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Content Creator

"Everyone believes that we are alive. Really, we're all just waiting for the train to hell so we can have a bit of a break."

The freshest of Seattle's air comes during the middle of the day, when the sun is highest and brightest. The photosynthesis of the few remaining plants wards off the smallest amount of spores - at least, that is what a sparse few believe, enough so it has become an almost religious duty for them to preserve what little of the earthlike plantlife remains, before it is taken over by the Xenian flora of the Malignance Zone, creeping in from every direction. The smart ones don't believe their supersitions, however; It isn't like a difference in air quality can be ascertained with a mask almost permanently over your mouth.

-This event is taking place on the 11th of June

-You can choose how you ended up in this mess, if it gives you any comfort

-Survival is far from guaranteed


-The chance of us accepting a application drastically goes up with effort put into the application, though this doesn't mean we want as many words as possible.

-For the MAA, you must show quality RP

Combine Remnants

Redeemed Minister
Cast aside by the combine, this ministers handling of the disaster has redeemed them in the eyes of the surviving MMA and Citizenry

MAA / CP Officers
The leftovers that were deemed just enough to keep the city running till the end

Towards the end, they just started picking anyone off the streets



The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • *Character Role:
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • Full Backstory:
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: ClapTrap​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:51034660​
  • *Discord Name & ID: ClapTrap#1313​

--- Section Two ---

  • *Character Name:
    Jackson Cook | RL.DEFENDER-2

  • *Character Role:
    CP Officer/Rank Leader

  • *Brief summary of the character:
    A City Twenty-One Rank Leader functionary that has been denied extraction as punishment due to previous failures across service within the Civil Protection. Though never grand enough to warrant deservicement, Cook's past negligence had tallied large enough to solidify his placement within the dying city. Despite the alien cancer encroaching just beyond the walls, Jackson Cook holds undying loyalty and faith in the Civil Protection and the recently redeemed Minister.
  • Due to his career's rocky history and utmost admiration to the Minister, DEFENDER-2 seeks to redeem himself to the city of Twenty-One by any means necessary.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I feel as though the addition of a seasoned yet imperfect Rank Leader to uphold the will of the Minister and command over the immediate chaos could prove to be an overall fun experience! On top of this, I also find the 'Xenian Malignance Zone' to be one of the most interesting and creative ideas in Willard Network's lore, and would love to participate in any event involving this area on the World Map.

  • Full Backstory:
  • "<:: Inadequate. Request denied. ::>"
The monitor flickers off, leaving nothing but the reflection of a broken facemask in the black mirror. Flecks of red and yellow dried and fresh blood mixed together along all areas of the facemask like a morbid painting, seeping into the creases of its cracked visor and obscuring half of the man's vision within.

Fortunately, it wasn't all his own.

The discouraged Rank Leader falls to his knees with a heavy thud, crashing into the cold Nexus concrete and gripping the edges of the terminal in anger, sorrow, and most painful of all, defeat. Beyond the walls of the city was more than simply war, famine, or disease. It was the apocalypse, with all three clashing together and conglomerating into one, large mass of cancer:

The Xenian Growth.

Countless thoughts and impossible alternatives impeded the man's thought space, pressing his forehead gently against the edge of the terminal as his hoarse, disconnected breathing took precedent in all physical actions, his brain in a completely different realm. There was no clear solution. Only guaranteed death and compromise, at best.

What felt like an eternity in his own mind is suddenly cut off by the distorted and desperate pleas of colleagues over his radio, requesting guidance through the rioting, outbreaks, and general turmoil of miscommunication in command. His cold, gray eyes break away from his self-inflicted trance, peering around to assess his current surroundings following the isolation into his own mind, before centering onto the radio itself. Conflicting voices of those hopeless and those optimistic continued to bark at each other over the radio over what to do next, grating the Rank Leader's ears like the screeching wheels of a braking train.

Quick composure reassembled the broken man's mind like tape to a shattered vase, allowing him to speak once again onto the soundwaves of all those damned and still associated with the Civil Protection of Twenty-One:

"<:: Enough. Steel yourselves and prepare for immediate infestation across all districts. ::>"
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: ZeroPants

  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:94990857
  • *Discord Name & ID: ZeroPants#9511
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Richard Kauffman

  • *Character Role: Redeemed Minister

  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • City 21's Minister of commerce, infamous for his management of the CWU. His proactive approach to dealing with the xenian malignancy zone has resulted in the malignancy zone being held off for a time at the cost of the lives of a number of infestation control members. Most if not all of the CWU detests his willingness to sacrifice workers to fight the infestation, however, a number of citizens are grateful that the infestation has been kept at bay, despite the sacrifices.
Kauffman is someone that is willing to sacrifice anything and anyone for the 'Greater good'. while many view his actions as selfish, his approach to dealing with the xenian infestation has worked so far, but it appears that what has been done so far wasn't enough, more work will have to be done to save city 21.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I have been looking forwards to a city 21 event for a while now, and I want to try to play an important role in the event.

  • Full Backstory:
  • Richard Kauffman was a small-time politician in Seattle, he was one of the first to accept Combine rule, and as a reward for his subservience he was granted a position as city 21's Minister of commerce. During the early days of the occupation, City 21 was a normal-ish city. The xenian malignancy zone was far in the distance, and barely any of the citizens knew of the threat. Only the administration had any knowledge of the threat, but many of them ignored it, Richard however decided to take a proactive approach to deal with the problem.

  • Richard had the CWU mobilize a large team of infestation control members to deal with some of the nearby malignancies, however, the infestation control was ill-equipped to deal with the infestation as it was unlike any strain seen before, the infestation control team was slaughtered and Kauffman was blamed for their death's, earning the hatred of many of the CWU workers.
Kauffman sits in the nexus trying to figure out a solution to this crisis, but by this point, the infestation has cut off city 21 from the rest of the world, the administration will have to find a solution without relying on aid from other cities.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: culture
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:160134462
  • *Discord Name & ID: Culture#3240
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Laurence Evergreen | i1/RL.VICTOR-1
  • *Character Role: CP Officer
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • A guns-blazing "commando" determined to eradicate the filth that lies within the City's walls. He is the right-hand man of the command that still remains within this vile putridness of a City. He knows, that when he goes in somewhere, there is a chance he isn't going to be able to come out again. With this in mind, he is to leave as much of an impact as possible. But is he going to be able to do it?​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I really enjoy playing CP characters, it is the faction I mained across several servers after all. With this new season of events, I aim to attend every single one if I can. With this character, I aim to convey a personality of nonchalance, obedience, and command, differentiating from my main server CP as much as possible to ensure a unique experience for myself and others. I find the idea of a usually strong CP force making a last stand against the grand Infestation fascinating.
  • Full Backstory:
  • One of the millions of grunts subsumed under the Combine looking to make it big, now having met his dead end.
  • "<:: Is this it? Death by alien AIDS? I'm not fucking convinced. They're going to pay in the end. ::>"
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Little is known about this unit's former life, it is clear that he has had previous military service he had failed to divulge. His demeanour is serious but unstable. Outbursts of violence amplify his anxiety. His childhood was troubled. His adulthood was even more troubled. The thoughts that lie beneath the mask that has been on his face for as long as he can remember are sadistic and blunt. After continuous and loyal service to the Civil Protection for 1 year, which is considered an impressive feat for most units to survive that long, this unit is experienced in all areas of the Civil Protection, ranging from infestation protection detail and extermination to HVT protection duty. This, is unlike anything he's ever seen before. Commanding his colleagues to rally on high alert for infestation expungement is all he could do. Himself, and the command, are throwing everything they can at this mass flora that has encompassed the city. Only that he thinks differently, now. A way to sacrifice everything to only eradicate this threat.

"This is unlike anything seen before. We have an exponential problem on our hands."
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The infestation control of Seattle have done all they can, but it looks like it is growing more when eradicated. The roots are unknown, many have died to it during clean up expeditions. The workforce of this City is slowly being set ablaze by the monstrosity that looms, and in a matter of time, the protection forces will also be rendered null. Time will only tell what side prevails. This, is the most likely outcome.

"<:: In the end, it's all going to go to shit. There is no turning back. I've heard from command. ::>"


"<:: VICTOR-1 to local ground units. Prepare for cleanup at infestation-blocks 56, 77, and 45. Assemble, and contain. ::>"
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Overwatch Pacific Division -- Local metropolice garrison of City 24
"Peace is within our reach."

<:: Civil Protection Program ::>
<:: LOGIN Credentials; *** **** ****….. ACCESS GRANTED ::>


<:: Initializing……. Access GRANTED ::>
<:: Connecting to CCA Database - Directory; Format … Connected ::>

X:\system\boot.exe -code *************************
<:!! Welcome, unit. Please wait while we bring you the requested files.


--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Wraygun
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:168504023
*Discord Name & ID: Wraygun#4650

--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Pierre Valois
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection (preferably rank-leader)
  • *Brief summary of the character: A well-traveled enforcer, determined to visit all parts of the world.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: It is a character that I've had since my first days on Willard and I do wish to experience the very setting that was described above.

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  • Full Backstory

  • DhDcKy9EmtKreqLlJ6w5cxhQIRVqer1pt7n4yqOEckD8-ElhszXcX2knl2FaCRQQImqY_k-yjvwnmPK4uxpPu0l4_YOrrfjctGt0qSVd2W32Qawav-iU9aHmOfiX5piSHQInXogS0VaO2LBd_A
    Born and raised in the city of Aix-en-Provence, the southern region of France, Pierre had it mostly easy throughout his life. That was until the Seven Hours conflict broke out; a conflict that not only left Pierre without a family but a conflict that changed his moral alignment, but one that set him up for the life he was about to lead. Enlisted into one of the few ECHELON faculties, Pierre never really took an active interest in pursuing the education that he was meant to receive at first. Through some mild disciplinary action, Pierre was put before one certain choice: to serve, be obedient and embrace the new lifestyle that was offered to him, or to persist in his stubbornness. Through the realization that he didn't really have a choice, he decided on the former; and such, his career as an officer began at the rough age of ██ years.

    Soon, once the educational process came to an end, Pierre began to take an interest in the administrative and policing sector of the facility, which entailed a Nexus with its very own Civil Protection armory. As time moved on, he grew more and more content with the idea of becoming a civil protection officer. As he graduated from ECHELON, he was directly relocated to the 47th District in City 17; a place where he only got a taste of how an officer should behave and what it means to be truly cohesive.

    As he rose through the ranks, he made his way up through the field officer ranks, all the way up to leading squads and teams through various hardships. Suffice to say, he proved a capable leader, which lead to his relocation to City 24. Once a loyalist metropole, now a city plagued by famine and ruin, his career came to a halt; demoted and disgraced from his rank of a captain, the functionary finds himself now on the verge of risking deservicement; it is either through luck or sheer will that he is still alive, somehow. Persisting even in these dire times, VICTOR-4 carries on a gruesome legacy that will have to be overcome, if he wishes to get out of the current situation.

  • Whatever brought him now to Seattle remains a mystery...

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--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: Former headcop here. Been here since the first launch of Willard.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I am, I know a variety of people around here.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?: The rather "cryptic" aspect of it, the mystery, the story.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • landon
  • *Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:565672697
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • Landon#2591
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Alexander Strickland

  • *Character Role:
  • Bandit
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • An estranged tier-5 loyalist forced to resort to banditry and other horrific actions in order to survive in these harsh times.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I believe it'd be nice character development and roleplay, to play as a loyalist who's fallen from grace-- joining the ranks of anti-civil looters just trying to survive.
  • Full Backstory:
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  • Alexander Strickland was a very wealthy Government Official, before the Resonance Cascade. He never had to do physical labor a day in his life, the most stressing matter was simply paperwork and the mobs of people angry at him and everything he stood for. Alexander Strickland was not a good guy, backstabbing those who got him where he was-- so he could reap the rewards, and not have to share with the dirty commoner. Once the Resonance Cascade had happened, he had paid large sums of money to cause strings to be pulled-- and suddenly he was on the top of the evacuation list! However, this evacuation plan never came as the National Guard forces in Seattle were forced to postpone due to the oncoming hordes of extraterrestrial aliens swarming the city.

  • He eagerly watched what news channels were left up in his mansion, angry at the subpar work on the military's part. He had been stowed away in his basement cozily, as people were being massacred out in the streets up above. This evacuation plan had turned from a delay to a cancellation, as the empire known as the Combine made their appearance. They flushed out the National Guard in the area, and seized the land as their own. Alexander had left the comforts of his bunker, and surrendered himself to the Combine's rule.

  • As long as he was on the winning side, things would be alright. And, in this case, Alexander's winning side was the Combine. Alexander had used his Government information as a bargaining chip, being able to quickly climb the loyalism ranks (once they were introduced in the Combine's societal ladder) by selling out his own nation. Before he knew it, Alexander was sitting pretty at Tier-5. His life didn't change much at all, as his days were still spent chatting about the poor with his cohorts as he chowed down on expensive scones and teas.

  • His days were autonomous, changing little to none with each passing week-- until the malignance zone made way. It quickly infested City-21 and tore through the districts. Alexander's security blanket had, once again, been ripped away from him. He watched as the people he once invited to his banquet parties be ripped to shreds by the hordes of foreign creatures. He watched the Transhuman Soldiers and Civil Protection forces be met their match with the infiltration of hostile organisms.
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  • He was relocated to the least-afflicted City-21 district (at the time), and was hidden away in a shelter. This was a major sense of deja-vu for Alexander, but he had a feeling his bargaining chips would be quite useless on these new alien savages. Eventually, the flurry of gun-fire had halted from up above-- but nobody ever came to give them the greenlight and all-clear. Soon enough, Alexander had decided it was time to take matters into his own hands. Him, and the other high-ranking societal members in the shelter, had made their way out.

  • City-21 was changed much more than what they've ever experienced, as they stared in fear- and awe- at what had become of the city. Their party had lasted for a good while, but all good things must come to an end. They were met with treacherous obstacles. Aliens, and bandits made example of these stubborn loyalists- who had hardly picked up a weapon in their lives. The group was thinned down to just Alexander, who survived by the skin of his teeth.

  • He had to change his ways, and thus he isolated himself deep within the zone. He learned, over time, how to get his way. Looting was not sustainable enough, and so he chose to ambush and attack unsuspecting loners within the area. He managed to cling with some small like-minded bandit groups every now and then, but they never lasted-- as they usually ended up finding out about his loyalist past. Alexander has nowhere to turn-- Resistance forces despise his loyalist attributes, and the Combine deems him anti-civil now (presuming they're even aware he's alive, much less know of the actions he now commits).
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--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I'm Landon, and I like Half Life.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
    • I've been apart of Willard Networks' community for a good amount of months.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    • A few people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
    • All of the alien species and lifeforms, like bullsquids and houndeyes. They all have unique characteristics and mannerisms which is neat.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Hayden
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:22038366
  • *Discord Name & ID: Hayden#7667
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Karl Simmons | i3.DEFENDER-5
  • *Character Role: Civil Protection Unit
  • *Brief summary of the character: A Unit not-too-long into his service, enlisted after being refused relocation as a Citizen.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: This would be the first major event I'd be taking part in, and with Civil Protection being something I'm both very familiar with, + still getting to grips with (In regards to how this server operates), I feel like it'd add to the feeling of a hastily deteriorating situation where any who are willing and able are accepted in a desperate attempt to secure the City.

  • Full Backstory:
  • 90
  • Initially, with City 21 being the City he had spent most of his time post-unification, Karl was confident that the now overwhelming malignance zone could and would be dealt with swiftly by those all so great benefactors everyone heard on the daily through the broadcast screens.​
  • Well, now broadcasts aren't happening so often, and Karl's confidence regarding the malignance zone's swift eradication wavered quite awhile ago, along with the Combine's control of the neighbouring areas. While at first he was okay with just sitting in his apartment waiting for it all to be fixed by all around better than him, no such person came.​
And the malignviktor-benedikt-pisinger-infestation-hallway.jpgance spread constantly further, until it breached the City's once impenetrable walls. At the time, Karl had just started getting his act together and was assisting CMU on the border between slums and civilisation, a border which was slowly moving closer to the Nexus due to the ever growing unrest and panic.

While his first proper encounter with the Xenian malignance was just a few headcrabs, he's now seen a fair amount of Xenian lifeforms and the wounds they cause. Sensing the uncontrollable situation, it didn't take him long to enlist into the ranks of Civil Protection, assuming a eventual relocation once he had proven his use.​
  • And now...​
  • <:: Standby ::>
  • Every attempt at using whatever sterilised credits he had earned to entice the robotic voice speaking into his ear into allowing him a relocation to a different City, preferably one far away from C21, has received the same response. '<:: Standby ::>'. The only thing he's confident about now is that he'll die in Seattle. And not even on the needle.
While working as a Civil Protection Unit he spent every waking moment he could trying to further improve himself in Dispatch's eyes, aware of the much more dire situation growing outside of the City walls, he always pushed himself to be first on the scene of any reported infestation or malignant lifeforms, to which he often resorted to using destructive tactics on anything he felt could grow uncontrollable. A fire in the forsaken areas of slums is hardly gonna hurt anyone important.

<:: This infestation will get me before relocation does ::>

And run head-first into the next infestation he will, until the City has fallen, or he has.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm Hayden! I've played HL2RP for a few years, in too many communities to name. I've been headcop a few times on some too.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not quite, I've been here for a month or two.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: A few people, yes.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: I've enjoyed the story of HL2 for a long while, the idea of another Universe like Xen being used as a stepping stone to travel to our Universe was always cool in my dumb kid brain. Now I'm addicted.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Official_KP

    *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:48660185

  • *Discord Name & ID: Official_KP#5216
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: La'See

  • *Character Role: Vortigaunt Elder

  • *Brief summary of the character: A vortigaunt with dark brownish-green skin and red eyes who had the misfortune of being enslaved by the combine and sent to City 21.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I think this will give me some good experience playing a vortigaunt before I make a vortigaunt application on the main server.

  • Full Backstory: A vortigaunt elder who was hailed from Duvan'Merda Region on the vortigaunt homeworld. They were known as one of the best tailors on the vortigaunt homeworld, everyone came to La'See for their fine garments. When the vortigaunt homeworld was invaded La'See was captured and forced to use his vortal energy not to benefit the combine through their skill in tailoring but instead to drain La'See as a vortal battery.
    • They spent many years powering Combine technology as a vortal energy battery before the Combine invaded Earth. Once the Combine invaded Earth La'See was sent to City 21 to remain in servitude. However, La'See wasn't being used as a vortal energy battery anymore but instead as a slave. During their years they served as a garbage collector and were regularly beaten. After years of providing tedious and painful work for the Combine La'see must decide whether to take the chance of surviving in the Malignant Zone or facing slavery in City 21 for the rest of their life.
  • A drawing of La'See.
  • Not much here I know but I think better on the spot.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm pretty well known for uh... things on Willard Networks such as playing Cole the founder of Cole's Homeless Shelter.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've played since February of this year.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'd say I know most people.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Xen and everything that come from it.
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Section 1
  • Steam Name: Aqua​
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90499959​
  • Discord Name & ID: Aqua#4141​
Section 2
  • Character Name: Edward C. Washburn | C21:i5.ROLLER-8​
  • Character Role: Civil Protection Ground Unit, rank five​
  • Brief summary of the character:
The true definition of the wrong place and wrong time. A newly enlisted constable of City Twenty-One, though indoctrinated at the least opportune moment. Barely affiliated with the operations of Civil Protection, he is immediately rifled into the looming threat of pure eldritch horror and the unideal lack of firearm knowledge that has now made him a vulnerable target. Though somehow... he has persisted, not through his own abilities, but through his fellow mask which he must now remain attached to in order to survive the chaos, though he will use their sacrifices to save his own skin...

He is but a citizen in a suit, and is faced with no choice but to survive by any means necessary, even if this includes insubordination and exploiting his fellow officer.
  • Why do you want to play this character?:
The addition of a more "greenhorned" metrocop seems to be a realistic inclusion to the Xenian Malignance Zone. Playing as a character that barely knows how Civil Protection operates while facing the worst horrors he will ever experience is something that I will find to be very fun. It opens up many roleplay possibilities. Due to his enlistee status, he has not undergone any memory replacement procedures, and can defy orders and outright desert... only if he deems it necessary. His story has led up to this point: survival, and playing as a simple citizen in a suit who wants best for himself and will exploit his fellow officer to get what he wants seems like an amazing experience for me.
  • Full Backstory:
He hails from Pittsburgh, a descendent of a father with the same name and a mother who died during childbirth. Only in his interweaving teenage years during the drastic collapse of the globe, close attachment to his father was required to survive the massacre of humanity at the bloodstained hands of the extraterrestrials. Yet years later, post war, seemingly endless treading across the ruined plains of America saw the separation with his father, but the all-consuming empire itself extinguished the flaming dream of attempting to find him.

His father's whereabouts remain unknown, though he'd rather find him dead than indoctrinated. However, fate would sway his youthful, vulnerable mind to a different light...

The First Transfer

After being caught autonomously wandering open stretches of land post-war, a relocation to City 1, a city of ruined skyscrapers mangled by tumors of Combine technology, exposed him to the dark truth: previous aspects of regular life are now insignificant.

He became a working man tasked with whatever the new empire required, though he never protested. Hell, he never even gave it second thought, all for the purpose of survival. His full submission and stalwart ideals towards the new overlords develops in this stage...



Though his submission to occupation was most potent, instinctive thoughts made themselves known in his developing mind. "Do I really need to be here?" he questioned. "Should I do what it takes to survive?" As it turns out, the establishment of a new world order was priority for the new empire, not the control of the least, that was the case in City One.

So, he elected to dabble in a new lifestyle. More shady districts of the city became his new home, though his previous mindset of fidelity consistently fought back as he witnessed the collaborators receiving feasts and banquets, a stark contrast to the headcrab meat and whole leech that were his sustenance. Additionally, the fellow insurgents he conversed with thinned out and were replaced with strangers as the masks took in more and more to an unknown, permanent fate. He didn't like it one bit.

Lucky for him, he hadn't earned a sizeable reputation among the insurgents, meaning that the Combine never bat an eye when he suddenly reappeared in the walls of the city to reap the benefits of compliance.

This brief tenure of
disassociation was shoved in the back of his mind as a simple a mistake. A bad memory never to be attempted again.

At this stage, a complete pledge to fidelity of the new masters is what he finds to be the onus of



Yet another relocation, but this time to a city on death's door: City 21.

The working man continued working, though more and more, he found himself on
infestation duty. It crept to a slow realization that the city's complete absorption at the hands of the country-sized tumor is inevitable, despite the warm and optimistic words from administration in direct opposition.

More fidelity from his end procured more benefits, though his benefits would not save him from what is to come, so he found an alternative: Civil Protection.

As a hopeful avoidance of abandonment, he enlisted in City Eleven's Civil Protection division during the official application cycle, which he passed with flying colors due to his collaborative status.

However, fear decided to relocate to the city, as a drastic turn of events impeded the training...

Hell On Earth

The beginning of the end.

Screams of the damned and panicked constables blindly firing at eldritch horrors echo and bounce through the concrete jungle. But it wasn't just concrete...

A xeno takeover at its finest.

The ground unit wanders about the tumor-infested city, all pleas for assistance disregarded over the radio..

He was on his own, for now...

Section 3
  • Tell us about yourself: I am Aqua. I like to roleplay as Combine characters and write about things I enjoy.​

C24:i2.TAP-4 - Civil Protection
C24/DISP.AI-35 - Dispatch
S10/OWS.MACE-34 - Transhuman Arm
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not at all. I first started playing the server in March of 2021.​
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I am! I talk to a lot of people and would even consider a few players to be my friends.​
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The world building. All of the subtle and not-so-subtle things always really stood out to me. The design of the cities, the detail of draining Earth's oceans, the intricacies of the Combine sound files... I love it all.​


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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: The_Grass_Man
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID: The_Grass_Man#6549
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Enea Petalo
  • *Character Role: MAA Constituent
  • *Brief summary of the character: Enea will be a newly-graduated constituent. He's friendly, caring, and brave. One of his biggest weaknesses is his extreme hero complex. He is a die-hard loyalist and idolizes everyone who is higher in rank than him.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I believe this character will be very interesting to play for his hero-complex and extreme UU patriotism, I believe his role will be mostly supporting his comrades and maybe he'll play as a field medic too. Another big reason is my love for the MAA as a whole, this faction has brought the most fun and intense RP I've ever gotten on HL2RP, so I'm gonna do my best to give exceptional RP to the other players.
  • Full Backstory:
  • Before the seven hour war
  • ''You uh... need to know a bit about myself? Well... I was born and raised in Milan, Italy.. Both my parents worked boring desk jobs. My older brother was a fisherman though, he was and still is the black sheep of our family. Everyone had really high hopes for him, but instead of doing something he hated he decided to follow his passion, and I love him for that.
  • Here's a picture of my brother i took after we won a fishing competition in spain:
  • 1653920675693.png
  • But anyways, back to me... I had a pretty standard childhood, lots of friends, loads of books, and too many cartoons... My favorite one was ''Spider-man e i suoi fantastici amici.''... I've always wanted to be a superhero like him, helping people in need, being loved by everyone...
  • I was an extremely hard-working student, I've sacrificed a lot to get my master's in mechanics... But you need to be determined to reach your goals. After that I got a job in a big car company, ''Ferrari'' ever heard of them? I used to design and build car parts, mostly engines. I loved my job and my parents were proud of me.

This is a quick picture my mother took while i was working on one of my projects:

And that was everything I had to say.''

After the seven hour war
''After the war? Well, I was working when the first portals opened... I was taking a quick coffee break and suddenly I heard various screams coming from the men's bathroom, me and my co-worker thought it was one of those annoying pranks.

So we go in there ready to yell at the clown... But then, when we barged in we saw... We saw one of those goddamn head crabs jumping on one of our friend's faces, we tried everything we could to help him but that critter was too tough for us, and we ended up leaving the WC.

Once we were out of that place we saw various other people get attacked by those monsters, so we decided to lock ourselves in the maintenance room... After hours of being locked in that room, we started to hear gunshots, my friend and I looked at each other and smiled.

The soldiers escorted us out of the building and placed us on different trains, I asked one of them what happened but he was too shocked to answer. One of his higher-ups comforted him and explained to me everything... Needless to say, I was shocked too, ''a goddamn alien empire just took over earth?!?'', I thought to myself... After that, the train doors shut down and I got sent to my first city... City 14...''

Joining the MAA
''These people are my family... I don't know what I would be doing now if I didn't see the vex at the recruiting stand. The months in the force have been the best in my life, the MAA is like a second family to me!

To be totally honest, I never thought I'd ever become a soldier, but as I said ''You need to be determined to reach your goals.'', after months and months of mental and physical training I am now a graduated MAA constituent ready to serve my beloved union and make our benefactors proud!




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--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Samuel Fuller
  • *Character Role: CWU Worker
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • Someone who's seen enough to know that it's all going to end in tragedy. He's been pushed from city to city, doing all kinds of work, and has given in to the rule of the Combine. To him, there's no real way out of the squalor of Earth, except one, and that's straight to the top.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: He's a citizen who's been stepped on, as well as another body for the UU to send to the slaughter. With his only chance at changing that by proving he's something to somebody important. Willing to do whatever it takes to finish the mission if he thinks it might be worth the reward. It'd be a good mix to toss him into the frying pan, someone with nothing to lose, and knows it.

  • Full Backstory:
  • "I don't know, that's what I'm telling you, it's all the same, the cities change, the people, but it all boils down to the exact same parts. What am I supposed to do, just, work until it's all over while the rest of the world steps on me? Say what you want, call me crazy, but what do I have to lose? Hell, they might not even let me go, this entire operation sounds like a death trap anyway."
When the UU put the world back together, Samuel found himself in City 1, doing menial work for the upper class, a servant in practice. Forced to acknowledge the life he couldn't achieve. He constantly found himself volunteering with local forces for what was considered, dangerous, by City 1's standards. Whether it be sewer cleanses, demolition, or window cleaning, anything to take his mind off the life he was stuck with.

Later on, he was relocated to City 30 as a "sanitation worker." Filled with constant rebellion, sweeps, and abundant with xen life. He found himself more often in a hazmat suit then his civilian clothes. Even with the constant wreak of death, he laughed all the way through, driven by a spite and jealousy for those living in luxury of City 1, while the rest of the world had to squabble below them. Always plotting some kind of way to improve his broken life.

After enough time, he found himself on a train, not really caring where it went, reflecting on the past few years. City 1, and 30, forming a core of his personality, his passionate and stand up nature now nothing more than a disinterested, paranoid, and tired husk. Somebody willing to sacrifice his morals to put himself forward, his good natured face and carefree demeanor only a formality. As the train screeches to a stop, he picks up his empty suitcase, stepping off into the station, barely listening to the announcement system.

"...welcome to the Royal City."

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I've been playing HL2RP way too long and I hate the fact I know it, but I choose to do so anyway. I think it's a fun experience and social box for people to play around in.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: It still says New Member, right?

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: A few people now, I've been here for a enough time to know a few people on the discord, forums, and server.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The ambience and story, the fact that even if humanity does drive off the UU, there's a good chance they'll be wiped out. It's a great setting for all this to play out, organically made characters all finding their place in the world, most of them, all ending in tragedy, which makes the whole thing so much more interesting.
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--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Mor'xis
  • *Character Role: Free Vortigaunt

  • *Brief summary of the character: An enslaved vortigaunt, living in the falling City 21 as an easily disposable member of the Xen fauna cleaning personnel. Due to his immunity to various diseases and infections, he was deemed extraordinarily useful. Freed by one of the rebel organizations in the early stages of Xen wildlife spread. Unfortunately, he was the only one to survive the raging infestation.

  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I would really like to try my hands on a free vort gameplay before ultimately reaching this goal on the main server. I'm a part of the vortigaunt faction but I couldn't get myself freed due to my rebel companions meeting their demise at the very last moment. Now, after whooping several months of break from Willard, I'd like to try my luck again. This will get me suited for the sweet freedom that will sooner or later come and help me understand the vortigaunt aspects even more.

  • Full Backstory:

    Mor'xis as of now is an 879 years old vortigaunt loner. His story began in The Es'Penoid Rapids where his spawning parents, originating from both his homeland and The Ooz'Merian Realm gave him a body and a mind. Mor'xis was always a territorial vortigaunt, paying great value to the defense of his tribe and the small part of the wetlands that belonged to them. He had also been gifted a special connection to the vortessence, allowing his mind to reach into a foggy future of races that weren't blessed with the vortal connections. He however couldn't control those revelations and only experienced them in very specific moments, whose arrivals he himself hasn't fully understood. Despite his initial appearance as a hunter he decided to uptake the path of vortessence, rather than trying to advance further into the physical techniques of hunting down prey. When the invasion of his homeland began, although putting up all the effort he could into defending himself and his kinsmen he, like many others - ultimately failed. The time spent in Xen was irrelevant to him, as he trained his mind long ago to accept the cruelty of fate and put aside those horrible times.
  • fauna.png

His arrival on Earth marked a new chapter of his life. Being separated from his kinsmen he wandered the unknown lands in hopes of understanding and adapting to those new surroundings. His survival instincts served him well, ultimately settling up in the outskirts of what would be, in the nearest future - City Twenty-One. The ever so growing Xen fauna there provided him with a somewhat natural hunting ground and a shelter from Combine's grasp. That freedom didn't last for too long though, as soon enough City Twenty-One was fully operational. One mistake was enough to get him captured. His quirky character as a territorial defender was his own doom. Instead of running away from a combine reckon team, he tried fighting them off, barely managing to survive as they dragged him into the civilization. From now on, he served as an especially useful tool for cleaning up Xen fauna and taking risks that no human would ever take. His immunity to diseases and infection was just what the Combine needed.

His salvation came from the most unexpected side - humans, who from the very beginning he saw as very primitive and barbaric creatures. A group of starving rebels launched an attack on the cleaning team, during their expedition slightly outside of the safe city walls. In their desperation, they fought off the overseeing units and managed to liberate Mor'xis from his shackles taking up the advantage of their distance from the nearest point that Dispatch could use. In return, he promised to travel with them - providing them with medical aid and his vast knowledge about Xen wildlife. During the next weeks to come, his perspective about humans would change drastically.


(A sketch of Mor'xis, made by the youngest rebel who, as they claimed - always wanted to be an artist but never got the chance to.)
One day he experienced a vision, detailing the future of his human friends. All of them would be doomed, consumed by the Xen infestation that steadily gnawed itself in every direction. Fate couldn't be changed - Mor'xis accepted that and decided to not warn his comrades. Death, after all, was just a gateway to another journey. Traveling together for the next month, he slowly watched them wither away, trying to provide any comfort he could to those who couldn't go on any longer. In the end, he stood alone next to the last dying man, promising him to yet bring salvation to this wasteland. Promising...and knowing that the task, like many others - was impossible to achieve in the end. For "Terminal Eleven is a ticking time bomb..." after all.

"And we saw eight faces full of exhaustion and desperation - but also unyielding determination. Faces of those who would wither away, consumed from the inside by the wasteland surrounding them. Bravest to die first, youngest to die last. All walking dead."

--- Section Three ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I started playing Willard around the time it was exiting its beta. Through all this time I had a lot of fun (mainly as a JURY RL and a biotic) but somewhere in late November, I lost all the vibes to continue playing HL2RP and quit. I'm feeling it all again now though, so with a big smile on my face, I'm coming back to the community. Reckon this upcoming event could be a good refreshment to get back on track.

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I am with some people, although I can't tell who still remembers me or if some of them didn't leave for good.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The storyline, feeling of hopelessness, and compromises that characters are ready to make in order to survive.
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Mr_Bruh36

*Steam ID: 76561199149030942

*Discord Name & ID:
General Craw419#9525

--- Section Two ---

*Character Name:
Xaru'Nix "Odin"

*Character Role: Free Vortigaunt Elder

(With Blue Eyes Pls?)

*Brief Summary of the Character:

Xaru'Nix is an Elder Vortigaunt who comes from The Ralsheck'Va Plains In his Homeworld. Somehow over his time on the earth, he has evaded Combine Capture by travelling across the various Regions of The Xenian Malignance Zone, Spending most of his time within The Land of Giants. He is a Hermit of a Vortigaunt and tends to himself. Due to the death of his Clan...He travels alone across the Spore-ridden wastes...

*Why do you want to play this character?

I have recently gotten back into playing Vortigaunt Characters on the main server and I have not had the opportunity to play as one in a Short Story before and so I believe this would be a perfect start for me by introducing "Xura'Nix".

*Full Backstory:


Born Millenniums ago in The Alverda'Ridien System on the Vortigaunt Homeworld, Xura'Nix was weaved within a small Pool in The Ralsheck'Va Plains, Xura'Nix grew up an average Youngling within his Clan which was known as the "Toxu'Gra", a clan of mostly Hunter Vortigaunts who fed on the Plains Wildlife. Growing up Xura'Nix learned the skills of a true hunter from its clan members until it had begun to Mature and Xura'Nix's skin shed to reveal a brownish hide...


Xura'Nix was only aged 543 when he was separated from his clan...They sent Xura'Nix to gather water at a nearby spring and return swiftly. When it did return, however, The clan had gone...their Huts pillaged and destroyed...but not a Vortigaunt remained there. Xura'Nix stood there for a few moments, pondering on what happened until they hit it...A pack of wild beasts leapt from the bushes and attacked Xura'Nix, Clinging to its Arms and Legs as they tried to pull it down...Swiftly though Vortigaunt painted in Red leapt from the bushes and began to slay the heads where they stood. Xura'Nix passed out from blood loss, his last image being that of a Vortigaunt dragging him away...

Decades passed and Xura'Nix found his way within his new clan of Kin that had saved him all those years ago...
The Sha'Gani Warriors of Ralsheck'Va tested Xura'Nix upon his arrival in feats of Strenght, Speed, Agility and Combat Intelligence for it to join their clan. Over the decades as Xura'Nix trained, it found its way and by the time it shed its skin and was in his Sage years, he had been pronounced as a well-respected warrior of the tribe.

A Millenium Passed...New members of the tribe came almost every day, Younglings mostly but they would even get a sage now and then. It was a grand occasion when Xura'Nix shed its skin one final time as its brown hide became a dark and purple felt complete...and at peace. One dark evening it sat atop a nearby tall mountain as it watched over the horizon. Suddenly the sky tore itself open and Xura'Nix watched as Synthoid Ships rained down onto the planet...

Nura'Nix ran down to the Clan can't as they saw many of its Tribe members either being gunned down or fighting back against these machinations of twisted metal. Xura'Nix grabbed a handful of Younglings and ran deep into the Plains, fighting off many of these drones as possible. Many elders gathered in the forest as they combined their energy to open a portal to somewhere safe. Xura'Nix instructed the younglings to go inside as he soon followed them...He looked around at the new border world they found themselves in as it searched the area before feeling a hard thump to the back of its skull...and Xura'Nix was knocked out.

Several Decades passed as Xura'Nix had to succumb to the Nihilanth's rule. He did not support nor like it however he was instructed to teach the younglings. Soon enough Xura'Nix had his following of Vortigaunt younglings on Xen. He began to teach them the ways of The Sha'Gani Warriors if Ralsheck'Va and how to become a strong and prosperous warrior. One day a sudden flash of light beamed from the Nihilanths Tower, a voice boomed through their ears as Xura'Nix was sent away in a flash of light. The words "Fight for your freedom" echoed through its ears.


This strange new world that the Vortigaunt found himself in was like no other. It found itself in a strange Field, A beating heart flashed down on its Hide as it looked around, The silence in the area was deafening, only the whispering of the wind could be heard. Xura'Nix walked down a hot tar-like road for hours, the lack of Liquid left the vortigaunt extremely dehydrated and in need of water A vehicle pulled up on the side of the road as he looked at the strange creatures within. One with a furry face and a puffy head looked at him and Began speaking saying "Youz from one of dem Video Gamez Partner?". Xura'Nix did not understand a word as he responded in Vortigese, asking then where he was. The creatures scratched their heads as they said " No Habla Espanyol?". Once again Xura'Nix did not understand and tilted its head. The strange creatures threw Xura'Nix a bottle of liquid and drove their vehicle forward, laughing as they did...only a few moments later the skies tore open and a portal Storm occurred. A day passed and Xura'Nix slept underneath a pile of junk and trash as the storm raged on, he was awoken by...a youngling?...several. Three Younglings stood before the Sleeping Vortigaunt as they watched him, Waiting for Xura'Nix to speak. Soon enough...Xura'Nix was suddenly leading a group of younglings across this strange new land.

a decade passed as the group remained within the American Countryside, picking up lost vortigaunts in their travels. By now there were Twelve in the clan, all led by Xura'Nix. As they travelled they witnessed the American Country become infected....ridden with Xen fungi as a Malignance crept forward, spreading across the land. Bu this time the combine had occupied the land...strangely enough, however, The clan evaded capture seemingly by remaining in the zone. They spent most of their time within
The Land of Giants surviving off the fauna that remained there...until the incident



As they travelled, one day late in 2011 the time came across a Hulking Xenian Gargantua. He told the clan that this was their trial to become true warriors of Ralsheck'Va...they charged forward and Xura'Nix was stunned. Each one of his Clan members was mowed down by the creature...Slaughtered one after the other as He helplessly watched...It was the one point in his entire life that Xura'Nix was...

Once Xaru'Nix was safe, he hit himself, beating his skin in as he repeated the word over and over in its head "Coward...Coward! COWARD!"... He blamed himself for their deaths...he followed the old ways...long abandoned and got his clan killed...his kin... He swore from that day he would go alone...he would not allow anyone to be hurt because of him...he travelled alone from that day forward...


By the year 2018, Xura'Nix had been travelling for several years...he travelled alone and barely to spoke to anyone, only using his words to warn any Bandits or Rebels who have travelled too far into the Xenian Malignance Zone to "Go...Back". On this day his journey has led him to the Doomed and Rotting City 21. Where this will lead him? Nobody knows...

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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • TheNewz
  • *Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:0:174058743
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • TheNewz#7806
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Mason G. Snake
  • *Character Role:
  • MAA Constituent
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • An experienced MAA Constituent realise too soon that he's part of a suicide mission and is completely cut from his entire company in an encounter with Xen Forces, now attempting to save his own skin or desperately waiting for reinforcement to arrive even if he doesn't believe that will happen.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I hate bugs.​
  • Full Backstory:
  • Mason G. Snake, middle name "Gear" was born in 1984 in the United States, in Los Angeles within' a middle-class familly that works hard to gain their wages. In his youth, Mason worked as a private investigator as solving mysteries seem'd like a great hobby for him in which case he would thrive from it.

(Mason G. Snake in his office talking to an anonymous person)

During the resonance cascade, all forms of community were cut for a short duration and as supernatural events appeared in the sky and portals opened to give entrance to creature that came straight up from hell, many people would try to flee to the south, to Mexico as it would be considered a safe haven for those that would not take the risk to cross the American Wasteland.

Soon after the arrival of the Combine, Mexico City held very little attempt to defend themselves as they were completely disarme'd and quickly surrendere'd or so it was believe'd, truth is there were only small batch of survivors left after the official surrender of Earth. Mexico would be one of the first major cities to be subjugated although it is safe to say that the city was left in a better state than the civilians themselves there even if it wouldn't last as the XMZ quickly grew after the occupation of Combine Forces with absolutely nobody to contain it, it would eat the entirety of City-44 and the civilians would quickly be relocated to either C-21, C-30, C-01 or C-06.

Mason would be relocated to C-01 where in his desperation for a good meal, he'd fall for the trap of the rewards that can be offered to those that joins the MAA. After applying, he'd quickly be taken to a place outside of the cities more specifically CC-5 where he would join "Bravo Company" where he would receive a training that is slightly superior than the platoons and divisions from Europe. Bravo Company aswell as Alpha Company were tasked with outside missions and/or guarding CC-5 while Charlie Company was focused on confidential operations known only by the High Ranking.

In an attempt to make it seems like the Combine were attempting to save C-21, they would draft a large amount of MAA Constituent from all Companies except Charlie. Victor Company was drafted first, soon enough all communication with the company would be cut then it was Alpha Company team turn and soon enough all communication with the company would be cut. Bravo Company would be drafted only a week after Alpha to fight Xen Creatures that are breaching the City from both the sewers and the walls.

Mason G. Snake and his company were deployed to contain the XMZ for an unprecised amount of time before being extracted but once they arrived there, they wondered if there was anything that could even be save'd. As they made their way inside the sewers with the use of force to push back the invasion, they'd be swarmed by bullsquid, houndeyes, headcrabs and MAA Zombies as the steps of alien grunts and something much bigger got closer, Mason would retreat to attempt to save his own life with no idea whether there were any survivors within his company.

The man stands in front of the sewers entrance, waiting to see if anybody will come out of the hole but soon enough he leaves before ANYTHING comes out of the sewers.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Meme_Lord_Satan
  • *Steam ID: (I hate trying to find it)
  • *Discord Name & ID: Dog#2267
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Johnathan Williams
  • *Character Role: Bandit
  • *Brief summary of the character: A refugee with a handgun with little ammo of 5'9 height.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Considering the mass unrest within the city, I thought I would go for a outcast who is trying to both survive and escape this madness.

  • Full Backstory: Johnathan Williams was born in 1978 in Seattle, lived there his whole life, he learned engineering and was big on science and geography, in late 1985 his father was in hiding from the police due to selling illegal narcotics for money, the reason for it is unknown, and then on the fateful day on June 11th 1986 on his birthday, police raided the house and shot his father dead when he attempted to run, right in front of him and his mother. Due to the actions in 1985-1986 he had a deep hatred for the police and was arrested 2 times in his life, one for grand theft, and armed robbery. In 1999 he was planning with a buddy to do a big heist at a bank for some quick cash, but the events of blackmesa in 2000 halted those plans and he went in hiding in a sewer drain for a large majority of it.

    The year is 2006, he is met with both a new government and system, he had no idea what to think of it. He still kept his utter hatred to the police and a even bigger one to the biotics, and any other xenian life forms, he worked as CWU through out the majority of the years. Getting the job in 2007, working hard hours daily.
    The combine did not help his life whatsoever in 2010 he was fired from CWU and was punished severly, and then in 2011 with the realization of a giant xenian fungus spreading ever so closer to the city he was in, he wanted to leave as fast as possible, doing whatever in needs possible to do so. Even if it meant killing his friends.
    in 2012 him and 5 others attempted to flee the city through the canal system, sadly this would fail due to overwatch patrolling the area they planned to go through, only him and 2 others made it out in some what one piece, one fateful attempt in 2016 to help others leave was when he rigged a some what still in good condition car, 5 people were there including him, he stayed behind due to the car only holding 4. They never came back.

    Now here we are, the city is surrounded and he is as of now in hiding, trying to avoid everyone and everything, killing anything that attacks him.
    His life is unlikely, and he'll maybe die in the process. But he'll at least give it a try.
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--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
Bluellionaire Shiftset

*Steam ID:
Steam ID: 76561198155988671

*Discord Name & ID:
The Elites are blind, Arbiter#3873

--- Section Two ---
*Character Name:
Adam Pozza

*Character Role:

Local MAA Constituent

*Brief summary of the character:

An optimistic greenhorn recruited alongside many other citizens as a last measure to upkeep order in the City.
Given minimal training and supplies, his usefulness as a soldier is debatable...

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I think the idea of a barely trained recruit stuck in an extremely poor situation could offer quite an interesting story. Due to his lack of experience, Pozza will pretty much completely rely on his comrades' deeds to learn about being a soldier, which could give way to some interesting character development. His optimism could either be a way to uplift his comrades' morale, or, most likely, just serve to break his spirit if the continued tragedies of the City become too unbearable.

Full Backstory:

Born in 1998 in Vancouver, Washington, Pozza's parents were already well adjusted to the City's busy streets, despite moving in from Italy only a few years prior. Whatever their reason for changing residence was, they felt right at home, until the unforeseen consequences of Humanity's research at Black Mesa started to wrap their hands around the globe.

With the Portal Storms, came many hardships that often completely consumed smaller towns and settlements. Fortunately for Pozza and his parents, Vancouver held strong against the alien hordes, despite the ever-present rumors of the new Xenian Malignance Zone that have begun to appear amid city folk. Although life was hard, it could have been harder...

...But, as if in a cruel twist of fate, it did.


Vancouver, like many other big cities, had seen the full might of the Universal Union, suffering a lot of infrastructural damage in Humanity's last stand against the invaders. While the six year old Pozza never fully remembered the carnage that reigned over the sky and the streets, the City would never forget, with most of the buildings destroyed and entire streets being in complete ruins. At the end of the Seventh Hour, most probably thought they would be annihilated by the invaders, but in the end, it seemed like The Benefactors had other plans in mind...

All those who remained in Vancouver and the surrounding regions were sent to Seattle, now proclaimed to be City 21. Along the new arrivals were Pozza and his parents, who, despite the strange situation they found themselves in,
tried to make peace in their new home, like they did once before.


Unfortunately, the Union held seldom love for citizen families. Pozza's parents were forced to relocate to different cities, while the young boy himself was sent to a newly built orphanage, where children who survived the war would be taught to serve The Benefactors in a controlled environment. Of course, such a thing was a proof of concept, never really getting much traction anywhere else.

In 2016, the orphanage was shut down, with most of the kids already reaching a "mature enough" age to work.
With all said and done, the children were sent to the factories, Pozza being no exception.
All the meanwhile the XMZ would creep closer and closer...


Eventually, the long ignored expansion of XMZ would make itself known. The City has become besieged with all manner of Xenian lifeforms, with panic spreading like wildfire, and chaos engulfing the streets.

With a situation like this, a quick solution had to be made. The arriving MAA reinforcements were simply not enough, and as such, a local recruitment program was started. Eventually things became so dire that the Social Credit requirement to join MAA was completely abolished. As long as you didn't have a criminal record and were mentally stable, you'd be welcomed with open arms.

Seeing his new home tearing itself apart, Pozza decided that joining MAA and setting things straight would be the best course of action. Of course, he couldn't have possibly known that pretty much all able trainers were either killed, deserted, or simply ran away. In the eyes of MAA command, the new recruits only needed to know how to shoot and reload, everything else would come naturally.

Nonetheless, Pozza prepared himself for duty, hoping that, somehow, he and the others could fix this mess once and for all...


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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: A Sneeding Imperialist
  • *Steam ID: N/A
  • *Discord Name & ID: N/A
--- Section Two ---
  • b9daa6c8fbbb7d0bc8407a78d0ddc3f9--apocalypse-character-post-apocalypse.jpg
  • *Character Name: Riley Summers
  • *Character Role: Bandit
  • *Brief summary of the character: A Slummer citizen turned bandit opportunist and a raider.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: Figured I might get a tad more free will to rp some scenarios out and see a different side of things as opposed to the usual.
  • Full Backstory: Sometime after the ashes of the seven hour war had relatively cleared Riley was re-located from New-York city to Seattle his family having suffered rather heavy casualties at the mere age of 19 Riley struggled to navigate the new world he was thrust into having zero connections and no prior work experience or aspirations he eventually fell in with a crowd of anarchists and criminals residing in Seattle for a time he'd peddle things such as Ilegal narcotics and firearms later his job became more so that of surviving by any means as the city slowly began going to shit as the xenian growths slowly began consuming the city as a bid for survival he'd begin working closely with his former associates and gang members fighting Civil Protection and taking pot shots at the local MAA garrison in-order to secure territory and supplies along with fighting and butchering xenian life forms such as headcrabs and even bullsquids which are rumored to be a sought after meat in the cities market believed to somehow increase vitality and strength if consumed the bandit life suits Riley as much as a hand going into a fitting glove.

"We'll teach those punk ass cops whose city this really is"-Riley Summers.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I like to roleplay
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Pretty well rounded.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The opportunities for different scenarios.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Taliazure​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67985352​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Taliazure#7480​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Petra Ida | i4.STICK-9​
  • *Character Role:
  • Civil Protection Unit​
  • *summary of the character:
  • Petra is a Civil Protection Unit that enlisted for the perks, she took on the job thinking that it would be simple police work, filling bills, and beating some thieves, but how wrong she was. Now she is tasked with protecting the city from one of the vilest and corrosive dangers: the XEN. She will have to adapt and face reality how it truly is.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I love playing Civil Protection, I find that it provides a lot of role-playing opportunities. Having to role-play as a Civil Protection Unit that must now face her worst fears and adapt to them or succumb will be interesting.​
  • I love to participate in events and bring as much RP as I can as well as personality to my characters.​
  • Full Backstory:
  • Early life
  • Petra was born on 28/06/1980 in Hanôver.​
  • She lived there most of her life along with her parents, she pursued culinary a big interest of hers due to her father owning a small restaurant by the lake Maschee. She started working at 19 helping her father around, life seemed normal and on a good road till everything started to crash downhill with the portal storms in 2001 each day the entire world descended more and more into chaos. She lost her mother due to natural causes during the combine occupation.​
  • After the 7 hour war
At the age of 35, she lived in city 36, working as one more blue-suited citizen, entering and leaving factories with her hands stained and calloused, slowly the city seemed to descend further.
When it all seemed bleak, a small glimpse of hope sparkled, chosen for a random relocation she was sent to City 21, Seattle. Already accustomed to working hard and nonstop she made up her Social Credit and applied to join the Civil Protection hoping for better treatment and not be forced to work to death. Now she was the one to force others to work.

But now the hard reality hits, unable to go back she is now forced to face it.
"<:: This is not what I signed up for.::>"
Will she be able to face it or be caught up in its grasp and succumb like many?

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I'm Talia I enjoy half life rp a lot and love to play as a Civil Protection Unit
  • I play as HELIX-7 in the main server
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: no not at all I have been around for a good bit and played many charathers ranging from CCA to civil protection and rebels
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I do! I speak to a lot of people in the community, and I have met a lot of people through roleplay.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?: The tyranny of the combine, the fear of living under extinction, unable to be freed from the grasp of an empire of great magnitude
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Dej
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:68827315
  • *Discord Name & ID: ShockyC#0978

--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Anthony Wayland
  • *Character Role: MAA Officer
  • *Brief summary of the character: An American Arteria Vexillum stuck commanding what remains of the MAA in Seattle, doing all he can to keep what remains together to prevent a total collapse and beginning to resort to drastic measures.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I always play the usual Combine factions, and since nobody signed up for MAA Officer, I may as well
  • Full Backstory:
The Old Days.
June 3rd, 1975. Born in the deserts of Arizona, Anthony Wayland had a rough life, strained relationships with his parents, constant fights, consistently getting into trouble with schools, people, and even the authorities. His parents forcing him to Military School where he underwent hellish reconditioning, and for better or worse, he found himself unwilling to return to his family and officially volunteered for the United States Army.

The New Days.
1985. Wayland served in the Army Infantry as a simple rifleman with a relatively quiet life. Burning through basic training to be left in a easily forgettable memory. Wayland somehow managed to qualify for the position of Corporal during his time in Basic Training, leading his own group of cadets


1990, The Gulf War is in full swing, Saddam Hussein's regime begins an immediate military crumble under the weight of Coalition Forces. Part of the 1st Armoured Cavalry Division, his unit taking part in the Battle of Norfolk, where he nearly got his ass handed to him by an Iraqi T-72 from the Tawalkana Divsion of the Republican Guard.

With his Squad CO having been critically wounded during the fight after an RPG slammed into his Bradley IFV. He was chosen to be promoted to the Squad's Sergeant, taking command throughout the rest of the war.

A Return and a Surprise.

Nothing ever tends to go right for some people. When Wayland returned from the Gulf, he opted to transfer to the National Guard, being placed with the Washington State National Guard, not to be confused with Washington D.C, he remained there in an idle status. Well, until the skies turned red, and all hell broke loose.

The situation deteriorated quickly, to the point where the National Guard deployed without authorization to the Urban Centres, and especially Seattle. Where what was meant to be a Counter-Offensive action to remove the threats from the City, quickly became a Last Stand effort to preserve Seattle at all costs.

Safety, but at what cost?

By this point, Wayland had risen to the rank of Lieutenant, not because of merit, but because they ran out of suitable candidates for the spots. The Combine was a much needed reprieve, that lasted about 10 seconds before the guns that were firing at the Xenians turned on the National Guard. Synthetic Gunships and Walkers tore them to shreds. The surrenders began almost immediately, combat units worn down over the years of hell had no will to fight against an Alien Empire at this point, including Wayland's unit, unwilling to die at this point, they handed their lives and freedom over to the Combine.

State of Affairs, and the Brink.

Wayland was spared from the executions due to his relative usefulness and local knowledge of the area, posted as one of the Military Arteria Arm's Officers, little more than a glorified Conscript Officer....and then the thermonuclear missile came flying over the Horizon. Now thats where things really went to shit for him.

At this point, Wayland remains in what remains of Seattle trying to preserve the peace, assisting the Minister where he can while reluctantly cooperating with Civil Protection officers, but his discontent with the situation can only be held back for so long...
--- Section One —

*Steam Name: esim boost

*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:190762082

*Discord Name & ID: EBoost#8665

--- Section Two —

*Character Name: Jessica Pickle

*Character Role: MAA Constituent

*Brief summary of the character: Jessica will be a former bandit turned MAA lacky under the Combine’s reign of the Earth. She had the choice of either fighting with the MAA in an impossible battle to win over what was left of the dying Seattle, or being ‘relocated offworld’ as punishment. She chose the former.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Roleplay something akin to Jester Pickle’s long lost sister. Form some sort of family lore on one of my former characters, a miniscule amount of world building to the Pickle bloodline but fun nonetheless.

Full Backstory:


Mugshot of Jessica Pickle before civil processing
Before The Fall

The story of Jessica before the Combine was nothing special. She had a nice family, although not too close to her siblings and she lived in Pori Finland for most of her life. Throughout her childhood she was raised by loving parents, got decent grades, and graduated college with a degree in sociology. One thing that was rather peculiar was her kleptomania. She started at a young age, stealing candies from shops, but gradually turned to more expensive items such as jewelry in her late 20’s. Jessica was careful with these tendencies and was surprisingly never caught, as this indulgence was the only thing she kept safe in her life.

The Fall

As with all life on Earth, when the portal storms started she and billions of others were separated from their families. She was applying for a job at the local hospital when the portals popped from the sky, the land flooding into pure chaos. She, like others, fled the city, herself finding a bike and going away as far as she could. She fled to the outskirts of the city of Pori to Selkämeri National Park. Frantically she tried to contact her family for days from a small hut in the park for days but with no luck. Days turned to weeks, with the only company to keep her sane being headcrabs that crawled through the grass.

During these weeks in Selkämeri National Park, Jessica learned how to survive on her own. She made self improvised weapons out of the sticks and rope that were left in the hut she camped out in, and even learned to flay headcrab.

After a month in the National Park, she was greeted by a band of passersby’s who got her out of the wilderness. There, she hitchhiked all the way to her family's house in southern Pori, to which she would find it empty. There was nothing in her parents house but Xen wildlife.

She had nothing. Just like everyone else. Now all she had to do was take it.

Then They Came

The Combine, or the Universal Union as they called themselves struck what remained of Earth in 7 Hours.
The Billions who still survived hurdled into camps like cattle.
Human dignity stripped from the bone of Man and brought to its knees.

Jessica found herself in City 17 after years of moving around under the authoritarian regime. To say the least, it was an improvement than how she had been living in the years before. But old urges never died for Jessica. A year and a half after settling down in the capital city of the Combine, she was finally caught in the act. She attempted to steal a small box of books from a store in the district and was spotted by a camera. Jessica was dragged out of her apartment and brought to the Civil Protection offices. City 17 was no place for criminals, no place for second chances under the administration of Doctor Wallace Breen.

She had a choice though. The officer offered her the opportunity of a lifetime, to be shipped off to the new Arteria Arm that was to be shipped off to an unknown location, or be sent for ‘offworld processing’. She knew she only had one choice.

Days later she was sent to boot camp trained under the eyes of the Combine, her survival skills she learned years ago put to the test and honed to near perfection, or what was good enough for the Arteria Arm at least.

Now like many others in the MAA, she is being sent to her death under the ever growing mold of the Malignance Zone.
And she doesn’t stand a chance.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
Tell us about yourself: Been playing here for a bit, played the last Short Stories and loved it. I want more.
Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few people.
What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Shooting aliens of course.​
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