

To keep everyone up to date on what is happening in terms of server development, we will be picking the development updates up again. Except they will no longer be 'dev blogs', and instead will be in the form of a changelog. You will notice that these are perhaps a bit more dry, and lack in screenshots or videos to show everything to you. But as you all have access to the server now, you can just go and check everything on this changelog out yourself. The aim of these changelogs is more to keep everyone informed of what has been added, changed, removed and fixed. As we transition to a steady release cycle, these changelogs will get posted on regular intervals before we push updates to the server.

Currently however, all the below updates are already live as we are still in 'hypercare mode'. Overall I am happy to say that the launch was a success - perhaps a bit too much of a success as our server couldn't quite keep up with the heavy load. Development-wise everything went smooth, with only a couple of minor bugs coming up. That has allowed us to already implement some new features and help the administration out in addressing some other problems. Credits should be given to Fruity, M!nt and Alex for all their hard work these past months to make the launch possible, so be sure to thank them! Also to Atle, Mullin, Robert & everyone else who helped with testing/development!

To also look forward already: we will mostly be focusing still on adding urgent requests to improve quality of life or add small missing features. In the meantime we are also already pivoting again to focus on feature development again. In the months leading up to launch we were on feature freeze, resulting in a lot of good ideas ending on our backlog. We will be re-prioritizing the backlog and start planning the first big update, which will likely include the Smuggling skill and further TBC improvements.

Operations-wise we will be migrating to a dedicated box soon, which will have a slightly better CPU than we have now (as the Source server is single-core, the amount of improvement possible here is very limited) and give us full control over the entire physical CPU. Although this is an expansive move (our server cost is tripling), we hope the additional stability and ability to host some extra servers (dev server, short stories, ...) will be worth it. A big thank you should already go out here to all the staff that have offered to help pay for this!

Enjoy the new year, everyone!



  1. Added melee weapons and TBC melee support was added. Melee skill added (leveling to be added this week)
  2. Increased storage size in containers by a lot (up to 10x10 now for closets). Size vs volume of prop makes more sense now.
  3. Added a way for admins to set permanent door ownership for individuals
  4. Added remaining time display on the ration machine
  5. Added option to disable OOC in the settings
  6. Added BOE radio channel & item
  7. Added a union card to open combine locks
  8. Added storage items to Bartering
  9. Added alcohol items to Bartering
  10. Some food items now return a junk item upon use
  11. Added /MassReward for CP faction
  12. Added CP uniforms with proper bodygroups pre-set (in the future these will receive more functionality)
  13. Added /PrintStaffList (available for everyone) to show all admins online per usergroup
  14. Added additional client-side options for admins to turn parts of the admin ESP on/off
  15. Added Admin ESP for NPC's
  16. Added Admin ESP shows additional info on trash spawners (time remaining until spawn, trash spawned)
  17. Server Admin faction was given permission to do various 'Combine-faction only' action
  18. Added 'Get Player Info' option for admins on the scoreboard, to mimic the /PGI command
  19. Added /PrintFactionList (available for staff) added to show all players with a whitelist online (even if they are on a different character)
  20. Added /CharAddXP command so GM's can more easily give exceptional experience

  1. Optimized various pieces of code to reduce server load
  2. Bartering costs & XP were changed
  3. Crafting XP increased
  4. Medicine XP increased
  5. Cooking XP increased
  6. Trash spawns save now and have improved spawn logic, randomness added to the spawn timer
  7. Ration/Vending Machine use restrictions largely removed: anyone with an ID card can use them now
  8. Vending machine prices were lowered for the regular vending machine (BOB vending prices remain unchanged)
  9. Anti-AFK plugin was updated, prints list of AFK players rather than just kicking one now to allow for more admin control
  10. Bar HUD enabled by default
  11. Stunsticks are now properly limited in TBC
  12. IC chat coloring changed, highlighting for target added
  13. Removed camera movement violation alert for Combine factions
  14. Luxury alcohol no longer spoils
  15. Everyone can pickup bleeding out ragdolls now
  16. Experience gained is now either that what you would get at your boosted or unboosted level, depending on which is higher
  17. OTA default name now has correct format
  18. Scissor description changed to clarify it doesn't have sharp points to avoid it being contraband

  1. Time check to prevent brute forcing container passwords using lua hacks
  2. Fixed 'someone is using this' on containers
  3. Improvements made to Legs plugin
  4. CCA can shift+e doors with combine locks
  5. Group locks can be opened with shift+e on the door
  6. UI scaling fixes for certain resolutions
  7. Prevent computers from being placed multiple times
  8. Fixed dispatch commands not being included client-side (/d & /c)
  9. Doors sell for credits rather than chips
  10. Mixer recipe fixed
  11. Admin event character creation can be finished now
  12. Fixed inventory bugging out ('wid!xt' error) when using ID creation device with the blank id card not in your main inventory
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not sure if this update is why considering i only noticed it yesterday or the day before, but my UI has been massively upscaled, like it states here, and to the point where I can't access everything in certain cargo containers, and icons and text in the skill UI overlap and such. In game UI scaling should be a client side setting, if thats possible.
not sure if this update is why considering i only noticed it yesterday or the day before, but my UI has been massively upscaled, like it states here, and to the point where I can't access everything in certain cargo containers, and icons and text in the skill UI overlap and such. In game UI scaling should be a client side setting, if thats possible.
We're still immediately pushing updates to the server as they happen. Fruity did a UI scaling update yesterday, and some more fixes today. If you have any bugs with scaling, confirm they are still there today and post them on Discord and we will have a look. Supporting everyone's resolutions properly is not always easy (considering lowest res is 1280x720 and biggest res is 4k ultrawide), but we're getting there.

Container UI for example was indeed not properly scaled in the update, but also already fixed.
We're still immediately pushing updates to the server as they happen. Fruity did a UI scaling update yesterday, and some more fixes today. If you have any bugs with scaling, confirm they are still there today and post them on Discord and we will have a look. Supporting everyone's resolutions properly is not always easy (considering lowest res is 1280x720 and biggest res is 4k ultrawide), but we're getting there.

Container UI for example was indeed not properly scaled in the update, but also already fixed.
Man I love the staffing here. Just want to take a moment to compliment how quick you guys are at responding to these questions and inquiries, like seriously lmao