'Cigar' Parasite-Infested Region

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Radio Bob Approved

The hot, unsurviveable nature of the australian outback would be the least of your worries, were you to venture into the northern regions. What may await you is a fatal, microscopic parasite, transmitted near instantly from carrier to victim, nicknamed the 'Cigar'. To recognize where this parasite is present, you would have to look at the local wildlife. The most noteable carriers, and most common, are the snarks. Ones affected by the parasite are usually grey in colour, with only a hint of red remaining on their outer shell.

The grey colouring occurs because of an effect during infestation, which is the main factor that is responsible for the 100% death rate. The parasite spreads itself to the skin of it's victim if not transferred through the skin. It then begins to carbonize the victim's skin, working from the most outer part down to the flesh. It is unknown how it performs this, and is even more threathening if it's considered that through any physical contact it is near always transferred onto the victim.

Unlike humans, snarks have more of a crust than skin. The parasite because of that is unable to properly attack it's shell, and would lead to the snark surviving for a considerably longer amount of time if compared to an infested human. However, if compared to the average, maximum age of a normal snark, it's lifetime is very limited.

The snarks in this region are mostly found near any form of water source, such as small lakes, plants containing water, or where it usually rains, due to them always dying if they were to venture out too far away without being hydrated regularily.

Happily for anyone near this infested region, there is a way to easily stop it from reaching their skin. Any clothing that is thick enough to not be bit through by a snark should prove itself more than sufficient at stopping the spread of this parasite. However, wearing a thick garment in the outback especially would cause heatstrokes and the form, due to the life threathening heat that anyone in it's land is subjected to.

However, in the end, the northern outback is the only known spot to contain this parasite, even in comparison to other worlds inhabited by the combine. It's highly unlikely that anyone would reach this spot on accident, but if anyone were to be subjected to this damning land, they may never come out alive.

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The SCP Foundation wants to know your location.

A nice effort all in all, however strange the take is for the twist on snark lifeforms might be. I think this has to be marked as the first of such instances I've read about them that isn't from the original Half Life canon signature. Few grammatical errors but they can be fixed really quickly. However the pathogen in itself seems a bit OP, but I'll wait and see what other people's thoughts on this are.

I'm 50/50.
The SCP Foundation wants to know your location.

A nice effort all in all, however strange the take is for the twist on snark lifeforms might be. I think this has to be marked as the first of such instances I've read about them that isn't from the original Half Life canon signature. Few grammatical errors but they can be fixed really quickly. However the pathogen in itself seems a bit OP, but I'll wait and see what other people's thoughts on this are.

I'm 50/50.
I thought of them as being overpowered, but so badly isolated that they can't really break out of the outback as a result of that. Since the combine knows of this threat and it's location, I doubt that they would let anyone venture inside of it, so that it continiously stays where it is. I've thought about including the notice that the snarks are near formations of lakes as to stay hydrated, so if they go a certain distance without any water they would just die because of the heat and parasite's effect, which would be a plausible explaination as to why they can't leave the outback.
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To me this appears as just a side-problem for everyone. Like, maybe some weird ass combine or resistance ship crashes over there and holds intel/resources. The combine/resistance then venture inside the area while attempting to fight off the parasite. It could be a cool event, there's nothing bad I can see from this.
I'd say this is useful, but for a later purpose.
As long as it stays within its designated area, I am fine with it and those who do enter and actually dealt with, then I am all for it. If it did get out, not so much, maybe if it affects one city for a short-while is all if it ever did get out, but nothing more than that. Apart from that, this can easily work and could possibly create an interesting event in the far far future, so we will consider adding it after fixing some mistakes found within your post. I already have an idea of what you were wanting to say in the places where you either missed a word or 2 and places were you accidentally worded it a bit off. All good hear if that is the case. :)
View attachment 148
As long as it stays within its designated area, I am fine with it and those who do enter and actually dealt with, then I am all for it. If it did get out, not so much, maybe if it affects one city for a short-while is all if it ever did get out, but nothing more than that. Apart from that, this can easily work and could possibly create an interesting event in the far far future, so we will consider adding it after fixing some mistakes found within your post. I already have an idea of what you were wanting to say in the places where you either missed a word or 2 and places were you accidentally worded it a bit off. All good hear if that is the case. :)
I've edited the submission:

Attempted to fix most of the grammatical issues and edited a small segment into the post, regarding how you can wear safety clothing to shield yourself from the parasite, but with heavy consequences if worn in the outback.
Alright, reading this again, I can safely say this looks like it is in fact 100% limited to the area they are stuck in and will not be able to exit this zone. Which was the original worry if this got outside the area it is confined to. So this can go through now with no issue. Thank you for the submission
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