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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Fedora
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:40596937
  • *Discord Name & ID: Fedora#2761
  • *Timezone: BST / GMT
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: N
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character):
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character):
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Dallas Kane
  • *Brief summary of the character: An American-British male who stands around 6’1 tall and is around thirty years of age. He can be considered an average man who does an honest day's work, he has a deep rough voice and seems to be quite motivated but also cynical and aggressive. He wasn’t always like this, a war can change a person.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I’d always liked to play a character who had a standard life until something drastic happens, such as the Seven Hour War and how they would roleplay in it - shifting personalities and the outlook of the world in these dire times. I also want to roleplay as someone who had a criminal past as well and how it would affect the roleplay.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
Dallas Kane was born in Washington, United States of America. His father was a british male and his mother was a American female. He had a normal life living up to around eighteen years of age in where he worked at where his dad worked, at a mechanical garage. He worked as a mechanic for most of his life up until he got arrested and sent to prison.

He had been getting into criminal activity during his time as a mechanic, he had found a “gang” to start hanging around with which took him into the life of crime. He managed to commit some small crime, such as theft of small items. Unfortunately, a bigger job landed him into trouble and he got seven years in jail.

Four years passed, prison life was not exciting though he did hear the stories of other inmates and understood their pain in prison. Certain rules you have to follow, certain criterias. However, his fourth to fifth year in prison did get exciting when the portal storms were around and shortly after, the seven hour war occurred. His prison was hit quite hard and due damage to the prison, him and other inmates were able to escape.

During the seven hour war, he stuck to himself and with some groups over time - it was hard times during then and the horrors he experienced still hurt him now. Now, he finds himself wandering around and trying to survivor in the new world.

--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Been playing HL2RP for around seven to eight years now
  • Are you new to Willard Networks? Yup
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks? Multiple people
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life? The roleplay aspect and the lore around it.
Light has been removed and a new character has been added as a Companion to the Castle Base Vortigaunt Scout.

This character is a additional "Patriot" so I hope you have your American Nationalism ready if you've failed to receive one up to this point.

@Imperator RAD-X
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: The Fun Man
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29874625
  • *Discord Name & ID: The Fun Man #1875
  • *Timezone: Central Standard
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: No
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Dr. Franklin M. Williams
  • *Brief summary of the character: The character is a mechanic from Black Mesa who worked in the Advanced Biological Research Lab.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I think the group having an advanced mechanics with a Jack-of-All-Trades skill set character could be beneficial for the server. I understand that having someone from Black mesa would be a stretch, and this is my most extreme character iv'e played, I hope I am able to play it.
  • Backstory Frank was not at Sector C when the Resonance Cascade occurred, he was a mechanic at the Advanced Biological Research Lab; because of this placement in the facility coupled with the early warning system broadcaster by Black Mesa, this gave Dr. Frank a early window to act. He and his other cohorts recognized the severity of the situation, and that most if not all of them could be arrested or even executed for various crimes against humanity and nature- because of this fear and the notion that the Military would be on-site soon, the group fled Black Mesa with a Security Guard Van. Consisting of mere scientists, engineers, and less then three Security Guards this rag tag group drove through the deserts, with the aspect of how incredibly damaging this experiment was. Before the group could even reach the nearest town from Black Mesa, the Combine had already began it's short invasion. Fearing retribution and death the group decided to replace their uniforms with more casual clothing- and split up all across America. Dr. Frank himself believed that Infrastructure and the Government still existed, his idea was to get a car and flee as far north as possible to cross the border into Canada, and going into a self imposed exile. Along the way a plethora of Xen and maybe even Combine Aliens would disrupt or even hinder his month long journey. He would acquire a multitude of things for his survival as he drove along. These things consist of (but are not limited to) a sleeping bag, lantern, wireless battery radio, canned food and bottled water, binoculars, extra clothing, and even a Shotgun and vehicle. At the end of the day Dr. Frank's true goal isn't to go into exile, he is simply hoping to find any remnants or conglomerates of soldiers or police officers to protect him from invasion occurring around him, his true goal is to survive.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I like having fun and letting people have fun.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks? Yes
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks? Almost everyone.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life? The technology and science fiction.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Part Three
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Partriot Resistance Member
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: Caspian Berkov
  • *Brief summary of the character: A fairly stubborn yet patriotic man, standing around 5'11 with brown curly hair, scruffy dirty beard and hazel eyes, with a smug look about them and an everlasting stench; although have had previous experience with gun manufacturing.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I'm aiming to participate as this character to entice and endorse the idea of character development and transparency for how character relations and attitude can have an impact on other atmospheres.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): Caspian was being raised within his early years as a lowly orphan who was looked down upon whilst being around loads of others as families came in here and there without any acceptance or ideal of what he could or has done; although he looked fairly sharp for a youngster who hasn't had any proper knowledge or raising of how to clean or take care of himself, he was always judged swiftly before anything else.

    It was then that some scruffy smelling old chap entered being the man who took him in as his own to raise Caspian; although the raising wasn't the best considering the lack of food or anything, he did gain experience and ideas of how to handle and practice with empty fire arms leaving him with the basic knowledge on handling specific guns.

    He hasn't ever showered or cleaned up ever since and has no idea of his own stench, and yet he has bits and parts all in his scruffy brown beard, in game to see his family once again for when he could meet them.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?
  • What's your favourite thing about Half Life?
- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Craft
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190015159
  • *Discord Name & ID: Benjamin Benson#6827
  • *Timezone: BST
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Yes
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Part 4
  • The character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): The Second Scout
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: James Ramirez

  • *Brief summary of the character: A giant of a man standing 6'6ft with a bald head and deep brown eyes. The caucasian male would barely fit into their Patriot uniform as there large, muscular build stretches it to its limits. They speak in a deep Southern accent

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: There are two main reasons I'd like to play this character. 1. It's clear from the announcement made on the discord server that we are in need of WAY more people in event characters, so I've decided to apply for ANOTHER one in hopes of making this event great! 2. I have had this character in my head for a while and wanna see how it plays out.

  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): James Ramirez is a true American patriot which fights for all that our great country stands for! JUSTICE! LIBERTY! AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS FOR ALL! While he was a child he wished to serve for his country abroad like that of his father and grandfather he soon awakened from his naive dream as his eyes were open to the countless that ravaged his home in the domestic state of affairs (And um... He flunked basic training twice when he enlisted) Looking for those who shared the same BURNING passion as himself he found himself a home in the far-right militia movement and paramilitary group. The Three Percenters. A group which advocates for an armed and resilient citizen militia along with fighting the tyrannical e U.S. federal government's involvement in local affairs. Not be surprising of this true American patriot. This group would also lead him to find the love of his life where they'd be swiftly married and divorced in the timespan of a year. But not before giving birth to the TURE love of his life... His now eleven-year-old son, Shawn. He fought bravely alongside his fellow militiamen during the Seven Hour War but the forces of the UNION were far too great to against these small band of survivors. After the defeat and destruction of the 3%, the anonymous figure of the Patriots rallied all of the remaining militia groups into his to not save the former government that had given up on the children of the once GREAT NATION but to create a new one build on the values of the old.... the New United States
Full Backstory: John Bentusi is a straight, American 39-year-old man currently responsible for guarding a major combine supply depot. Before the war, he had taken up trading as a part-time hobby, with his main job being an agent in a private security company. The pay was decent, but never enough. He also enjoyed working on cars, escapology, and bargain hunting in his free time. His friends used to define him as friendly and considerate, but also as a bit lazy. John got into college with the funds he worked hard for, but ultimately never finished it. He is also obsessed with tank tops for some reason. Physically, John is in pretty good shape. Not like he has the means to do otherwise. He stands at an average-height with white Caucasian skin, brown hair, and dark green eyes. He also has an annoying birthmark on his left shoulder.
John grew up in a working class neighborhood, being presented with constant challenges in his early years. His parents separated when he was young, but kept in contact and provided a relatively happy, stable home. He also had a relationship with an artist called Aya Perry. Eventually, they broke up due to constant fighting and differences.
John's best friend used to be a tradesperson called Zak Edwards. They had a very fiery friendship. Now, John just does whatever is necessary to get by and be able to live for another day in this new dangerous world.

If you're going to just copy and paste a randomly generated backstory from then at least make it look a little less obvious.

Please go ahead and actually write it yourself, this is lazy. I'd deny this if I could.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: The Fun Man
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29874625
  • *Discord Name & ID: The Fun Man #1875
  • *Timezone: Central Standard
--- Section Two ---
  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Yeah
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Part Two Event Characters
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Depot Guard
--- Section Three ---
  • *Character Name: William C. Robinson
  • *Brief summary of the character: The character will be a Depot Guard, who really doesn't want to be there.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Because I want to.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): William is a 20 year old 5'10 man from Beaumont, Texas. He is a Aquarius, and his birthday is February 9th. He briefly joined the United States Military shortly before the Seven Hour War, and was hard-pressed into the ranks as a Political Conscript. His purpose is simple, prevent any insurgents or terrorists from getting into the depot. His loyalty at the end of the day is not to the Combine, however the Depot Leader constantly keeps him in check from any sort of defection.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Oi Susy!
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:14434287
  • *Discord Name & ID: Oi Susy!#8157
  • *Timezone: GMT +3
--- Section Two ---

  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Part One.
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Surviving Soldier
--- Section Three ---

  • *Character Name: Anton Hollows
  • *Brief summary of the character: The man with the Russian roots, who was in the wrong place in the wrong time, fighting for his wife and daughter and humanity.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I like the short-term events as well as I find this community promising, curious how it all goes out. Plus there are some mates that I want to play with.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to): A man in his late forties, standing five feet nine. He has weak Russian accent. He was born in Moscow, in the Soviet Union, where he finished his high education and took the degree in linguistics. Then he had to do the obligatory conscription and was sent to the East Germany, aiding in its reformation. There he met his wife and in 1988 he got a kid - a baby girl. Finally, after the Soviet Union was no more and things were turning better, he decided to go to America, to get the needed funds in order to then get his family there. Little did he knew he would be conscripted again in order to fight the even greater threat along with the handful of American soldiers.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: 🇧🇾
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(Just saw that the position was filled whilst I was writing, can you let me know if the 3 is a limit of a maximum :/)
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: northnortheast
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:44511700
  • *Discord Name & ID: northnortheast#0901
  • *Timezone: British Summer Time (GMT+1)
--- Section Two ---

  • *Are you applying for an event character?: Y
  • Which part are you applying for? (if applying for Event Character): Part Two
  • Character that you are applying for (if applying for Event Character): Depot Guard
--- Section Three ---

  • *Character Name: Peter Tallox
  • *Brief summary of the character: A modal-height and Canadian male sitting at a borderline fitness for this particular duty, yet keeping positive with the prospect of a safer future through his compliance.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I'd love to be able to explore this community's take on conscripts, as well as to enjoy myself - being able to create and explore a character's reaction to their environment is fun and immersive. I'm also fairly new to the community, so playing as an event character with a predenfined place in the storyline of this saga - and being able to chat and communicate with others as said character would be great as well. I know a few others who have characters as Depot Guards, and I'd hope that this would be a good introduction to the Short Stories series.
  • Full Backstory (required for Event Characters, but others may do this if they want to):
    It was his presence, in the wrong place at the wrong time, lat led Peter Tallox to be cut off by the tide of the Universal Union's influence within North America. With little interference, he was quickly propelled into service with minimal experience and even less information.

    Born in New Brunswick, Canada, this individual maintained his aspirations towards a master's in a field of physics and similar qualification for mechanical engineering, staying relatively cheery and palatable to others as a solid believer in the principle of a mutual exchange of respect, as educated by his parents.

    Five years after the turn of age; a resident of an average town bordering the South side of the Saint Lawrence River and achiever of a degree in municipal engineering, Peter had led a life of monotony as a junior city planner, working on low-level projects for minor amelioration and refreshment of typically minute issues that arose. The odd store expansion, heights of kerbs requriring adjustment, et cetera. As jobs of this calibre in the private sector were staved due to regional cutbacks, an occupation within the town's governing agency worked for him.

    A business conference regarding the pressing matter of portal storms and social disunity on local urban infrastructure was held in Albany by the New York office of the American Planners Association, a continuation of ongoing meetings with correspondence from many cities in the Western world.

    Peter would never return from his trip out. The dissarray and mass panic caused by the threat of a formidable and incomprehensible force plotting to tear Earth's autonomy away caused all transportation systems to be put out of commission, and drove people into shelter under the bombardment of these unfamiliar and alien technologies. With little understanding of the events, the duration of the war played out behind two feet of solid concrete, and the whimpers of those nearby.

    An uneasy peace settled upon the nation as those standing were set into order by these new external benefactors. The requirement for reconstruction of the continent was demanded, and those with knowledge were recruited after the dust was cleared and some form of order was imposed. A mishandling of documents, maybe an intentional call to mandatory service, but such that - still in the dark on the safety of his parents and the purpose of his attestment - Peter Tallox, at the age of thirty, was recruited into the 11th URB-56 Engineering Corps - a sapper.

    Given some form of education on the operation of equipment, and a lacklustre training - Peter was pushed onto the rear lines, making small ventures in trepidation to repair communications lines under the protection of infantrymen. Shaken by the experiences, but remaining faithful to the mercy and attempts at worldwide convergence of the Union, he maintained this post for a few weeks, until a firearm and an on-field incident led to a transferral to a CMBN Depot on the other side of previously-existing state lines. His experience is low, but his morale and hope for a safer location and a brighter future maintained his sanity and his reliability.
--- Section Four (Optional) ---
  • Are you new to Willard Networks? Yes, hoping to get some knowledge on how these Short Stories work, thought I might as well play a pre-dictated character and get involved with improving the plot for others.
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