Imperator RAD-X

The Supreme Marshal
Staff Member
Server Council


You survived the first day.


That's fascinating.
Now you have two more to go.

Did you like the VENUS Flytrap event today?​
Yes, it was a lot of fun.
Pros : Its fucking awesome and a change of paste.
Lot of rp
Really fun
Con : Sprint broken.
It was great! I sort of wish there was a bit less NPC swarm attacks as mini-events but other than that incredible job. The atmosphere is constantly kept up and staff members always get in contact with you when you're doing things like scavenging or barricading. Really gives you the feel that you can influence the surroundings and prepare yourself for the apocalypse to come... Strong 8/10 so far from me.
Kinda hope you go into the horror element more as ammunition starts to run low (Even if most players would still end up meleeing the hostile), but as it is it's been very fun.
I had a ton of fun playing as Kauffman so far, the event felt like an episode of the walking dead, with three different groups being forced to get along.

I didn't expect Hex to show up, I honestly hope he doesn't die
Somehow, the Short Stories team has managed to make 6.5 hours of an event not feel overly exhausting or repetitive.

Considering the vastness of the map, and different group dynamics being forced to work with one another (which may inevitably degrade into conflict soon), there is still much to look forward to within the next couple days!

My biggest issue may have been the length, as while I was still having a ton of fun, the session did drag on for a little longer than I had anticipated towards the end. What felt like the wrap-up period would be extended by an OTA kicking down the front door while people were trying to sort themselves and get into passive.

Aside from this, everything's been amazing so far, and the GMs have done more than an excellent job of catering to the players via tickets and descriptive scenarios. ❤️
What felt like the wrap-up period would be extended by an OTA kicking down the front door while people were trying to sort themselves and get into passive.
Yeah, I was a bit confused when the guy took like 3 shotgun blasts to the face and lived.
Played Vexillum Wayland, at some point I kinda just flagged off and started helping the SS team since I still had Admin perms to give players something to do, I'm not even SS but I still had fun anyway. Was also flying that Hunter Chopper at the end, wasn't expecting to flat out nail you with the rocket.
I was also the one that had to spawn out of nowhere and put down that Fist Fighting OTA because Dog was desecrating my faction >:C
I played the Elder Vortigaunt on the First day. This is truly a *Unique* Short Story in the elements of having multiple people spread across a vast map in the search of safety from oncoming forces that once protected some.

I liked how there was so many times that conflict could have ended badly with some civi's and Bandits but for some reason I somehow defused these situations perfectly.

Only bad thing was probably that the vort Beams are STILL BROKEN and the sprint was kinda annoying