
Radio Bob Approved


where everything aint always what it seems.

You live in the City of Dreams, on 4th Street, the long street connecting a 'good neighborhood' and a 'bad one', most times, this block's not hot. Not until some hustling motherfuckers try to rescue themselves from their 'situation', a noble objective, with less than noble efforts.

You could be anybody in the City that Never Sleeps, just as long as you ain't stepping on nobody's toes and doing some shit you not supposed to - ganger, sanitation, desk-jockey, cock-sucker - possibilities are endless.

Some big names made it outta' this hood. That cat, "Freeload", made it big in hip-hop on 4th, or that one investor motherfucker, Niko Rascalov, even them politicking types, Sen. Bernstein, if he could make it up outta' fourth, shit, so can you, right? It ain't the worst place to grow up, it gets more flak than it should.


What you doing on 4th?


custom application format, include discord, and need-to-know information about your character.

this event is based in the real New York, on a not-so real street, any figures mentioned are fictitious as well, apply to be anyone, from an entrepreneur, to some crack fiend, or even a ganger - so long as he's living on the culturally diverse 4th street.

this event will entirely take place on one block.


(merely for balance sake)

POLICE (0/5)

GANGERS (0/10)

Working Class People, Store-owners, Businessmen.
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Deontay "Dez" O'Neil

Deontay O'Neil, also known as "Dez" in the neighbourhood, grew up in Harlem. At 29 years old he has experienced time inside jail walls than many do in a lifetime. Raised on 4th Street, which separates the class from the lower class community Deontay understood early on that survival in the streets required constant effort. His mother, Regina held two jobs to provide for their family. With his father absent and lacking role models, Deontay was drawn into street life. By age 14 he was already running errands for the Rollin' 30s Harlem Crips. Delivering messages and hiding drugs.

By 18 he was fully involved in their activities. The years that followed were filled with cars, money, risks and occasional jail time. Being caught with substances became almost routine for Deontay, however, each release only fueled his determination to succeed on the streets. His recent release from prison marked a turning point as he quickly rose to a leadership position within the group. Despite his exterior Deontay secretly holds onto a dream of breaking free from the streets. The ongoing violence and the endless cycle of imprisonment have taken a toll on him. He envisions a future where he can live without feeling watched and where his younger brother, Tyrell can grow up without the shadow of gang life hanging over him.

Living on 4th Street, Deontay knows of the two worlds at his doorstep. He sees the struggle of those on his side of the street, striving for a better life through any means necessary.

For now, Deontay keeps his head down and continues to bang. The Rollin' 30s need him, and the respect he commands on the streets is not given up easily. He used to dream of making it out of the hood. But over time, those dreams faded, and he has accepted that this is his life now.

Deontay remains a product of his environment.
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Will also be hosting a Fallout Event, will host based on which one gains more applicants first.

Both events scheduled for Summer.