City 36 Feedback Thread


Staff Member
Creative Team
Hello Everyone.

This day has been a mess for me, and I can surely say I failed today as an Event Master. I apologize for this Heavily focused S2K Event. I have gotten some reports of the players that they were heavily team killed by Other Factions and that the Medical Items didnt work and that the Bleedout timer was to low.


Still, i would love to get your feedback and ask if you still want a 2nd Day. I will inform all players that they agreed to the Terms and Conditions of this Event.

Glitched bleedout
damage bypassing armor and insta killing
bodies disappearing during bleedout
low bleedout timer
glitched NPC's.
And no RP, just shooting bugged NPC's

I know the admins mean well, but I find it ironic we want to be a serious RP server and have a silly shooting bugged NPC event like this. From the beginning it should have been s2rp, or at least not use NPC's that we know are broken.
Alright first of all, zero rp between the parties and no communication. Second of all, OSF died due to a bug. Third of all, we didn't know what the hell we were doing half of the time. So yeah, yet another based Cengiz event 😎
I think a day 2 could work, we just need to have more foreplanning on what to do, and maybe more of a focus on slow methodical combat instead of rushing ahead like we did

While it wasn’t what I was expecting I understand running events can be difficult and I’m positive everyone involved did as much as they could.
Glitchy as hell, even Frostbite was this fucked. It's a good event in concept, but got FUCKED in execution.

Also, at the end my M4A1 Carbine, equipped with an ACOG 4x scope and another barrel got taken by a CP unit, before we literally voided the whole thing. I need that back.

I went AFK for 10 minutes, but kept recording, that's gonna be fun to watch.
Glitchy as hell, even Frostbite was this fucked. It's a good event in concept, but got FUCKED in execution.

Also, at the end my M4A1 Carbine, equipped with an ACOG 4x scope and another barrel got taken by a CP unit, before we literally voided the whole thing. I need that back.

I went AFK for 10 minutes, but kept recording, that's gonna be fun to watch.
I got one hour of this lmao gonna upload it rn
Bleedout bugged, 60 seconds with the corpse disappearing as soon as you fell. If it didnt disappear, no meds seemed to work for me

TeamKilling was just so rampant and was like cops vs osf, it got to the point where the entire osf was dead, all cops alive and the ota alive too

The osf was forced at the front for frostbite (as expected) but it was so bad that the cops were nearly doing nothing, i dunno about ota but i saw osf doing most shit and the cps staying back

The one death, pk system was activated, so the entire osf almost got killed

there was so much rubble, i thought it was stalingrad for a moment

i would love a second day, but if its going to be like this again, i cant bro
This event shouldn't have been run. You know it's so far out of control when no roleplay fundamental existed and it turned into a fest of anarchy.

The only thing I'm happy about is spawning that piano for players at spawn so that Vortigaunt can play and everyone happily gets therapy. Good god.
I liked the map, and most of the propping-- but some of it made it really hard to move and glitched out a ton of stuff.
There was a lack of actual RP IMO, with it just being a S2K-fest type thing.
Bleedout was BROKEN beyond repair, and had a immensely low count (less than a minute iirc).
NPCs were cracked, shredded through armor like it was nothing-- though idk if this is too much of a problem, just made things too short and sudden.
And other stuff people mentioned.

I hope Day two (if there is one) fixes these problems. These aren't the fault of Cengiz, but they were very ruining problems that made my experience not-fun imo.
Yeah, the event started out good as far as I'm concerned, but kind of devolved into a clusterfuck fairly quickly. I think there was too much debris, no need to decorate the area with that many props. Would be better to use debris to block off certain areas so that we go more in the direction the GMs want us to go in so they have a purpose beyond being just decorations. OSF have glitchy AF models, so a lot of them died over it. I don't mind this being a PvE event, but could've used some better pacing to allow for some roleplay moments as well.

Overall, given how the event went, I'd rather do a redo/remake of it rather than moving on to day 2 already after what happened, but that's just me.
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I've got to be honest - this event was pretty good. 8/10
From what I see everything was organized out of character and the only thing that failed was the characters themselves. A lack of leadership and communication from character to character is what lead to the mission's failure - this could be internally from each faction or split across the three not communicating to each other. But of course, that is what made the event fun, the disorganization, the jumping actions, and the overall dynamic setting or the battlezone and so on.

Great event, I would like a day 2!
Hi Cengiz, I wanted to start with saying we still love you, cutiepie.

Now, onto what I noticed as someone who joined very late into the event. The Rebel NPCs just shredded through armor, more than any Combine NPC I had fought in other events. They were a bit busted, to say the least. Secondly, as my OSF character was downed, his ragdoll just completely disappeared. I was right in front of my allies, and they easily could have saved me, but they couldn't see me. Thirdly, I saw a heavy lack of communication from OTA and Civil Protection when it came to what was actually going on. Any fighting I saw the OSF do was by themselves, and I had no idea what the other two factions were up to.

Would I want a day 2? Personally, yes. I'd want a day 2 focused more on the Civil Protection actually seeing what the OSF face when they go out, and they begin to gain a respect for one another. The feeling of being pinned down in war by superior forces is a great setting for RP, however none of the actual cops were there to RP with.
Few issues was obviously the ending, bleedout bug and the fact I was taken out by a single grenade launcher shot by a rebel I couldn't even see. Also didn't like how OTA and CP were just left to wander without any proper direction, it was probably the main reason most people died. OSF in this event legit had the shortest short end of the stick and yes, they did sign the agreement that it's PK but this event was a legit death trap for them, same goes for CP's. Also find it shitty that GM's would get snipers and sit on top of buildings shooting down towards us, it's realistic for the setting but considering OTA, CP and OSF didn't have a weapon to counter it, it just felt unfair and that the GM's were playing shoot to win.
Event overall was decent and though the ending was terrible I definitely can see myself coming back for day-2.

One thing I'd like to point out for everyone in this thread, just so we're all clear, is that the OSF don't have access to any Combine frequencies because they use handheld radios, like what rebels use. Only way to communicate with them would be through whatever frequency they pick for it. Just laying that out there, to explain some of the poor communication going on.
One thing I'd like to point out for everyone in this thread, just so we're all clear, is that the OSF don't have access to any Combine frequencies because they use handheld radios, like what rebels use. Only way to communicate with them would be through whatever frequency they pick for it. Just laying that out there, to explain some of the poor communication going on.
yep,we should have been on the same frequency for proper communication
From what I’ve heard, the event concept is solely about CPs, OTA, and OSF wiping out a terrorist organization in Berlin. From the start, it is literally a Call of Duty event and didn’t sound like it had any RP to go along with it, but I couldn’t and still can’t opinionate since I didn’t attend myself.

Witnessing the complaints in this thread, I must say that event masters should really delve deep and think about the events that they are going to host. You need stuff like this to be planned, and it’s a heavy issue in SS for event masters to come up with random ideas and base them off as 2-3 day events. The SCP event I had hosted my first time in SS wasn’t too up to par considering it was my first time and I didn’t think too much on the event, the only preparations being the propping and characters setups (which was a pain of its own). Everything in the entire event was just me winging it and letting GMs do what they wanted, which is a rookie mistake.

This event sounds exactly like that. An event where the GMs just wing it. Not saying Cengiz didn’t plan out the event thoroughly, but he didn’t execute it properly. Like RAD-X said, the event shouldn’t have been hosted in the first place as it’s just a generic Call of Duty event with seemingly no RP in mind. It’s not his fault that some things didn’t go as planned, but it is his decision to make the event RP oriented or not and that is where it failed. I hope he uses this as a learning lesson for future events, along with other GMs.