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Imperator RAD-X

The Supreme Marshal
Staff Member
Server Council
This takes place in a time frame of a few months after Chapter 1. The characters throughout Chapter 1 have slowly made their way to whatever is left of the bunker of relative safety. The
death of the Advisor at the hands of lonesome hero, Hayden Tanner sacrificing himself to save the rest, has caused such a large hole in command and control capability in the area that a permanent state of chaos has effectively erupted throughout the East Coast of America. The Combine have been unable to secure the region correctly and for at least a year or so they will continue in failing to do so.

The two captains have decided upon a plan while brooding over the past couple of months to move the group from the lost continent of the Americas, motioning an escape to the old world with the hopes that people still fight for humanity over there. Their hopes lie in the balance as the Long Haulers must make another perilous journey to salvation lying in Western Europe, but until then they shall continue to inspire their cohorts to "begin again" even if the Vortigaunts disagree with their sentiments.

If you are a returning character from chapter one who instead had to leave during the event and could not partake, feel free to make a returning arc for your character.

Hello, Willard Networks.
[Slots 31/32 taken.]
6 GMs

(@Imperator RAD-X)

9/10 Survivors from C-1
16 Standard Players (6 of which are reserved slots.)
6th June, Saturday! 8:30pm BST

Character signups are now going to be in process for the second chapter of "The Long Haul." Here on this thread is the location where you can apply to take part by commenting with the following criteria wanted below. Due to the circumstances of potential limited slots on the server (up to 32), we ask that you put effort into your entries if you wish to have a reserved slot on the server. Remember that applying for an event character will be setting you in a preordained position and /may/ slightly limit your autonomy as you are a counted as someone required to ensure success of the event. Only apply for an event character if you truly wish to do.

Here is the following information on event characters that will be taking part throughout the chapter. If you are applying for an event character, there is a far wider selection of choice this time.

Part One Event Characters
The Two Captains - TAKEN (@soviet, @Götze™ )
These two naval captains have endlessly fought with each other over the past couple of months regarding what they should do next. Eventually, they come up with this somewhat ludicrous plan to move themselves to Europe in the hope that the fight still continues over there.

Individuals applying are best noted to:

  • Contain a serious attitude towards Half Life 2: RolePlay with a good understanding regarding the Seven Hour War and our current lore.
  • Have potential experience with military or naval roleplay, especially in a commanding position.
  • A willingness to work closely with the GMs and the Event Managers.
  • Ensure they can follow the character personas as described above.
  • Work with your other fellow captain, even if you come towards a disagreement and potentially give leadership to the rest of the group.
  • If you are accepted into this role, please get in contact with @TheDeNuke for specific instructions as soon as possible, or YOU MAY LOSE your spot.
Surviving Ensigns / Soldiers
The surviving soldiers/ensigns are the same characters that survived from Chapter 1. They are forced into agreeing with the plans by their captain.

Individuals applying are best noted to have:

  • A small amount of knowledge on military roleplay. [Not required but just to fit the scene.]
  • Survival Instinct.
Part One Optional Event Characters

These are the survivors from Chapter 1 and any additional survivors that arrived afterwards.

Individuals applying are best noted to:

  • Have taken part in Chapter One at some point in the gameplay who did not end up having their character killed.
  • Have taken part in Chapter One and had to leave the event (or couldn't join in at the start), therefore were marked as "missing."

Part Two Event Characters
Depot Guard Leader (@Equinox)
The head of the group guarding the Automated Depot.

We are talking about a top-tier combine jackboot here. A pure loyalist to the new order in its entirety with a complete disdain and hatred of the old world.

Individuals applying are best noted to:
  • Get in contact with @Imperator RAD-X on the forum or discord for further instructions.
  • Follow the character persona listed above.
Depot Guards - At least 3 (bumped to 4) (@Ugnip55, @Craft, @The_Fun_Man, @northnortheast) [TAKEN]
They work with the Chief guarding the Automated Depot. They follow his orders to the letter.

Individuals applying are best noted to:
  • Get in contact with @Imperator RAD-X on the forum or discord for further instructions.
  • Follow the character persona listed above.

Part Three Event Characters
A “Patriot” Squad Leader (@FungletheBungle)
This individual leads a small team of members from the infamous “Patriot” resistance network. The group was formed almost immediately after the surrender of Earth and continues to exist as far as the time when the City Server exists.

This individual is not ex-military and is more of a “Disgruntled” Citizen of the former United States who had watched his world collapse around him. Play this character like your usual gun-nut who is likely only tolerant of the Vortigaunt in the group because the unnamed head of the Patriots had declared that anyone or anything willing to help them will be forever indebted to the Patriots and have citizenship guaranteed in the "new United States".

He had stopped this Razor Train by blocking the rail tunnel in both directions at the right time and resulting in the train grinding to a halt when its automated systems detected a blockage. Rather then find useful resources or anything he just ran into the surviving members of the Depot Attack.

Individuals are best noted to:
  • Show true American patriotism...
  • Have good planning and show they can work with the group and give semi-leadership to them.
  • Work with their other resistance members accordingly.
“Patriot” Resistance Members (2-3) (@Brort'Gross, @Ugnip55)
Effectively the same deal as the resistance squad leader. They are of course led by the Patriot Squad Leader and are also “Disgruntled” former Citizens (not ex-military).

I don’t care how these characters are made. They are either highly loyal and zealous to the ideals of the unnamed leader in his campaign to restore the United States or just there because they hate the Combine.

Individuals are best noted to:
  • Show true American patriotism...
  • Follow their leader of the resistance network and work well with the group.
  • Work with their other resistance members accordingly.

Part Four Event Characters
The Vortigaunt Survivor (@Equinox probably...)
One of the two survivors of an attack on Castle Base. This Vortigaunt and its companion had been ordered to scout out the area around the base before the attack, but was unable to return the base before the entire garrison was massacred.

This Vortigaunt knows where the Conscripts had taken a vital asset called “Buster” to a specific location.

Individuals are best noted to:
  • Good knowledge on Vortigaunt Roleplay along with the knowledge the faction contains and attributed to how the faction operates on Willard Networks.
  • Ensure they can follow the character persona as described above.
The Second Scout (@Craft)
The other survivor of the attack of Castle Base and a fellow Patriot resistance member alongside the Vortigaunt. After the attack on Castle Base, the second scout had managed to avoid the slaughter as he was gathering resources in order to quicken the construction of the compound.

The scout also knows where the Conscripts had taken a vital asset called "Buster" to a specific location after watching them for some time.

Individuals are best noted to have:

  • A survivalist instinct and a distrusting personality towards the group.
  • A strong showing of true American patriotism.

Conscript Guards (2-3) (RESERVED FOR GM USAGE)
These individuals are guarding “Buster” when the distraction occurs.

Individuals are best noted to:

  • Not leave their location unless required to and only show up at a specific time frame.
  • Act what a guard would do - patrol the perimeter and ensure "Buster" is kept safe.


The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please do not put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y / N
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character):
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character):
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?
Last edited:
(Backup Character)

--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: FungletheBungle
  • *Steam ID: ferus02
  • *Discord Name & ID: FungletheBungle#6013
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y / N
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): 1
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Naval Captain
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Henry Otto Brunjes
  • *Brief summary of the character: Being a captain of Her Majesty's Royal Navy. Otto and his crew we assigned to operation Westlant. It is claimed that Westlant is an excellent opportunity to strengthen ties with one of their most important allies: the United States.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I already have an interest in nautical areas, so I believe that this will transfer into better RP, further then that I want to create a character that will add to the RP of others, who exists purely to add to the story and not to live out any power fantasy, and for me event characters allow me to RP in the purest from, as I truly understand that they exist to server the story and not me, allowing for a more believable character then if I would play a character from scratch.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Born in Cyprus to British Parents living abroad in the 50's Henry was pre-ordained to life in the military. The bases on the island became his normal and he came to enjoy the atmosphere of them. When it came to his secondary education, his parents decided to send him back to England to be educated at a boarding school. There he made up his mind, and upon finishing his schooling chose to bypass University and apply straight to the Royal Navy. At the Royal Naval College Greenwich, he came in the top 15% of his class. After steadily progressing through the ranks over the years, at a pace more or less average, until 1982. The outbreak of the Falkland War he was assigned to the HMS Antrim, where he saw combat. Since then he has been steady progressing in ranks, becoming Captain 10 years before the 7 hour war, being offered further promotions 5 years later, but refused, seeing the promotion as being a step to close to a desk job.
    At the outbreak of the 7 Hour war, the Captain was patrolling the North Atlantic, when he heard on the radio that the British Navy was now actively combating an "unknown" threat, and was commanded to RTB.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Equinox
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:55536652
  • *Discord Name & ID: Equinox#6379
  • *Timezone: Central Standard Time
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Depot Guard Leader
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Leon Mattis
  • *Brief summary of the character: Leon Mattis is an arrogant, yet passionate individual. A true believer in "Our Benefactors," he is headstrong, and unchanging in his ways. It may be obvious why he was chosen to lead, though that does not excuse the fact that he can be brunt, callous, and sometimes downright cold hearted. In his eyes however, he's just doing what he was meant to do. So passionate about his job is he, that some have even gone as far as to call him "unhinged," though this may be debatable to some. With a bleeding heart for the Union, he will do just about anything to ensure that Our Benefactor's will be done.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I have a love for loyalist characters, especially those who go all in on the "Union" idealogy. I've played characters like this before in the form of Civil Protection units, and I want to have a brief call back to those days since I don't plan to have characters like that in City RP. It's a chance to not only have a little more "spice" in a character, but to have it make sense in the universe where a totalitarian empire is imposing their will on everybody.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Leon Mattis is a caucasian man at the age of thirty three. Before the seven hour war, he was a police officer in New York, serving during its most trying times in the wake of the Resonance Cascade. He joined only shortly before that incident, but it was the post-Xen invasion that he saw the majority of his duty. During these times, Leon Mattis saw the worst in humanity. It wasn't the headcrabs, who puppeted around the dead for their own survival. It wasn't the Vortigaunts and their grunt superiors, who had slaughtered civilians by the hundreds. No, for these were only the actions of survival and necessity. It was his fellow humans who he had witnessed commit the most heinous of times. Mattis yearned for normalcy, unity, and survival during times where humanity was at its weakest. Instead, he saw nothing but the disgusting face of humanity. Robberies, looting, murder, rape, treason, and so much more is what he instead had to deal with as the ill-minded took advantage of others in these times. For six years, he saw the worst that humanity had to offer, and he was sick of it. It was when the Combine arrived however, that his prayers were answered for a better world. Immediately, came the promise of peace. While New York still clung to its barbaric, disgusting ways, the Universal Union fought for what Mattis wanted for so long: normalcy, unity, and survival. Made into Civil Protection, he saw what the world was like in the iron grip of "Our Benefactors," a peaceful world, even more so than the world before the cascade. Crime was punished swiftly. The polite and reasonable were rewarded, while the vile were stomped out by force. But this wasn't enough. Already at wits end in the months before the 7 Hour War, he dedicated his life to a new purpose, and a chance at recognition by his alien superiors. Civil Protection was wonderful, but he wanted to show the world what the will of the Union was. Soon, he volunteered to be made into a conscript, and his obvious loyalties and experience granted him the position of commander. Now, Leon Mattis leads his men valiently, in hopes that he will prove himself to the Union, and more importantly, bring true unity to the entire world, whether by request, or by force.
Baker reporting in to keep you all alive. Or at least make an attempt, it didn't go so well in chapter 1 :)
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Dark
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:60709357
  • *Discord Name & ID: Darkk#9667
  • *Timezone: CET +1
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Yis
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Part 4
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Conscript Guards
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Francis Ryes
  • *Brief summary of the character: Someone who has not found their place, especially not in these dire times. Searching to assist their lost and found close ones.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I hope to play a character who is not bound to immoral actions. Who is in self-distress but is willing to punish the ones they deem hostile, if not all. Guard duty also sounds like fun.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Francis holds his personality from a time where life was uncertain. Being trapped into poverty from the beginning, he gave his best to teach himself the ways of life through the responsibilities he was given, even at a young age. Seeking every opportunity to fullfil his responbilities, he eventually ascended from his born-in status without the assistance of officials. While the ways of life improved him, he was still troubled in finding his own destiny, searching for it while trying to uphold his duties. These two lifes eventually collapsed, giving him even more questions. At the signs of the invasion, he remembered the value of his previous life's teachers or helpers and seeked to protect them from what was to come. As he only partially succeeded, he could not hold even the ones he thought were saved from the upcoming change. Therefore, he used the opportunities he was given to try and correct his mistakes, possibly find to new life, for a price.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: :blanky:
Time, LORD-RAD-X™? Is it really that time again? It seems as if you only just arrived. You've done a great deal in a small time-span - Private Gary Sanderson
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Sink
  • *Steam ID: 76561198228363624
  • *Discord Name & ID: Sink#5724
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---

  • *Are you applying for an event character?: N
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character):
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character):
--- Section Three ---

• *Character Name: Constance Hall

• *Brief summary of the character: Constance Hall is a poetic, intelligent middle-aged man with a short black beard. He was a bio-chemist in training, but has managed to buddy-up to the Long Haulers beneath the guise of a bomb-maker and chemical engineer.

• *Why do you want to play this character?: Because it sounds fun- being a bio-chemist is a little more interesting than being just a vanilla refugee, especially with the unique aliens and exciting study potential the scenario brings. I want to play someone unique.

• Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Constance had a rather happy childhood - he wasn’t wealthy nor was he poor, but he was incredibly ambitious and academic from a young age. He managed to make it into university studying bio-chemistry.

Before he could finish his studies, however, the skies opened and the 7 Hour War began.

He fled south with some of his other colleagues from the University, and ended up hiding out in the State of Maine. He made a conscious effort to avoid the 'Patriots' that had recently established themselves in the area, hoping to avoid being conscripted as a chemist or lynched as a non-American.

Shifting from refugee camp to refugee camp, he eventually stumbled across the Long Haulers, and persuaded the group to let him join under the pre-tense of a bomb-maker and chemical engineer - whether or not he had ever, or could ever make a bomb was a different story entirely.

--- Section Four (Optional) ---

• Tell us about yourself: New to hl2rp but have played many other RP games but I was suggest to try it out during quarantine and have thoroughly enjoyed it.

• Are you new to Willard Networks? Yes

• Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks? I am good friends with Pineapple and Bling.

• What's your favourite thing about Half Life? I enjoy the mystery the and the large expanding world.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Juicy
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:67321251
  • *Discord Name & ID: Juicy#3529
  • *Timezone: GMT+1
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: No
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): N/A
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): N/A
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Scott Guttman
  • *Brief summary of the character: He is one of the luckier people in this crisis and manages to use that luck to his advantage, previously he worked as a lumberjack before the 7 hour war and really enjoyed his day in day out life. He tends to do anything productive in his spare time rather then lounging around and not getting anything done. He stands around 6'1 and is 26 years old. He struggles to get along with new people that he doesn't trust however Scott is able to get along very well with the people he does trust and treats them like brothers.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: So I didn't get to the end with this character because second map I was needed for GMing, It would be real nice to continue with this character so I can carry on with completing the characters full backstory.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): (Based off city arrival.) I wanna expand it after the event. Might be a bit tacky at the moment.
    After recent occurrence of crime in C16, Scott Guttman gets transferred out to a brand knew city, C24. Upon his arrival he takes the time to have a look around the city to get to know his way around. He is amazed by some of the things he comes across such as the combine technology that has been placed around the city and the huge citadel in the distance, it is all rather new to him. Once Scott had found his way around the city he goes and collects his hourly ration after all he was very hungry at the time.

    After collecting his ration he decides to rent out a old hotel room for the night and hope that tomorrow he can meet some new people... The next day comes with the sun gleaming through the city sky, Scott decides he is going to go to the bar and ask some people about the city and fore fill a normal loyalist life. He meets a person called Cameron who helps him find his way around and become a active citizen.

    But then one day there was a outburst of shots in the city multiple shots whizzing left and right skimming past windows and buildings. People running in the street shouting 'REBELS! RUN' however Scott did not run, he stood there, watching the so called 'Rebels' destroy some of the CP's and Scott thought they are actually saving our kind and trying to defeat the Combine - Later that day Scott decides to head down to D4 and speak to some of the 'Rebels' about how to join. When he arrives he sees a shady looking character with a black suit and gas mask on. He had come from the sewers.

    Scott decides to ask him 'What would it take to join the Rebels?' he reply's 'We are not the rebels- We are the resistance.' Suddenly Scott understands as it makes sense that is why they were fighting against the Combine. Because they are the Resistance. Scott continues to ask 'So how do I join' the shady character tells him about all the details Scott needs to join, So Scott grabs out a bundle of tokens and buy one of the black suits. He then adventures down into the sewers following the shady character until they end up at a hideout where civilians can temporarily stay.

    After a couple of days Scott decides he is going to leave the hideout and go back to D4 to see if he can sell some items. He arrives there and multiple people are asking him questions at once. He manages to break it down with only 1 person asking him a thing at the time. He then returns back to the hideout after the transactions are done. He proceeded to do the same procedure day in day out selling things as he goes along.

    Scott then eventually comes to the conclusion that he wants to go full time just crafting and selling anything he can get his hands on. Which leaves him here today crafting and selling everything to civilians to slowly build up strength against the combine.

I will be GMing in this next event too as RAD knows but I want to put in my application so people know my character will also be playing in the event.
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Francis Ryes
  • *Brief summary of the character: Someone who has not found their place, especially not in these dire times. Searching to assist their lost and found close ones.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I hope to play a character who is not bound to immoral actions. Who is in self-distress but is willing to punish the ones they deem hostile, if not all. Guard duty also sounds like fun.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Francis holds his personality from a time where life was uncertain. Being trapped into poverty from the beginning, he gave his best to teach himself the ways of life through the responsibilities he was given, even at a young age. Seeking every opportunity to fullfil his responbilities, he eventually ascended from his born-in status without the assistance of officials. While the ways of life improved him, he was still troubled in finding his own destiny, searching for it while trying to uphold his duties. These two lifes eventually collapsed, giving him even more questions. At the signs of the invasion, he remembered the value of his previous life's teachers or helpers and seeked to protect them from what was to come. As he only partially succeeded, he could not hold even the ones he thought were saved from the upcoming change. Therefore, he used the opportunities he was given to try and correct his mistakes, possibly find to new life, for a price.

This doesn't seem optimal for an application relating to a Conscript Guard and doesn't feel cohesive nor explain how he had managed to get into the position he is in, now. Please redo the character.
This doesn't seem optimal for an application relating to a Conscript Guard and doesn't feel cohesive nor explain how he had managed to get into the position he is in, now. Please redo the character.
I don't really know what other type of character I'd want to play and have no idea on how to correct to these limitations so I'd rather leave the role open for someone who knows what they want if mine is not seen as fit. But you can count me in as camera man. :blanky:
Don't worry, everyone's favourite antiquities dealer turned wasteland survivor, David Monroe is gonna come on back after being separated when he escaped the bunker early. 😎😎😎
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Ugnip55
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:4545554
  • *Discord Name & ID: Ugnip55#6575
  • *Timezone: GMT+1
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Part two.
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Depot Guard
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Ryan Kowalski
  • *Brief summary of the character: A rather average-heighted male in their late 30s. They're quiet, enigmatic and observational. They are a former private security member with quite a decent amount of field experience.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play an event character, due to me not having much interest in my prior character, Blake Rivera, who I technically can do a continuing arc for with some difficulty. Though, overall, he was a rather bland character, and I feel like I can do better with this one. The appeal of being a guardsman working under a no-bullshit leader (Equinox's character) is also appealing to me. I want to see if I can develop and push my character from their cynical mindset to a more open mindset.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Ryan Kowalski, a man born in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Kowalski grew up in a lower-end household, where the value of the dollar and hard work was truly drilled into him. His parents were surprisingly enough rather moral. The neighborhood they grew up in had rather high crime rates, and few had a sense of ethics. It was a cutthroat environment, but Kowalski's father taught him well. His father was ironically enough also a security officer, working for the same company that he ended up in. His father often complained about the rough atmosphere in the company, but he likewise claimed it to be honest work. Years pass, and he finally receives this employment. The private security company was called Lifepoint, a civilian-grade security company, focusing on damage prevention and the like of private establishments. This guard detail was mostly unarmed, but at times, they had to be. Day after day, he saw the kind of privileged scum that'd vandalize and steal, endangering anyone and anything for their own selfish gain. This sparked something in him. He realized that most people are out for themselves, except those who prevent the selfish. After the Seven Hour war, Kowalski didn't know much else. He was now among the non-affiliated people he had been taught to keep away from the establishments he kept safe. When the Union laid ground for various conscript guard positions, Kowalski took it immediately. He saw the Union for what he believed it to be. There was no crime under the Union, no one dared. For the watchers, the watchers kept a vigilant gaze upon those that needed it. Just like before. One could say he is like an apparition of the Old World, clinging onto his previous values in the New World. Maybe. All that's really known now is that he has been conscripted as one of the lower ranking grunts at a Depot far into the country.

--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: 🇸🇯
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Craft
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190015159
  • *Discord Name & ID: Benjamin Benson#6827
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Yes
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Part 2
  • The character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Depot Guard (Note: Still wanna play as my Chapter 1 character btw)
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Benjamin Bensons
  • *Brief summary of the character: A privileged, American, caucasian male Male standing at 5'10ft with a buzz cut and brown eyes. They have an athletic build and a great deal a smugness about them even with the clear life of proper life experience

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: tbh. While I love the RP I currently have on my Solider character I was told that there was a lacking in a Depot Guard and really wanna help the event so I've decided to write an app for it. Another reason is that my bro, Ugnip55 is also on it and would be cool to RP with him (Your cool as well Equinox) A smaller reason is that I enjoy Conscript like RP and wish there was more of it nowadays.

  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
    Benjamin Benson was always a privileged only child with a lot of ''freedom'' so to speak. His father's position as the Chief of the local PD and his mother playing the stereotypical Trophy Wife allowed the young man to get away with countless acts of bullying, theft and drug abuse with little to no repercussions as his parents were mostly focused on the social image of the family as a whole, going as far as to enrol him in the private school of. Sidwell friends school. Even though this loaded expenditure caused the family to almost lose a large amount of wealth they had sustained over the year.

    While the Family have gone on countless vacations to lands outside of the US via his well-owned sport of soccer/football. it was mostly from a first-class lens showered in limousines and five-star hotels. Being privileged tourists allowed the young man to act as nonsense to the local residents, never truly caring about the locals own culture or way of living. His antics never facing any repercussions. Re-enforcing his smug attitude and personal belief of the male being untouchable

    Finally the Seven Hour War. Forever sheltered from the reality of his situation during those cruel hours he and his family hid in fear beneath the confines of their own personal bunker hidden beneath their house. Only being discovered after the small stockpile of food they had stashed dwindled to nothing forcing the husband to go off on his first and only supply run, where he'd be caught by the local brigade of Conscripts which had set up shop within the local supermarket. Bargaining for his and his wife freedom he offered his son up for service to the new order of the Union in exchange for him and his wife safety. Being one of the first cases of what is now known as the ''Family Cohesion'' perk. While many would believe the young man would be inraged at the fact he was sold into servitude for the benefit of neglectful parents after his father persuaded him of his own will via reminding him that all the privileges he enjoyed so much would be ripped away for him as he'd be forced to be one of the many people he looked down upon. Terrified of this fact along as well as engaging the more... ''patriotic'' side of the naive, unknowledgeable man's mind he was selected to be enrolled as a local Depot Job due to the most combat experience he had coming from a Call Of Duty game, with a low chance of seeing legitimate combat... Or so they thought
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