Accepted Combine Conscript Reserve: Garrison 13 - "Garde Républicaine" [WIP]


This document is still Work In Progress!


Garde Républicaine

1st Mechanized Brigade of the Republican Guard,
1st Spahis regiment of Châlons-en-Champagne,
Mechanized battalion,
Company 1.​

<:: General Information ::> <::Regiment Status ::>
The regiment is currently stationed around District One, where the City administrator is located. It seems like Raymond Arceneaux as changed the security detail for his beloved district. Removing a good chunk of the civil protection present. Replacing them with his Republican guard. The reason for it could vary, from simple favoritism to a possible un-ease with the MCP influence over his city security. The true reason is unknown, recent activity around D1 could indicate a rotation for the regiment. As the second regiment, that is still located in City 2 as been ordered to wrap up and prepare for transport. That following the replacement of the first Regiment leadership with Francis Bettencourt, could indicate some important operation. The second Regiment is more of a military police force, the first contains most of the armor and heavy firepower. A change in location of the 1st regiment could indicate either a simple rotation for the men to rest. Or a more important task that needs either training or a higher degree of readiness that the first district couldn't offer either way.

The change of Leadership could indicate that Arceneaux doesn't trust his own republican guard command. Rumors spread quickly around the first district. Conscript and high tier loyalist alike discuss the possibility of Arceneaux paranoia with is inner-Circle. But you don't get a city to be this perfect without being a little paranoid...

Total number of troops : (1st) 2 800
Leadership : F.Bettencourt, J.Bureau,

<:: Supply::>
<:: Strenght::>
<:: Organisation::>
"There is no insurrection behind the walls of City 13."

The 1st Mechanized Brigade was one of the mechanized brigades of the French Army Land Forces Command. Created on 1 July 1999, as heir to the 1st Armoured Division, it was dissolved on 21 July 2004. Before its dissolution, it numbered 4,000 men and women and it was stationed in Châlons-en-Champagne. The 1st brigade is recreated under another name and a brand new management as part of the plan of reorganization of the conscription of City 13 more commonly named “Republican Guard”, in addition to the brigade, one can see the appearance of the 1st regiment of spahis of Châlons-En-Champagne.

The name was handpicked by Arceneaux himself, the city administrator love and interest for the "recent" french military history pushed him to select the name. Though the regiment old members were all entirely decimated during the 7 hour war. But knowing the history and prestige that came with the regiment name, the Administrator decided to keep it. Making the first of his "Conscripted" forces of the Republican guard, members of this prestigious regiment. The old world was gone, but the French Soldier legacy would go on.

Though the history of the regiment wasn't shared with its members, as to not make any old world relic "relevant". The old standards of the French Army were still present. Arceneaux desire to create a personal militia under his command persisted even after their "De-militarisation". The 1st regiment was one of the only two that were rehabilitated for the assault on city 2. Mostly composed of the "Old Guard", that were demobilised in early 2019. But following the success of the first Regiment in London, Arceneaux decided to make it an Elite force. Equipped with a great mix of equipment, they are truly a force to be reckoned with.

"A old Converted french VAB with his conscript crew."

"There is no insurrection behind the walls of City 13."
Recent History

The first Company participated in a number of campaigns against the enemies of the Combines. Following the orders of their city administrator, the first Company was deployed against the "Tremblement de Terre" and against the revolutionaries in City 2. Often deployed as an Elite force, without Overwatch support. They have shown their efficiency in multiple theaters of war. From the urban warfare in City 2, to the forest and plains around City 13. They are truly Arceneaux most loyal, and efficient soldiers. The total number of troops in the Republican Guard have been greatly reduced since the start of this year. But what is left of the former force is now a small army of veterans. Ready to kill anything in their way.

During their few deployments outside of the city walls, the Guard has proven their efficiency. Proving to the rest of the combine Force that you don't need to be a transhuman soldier to fight for what you believe is good. As the Commander of the first regiment said : "Cette bande de sale pute nous laisse le sale boulot. On va leur montrer ce qu'on sait faire". Following their attacks on the "Tremblement de terre". They always showed little regards to the lives of those who turned themselves away from the Combine. Proving their loyalty to Arceneaux and the wider cause of our Benefactors. Fighting tooth and nails, often with an obvious advantage in firepower... But still, they have proven themselves as a competent fighting force.

"There is no insurrection behind the walls of City 13."
The lower districts and the Republican guard
Arceneaux always made sure to deploy the first regiment whenever he needs to. Rather than sending costly overwatch forces or pitiful civil protection, he will send the guards. The lower district of the old Paris have always been a problem for the Administrator. We don't hear much about the said district, but for every masterpiece there is a int of inperfection. The Imperfection for City 13 is the lower districts. From D-18 to D-23 these district are poorly managed or simply too chaotic to be considered as worthy as the rest. The district are underconstant information blocade. Many riots and protest emerge from time to time, asking for better life. The upper districts are the opposit, well financed, well developed, almost no workers as the said districts are fully automated for their production. There is no worker class in the upper district, but there is also no freedom in Arceneaux dystopia. That is why the lower district suffer for the rest, they work more, sleep less and are paid less than the rest. The lower district population is mainly composed of recently relocated citizen from other cities. They have been sent there as they aren't considered as worthy as the other citizen.

The real citizens , are safe and well in the upper district. The republican guard was the main force of security in the lower city. But since their numbers has been reduced, its now up to the civil protection to do the bloody work of keeping security there. Ever since the rebranding of the guard as an Elite force, recrutement drive have started once again in the lower district. As the population of the upper district are too busy in their compliance and luxury, its up to the common people to elevate themselfs to the rank of guardsman. Joining the Republican guard is not only considered as an honnor, but also as a immense upgrade to their living standards. The population considered the Guards as heros above the civil protection. Many see them as the perfect representation of what City 13 stands for. But that truth is based on lies, before the rendition of the Guard, it was up to them to control the lower district. Ever since their disaperance people seems to have forgotten the violence of the Guards. From poorly trained militia to an elite force ready to kill the enemies of the combine.


Hierarchy :Roster :
Soldat de première classe
Caporal-chef de première classe


Leader : @Norrice
Co-leads : @Krieger

Members :

@FelixPius (Meatbag)


Commander "Francis "Hubert" Bettencourt" :


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