City 42 - Anchorage & Nearby Facilities

  • Thread starter Thread starter Merlinsclaw
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Standard Information:
Stable (Summer) Unstable (Winter)

Recent Events: Xenian Malignancy Growth Approaches


The City of Anchorage always has been a relatively quiet City. It's position on the frontier of civilization in the cold Alaskan wilderness resulted in a small, hardened population. Despite the oil boom of the 1970's and 1980's resulting in a larger population, Anchorage and the region of Alaska in general have always been smaller compared to their 'major city' counterparts. This notion is still true for Anchorage, now renamed City Forty-Two, which is on the outskirts of the Union's control.

City Forty-Two's primary use in the Universal Union is the drilling of oil, one of the last places on Earth that still does so. City Forty-Two manages several facilities in oil fields across Alaska. The population of City Forty-Two is often co-opted to work in these oil fields or in the dockyards and ports that operate during the Summer.

The weather and seasons also play an important role in City Forty-Two's operations as a City. During the Winter, blizzards and infrequent portal storms often wreak havoc on the City and its operations. The port of City Forty-Two freezes up, the population is generally stuck inside for months at times, the connection to OCIN becomes spotty as best, and unknown beasts lurk in the Alaskan wilderness. As such, the winter months often see the City in a state of general isolation and outside of the Union's iron grasp-- Resulting in a general relaxed sense around the City. However, during the Summer months, the grasp of the Union returns the port reopens, OCIN is usually clearly connected, and the normal operations of the City resume.

City Forty-Two also has a few unique qualities about it. It lacks a Combine Wall that surrounds the City. However, not many attempt to 'escape' the City due to its nature and the fact that a lone-escapee in the Alaskan Wilderness often doesn't last long. Furthermore, the frequent portal storms and blizzards during the Winter months, and sometimes the Summer months, often results in a breakdown of transportation. The breakdown of Pre-Unification roads, a lack of traintracks, and the inability to use air transportation often results in a return to 'old-timey' means of transportation. Sleds, led by packs of (mostly) 'tamed' houndeyes often lead packs of citizens to and from the oil fields hundreds of miles away.

Recent Events:
July 2018:
The Xenian Malignance Zone has mostly overtaken the West Coast of America and now it's slowly approached City Forty-Two. During the Summer months of 2018 City Forty-Two has undertaken a set of operations to try and defend it's city from the infestation. The City has dropped massive amounts of oil on the coastline in an attempt to burn some of the infestation several hundred miles away. The hope, in their eyes, is that the infestation will be unable to survive during the winter months in the cold, harsh Alaskan weather.


City Forty-Two Zone of Influence

(Generally around Anchorage)
The primary zone of influence for City Forty-Two. It's without a wall and generally is very loosely patrolled, especially during the Winter.

City Forty-Two Docks

(On the Coast)
The primary workplace for citizens still in the City and not in one of the Oil Fields. Large oil storage facilities are kept here, loaded onto tankers, and shipped out to other parts of the world.

Nearby Facilities:

Red X's:

City Forty-Two Oil Fields

(Union Symbol)

A series of oil fields and their nearby complexes. They are hundreds of miles deep in the Alaskan Wilderness and ran by workers and guards from City Forty-Two. Their oil is extracted and ran through pipelines to City Forty-Two where it may be shipped off during the Summer months. These isolated oil fields often are dangerous, especially during the winter, where they are in near 24 hour darkness. What knows what lurks in the wilderness? Contact with City Forty-Two is sparse during the winter and the only way back is a weeks long journey via Sled Houndeyes.

Black Dots (Roughly):

The Alaskan Wilderness


The vast Alaskan Wilderness is home to constant blizzards during the winter, portal storms, and unknown 'beasts.' During the winter months, it's in near constant darkness. Journeys to the Northern C42 Oil Fields require a weeks long journey through this region. What unknown beasts and tribulations lurk in this zone is often unknown. Those who make the journey usually have few good things to say about it.

The OCIN Relay Tower

(The one in Canada)

Overwatch Central Intelligence Network (OCIN) communication relay tower. This serves as a location that boosts a telecommunication signal between multiple other locations.

This Relay Tower, due to its exclusive location so far North, is often subject to temporary failure in the Winter months, specifically it's connection to City Forty-Two, especially during blizzards and other extreme times. This result in City Forty-Two's connection to Dispatch becoming spotty. In the permeant darkness of winter, with unknown beasts in the darkness, and a blizzard going outside-- You'll never know if the "ALERT. ALERT. ALERT. Protection Teams. Exogen Activity detected in District 12" is real- or fake.

Last edited:
Unfortunately, you'll need to rewrite this.

As stated previously this city was reserved due to already active lore in this area, and your account of this city directly conflicts with that lore.

I'll talk to you separately, but until we can have a discussion regarding this city I will be holding off approval of it's lore article.
I've read over it again, and I'm ultimately forced to approve of it since its of a high enough quality for approval, even if it does basically throw out a piece of old lore that I'm now going to have to basically adjust internally.
