The SECOND day was a solid 10/10 for me. I will explain why:
The overall coordination from the GMs was a lot, lot more convenient this time. The events were appropriate, fun, descriptive and immersive. The threats felt tensive and appropriate as well. I felt that while day one was a conglomeration of various mistakes made, day two showed very vast improvement and provided us with a lot of roleplaying potential. We got to choose our own endings, and the event felt fluidic with objectives, this time.
Vort gang on top, we are the true explorers.
Civil Protection players, you were all magnificent. We were right to not trust the citizens since they were actually infected (or some of them were).
Here are the gripes I mention, however:
- The A+D spamming GM threats returned, shooting us mid-roleplay and we had to force S2K with the Combine Soldiers. I don't want to do that so close to the ending of the event. STOP DOING THAT. It's not CS:GO!
- Empty map. Hardly many props or interactable lore sets.
That's all there is to it.