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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Alessiodoomboy
  • *Steam ID: 76561198355274960
  • *Discord Name & ID: AlessioDoomBoy#4859
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Carter Steele
  • *Character Role: Bandit
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • A long time bandit, bold and intelligent but selfish.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I want to build up the bandits so we can group up and have a larger impact on the RP as a whole.
  • Full Backstory:'
  • Before the Combine occupation, Carter was already a thief. He'd play it smart, staying away from banks and keeping to local stores around his city. The seven hour war happened during a run of the mill stick up, resulting in both he and about 4 other people in the store at the time co-operating to survive. During this period, he stuck to the middle of the group and would manipulate other members of the group to keep himself safe. One died to a headcrab, one to a bullsquid, and the rest to zombies. After the war, Carter became a slummer and was eventually put on BoL after mugging a T4 loyalist. He survived long enough to form a group of like-minded individuals. They decided to escape, devising a plan to leave the city, but it meant going through the infected zone. Arrogant, the group assumed they could handle it and saddled up, but eventually things went wrong and their ride was destroyed. Carter had defaulted to the same mindset he had during the seven hour war, but the group recognised his manipulation tactics. When they found another way out, they had left Carter behind.
And when he gets out of here - they will have hell to pay.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Myoles Morales
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:144231749
  • *Discord Name & ID: Myoles#3163
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name: Gabriel Jiménez
  • *Character Role: Refugee
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  • *Brief summary of the character: Formerly residing in what was formerly known as Albuquerque, New Mexico, Gabriel was a trouble maker of some sort. Chaos broke out in the City, he contacted a friend he knew who had a safe way out and went Westward to Seattle.
  • *Why do you want to play this character?: I want to introduce myself to the community and have some fun while I'm at it, and be involved in the community!

  • Full Backstory: Gabriel resided in what was formerly known as Albuquerque, New Mexico Gabriel was a trouble maker of some sort. He'd be involved in "insurrection" like activities and enjoyed tagging graffiti along the brick walls of the City. He was forcefully sent out of the village after tensions rose too high. The City almost plunged into chaos with gunfire and armed insurrection breaking out, he contacted a friend he knew who had a way out and went Westward to Seattle. He found himself soon in Seattle, trouble free and earning a living for a while, laying low. That is, until everything started going awry...Plants from another world sprouted up, he needed to find a way out. But it was too late, he couldn't run away this time from his problems. Now, he's stuck in the City, but gained a liking to helping others survive, arming himself any way he could while just trying to survive in the overgrowth of otherworldly flora.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm Myoles, I'm a long time roleplayer and I enjoy HL2RP. I've done it for some time now, for years actually. Just hope that I have some fun while I'm here!
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Yes! Very new, actually.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: No, not really.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The setting, under an alien empire while just trying to survive. Meanwhile, people are trying to loosen the grip of the alien empire and attempt to free their species again. What's not to love about Half Life?
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Processed Grain​
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:222027191​
  • *Discord Name & ID: Processed Grain#7433​
--- Section Two ---
  • *Character Name:
  • Travis Buick
  • *Character Role:
  • Bandit
  • *Brief summary of the character:
  • A bandit who was once in the U.S Air Force who robs and kills to get by. Even though it may seem like it, he hasn't fully lost his moral compass just yet, and can even be seen on occasion helping refugees passing by in the act of goodwill. He dislikes Vortigaunts and yearns for the skies.​
  • *Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I have been getting into Rebel RP and have decided I wanted to expand my experience in this new short story.​
  • Full Backstory:
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  • Picture of Travis Buick in the Air Force on the left.

Early Life
Travis was born on 1/6/1979 in Spokane, Washington to Martha Buick and James Buick. His mother, Martha, worked at Pharmacy, and his father James was in the U.S Air Force as he would in the future, being a large inspiration in his life. He wouldn't be the best kid in school, with him on a monthly basis getting in some kind of petty trouble with teachers, but staying in due to his above-average grades. In Highschool, he graduated and immediately joined the Air Force in 1997, longing to be like his father.

Air Force Service
Travis forced himself to be the best he could so he can follow his dreams of becoming a pilot like his father, spending 2 and 1/2 whole years in training before becoming a pilot. He would turn out to be a top-of-the-line Rotary Wing Aviator, absolutely demolishing competition in training drills. Soon though, these skills would be put to the test, as a storm was brewing down in New Mexico...

The Degradation
When the skies turned red and the mouths of hell opened in the skies, Travis would spend these years going day and night on missions. Even before the real 7-hour war would both the U.S Military and himself be stretched to their limits. But he kept going, fighting the seemingly endless onslaught of Xenian Fauna and armies of Grunts and Vorts.

Travis firing a missile on a group of Alien Grunts in the tight streets.

The 1 year before the west was abandoned he would spend fighting the invasion of the west coast would have him and his abilities as a pilot honed to perfection as well as a mindset of hate towards the alien bastards. He would feel a sense of what could be described almost as a sense of- euphoria almost with every missile or bullet that hit an alien scumbag.

Though the worse hasn't even come for Travis.

The Abandonment
It. Was. Chaos.

It was the middle of November in '03 when the news came to the crumbling base when Travis awoke to the news. As it turned out, Lady Liberty's grasp on the western seaboard of the United States has fallen, and it was being completely abandoned for the 15 remaining states that were defendable in the east. The situation was dire, there were 2 remaining Apache Helicopters and a few fighter jets of varying models in terms of aircraft. Dwindling fuel and ammunition reserves, a few weeks of army rations, and only a few crews left to manage repairs and such. The men of the base were given a choice. A. They could go and retreat to the East, or B. They could maintain ranks and stick together through the end of the world.

Most of the men would choose B, knowing that they would probably die on the treacherous journey to the East. The General of the base ordered the looting and raiding of the cities of Spokane, other Air Bases nearby, and Western Washington, rescuing any remaining survivors.

Even with these plans, it was chaos living without the help of Uncle Sam, no more conformities such as getting mail from your family to hear if they were okay or having a nice, warm shower every day. Travis during all of this though was worried about his family the most out of everything. Especially his father who had developed lung cancer while Travis was joining the Air Force.

A War of 7 Hours
Travis was flying nearby the base in his Apache when the 7-Hour War Fully began, he saw through the cockpit window of the Helicopter Gunship an unfathomably large force of Combine Dropships and Gunships. He was reporting it to base when all of a sudden, 3 Gunships zoomed by him, unleashing a flurry of plasma bullets towards his Apache, getting a hit on its fuel tank and causing it to go down in flames. He woke up 8 hours later to a burning helicopter and the knowledge that there was a 2nd Alien Invasion going on. He started making the walk back to base only to find that his base had a white flag raised instead of an American one and even worse, his fellow comrades were being lined up on a wall and being seemingly flown on Dropships on their way to what looked to be the direction of Seattle. He was quickly grabbed by Alien Soldier and shoved into line with the rest of the men.

It was later explained to him on the Dropship the horrible truth- Humanity both got invaded and surrendered in 1. single. day.

It's been years since that day he was shot down, Travis now lives in the outskirts of City 21, formerly known as Seattle. He goes day by day with fellow raiders and bandits gathering the essentials to survive, occasionally helping some poor refuge passing by. Though through all these years, he still yearns to fly in those skies again...

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
Tell us about yourself: I have been playing on Willard for a few months now and wanted my first time playing a short story in the state I was born in.
Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope, 'been playing since August of last year
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know a few people well, most notably Bernard Mulligan from impulse of all places.
What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?: The atmosphere and scenic storytelling.​
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Fiery
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80074268
  • *Discord Name & ID: Fiery#1260
--- Section Two ---
(Thanks to "This Person Does Not Exist" for the image.)
  • *Character Name:
    Tyson I. Lachlan

  • *Character Role:

    *Brief summary of the character:
    A former well-off citizen that was forced out of his apartment by the Xenian growth. He now roams the streets as a zealot of some unknown god that seems to have been stricken into his mind by a "religious delusion," presumably caused by major exposure to some type of Xenian spore, or some other hallucinogenic consumable.​

  • His god has apparently given him the suicidal task of staving off the Xenian flora as well as any hostile fauna he encounters, although un-deterred he marches towards a seemingly improbable task with utmost fervor.

    *Why do you want to play this character?:

    I feel it'd be interesting to play a character who is undergoing a religious delusion. For some reason, I can't color my links, but both times I said religious delusions, it's a link. Anyways, back on topic. I think it's interesting playing a character undergoing a delusion because it might create some interesting scenes. On one hand, he's incredibly zealous about his belief in his god creating both a loyal ally if you befriend him or a dangerous individual that may accidentally screw you over because of his undying faith. It's also located in the middle of the infestation in the middle of an apocalypse where you're located in a totalitarian regime's city, so I can see why someone might have a delusion regarding fire and the flora. The flora that can trap you in itself, as well as doing more than just that, surrounds your city. How terrifying would that be? On the other hand, cremators burn this stuff and some citizens would probably be directly or in-directly grateful for keeping them safe. Although I don't know if cremators can burn the flora, I assume so.
  • Full Backstory:
    Life before Death​

    "I don't dwell on it much anymore, sometimes, to reflect on happy memories, but then I come to the present, sour."

    1975, 1975 was the year Tyson was born to a family in Pennsylvania, Harrisburg. His life as a child was relatively normal. He went to school and went on trips with his father and mother, nothing that would pique the interest of anyone reading. When he reached 20 years of age he graduated from College and worked as an architect for most of his life. Eventually, he married and had a wife and two kids with another on the way, but then it went downhill in 2001.​
    The Cascade, and the War​
    "I still panic thinking about it, how many times, my family, might've died."

    2001, the Cascade began. It started slow, nothing to worry about in Tyson's mind. Anyways he had too much to worry about with his work and family and not enough to worry about something happening over in New Mexico a place far from him but in a matter of a little than a few months, he began to worry about this incident that reached the national level. Creatures, aliens in nature, portal storms, and other odd occurrences. As soon as he saw that first bullsquid appear in the grocery store he began to buy better security to modify his home, buy weapons, and stock-pile as much canned food that wasn't already taken from the grocery store. For three years the Lachlan's lived in a tense half-peace, half-war as more and more Xenian creatures spread across the Earth, although it was all for naught during the Seven-Hour War, and when it began Tyson became even more fearful for his family that he sought so hard to protect. They all went to the basement-converted bomb shelter, bringing weapons, food, and water. Afterward, they started watching the television in anxiety until they saw the face of one Dr. Breen appear, addressing humanity as a whole. Thankfully they all survived the war, but it was not the saving grace they thought.​
    The Conquerors​
    "An amalgamation of species that formed an inter-dimensional empire arrived. They weren't saviors, they were here for our resources, our animals, and... us."

    They arrived taking Tyson's family away. His wife, his daughters, and his son. The bio-mechanical monstrosities tossed him in a city like he was an animal, and this, this was his pen. There were others too, some broke out of the pen, some rose their way to the top of the pen, and others continued roaming, depressed, devoid of hope, or happiness. Sure, there were times when Tyson and others forgot how their life is. Cracks of what used to be, and what can still be, slipping through the totalitarian presence of the Combine. It was what helped Tyson continue living life to the best of his extent, continue living for his family, and renew himself with vigor. His friends and acquaintances were what helped him adopt many good traits, over time, of course. Although, eventually the machine has to catch up to you, and it wasn't long before Tyson was transferred to a new city, city 21.​
    Encroachment of the Growth​
    "I thought I was prepared, I wasn't. Is this purgatory, or hell? I don't know, but I am screwed."

    As soon as he took his first step onto that train, into that hellish existence, the air almost instantly changed. Whether it did or not, he does not know, but he felt the tension, the anxiety, what it had felt like during the war. Sure, it wasn't bad yet, but if anyone looked over those walls, or in Tyson's case through the train's windows on-looking the city, they would know, they'd know it'd be bad soon. Tyson did what he did in the last city, make friends and live life to the best of his ability. It was not long though before he had an apartment and food in his possession. Yet, yet the ever-encroaching growth, the mass of flora continued to cause issues over time. Soon he was wearing a gas mask, next, it was getting into the city, and the fauna was too, and then it spread to his block. It was at first just a tiny plant, nothing, then it was taking up rooms. Sometimes it'd block a door to an apartment and the person couldn't get out, other times it'd allow fauna to come into the room, and the occupant would be food, and sometimes it would clog the plumbing. The entire neighborhood tried its best to combat the menace, but it failed, and soon... Tyson had no room.​
    The Disciple​

"The mass must be ignited, the creatures charred, and the hopeless sparked once again."

Tyson had no room, and others had no room too. It was like a luxury, the lucky ones were the ones that survived their rooms getting taken over by the Xenian menace, and the unlucky were sitting on the street with beggars and cops as well as the ominous yet somehow comforting cremators that Tyson so greatly adored as they burned both fauna and flora alike. Tyson was one of the unlucky, he was prone to get robbed, and he did get robbed. He had few, if any, possessions to his name, except the clothes on his back, and anything he found in the trash. It was hard to find food and watch, and even more difficult to even come close to failing at finding a room. Most terminals outright denied you when you went to the housing section. He tried his best to pick up Christianity to keep his spirits high, praying constantly, even outside the faith, yet this only did so much. Sooner or later Tyson had to resort to drinking alcohol because he was so thirsty and so hungry that he ate even the few living rats he came across. Eventually, it came to a point where Tyson just gave up, he took off his gas mask and tossed it. Soon, the spores started affecting him, and it was not long before Tyson started hearing voices and seeing hallucinations. It was subtle at first, but as the spores grew in strength, so did the hallucinations.

'Tyson began to see the growth rapidly expanding towards him in the alley he lay in. As soon as he saw it convulsing he got up as swift as possible, almost falling. Fear, fear soon gripped him, and he began running from it, running down the alleys like a madman, screaming and yelling, looking back to still see it convulsing and consuming. He ran, and, ran and then started sprinting, eventually his eyes caught a doorway adorned with a shimmering substance that was blue-ish. He bolted for it with the last dregs of his strength, and as he passed the doorway, stopped. He looked behind him, and the door slammed shut. He looked around seeing a metallic room filled with intricate carvings, in the center of which was a brazier built into the ground, and in the center of the brazier was a flame.'

'The flame spoke, and its words were said as such "You, you have fear in your eyes, yet the fire in your veins. I know naught this one's name, but I have chosen this one. You are not a coward, yet you are not devoid of fear, you can mold yourself to become more masterful of yourself, but this one must not forget fear is only an over-zealous ally. You ran and ran until I whisked you away from the menace's danger. I do not wish to pressure you, but I do wish to offer you a chance, chance... to change this world, to crusade against the menace that brought you to your knees. Become a disciple of the Flame, ignite this mass, char the fauna, and ignite a spark of hope within other souls." It paused a moment, waiting for an answer, and an air of criticism surrounded the metal room. Day-dreamily and panicky Tyson stammered, "Yes!", rather loudly.'

And then a thud was heard in the hospice both inhabited by several free-lance doctors and some homeless individuals. They all stared wide-eyed at the man who had just fallen on the floor before he was taken and laid to rest on a bed while a few of the doctors began to treat his obvious spore infection. The hallucinations had driven him to exhaustion, they were now over but at what cost? Tyson, eventually, awoke from his slumber, disoriented, sore, and frantic as he remember sprinting from the hallucination that had formed in the image of a mass of Xenian flora, although he calmed as he realized it was all a "dream", and some doctors surrounded him, comforting him. After around thirty minutes of explaining and telling his tale, he left the building. He had a new gas mask he was wearing and not much else except a meal before he left. The doctors did the proper treatments, including a blood transfusion. The doctors insisted he stay there since his mental state was not the best, but he left thanking the doctors but being very withdrawn overall. He was still going over what happened in his episode, and what actually happened.

On his walk throughout the city he concluded that it must have happened, otherwise, why would he have fallen in the hospice, where he gained medical aid and safety. Who knows for certain what actually occurred, although it's safe to say he is fervent on his mission to eradicate the infestation of the menace.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:

Hello there, the name's Fiery. I like both fantasy and sci-fi stuff, so that's why I am here. Uh, not much to say about myself since I don't know what to say. I guess I am a pretty kind person. I'm also on the Short Stories staff team, so that's pretty cool.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
Nope, not at all.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
Multiple people, some people in the staff team, some I knew before coming here, and some players I've played with before.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half-Life?:

The environments, enemies, and general world-building. There's so little, yet so much said, and so much that can be added on, which allows people to come up with unique ideas for role-playing servers like this one. It also allows for a lot more leniency on what can be done with the world without straying too far.​


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centurion 2.png

M I L I T I A - A R T E R I A - A R M


DATE: JUNE 16, 2018

SUBJECT: Lance A. Shaw
AGE: 34
HEIGHT: 6'0"



JUNE 17, 2018


"Terminal 11 is now on the clock. All communications with Overwatch seem to be down. We're on our own. I'm issuing this command to ensure the chain of command is upheld. Securing and providing protection to the Minister, is now of utmost importance."



Steam Name: Furious
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:543970363
Discord Name & ID: Furious#3632

Character Name: Lance A. Shaw

Character Role: MAA Officer

Brief summary of the character:
Lance Shaw is the Centurion of the MAA's Garrison in City 21/Terminal 11. Following the near collapse of society in the region, alongside the impending storm. He's now focused his attention alongside his troops towards securing the surviving Minister of City 21. Strongly believing it's their last shot at enacting a solution.

Why do you want to play this character?
I've sided with the MAA in nearly every event. Seeing as everyone on the event opted to become a bandit, I decided to go for an MAA Character instead. :smug:
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