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City Five and South American Malignancy [ V3]



Region Change:

As whispers of the escalating aggression by the US Malignancy spread like wildfire, a menacing shadow falls upon the OCIN Secondary Hub, casting a daunting threat over the entire region. Faced with the imminent danger, the Combined Forces rallied their efforts in South America, striving to establish a secure stronghold within the heart of the Orinoco Oil Belt. At the epicentre of this crisis, the Orinoco Supply & Distribution Centre (O-SDC) emerges as a crucial focal point, with the Malignancy cunningly strangling the region's oil supplies, leaving no Overwatch asset available for other territories.

Amidst the chaos, the abandonment of the OCIN Secondary Hub leaves a lone beacon of hope: Edgar and his unwavering Unity Junta of Columbia. While other governing bodies crumble under the pressure, Edgar and his Junta embark on a relentless campaign for survival, blending the expertise of the CRU with the creation of a formidable new division known as the "Limpiadores con fuego" – a specialized unit entrusted with the grim task of incinerating Xen growths and hives, preventing their insidious expansion to anything within their reach, be it humans, animals, or plant life; everything is mercilessly consumed by flames near the Malignancy's infestations.

This valiant regime proves to be effective, but by the time their success is realized, the Malignancy has already wormed its way deep into the Southern territories, merging seamlessly with the enigmatic Amazon Tunguska. This unholy union not only creates a volatile breeding ground for the Malignancy but also forms a peculiar connection between dimensions and Vortisense, confounding even the most astute minds within the Combine ranks. With the march of the US Maligency, the United Junta of Columbia fled City Sixty-Three and forced the hand of City Administrator, Héctor Atenas of City Five to step down releasing control to the Junta.
As the Junta defends what's left of the South American region from the Maligency, City Six supplies the newly erected United Junta of South America, based in City Five... Despite them being a sizable threat should the malignancy subside.

On the frontline of the battle, workers entrusted with guarding the quarantine line, stretching from the coast through the heart of Brazil and culminating at the shores of Bolivia, report eerie sightings of creatures once believed to exist only in myths and legends.


- Fortress City: Ravaged by the relentless onslaught of the Malignancy, City Sixty-Three stands as a fortified bastion, guarding against the encroaching threat, earning its designation as a Fortress City.

- Residential: The city has transformed into a sprawling refuge, housing a surge of displaced survivors and refugees seeking sanctuary from the horrors of the Malignancy, transforming it into a bustling residential hub amidst the chaos.

World Map Changes:

- Extention of Maligency to the designated area above
- Abandonment of OCIN post
- Three 'Limpiadores con fuego' on the Maligency border
- City 5 lore update
- Question mark zones of reported sightings of mystical creatures in the Tungusta


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Hey uhh, not sure if you were suggesting this for v3 or for current lore - but if it's for current lore... I'm not sure if this would work, depending on how the mega-event ends on Friday. If the Combine launch the missile at the XMZ then it's likely that the XMZ will stop growing and will start to be pushed back by Combine forces as they commence a new offensive. If the missile is somehow stopped though - then this is more valid.

Just thought I'd let you know.
Hey uhh, not sure if you were suggesting this for v3 or for current lore - but if it's for current lore... I'm not sure if this would work, depending on how the mega-event ends on Friday. If the Combine launch the missile at the XMZ then it's likely that the XMZ will stop growing and will start to be pushed back by Combine forces as they commence a new offensive. If the missile is somehow stopped though - then this is more valid.

Just thought I'd let you know.

Yeah, I know. I remain hopeful the missile is somehow destroyed. If not, I’ll change the title to V3