
Radio Bob Approved
City Fifty

Istanbul fared pretty well during the Seven Hour War - the same could not be said for Ankara. Advancing Combine forces met fierce resistance at Turkey’s capital, resulting in the Battle of Ankara. The Turkish Armed Forces were utterly destroyed within forty-five minutes. The remaining Turkish military elements found themselves regrouping at the city of Yalova for one last final stand against the invaders, with the Combine being was more than happy to wipe out the last stronghold of human defiance in the area. Unknown to the Combine or Turkish forces, The Battle of Yalova would never occur.

The very skies upon the city of Yalova and its surrounding areas tore itself open as an unexpected extremely intense portal storm shook the landscape and wreaked havoc. Nothing survived, not the Combine or the Turks. The Turkish Armed Forces were reduced to nothing. The highest body of leadership was nowhere to be found after the destruction of Ankara, and the population of Istanbul was in fear and awe after witnessing the wrath of portal storm nearby. Whatever remaining leadership left in Istanbul had no choice but to hand over the keys to the city to the Combine or face its wrath. In the aftermath of the Seven Hour War, Istanbul was tightly controlled and secured by the invaders. Istanbul, shortly renamed City Fifty, sat on an extremely important strategic location. Combined with its vast cityscape and population, the Combine could not afford to lose such a city to anyone.

City Fifty presently operates as an indispensable military and logistical hub, easing global transportation burdens and projecting power throughout the geographical area. The judicious decision to transform Istanbul into a fortress is no mistake by any means. City Fifty sits in a highly strategic position between the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, serving as a vital supply link to the rest of the world for City Seventeen, City Twenty Seven, and Terminal Six. If that was not enough then City Fifty also proves crucial means for Overwatch to project its military presence within and without multiple cities and terminals; Terminal Six, City Seventeen, City Twenty Seven, City Thirty-Eight, City Forty, City Forty-Eight, and the Sojourn Terminal.

Less known, but equally as important, Istanbul also serves as a maintenance and depot storage center. Industrial machinery and other large complex items that cannot be so easily repaired at their home city due to extensive issues and damage will be sent over to City Fifty to be restored. Resources and industrial goods, often sent from Terminal Six, City Seventeen, City Twenty Seven, and whoever else, are stored within depots to be later sorted, categorized, and then shipped elsewhere across the globe.

Maintenance Depot-B2

Today’s global logistical supply chain is kept in good functioning order by two things; transportation vehicles and fuel to keep such vehicles running. In this case, vehicles refer to the various naval vessels, razor trains, and cargo air-busses and planes that move goods from place to place. These vehicles are no simple matter, containing extremely large and complex mechanical machines within their hulls. In the event of a breakdown or extensive issues, these parts are either repaired within their next stop or sent over to City Fifty.

Highly educated and specialized engineers from many fields (mechanical, electrical, material, etc) are the only people allowed here. The most common repair job given to the engineers is that of heavily damaged engines. Cargo ship engines, razor train engines, air-bus and cargo plane engines, are very numerous around the repair bays.

The facilities of B2 are quite advanced, holding sophisticated tools and machines to repair the equal as complex engines and other internal mechanical parts. A constant influx of engines always keeps the engineers busy with work, but they do not mind as they are rewarded handsomely for their talents.

Storage Depot-A1

A maze of storage towers and warehouses encapsulates the existence of Storage Depot-A1. Resources of all forms, mainly industrial goods from City Seventeen and City Twenty Seven, are stacked high in the storage facilities in A1. The goods do not sit here for too long within storage, for their services are needed elsewhere on Earth. Of course, no goods can be shipped without first being sorted, scanned, categorized, and then placed into their rightful warehouse or storage tower. To do this, an army of clerical workers manages the mind-numbing duty of doing the proper paper and oversight. The whole transportation system is thankfully fully automated, saving everyone from the hard labor of package transportation. Sadly, the system needs direction and input and that is where the clerks come in.

Offices are the second most common building in A1, housing the various clerks and staff that commit themselves to the dull job of paperwork. If one can endure their co-workers and boss then office work is quite a fortunate reality in comparison to hard labor in a factory. Instead of the risk of a revolt from laborers, the city has the unfortunate truth of having to deal with white-collar crime. This forces civil protection officers to become more like investigators, following paper trails and finding missing goods from storage.


The iron grip of the Combine can be felt in full force within this massive military stronghold. Enmassed military formations and assets ensure that the Black and Mediterranean Seas are fully under the control of the Benefactors, especially Istanbul. Fortress-Fifty houses the logistical means to mount any form of large-scale military operation (either by land and or sea) into the geographical region with impunity. This serves as a great hindrance to any form of sizeable rebellious activity. Any direct assault on Fortress-Fifty is quite the undertaking due to its extreme amounts of fortifications installed. Under most weather conditions, Fortress-Fifty is able to deploy a rapid-response force under one or two hours, with larger forces taking upwards of a single day or a week or more - depending on the number of military formations and assets is involved in operations outside of City Fifty.

Deep within the fortress is the Dolmabahçe Palace, better known as Nexus-Fifty. It is the administrative home to the highest functionaries of the city, including the City Administrator herself. The actual day-to-day military functions of Fortress-Fifty are not directly overseen by the City Administrator but by a General-Governor, a Transhumanist general. Whilst the City Administrator has great sway in Fortress-Fifty, the General-Governor is the only one that can manage the martial duties of the fortress. Under extremely unstable social stability, the General-Governor (alongside Overwatch) can directly take full control of the city temporarily.

Yalova Zone
(Mapping for the Yalova Zone)

The Yalova Zone is a wide stretch of land that was formerly affected by a portal storm known as the Yalova Storm. The stagnant storm existed for two years before it was lifted, with the general area becoming safer to investigate. The Combine gave quick notice to two exotic materials within the Yalova Zone - Substance-41T and Substance-213A. Ever so curious, the Combine took samples and tested them. After rigorous experiments, the Combine found great usage for these items, especially in the development of highly advanced transhumanists implants.

After these discoveries, the Combine had the whole zone scanned for the two new exotic items. Once a deposit was located, aggressive harvesting became the new order of the day. Without care for the local environment, the Yalova Zone soon became a wasteland of pollution. Any form of waste-byproduct, a result from the harvesting machines the harvesting itself, were dumped carelessly into the ocean, rivers, and landscape. The air was choked with a green mist, a dangerous pollutant that quickly caused great harm to the lungs and skin. This only became worse after the invention of bioglass, a refined material vital in the creation of transhumanist implants. Orders from both C.L.C and even Overwatch itself had the city increase its harvesting of Substance-213A for the production of bioglass.

Overwatch directly oversees the shipments of Substance-41T and Substance-213A harvested in the zone to its many clandestine factories on Earth.

No life exists within the Yalova Zone. There are only the sights of Combine harvesters and ungodly amounts of pollution everywhere.

Port of Haydarpaşa
The Port of Haydarpaşa serves its purpose as it did with its former owners. Fleets of cargo ships flow in and out of the port, carrying supply and goods into the city and then out of the city. The port itself is quite large, having to manage the high volumes of traffic throughout the Haydarpaşa. In order to maintain stable traffic flow, the Port of Haydarpaşa has been upgraded with increased capacity to allow even more ships to dock. Workers are a common sight as the port never has a quiet day.​
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European side of Istanbul already looks like a post-occupational dystopia so the lore checks out :angrycop:
I don't think that Istanbul would make much sense as a Industrial City.

Think about it for a second. You have Industrial 17 and the Danube Industrial Cities that have to route their shipping though the Bosporous. This just seems. Redundant? It just feels like City 50 is outside of the main area of Industrial Cities and seems more like a transport or military hub then another industrial city as if there was a uprising in City 50 (Industrial cities have the highest chance of a uprising) then City 17 would be cut off from any direct naval route (and that would be bad).
I don't think that Istanbul would make much sense as a Industrial City.

Think about it for a second. You have Industrial 17 and the Danube Industrial Cities that have to route their shipping though the Bosporous. This just seems. Redundant? It just feels like City 50 is outside of the main area of Industrial Cities and seems more like a transport or military hub then another industrial city as if there was a uprising in City 50 (Industrial cities have the highest chance of a uprising) then City 17 would be cut off from any direct naval route (and that would be bad).
I doubt the Combine would expend resources to radically transform a city that is already known for its textile and cement industry away from being an industrial center. Obviously, cities can serve more than one purpose, as Istanbul can serve as both an industrial hub, transportation, and military hub.

The idea that Industrial 17 & the Danube Industrial cities routing their shipping through the Bosporus & Danube feeling unnecessary is something I can agree on. Most cities are built to be self-sustainable with their core economic principle being to achieve local autarky. That's why I also believe that Istanbul is fine as an industrial city, as realistically it'd have a diverse economy with most serving to go back into the city. I think forcing Industrial 17 to route its trade through the Bosporus falls a bit flat, considering I don't imagine either Industrial 17 or City 17 to have strong trading ports ready to receive imports and exports from the sea.
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How about turning City 50 into a transport, military, and industrial/tech hub? All in one.
How about turning City 50 into a transport, military, and industrial/tech hub? All in one.

Yeah, I think it would serve a better purpose as a "general" city rather then a "industrial" city.
I know it's been a long time but lore has been the final of final things for myself and a batch of the community to look at and I've been getting back into it.

I've read over this piece by piece, and deemed it to be entirely compatible.

Enjoy it.