City 36 Feedback Thread

Couple things to note:

- The amount of rubble was fitting for the state of the City, but it made movement cancer.
- None of the teams were given any prior information other than what is summarized to "Kill everyone".
- Large amounts of friendly fire.
- OSF got lost and fractured almost immediately.
- OTA were forced to friendly fire and even /punch an OSF because of the constant choke points and everyone trying to run away into congested areas.
- The admin in noclip shooting people with a Scout SSG (I saw them floating around and shooting).
- Abysmal story telling and RP involved. Essentially a CvR event. (Not entirely bad though)

I get that @Cengiz was under a lot of stress to make this event, so I understand the shortcomings of this event.


- The S2K was actually relatively fun.
- The atmosphere of the city fits the scenario.
- Despite some admins teleporting in as rebels behind us, I think it perfectly represents the Vietcong esque nature of Berlin right now.
- This was done with minimal help from the SS team, so I think it was pretty well done overall, just that more help is needed.

Coming from the OTA perspective it was very cool and good in the beginning however, My character was BLADE-65

Once we got into the lower portion of the city the rubble basically became the main enemy. From there it started to become a clusterfuck

Once I got into the sewers I was downed however I was revived, though the medical items were bugged and I couldn't get my health up

After that it pretty much became quiet and we extracted after that.

As for the Team killing reports, I can tell you that 100% from me I did not kill any OSF members, there was one part however where we were on the train tracks and there were people above us shooting at us, so the entire group of us fired back at the shooter, that's all that I can recall

Overall I had a good time but halfway in it went sideways

I got a recording of the day one portion however I need to upload it.

Honestly, if we had a Day 2 it would be nice for a do-over if we could fix some of the issues
Alright guys. Time for my take of the event.

There was several bad things that have occurred during this 45 minute long event. Not only was there a cluster fuck with friendly fire occurring between OTA and OSF but the NPCs were buggy as hell. The map constantly had people being stuck and the medical scripts had little to no effect with a 60 second death timer.

It felt more like Military RP than anything else, there was no interactions between each Faction. Just gunfire and yelling until all the NPCs were dead.

Cengiz don't take this too hard dude. We've all had a bad event (hell, Frostbite was a fucking disaster and I'm fine with it). Overall dude, I know you can pull of way better and I will help you anyway I can
Hello Everyone.

This day has been a mess for me, and I can surely say I failed today as an Event Master. I apologize for this Heavily focused S2K Event. I have gotten some reports of the players that they were heavily team killed by Other Factions and that the Medical Items didnt work and that the Bleedout timer was to low.

View attachment 18593

Still, i would love to get your feedback and ask if you still want a 2nd Day. I will inform all players that they agreed to the Terms and Conditions of this Event.

View attachment 18594
The admin in noclip shooting people with a Scout SSG
Bro, why do they keep thinking this is a good idea? Noclipping snipers you can’t actually shoot aren’t fun for anyone but the GM involved. I genuinely think ones that do this should be removed or reprimanded heavily.
Couple things to note:

- The amount of rubble was fitting for the state of the City, but it made movement cancer.
- None of the teams were given any prior information other than what is summarized to "Kill everyone".
- Large amounts of friendly fire.
- OSF got lost and fractured almost immediately.
- OTA were forced to friendly fire and even /punch an OSF because of the constant choke points and everyone trying to run away into congested areas.
- The admin in noclip shooting people with a Scout SSG (I saw them floating around and shooting).
- Abysmal story telling and RP involved. Essentially a CvR event. (Not entirely bad though)

I get that @Cengiz was under a lot of stress to make this event, so I understand the shortcomings of this event.


- The S2K was actually relatively fun.
- The atmosphere of the city fits the scenario.
- Despite some admins teleporting in as rebels behind us, I think it perfectly represents the Vietcong esque nature of Berlin right now.
- This was done with minimal help from the SS team, so I think it was pretty well done overall, just that more help is needed.

The admin was Alessio, the guy has a grudge against OSF and will always do that kind of shit. Idk why they haven't done anythign about him anyways, guess nepotism and stuff
Bro, why do they keep thinking this is a good idea? Noclipping snipers you can’t actually shoot aren’t fun for anyone but the GM involved. I genuinely think ones that do this should be removed or reprimanded heavily.
Yeah that shit sucks, legit the worst way to create RP for the combine factions. Sucks when CT members create a character for an event then use noclip around mid RP, especially in events like this. I get the idea is that the rebel is just moving around the environment but instead it's just annoying for the players involved.
This was a great event! Especially when we all got togheter to arrest the final guy, I got close to dying a couple of times but managed to live like a true boss. Guess that OSF specialist training paid off! haha! Anyways, looking forward to day 2. Sad that the CPs have returned to city 24, but im sure the OSF and the OTA will be amazing in day 2. Can't wait! Also props to the gms, bravo!
Didn't get to apply on time for this, but I'll list some tips based on what I've been seeing from GMs trying to make military events and what I read about the event so far.
  1. About rebel actors: Frostbite is probably your best example about they should P2L your event: a compact squad engaging in combat without turning the fight into a Call of Duty match and preserve their lives by retreating after some damage is done on both sides. Anything else usually becomes frustrating when compounded with the usual engine shenanigans of Gmod and other OOC aspects.
  2. Rebel character trying to create the illusion of bigger numbers by noclipping around rooftops and constantly reviving yourself is absolutely frustrating to fight as a player since you're basically being wall-hacked and have little equipment to suppress snipers. Just don't, have your helpers fight on even ground. It happened in Robert's London event, and it fucking sucked.
  3. For OSF specifically, the first red flag Cengiz should have caught up on was the fact that he had no NCOs in his conscript roster, and 90% of them were literally some of the new players fresh out of basic training, or not even that. Problem is that because of our retarded promotion policies, OSF hasn't had more than 1 active NCO for about half a year, but in the future, I'd recommend either reserving some spots for makeshift squad leaders; or, at the very least, a couple more of additional experienced players to better lead the new guys.
  4. If your event is solely based around fighting player enemies with little pacing and no time for roleplay, your event is gonna suck ass.
Also the fact that event runners still insist that this hard pk shit brings anything of value to the table:
Half your events are plagued with buggy deaths and retarded S2K, not exactly encouraging roleplay when you're risking a shitty death that a GM is too lazy to let play out in any way that isn't >die to a stray bullet >no /me or last words or anything interesting, just fuck off from the server.

If this is gonna be your SS-wide policy at least give your players the courtesy of roleplaying their characters' deaths on their own terms.
Yeah that shit sucks, legit the worst way to create RP for the combine factions. Sucks when CT members create a character for an event then use noclip around mid RP, especially in events like this. I get the idea is that the rebel is just moving around the environment but instead it's just annoying for the players involved.
woulda been cool if the snipers just narrowly miss or miss on purpose to make you feel like you’re in danger. if you’re getting directly shot at and damaged by someone you can’t fight, that’s just not fun. it doesn’t create RP, it creates a headache

The admin was Alessio, the guy has a grudge against OSF and will always do that kind of shit. Idk why they haven't done anythign about him anyways, guess nepotism and stuff
AlessioDoomBoy and Mullet are my least favored SS staff. Alessio’s cool and all but a grudge is a grudge, not cool. Mullet is just a douchebag and apparently you can act out all you want and you won’t get in trouble as he’s been doing so for a bit now to people he doesn’t like. hope people start applying for SS so we can get better people

Also the fact that event runners still insist that this hard pk shit brings anything of value to the table:
not to toot my own horn but the very first SS event i’ve hosted was renowned for the fact that PKs were super rare and only happened if you did something really stupid or something intentionally happened to kill your character for RP/story purposes. if you died, it was meaningful and had purpose, not some random guy shooting you in the head and now you’re just gone. SS events should incorporate that idea in general instead of insta-deaths, it can literally destroy the foundation of events if done horribly wrong
not to toot my own horn but the very first SS event i’ve hosted was renowned for the fact that PKs were super rare and only happened if you did something really stupid or something intentionally happened to kill your character for RP/story purposes. if you died, it was meaningful and had purpose, not some random guy shooting you in the head and now you’re just gone. SS events should incorporate that idea in general instead of insta-deaths, it can literally destroy the foundation of events if done horribly wrong
That's how it should be, A death in story should happen because it will impact the world around it not just because of broken npcs too much emphasis is put on "You get killed its an auto-pk" And it shouldn't be the case, It's also a lot more irritating because many people in OSF play their characters on main some have even had them for months/years.

And to die because an admin is no-clipping or a broken rebel npcs or a vort with an AK clips you w/e is kind of bs, S2K should be NLR and s2rp should be where the PK risk comes in, The whole schtick of OSF oocly was that they were a mass horde style infantry, We saw OTA/CPs essentially force the OSF to go first in this Operation and yet they only get one life, Who is it fun for if that's the case? Those CPs and OTA were mostly if not all event characters if I'm not mistaken (Might've noticed a few Main server CPs) But from what I saw of footage it seemed like OTA Went free bird solo shrugging off damage and cutting down rebels while OSF was massacred and CP took a few losses.

When you make people go through all this work and we put them through months of training and what not it's a slap in the face to just pk them because the rebels some how have an M2 Bradley and all carry M4 Carbines and RPGs and just spray and pray anything that moves. A death should be similar to when @The_Grass_Man and that female soldier were up against the guy near the end. Roleplayed out and not just you getting your shit pushed in by a rebel with an M240 in a housing block because some idiot blocked your escape or you got eaten by the ground/shitty models.

I really detest the new "Every deaths a PK system" I don't think its good for Roleplay and its a reason why we have rebels and people being overly cautious.

(What a PK risk should be like)
<--- Footage Credit to @The_Grass_Man
That's how it should be, A death in story should happen because it will impact the world around it not just because of broken npcs too much emphasis is put on "You get killed its an auto-pk" And it shouldn't be the case, It's also a lot more irritating because many people in OSF play their characters on main some have even had them for months/years.
My character, while being created solely for joining the OSF, does exist on the main server and does things there. Other people have spent months on their characters and to die in an S2K scenario and not on their own terms is a frustrating possibility. To get killed on an SS operation that is supposed to be RP focused, not a fucking WN Team Deathmatch against crap SNPCs that prevent you from RPing.
I watched the video from @The_Grass_Man and honestly, filling an incredibly poorly optimised map with so many props and rubble was bound to cause chaos, especially when you add in that many moving bodies who're all trying to avoid a PK mid-S2K. Having 10-15+ people all trying to shoot the same NPC's or breach the same tiny-ass doors guarded by heavily armed people is going to cause teamkilling.

S2K isn't in itself bad at all in events - but running around a map like City 2 doing nothing but S2King? Yeah, that was a poor decision. It should have been broken up into groups with objectives who could RP.

Likewise, respawning yourself to represent more rebels and vorts is standard practice in events, but it has to be done right.