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--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: AbeBatJes
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:597013
  • *Discord Name & ID: AbeBatJes #2674
  • *Timezone: PST/GMT-7
--- Section Two ---

  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Nope
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): N/A
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): N/A
--- Section Three ---

  • *Character Name: Hector Norheim
  • *Brief summary of the character: Family was originally in Spokane Washington. He attended their State University in the medical field originally to become a medical assistant. He changed his mind however both due to opportunity and for the love of the field, and further pursued more schooling to become a doctor. During his schooling, he met someone online living over across the world. After making a promise to see them after graduating, he did. This someone would be their future wife, and he'd set his residence in that state, and start his life as an intern at a hospital in the prospect of being a surgeon.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I've always had an interest in the medical field IRL, but never enacted or tried to pursue that career (due to money, and poor choices in highschool). I have however roleplayed as a 'medic' on a few militaryRP servers before, and have done medRP in HL2RP, both of which I really enjoyed, mostly because I like to stretch out my sentences and make close to, or more than a paragraph on these things (sometimes I shorten in for the sake of moving things along, but I like going into detail. It's just fun for me).
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):DISCLAIMER: I love making backstories for any character. There's going to be a bit so to those who don't want to read all of it, there's little 'checkpoints' involved. Thank you for reading :)

    Hector Norheim was born in 1973 at Spokane Washington. He had a relatively average childhood. Mother stayed at home taking care of the house while his father was out supervising for a construction company. A good majority of his family/relatives resided over in Europe, but his father and his parents moved to the United States. As Hector grew up, he managed to get along with whomever he interacted with, never having much qualms with people. However his main focuses were usually his schoolwork. He never enjoyed the partying as he thought of it as a waste of time, when he could simply be learning more material and bettering himself as an individual. He did have other hobbies though, such as ceramics, painting, and if he had time, playing with his father's guitar.
    (College/Adult Life) From receiving grants from his exceptional grades, he had several different places his could've gone to. His choice at the time was Washington State University. He was conflicted at first as to what he wanted to do, as his mother never really left the house, and the only idea he had in the job field was what his father did, which was construction. During the very beginning years of getting his basics done, he made a couple of friends who happen to be going in for nursing. They managed to "convince" him, or rather just tell them of what goes on which intrigued his interest, and switched his course to becoming a medical assistant, as he didn't at the time want to be a nurse, more so of just being on the safe side of things, and not really wanting to take care of older folks. He'd follow this new path for a while, and as he informed his folks cautiously, he was somewhat shocked from the response of his father, which was him accepting and being proud of what he's going to be doing. His father never showed much interest in his life, as he'd always be tired or exhausted from his job and would regularly push him off on occasion. They did have their small moments though such as him teaching Hector how to play his guitar, but that was sometimes once in a blue moon. Nonetheless, this encouragement helped boost his confidence, and while enjoying the field, decided to take it a step further and try to become a doctor, mostly to make his pops and mother proud.

    He still continued at first to finish his degree in medical assisting, and before he could do that he had to make an externship to one of the local hospitals to receive his first degree. His time there was tedious and exhausting at first, but managed to get a hang of it after a good month of it. He had his ups and downs with the employees there, such as his boss being a hardass, however he learned to understand that he too has his own problems to deal with and understood to just let things go and continue with work itself. After his externship was over, he was able to finally receive his degree in medical assisting, however he wasn't done from there. He was going to continue this path like what he thought and try to become a doctor.
    After years of studying and focusing on his work, he always felt a little bit 'empty', but more so of just not having someone close to him. Sure he had friends around and some gorgeous women, but they never really peaked his interests. Despite computers being somewhat "privative", he decided to give online dating a try. There was some people he found that were alright, but he found one that placed a spark in his heart. A woman by the name of Julia Hudson. She was a sweet girl living all the way across the states living in Buffalo New York. They started hitting it off, comparing their interests, their life and everything in between. This went on for a good month and a half before she wanted him to come down. He gave his interest and wanted to, but said that he had to finish with his schooling. However once he was done which would've been just another two months, he'd get a plane ticket and fly immediately over. It would be there where he'd find his new job at the local hospital, and his new love interest and wife. Unfortunately though, it turned out that his newly wedded wife would be able to conceive children. Nonetheless though, they enjoyed the time they had together.
    (While after the Black Mesa Incident) Things were going rather well with his job. He was able to participate in some small surgeries as one of the assistants, learning from the head surgeon and gathering notes. His wife Julia was working as one of the receptionists by one of the clinics close to where Hector was working at. At the time Hector was doing paperwork, finishing up on a report of one of his previous patients, when the power starts to fluctuate. The power briefly went out but immediately came right back on due to the emergency generators. However because of this all of his work disappeared, so in an annoyed fit he left to go to the employee's lounge. The regular news was on, giving out reports of strange, deformed looking rats or of the sort popping up around the world. What these things were was a mystery. Some people were pointing fingers saying it was from Australia, considering there was always some kind of new animal always showing up from there. Then a public announcement was given. These 'strange' creatures are to not be interacted with and to immediately call 911. Some pictures popped up to be faceless, for legged crab creatures, while another looked like an exploded, scaly one eyed creature.
    The hospitals were on high alert because people were coming in more and more frequently from a mixture of different things, such as burn or acid marks, bites and scratches, and a few with people having puncture wounds near their clavicle. Months would go on by as the laws would start to quickly change due to an emergency situation, and curfews being placed up. During all of this, the only contact Hector ever really had was with his wife Julia, and even then that was minimal because of all the people he had to deal with. At times he'd be doing double shifts just to try and take care of any injured or sick people, some being prioritized over others. Due to this, there's been a few complaints which resolved to physical encounters, having police to always be at the hospital protecting the employees from those angry from not receiving treatments.
    Life itself would start to escalate even more down as the national guard had to be taken into place to keep the peace, and some form of order. Luckily for Hector, he had extra protection at the time and didn't really have to worry much about what was going on with the outside world. However because of all of this, his wife decided to leave and live with her family until everything was resolved. This left Hector to go back to his old state of mind, and just focus on his work; nothing else mattered but that and the people that needed treatment.
    Then one day, an incident happened. Someone was brought into the hospital with one of the odd creatures latched onto their head, with its claw like arms and legs stabbed inside of the individual. The person seemed to be unresponsive, however they still seemed to be breathing. There wasn't any given time as to how long the creature was latched onto the person, but it was given that it was doing something to the man. Part of his chest seemed to have a lesion formed before he came in, in such a way that would almost indicate necrosis, except that the flesh itself wasn't initially rotting, which perplexed many of the doctors including Hector. The quickest action they went with was getting a bone saw to cut through the crab creature's legs, seeming how it was latched onto the person's body and wasn't wanting to let go. In this process they killed the creature, but just as it died, the man stopped breathing. All signs of life immediately faded from his body. Hector had to examine was to what happened, and it was clear to see that the creature must've caused some form of an incision or bite down by his cerebellum and spinal cord.
    A few theories floated about, but Hector quickly concluded that it must hijack its host's nervous system, but as to what purpose is unknown. Precautions were placed and that anyone with this problem had to be dealt with outside of the hospital for safety reasons. That was until some of those too far gone, started to spring back to life and attack those around. Hector was fortunate enough to not be within the area to be mauled, but sadly had to see some of his close employees die from gouges and lacerations.
    (During the 7 Hour War, and after) It's been several years since these incidents have taken place. Hector was given a tiny residence by one of the hospitals that was somewhat fortified by the national guard, for both his safety and the safety of those inside. To many it would almost seem like a prison, and Hector would be able to sympathize with that. However he knew that his duty was to make sure those that were injured were taken care of, or at least the best of his abilities. He was in the middle of patching up one of the guard's, when there was talking coming from his radio, which then lead to yelling and screaming. The two didn't know what was going on, but Hector quickly finished the man up before they were told to leave the building. They were going to take the elevator but took the stares instead, heading down the fire escape. All that could be heard was sounds of distant explosions, and maybe debris falling from a higher altitude. Hector thought it was maybe a building being destroyed but he followed the soldier down and out of the building. And there was just silence, at least from Hector. It was something he thought would be from a sci fi movie but in reality, was straight out from a nightmare. Him and many others from doctors, nurses civilians, anyone around were being quickly escorted away from the area. Each were placed into these large vans and were trying to get out of the city as quickly as possible. One of the first convoys went out before Hector even hopped in, and the vehicle was quickly expunged; an explosion of fire as the vehicle was stopped in its tracks. There was only panic at that point.
    Some people ran back inside the building, while others tried to run away. A mixture of the guard and police let them go as this new threat came to them. Hector with a group of civilians and two military soldiers left in a opposite direction where everyone else was going. Hector couldn't think of anything else but to run, and keep on running. There was screaming and death all around him, people of which that he had to leave behind because he had to worry about himself. They managed to get to a destroyed building and hunker down, seeing as whatever alien race was killing the people seemed to have their sights on anything that was still standing, and the crumbled building wasn't their target. Unfortunately with such a large group, it gave attention to these invading races. At first it was a group of about twenty people and a couple extra, Hector wasn't counting at the time. Then it was to seventeen, then thirteen. It was only down to about seven of them including him. They don't know how long they've been running, but with those who have died along the way, it was enough to stop the chase. One of the soldiers was still alive, however wounded, and so was two of the other civilians including Hector. His injuries weren't as serious, but did impede him at the time.
    They managed to get to the outskirts of the city, where there was just destruction. There was little supplies that they had, and unfortunately one of the civilians died from too much blood loss. They took what was on the dead woman, and continued their journey away from the city, at least as comfortable distance as they could. They stayed in hiding, using any available bushes and tall grass and other forms of foliage to hide from anything possibly chasing them. This lasted for hours, until there was no more commotion. Just an uncomfortable silence. The group stayed away from everything for days on end.
    During this time, hunting had become scarce and the only available water sources was a hit and miss. The group needed some form of food and water. A few proposed to go back to the city to try and scavenge for food, however some of the others objected to the idea. However the soldier in the group was the one that agreed to the idea and figured he'd be the one to go out. He gave his pistol to one of the other civilians, as he left to make a trip back to the city. As the five of them sat there, none of them made so much as a peep, besides the rumbling sounds of the forest. Hector tended to whomever was wounded, replacing their bandages with parts of their clothing as all their medical supplies have run dry. The soldier that left hasn't returned in some time, and the group started to become restless, so much that a feud started to surface. Hector didn't really see what happen, but gunshots was given out. Two were fatally killed while another was bleeding out. The man that shot the group quickly ran away, leaving just Hector, and a dying woman. The wound was too great to take care of, so he stood by her side until she has passed.
    About another goes by and the soldier comes back with his rifle slung around his shoulder and bags in his hands, however he'd give a look of sorrow as all but the two of them remained in the group. The two of them would spend the rest of their time out in the wilderness, keeping their distance from the city and any other foot traffic that wasn't human. They survived for a few months, however one day the soldier while going out hunting never returned. Hector was tending to the camp at the time and was going to join him in due time, but he could never find him. With what little supplies Hector has left, he gathers them, and starts to make a venture back towards the city, seeing as there's no other option left.

    Thank you for reading.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I am Abraham Batman Jesus (obviously), living in Oregon. I have different interests in regards to games, but also love DnD/roleplaying. Currently right now I'm waiting either to be accepted into the police academy (which is a slow process because of Covid-19, and I can't take the ORPAT until I'm 'accepted'), and or waiting to be accepted into an architecture job, which consists of making different structures all around the world (both civilian and military). I'm rather easy going about things, and like to go with the flow.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks? I've been around since of last year, but haven't been available because my PC has been broken until recently. I would've joined up back during the beginning of short stories, but it was just bad timing unfortunately.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks? The two main people I normally talk to is our lords and saviors, Rad-X and Robert. I've known them for a good few years (roleplaying with them on other communities).
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life? I'd say the atmosphere/story. I grew up playing Half Life as a chitlin, so it's always been one of my favorite games growing up, and still is one of my favorite games. In particular, I liked how there's this mysteriousness with each of the races, such as the Combine, the Xenian races, and of course G-man, which is kind of similar of how HL2RP works; everyone has their own motive, and there's always going to be some form of roleplay that will be achieved and a story to be uncovered, making it even more delightfully fun.
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