Name & ID: Daniels#0293
  • *Timezone: +2GMT
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Paul the Butcher

*Brief summary of the character: Paul the Butcher is a clinically insane male, an outcaste and psychopath that resides in the tunnels and sewers of EZ, he posses the body of a caveman with strong legs and arms, he is quite agile and strong a true huntsman, with bloodshot eyes and a roar of a berserker he is cunning and brave when it comes to combat.

He was out casted by a group of survivors in the EZ after being found by the groups nurse mutilating a body of a deceased rebel, since then he hunts alone feeding mostly on rats, maggots and other disgusting meats, rarely interacting with humans he lost most of his ability to speak English correctly, trading with different scavenger groups occasionally.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I'd like to contribute some interesting roleplaying scenarios to the event without changing the story or flow of the event in any major ways.

Armor | Meds | Gas Mask | Bum clothes if possible

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,
DENIED | Your RP Background or Brief Summary of your Character, is not suited for this Short Stories Event
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267​
  • *Timezone: EST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]​
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Yal'oa
*Brief summary of the character: Yal'oa, a large Bipedal Bullsquid that was born exactly a earth year before the portal storms. Once portals appeared, it was summoned in the city of Gomel in its sewers. Eating and Killing all who dare challenge its might, and for years it did this. Like most Bullsquids it stayed in one spot, a easy access to food even when the combine arrived.

Then, to its luck disaster struck and a deadly plague killed off most of the people in the city including combine forces, forcing it to move to the exclusion zone 020 until it met a Tribe of vortigaunt. Hostile it was at first, but the vortigaunts decided it'd be for the better to tame it, rather then slay it on the spot as it'd be a good hunting buddy and defense when the vorts are out without it at home. The Vortigaunt named it Yal'oa, for days they gave it food and gave it comfort until one day Yal'oa decided to join them, as it saw potential access to food and protection.

As of now, Yal'oa resides as a guard dog for the vortigaunt.. A powerful, and admirable foe.
*Why do you want to play this character?: Since my last 2 applications got denied, I thought I'd go back to my roots. And apply for a pet bullsquid, this time under different circumstances.

10 points for melee
By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,
Donavin Jones
ACCEPTED | I Expect Great RP Quality
--- Section One ---
*Steam Name:
*Steam ID:
*Discord Name & ID:
I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:

Marco Fidel
*Brief summary of the character:
Marco, a young Bosnian adult whom had found himself stuck in the wilderness of Bosnia for quite a long while. They had not been picked up by Overwatch once the invasion had occured, as they managed to hide and keep themselves hidden for long enough to be in the "clear". They were an adventurer, or rather an explorerer at heart. Though as time passed his supplies turned to be limited, and they dwindled with the harsh conditions of the outside world after the Portal storms had harmed it. Marco had set out to scavenge in any abandoned city, or area he could find. Travelling all accross Bosnia he had eventually found Z-020. It was fenced off, so surely it had to contain some goods Marco thought.

He decided upon venturing into the city by digging beneath an unguarded section of the Fence. His gasmask strapped, and remaining survival equipment on him he thought he was prepared, however he would not expect what was to be seen within the Quarantine Zone... With finding near to nothing valuable near the fences, he wandered deeper and deeper into the city in hopes of finding more gear to keep him running. Though unbeknownst to him, the further he travelled the more lost he became. Eventually reaching a point to where he didn't know how to get out of the city as he had been constantly having to hide, and evade Overwatch patrols... It was sure a hassle, and with the unfortunate result of him being trapped he decided upon scavenging, and surviving within the Zone until he could find a way out.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I believe that this event will be enticing, and packed with story. I also believe it will be an absolutely great experience. And with my character I wish to add onto this story, and see it to its end.

(2)- M40 Gasmask & 2 Filters
(2) - M40 Gasmask & 2 Filters
(3) - Repair Kit & Toolkit
(3) - Medical Items
(0) Custom Clothes - Brown Overcoat, Boonie Hat, 70s Aviator glasses, (If allowed, Small satchel), Full-tip gloves, Green padded pants.

GROUP - Scavengers (3/?)
Marco Fidel @Maine
nnis Del Mar - @Raptorian (Yet to apply)
Requis "Tyrone" Jaquavian - @Steffan (Yet to apply)

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,

ACCEPTED | 2 Gasmask with 2 Filters | 2 Gasmask with 2 Filters | 3 Repair kit & Toolkit | 3 Medical Items | Custom Cloths
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Tactically Edgy
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:552570998
  • *Discord Name & ID: Tactically Edgy#7777 | 732197163479728198
  • *Timezone: EEST (Eastern European Summer Time)
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---View attachment 21849

*Character Name: Vasil Iuryi
*Brief summary of the character: An unfortunate local to the Exclusion Zone, and an orphan, having his parents be killed in the Seven Hour War, Vasil was naturally extremely loyal to those who did not mistreat him, one of these people would be Vasil's mentor / father figure, an elderly man by the name of Alaxandr, a hunter who taught Vasil everything he knows about surviving in Brahin, upon the creation of the Exclusion Zone, a sense of panic came over the town and it's inhabitants once those who tried to leave were killed, retreating to Alaxandr's hunting cabin, they both lived the first few days of the outbreak in there, but Alaxandr's body was frail, dying. Vasil was forced to watch his only friend and mentor slowly inch closer to death everyday. When Alaxandr finally passed, Vasil had relocated to one of the few underground settlements that took him in, starting a new life there.

Over time, Vasil's mental state slowly deteriorated. The events of that day had replayed in his mind thousands of times, Vasil often questioned if he could have somehow saved Alaxandr, these repeating thoughts led to breakdowns, outbursts of hostility towards anybody in his path and more. sensing that he was going to become a threat to the settlement, the people had exiled him, leaving him with an old soviet gas mask and a knife, in the process of his exile the alarms went off, the settlement has been breached and was losing fighters at an extreme rate. The horde of Xen creatures was approaching Vasil, abandoning his escort, Vasil ran off to the closest exit into the sewer system which led to a ladder that would bring him topside.

View attachment 21848

From that day on, Vasil lived his life in total isolation, returning to Alaxandr's old cabin and eating what he could harvest and hunt inside the woods, making the occasional run into town for any equipment that may have been left behind.

Vasil only knows this way of life. Nothing else. He is trapped in this hell forever. The only thing he can do is fight.

*Why do you want to play this character?: The idea of this event greatly interest me, I also enjoy infection / extreme survival RP as it has the potential to either end very quickly, or play out over several hours, and provides an exciting experience either way, I am also eager to participate in my first Short-Story.


CLOTHING: Green Jacket, Black Citizen Trousers, Backpack (if possible) 0 POINTS




By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

Tactically Edgy

ACCEPTED | 2 Gasmask with 2 Filters | 6 Small Firearm| 0 Custom Cloths | 1 Consumer Goods
--- Section One ---
  • Steam Name: RileyTheRoomba
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:128264964
  • Discord Name & ID: RileyTheRoomba#3849
  • Timezone: Atlantic Standard Time (AST)
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server: Yes.
  • Is this character from the Main Server: No.
--- Section Two ---

View attachment 21850

Character Name: Emilija Moiseyeva
Brief summary of the character: A filthy rat fueled by the unyielding and innate desire of self-preservation hailing originally from the makeshift shelters of Vilnius, Lithuania, where hers and many other families held out until eventually discovered by Outland patrols and relocated to various different cities across Eurasia, with her landing in City 10. A youth spent festering on mold-encrusted restaurant crumbs and rusted tins of food saw little improvement when reintroduced to so-called civilization, struggling to adjust to a foreign world wholly unfamiliar to that of which she originated from. With no place of her own she drifts between other groups of the equally disenfranchised, fleeing when relations soured or conflict brewed, sleeping in doorways and nourishing oneself on whatever food fell on one's lap-- often bird or headcrab.

The Outbreak offered little respite, hiding away as the city crumbles around her, listening as the sounds of marching boots and blaring horns all progressively fall silent. With the cold creeping in and the City laying still, she ventures off into the homes and buildings once inhabited by people now dead or evacuated, eager to find her next meal.

Why do you want to play this character?: I'm a huge fan of any setting that is steeped with just utter despair and melancholy, a situation which from the ic perspective seems entirely hopeless, yet one continues to endure until pushed to the brink or cut out of the equation. Additionally I have always loved the hoboMax grind and I think this setting is perfect for just that, going for the whole underarmed/underprepared survivors just trying to live day to day in a city that's destined to kill them eventually. Definitely my cup of tea and I'd be a pleasure to be a part of it.

--- Points ---
Custom Cloths | 0 Points (Baggy/bedraggled winter coat, if such models exist 🙏)
A Small Firearm | 6 Points
Gasmask with 2 Filters | 2 Points
2x Custom Consumer Goods | 1 Points each (Tins of food and bottle of water)

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

ACCEPTED | 2 Gasmask with 2 Filters | 6 Small Firearm| 0 Custom Cloths | 1 Consumer Goods | 1 Consumer Goods
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Big Chef Dog
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:54781117
  • *Discord Name & ID: chefbigdog#6146
  • *Timezone: EST
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Boris Morozov
*Brief summary of the character:
Before the Seven Hour War, Boris Morozov was attending one of the best medical schools in all of Belarus, he was on track to get his degree and secure himself a successful future! While on break, he decided to go back to his hometown and spend time with his family--unfortunately for him, his hometown just happened to be located right in the middle of the soon-to-be-named Exclusion Zone-020. Boris got separated from his family in the Seven Hour War, and the ensuing outbreak of a deadly alien virus made sure that he'd never see them again. Though he never finished his education, he does his best to provide medical attention to the scattered communities that still reside in the Exclusion Zone.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I'm new to the Willard Networks community, and this event seems like a good way to put my name out there while engaging in some quality RP!

--- POINT SHOP ---
Hazmat suit with 3 filters (6 points), basic medical supplies (3 points), a water bottle (1 point), and some custom clothing (a jacket, some gloves, and some trousers, all 0 points)

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

ACCEPTED | 6 Hamat Suit with 3 Filters | 3 Basic Medical Supplies |1 Custom Consumer Goods | 0 Custom cloths
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Ekrell​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:179035858
  • *Discord Name & ID: Ekrell#9249​
  • *Timezone: GMT+2​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [YES]​
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [NO]​
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Go'll Val'galak THE WANDERING GUARDIAN

*Brief summary of the character:
A traveling vortigaunt, following the teachings of the Wanderer and the Eastern Dragon. He has sworn to visit the most dangerous of places that Earth can offer to truly master his abilities and save any kin whom he might encounter. He has never allowed himself to be captured by the Combine, and as a result, lacks basic communicative skills. He doesn't know how to speak any human language, including the common (English). He has sharpened both his vortal senses and close-quarter combat, though most of the time he will rely on the latter to defend and hunt. He's constantly on the move and thus has a great sense of direction. Vortigaunts who encountered him on the way bestowed him the title of "THE WANDERING GUARDIAN", solidifying his purpose in this New World. Whenever one is in danger, a mere bellow is all that's needed for Go'll to respond. No kindred left behind.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Go'll will start separated from the main vortigaunt group, and only meet them once the action unfolds. I believe it is going to be rather fun to play someone that has to rely on other vortigaunts to communicate. I have also been offered by the already enlisted vortigaunt players to join them, so here I am.

Points: Antlion Guardian Plating + SUSTENANCE belt

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

ACCEPTED | 5 Antlion Guard Plate | 5 Sustenance Belt
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: kaczor (DICTATOR)
    *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:94891935
    *Discord Name & ID: the connoisseur#7947
    *Timezone: CET
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
    Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Angus Vass
*Brief summary of the character:

1682530037563.pngThe Resonance Cascade, the following alien invasions and the Seven Hour War was undoubtedly a major breaking point for all inhabitants of Earth, shattering their worldview as a whole in an instant. The same could be said about a certain Scottish priest that saw hell break loose in his homeland.

For a man who had sacrificed all of his life to be part of the apostolic ministry, brought up in accordance of the holy scripture and all of Christianity’s rules and restrictions, the abrupt and incongrous massacres he witnessed, done by both otherwordly aliens and those, who he would later on call “Our Benefactors” has utterly and irrepairably broken his sanity.

During the early years of the occupation, our former priest stayed quiet and did not stand out from the crowd at all, simply being one of the many replaceables cogs of a machine called City 10, far away from his home. Anyone who would even bother to observe the broken Scotsman’s habits would oftentimes find him in secluded areas, sitting and weeping pathetically, still unable to comprehend what the Resonance Cascade was, and why did it happen. Sometimes, he even attempted to take his own life, but failed to do so each time, lacking the ‘courage’ to do so. It became clear to him that the God he once believed in has left him… or did he?

1682528052985.pngFast forward a few years, a terrible disease codenamed CFLU appeared in the city. The local combine forces , unable to contain it, began its evacuation. Most people who have witnessed this outbreak viewed it as an epidemic that is far from their concern. In the case of the broken priest however, this was something else. Something quite the opposite.

It was his

All this time spent under the heel of the combine, the man took the outbreak as a heavenly punishment for the un-godly crimes on humanity that the Combine has committed. He had miraculously survived the first wave of the outbreak, hiding in the canals and finding a gasmask from the CWU supplies. He saw his survival as a sign from the heavens, a sign of a second chance given to him, to live on, and live a life in this crumbling city, his goal to combat and expel the ‘evil’ of this world.

Although his faith was reborn, the years spent under the regime have twisted his sanity and faith, becoming more of an unpredictable fanatic than a faithful believer. Although he remained stoic and would not show his obsession easily, he was ready to take action whenever the moment would call for it. Attired in a gasmask, winter clothing and a vest,
Angus Vass travels through this wasteland of a city to survive and thrive.

Small melee - 3 points
Medical items - 3 points
Gasmask with 2 filters - 2 points
Custom Consumer Goods x2 - 2 points
Custom clothes (brown overcoat, gloves, gray padded pants, if possible - a bag) - 0 points

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I'm a big fan of the abandoned city theme, aswell as the deadly virus theme, I never had the chance to actually roleplay in this environment, so I'm really keen on giving this a try. A different kind of SurvivalRP where you can only depend on yourself while everyone is in the same boat as you and have the same gear, essentially all equal to eachother, seems really promising. A rotten city is home to rotten people, therefore I believe an unhinged priest trying to survive in this place could make for an immersive addition, both bringing hope to this bleak world to some people, but also an unpredictable threat to those who may be after him, or those miserable people who he sees as evil. I generally just feel that there should be other goals for people to follow than just to survive or escape. If it doesn't suit the event at all, I will not RP 'combating evil' mentioned in the backstory.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

Master of Kebab
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Application Format for Citizen

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone: BST
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Bartek Kamienski

*Brief summary of the character:
Bartek was like any ordinary man, he went to school, collage, he enlisted into community service as a police officer where he passed basic training which made his physique quite outstanding with greater lung capacity and sturdy foot. Arrival of the combine wasn't one of the things he has planned in his life, watching things he loved getting destroyed was like building a lego tower just for one kid to come over just to push it off and destroy it, he's still haunted by the memories of people, humans getting tortured and slaughtered out in the open by the alien synthetic soldiers, leaving him a everlasting scar of his bloody beloved brother lying in the pool of blood right in his arms. Somehow, he manged to survive the slaughter, only to get enslaved and thrown on a train to city 17 where it didn't took long for him to realise that humanity is entering a dark age. Month after arrival to the new city, Bartek has started to make friends with locals, even vortigaunts, it didn't took very long for him to enter a group of people siding with 'Resistance', his first and last heist was on a CWU factory, where he managed to take some equipment including a Hazmat Suit, few filters [3], whereas his group gathered alot more, useful things, weapons, resources and plenty more, however to no surprise the Civil Protection arrived and cut the party short.

Bartek speaking:
There was 5 of us... as soon as those doors oppened we were met with bullets, killing two of us instantly, me and Alex [Random char] made a dash for the emergency exit door where on the way there i managed to catch my hand on a hatchet laying ontop of a box, god knows why it was there... I looked over my shoulder to see Paulie [Another random char] getting completly body slammed against the floor while other officers were shooting at us relentlessly. We went to the alleyway where i slit the fence open with the hatchet and managed to make it to the sewers, we were out in the open... they were shooting at us like we're ducks... Alex got hit in the back few times, the noise had bring out the infected out of the contaminated zone which distracted the officers enough for us to make it to a dark but safe position. I tried my best to stop the bleeding but it just wouldn't stop! DAMN IT! Not like Lukasz... [Bartek's brother]. Like that, he died in my arms aswell... I put the suit on to prevent anyone else seeing my crying ass face, i took Alex's bag filled with some food and water, i went to depths of darkness with nothing but a flashlight and my hatchet... god knows how long i've spend there undiscovered by the combine... Whatever has happened to the surface, have brough a real apocalypse that even the combine couldn't contain... Well, i'm nothing more then a runner now, trying to survive this... hell...

[10/10] points spent.
1 P: Custom Consumer Goods: Food supplies + 1 or 2 Water bottles filled or not.
3 P: Small Melee Weapon: Hatchet
6 P: Hazmat suit + 3 filters
Custom clothing: Black Jumpsuit, Black shoes, Full gloves, Padded black pants, Black Beanie, A bag [Or a satchel/pouch].
*Why do you want to play this character?:
This character is specifically a runner, armed lightly and equiped with reasonable resoucres, i've made it like this as it could remind you of a game Dying Light, where there's a zombie apocalypse and people use parkour to adapt to the danger and survive. Although this is not going to be Zombies but overwatch and synthetic arm, this bring it to a whole new different level. Also i haven't taken part of any short story series yet, this would be my first one which i'm looking forwards into.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

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Application Format for Citizen

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: ThomasK​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:120901350​
  • *Discord Name & ID: ThomasK110#0550​
  • *Timezone: BST​
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server: Yes.
  • Is this character from the Main Server: No.

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name: Oleksandr Denysenko
*Brief summary of the character:
A former Ukrainian police officer, turned refugee, turned resistance figure following the Combine invasion. During his short-lived career in the police, he fell on hard times, resorting to a bribe from “Markelvaryich Marcusio Delanger” (@Fallizs) – the friendly neighbourhood cannabis dealer – to destroy some evidence; the court case against him was thrown out (and just in time as well).

Once the Combine took over, it was only a matter of time until he got conscripted to the Civil Protection – even as a corrupt cop, Oleksandr despised the thought of beating up civilians for no reason. In the remains of Chernihiv, he stumbled upon Markelvaryich some time in the late 2000s and joined forces with the “Valuable Reclamation Gang”.

Throughout the next decade, Denysenko would continue with the gang; houses were looted, stores were robbed, Metrocops were murdered. However, this all changed when the “CFLU” emerged – it bought a threat that no soldier, Metrocop or rival gang could live up to. The gang locked down, they stayed hidden indoors to keep safe and took advantage of the gear they had; it was awful timing, during a major relocation of the gang’s manpower and assets to a Belarusian town out of sight from the Combine.

Now, Oleksandr has few options left if he (and the gang) are to survive, and that's where this event begins...

*Why do you want to play this character?:

Oleksandr is a unique character, and will offer me a new perspective on HL2RP – the “resistance”. As I would be RPing with @Fallizs, it means I can enjoy myself more than just playing as some lone refugee (especially as I prefer playing with friends). Finally, the idea of RPing as Oleksandr just appeals to me – his backstory is different to any character I could RP as in the main server, and I have not made an event character before.

Custom Clothing (Blue Rebel Top, Green Combat Trousers, Brown Leather Boots, Backpack, Boonie Hat) [0]
(2x) Custom Consumer Goods (1x Filtrated Water Bottle, Cans of Food/Rations). [2]
M40 Gas Mask with 2 filters. [2]
Medical Items. [3]
A Small Melee Weapon (Cleaver) [3]

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,
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--- Section One ---

Steam Name:
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:201739431
Discord Name & ID: Steffan#4013
Timezone: GMT 0
I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ]
Is this character from the Main Server : [ NO ]

--- Section Two ---


Character Name: Khristorozhdestvenskaya Jastrzębski

Brief summary of the character: Khristorozhdestvenskaya Jastrzębski is an alcoholic. Before the war Khristorozhdestvenskaya Jastrzębski spent most of his time in bars and pubs, getting used to the fights and alcohol. He enjoyed his time there, although he didn't have the cleanest of records. Usually picking fights with the police. He's strong and is determined to survive the desolate place he has found himself in, avoiding patrols and staying outside of the combines watchful eye alongside his small group of friends who he trusts enough to let travel with him. He often carries bottles of cheap beer on him, tending to get drunk in fights. Although he's a stubborn and born fighter, in this environment fleeing has saved his life more often due to the flu and infrequent OTA patrols, despite this from his prior bar fighting experience he is specialised in CQC combat. Khristorozhdestvenskaya Jastrzębski traveled to the city with his groups thinking he could have an easy time finding scraps left over from the previous occupant of the city, just hoping to use the supplies to get by and upgrade his equipment if the opportunity arises, although after sneaking into the city he has found himself trapped within and now he desperately seeks escape alongside his group.

Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play the crazy drunken polish character as I think it's an interesting dynamic, my character is made for somewhat comic relief but also so he can show his serious and determined side when needed.

1. Custom clothes 0 points khaki jacket, boonie, white pants, black shoes, full black gloves and Aviators. Small + large bag.
2. Consumer goods 1 point headcrab jambalaya.
3. Small melee 3 points (cleaver).
4. Hazmat suit & filters 6 points.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.
I hereby agree to the following terms,
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: human
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:10470765
  • *Discord Name & ID: dudeperson#1185
  • *Timezone: GMT
  • I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
  • Is this character from the Main Server : [ YES ] or [ NO ]
--- Section Two ---

*Character Name: Alex Knowles
*Brief summary of the character: A man who found his place within District 43's underground scene after being exiled from loyalist society due to stepping on the toes of someone he should not have. He now lives as a small-time mercenary, making money through work offered by black-market dealers and occasionally selling off a good piece of equipment found while on the job.

Things took a turn for the worse when the antlions came, however. Things got chaotic. Ordinarily, this would have been good- Scanners were shot down all the time, which eventually caused them to come out less. Civil Protection came to the slums less too.

But there was no work. Not a single job to be had. The antlions had cut the black-market dealers off from the district, meaning he would not get any work. He waited a bit. Perhaps they would come back. They did not- and the situation only got worse. So, he left the city. There was no reason for him to remain- he was simply wasting time. Killing antlions was not profitable whatsoever, and his chip reserves drained with each bullet shot.

Thus, he began his journey across the lands, eventually coming across this place.

Getting in was not easy. The many security measures made sure of this. But he had to get in. He simply had to- if there was so much security on this place, then surely there'd be something good to be had here.

And get in, he did- after surveying the area for many days, he got in. Somehow.

Now, he has to get out.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Survival scenarios are my favorite sort of RP to be involved in. The tension present in these situations allows for characters to descend into complete desperation: they lie in dirt as they wait for patrols to pass by; they stand quietly in shadows- with no shield nor barrier to cover them but the darkness. These moments make survival scenarios interesting: the dread and anxiety one feels when performing such a stunt- then the relief that comes afterwards. That makes a survival scenario worth partaking in.

[0] Custom Cloths: Gloves, Murky Overcoat, Black Padded Pants, Grey Beanie, Black Shoes, Small + Large Bag (?)
[2] Gasmask with 2 filters
[6] A small firearm
[2] (If possible) Bayonet attachment for firearm

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,
Last edited:
*Steam Name: Goose
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:436537142
*Discord Name & ID: Goose#8047
*Timezone: CST (GMT-6)
I am in the Short Stories Discord Server : YES
Is this character from the Main Server : NO

*Character Name: McKinney Knight
Character Rank: Intention Three
Character Equipment: SMG + 3 Filters
*Brief summary of the character:

McKinney, a born and raised Texan gal with a strange affinity for her morality. She's always had an overtly friendly attitude throughout her youth, having no issues socializing throughout her childhood. She wasn't exactly the smartest person out there, but she was indeed popular due to her core-beliefs to attempt to please everyone. Although this made her a target for bullying, which she was strong enough to ignore.

After her sudden-transition into the Union, she was presented with debatably the best offer she could've received in such an interesting time. Already being decent with firearms due to her pass-time of hunting, she elected to take on the position of a metropolice officer. Secretly throughout her career, smuggling out a handful of goodies to the resistance - letting people go with drastically reduced charges, or just outright ignoring specific actions. Luckily, she was usually smart enough to not be caught... Usually.

She ascended through the ranks relatively hastily, due to her personal connections to the majority of the Garrison. Although, what she was secretly hiding from everyone would have her killed. Deep down, all of this friendliness with a facade. She was indeed, a true physcopath - suffering from multi-personality disorder, which she's managed to keep hidden throughout her life. Although as she reaches her thirties she's slowly losing control of the physcopath that hides underneath. Internally fighting with that insanity inside of her that craves violence and murder..

Perhaps it was a switch that was flipped.. she surely doesn't know. What she know, however, is that she must attempt to uphold this facade in her new district, whilst attempting to search for a cure for her mental illnesses. Before it's too late.

The question is... can she fight herself as the world around her crumbles?


Or will she give up on her helping ideals, and relinquish the physcopath inside of her - becoming naught but a bandit?

*Why do you want to play this character?: I enjoy playing unique characters, and what's more unique than a genuine attempt to roleplay someone suffering from such a horrendous mental illness. It makes for unique situations, and memorable RP. Plus, I am a combine main, so a civil-protection character is right for me.

By putting my account name below, I hereby agree to the following stipulations:
Should my character be removed at any point, and the GM state so it can't be appealed?
The event cannot be used as an excuse to exercise personal vendettas OOCly against others.
Breaking the rules or disrupting the event will result in being ejected from the series.
All rules regarding fear RP should be respected.
You will be at the heart of events that will have an impact on the lore - a serious attitude must be adopted at all times. This is not tongue-in-cheek like some of the Fates events. This is a deliberately serious series in terms of tone and content.
The GM reserves the right to eject you if he feels the rules have been breached.
The GM reserves the right to control the event.

I hereby agree to the following terms,

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