Combine Exploration Force


Radio Bob Approved
WIP CEF logo.png
"If humanity has any future on Earth we need to rediscover it." - Dr. Nicki Martins

The Combine Exploration Force, or 'CEF" For short, is a Combine approved exploration organization designed for the purpose of studying and reclaiming what was lost within the Old World prior to the portal storms that struck in 2001. The idea is in its rough stages at the moment but it will be proposed to the Legislative Assembly in the coming days.
Origins of the Organizations:
The CEF was a concept designed by Dr. Nicki Martins, a Biologist who studied in America prior to the collapse of the world due to portal storms in 2001. Dr. Martins was able to collaborate with the Combine after their occupation of Earth given her career before and her degree in Earth Biology. Most of her research and went into the combine's understanding of Earth animals and how to transcend them, turning them into synths. She finds the old world to contain many secrets and mysteries from both Government and Xenian origin. She'd convince the combine that there may be potential technology and resources to be found scattered across what remains of Earth's many continents that they could utilize to their advantage.
Goals of the Organization:
With the aid of the Combine and the approval of their benefactors, Dr. Martin wishes to explore Earth with limitless potential with a dedicated research team consisting of volunteers and an armed escort. With her team, Dr. Martins hopes to find data and information on military or government projects that can be utilized by the combine forces occupying Earth. Meanwhile, She and her team will study the local fauna and flora that's come through the border world and claimed Earth as its own as a means to better understand and handle the impending Xen Infestations that plague the world and will inevitably consume Earth.

Another clear goal for the organization is to reclaim potential urban locations or facilities for further colonization of Earth's inhabitants. Despite the dwindling population of Earth and the dying natural wildlife, there is plenty of potentials for the Combine to utilize what remaining research humans have conducted prior to their arrival.

Head Researcher: [1/1]
@Silta Dr. Nicki Martins

Xen Researcher [1/2]

@Sync Russell Makarov

Research Assistant [0/4]

Armed Escort [0/4]

OOC Info

Discord Name and #:
Steam Name & ID:
Estimated weekly availability:
IC application

Social Credits:
Your Current City:
Next of Kin:

What skills and knowledge can you offer to the team?:

What position do you want on our team?:

What interests you in joining the C.E.F?:

What do you hope to achieve within our team?

Do you understand that the C.E.F is not liable for any injuries or fatalities that may occur when out on the field?
Hello and thanks for reading!

First and foremost I designed this organization as means to promote and push more EXPEDITIONS within the community. After reviewing the terms for expeditions and the lack of them, I've decided to try and offer a solution to those interested (given staff approval of course.) The idea of the CEF is to allow members to get together and go on an expedition to recover data, research, and promote more diverse roleplay outside of City 24 and the main server. There's not a cap on the number of members allowed within the organization but there can only be so many on an expedition at a time. (Per expedition rules!)
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Cool idea tbf
Thanks! I hope the lore writers/creative team approve of the idea. I think it'd be very fun to have expeditions with a crew. Those aligned with combine could still get a lot of fun out of an expedition as well. A bunch of scientists traveling the world in a drop ship and a couple of soldiers would be amazing for a story.
This looks incredibly interesting, where do we DM you? On the forums or Discord?

Also if I can have a say I support this idea, it’d be nice to have some proper expeditions that aren’t combat based entirely, but rather focus on character development and RP, it’d be fun as hell to be a part of something like this imo.
I like this. It's a good way for loyalists / citizens to get engaged in expeditions without having to be a rebel. And maybe rebels could infiltrate an expedition along the way to smuggle back items. This is good.
Thanks! I hope the lore writers/creative team approve of the idea. I think it'd be very fun to have expeditions with a crew. Those aligned with combine could still get a lot of fun out of an expedition as well. A bunch of scientists traveling the world in a drop ship and a couple of soldiers would be amazing for a story.
I would actually like to see if the CEF(If approved) goes on a mission with OTA/ISOCF for Research missions
Much like how Cps and OTA ofteen get invited to play generic P2L combines on rebel expeditions so to could rebels get invited to play generic P2L rebels on these combine expeditions perhaps ?
We have accepted this and placed it within the organisations tab and it will remain open incase any changes are made that you wish to do.
Applications are now OPEN for the C.E.F!
Please fill them out and comment below if you'd like to apply for a position!
OOC Info

Discord Name and #: Synccreeps#4000
Steam Name & ID:
Estimated weekly availability:
5 days a week
IC application

Russell Makarov
Social Credits:
200 ( Tier Six Loyalist )
Your Current City:
City 24
Next of Kin:

What skills and knowledge can you offer to the team?:
I am an engineer and also was working as a weapon and ammunition manufactorer back in the 1970s

Union: I was part of the CRU (Civil Restoration Union) before it was merged into the CWU. I have served the CWU as an infestation control manager. I recently retired from the CWU and moved on to the BRI as a senior scientist.
So I got skills in engineering, weapons and infestation control.

What interests you in joining the C.E.F?:
I been restoring geneva since the creation of the union. I think its time for me to move onto something bigger. I want to become a xen researcher.

What do you hope to achieve within our team?
I want to restore earth and reclaim whats left of it.

Do you understand that the C.E.F is not liable for any injuries or fatalities that may occur when out on the field?
I am fully aware of it and don't mind it. I am covered by my loyality status.
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OOC Info

Discord Name and #: Synccreeps#4000
Steam Name & ID:
Estimated weekly availability:
5 days a week
IC application

Russell Makarov
Social Credits:
200 ( Tier Six Loyalist )
Your Current City:
City 24
Next of Kin:

What skills and knowledge can you offer to the team?:
I am an engineer and also was working as a weapon and ammunition manufactorer back in the 1970s

Union: I was part of the CRU (Civil Restoration Union) before it was merged into the CWU. I have served the CWU as an infestation control manager. I recently retired from the CWU and moved on to the BRI as a senior scientist.
So I got skills in engineering, weapons and infestation control.

What interests you in joining the C.E.F?:
I been restoring geneva since the creation of the union. I think its time for me to move onto something bigger. I want to become a xen researcher.

What do you hope to achieve within our team?
I want to restore earth and reclaim whats left of it.

Do you understand that the C.E.F is not liable for any injuries or fatalities that may occur when out on the field?
I am fully aware of it and don't mind it. I am covered by my loyality status.
DM me on discord for more information.
We're still taking Applications! Please feel free to apply using the template below!

OOC Info

Discord Name and #:
Steam Name & ID:
Estimated weekly availability:
IC application

Social Credits:
Your Current City:
Next of Kin:

Which Position do you desire? Why?

What skills and knowledge can you offer to the team?:

What position do you want on our team?:

What interests you in joining the C.E.F?:

What do you hope to achieve within our team?

Do you understand that the C.E.F is not liable for any injuries or fatalities that may occur when out on the field?
OOC Info

Discord Name and #: DoodleDude#0903
Steam Name & ID: DoodleDude STEAM_0:0:510728945
Timezone: 3+ GMT
Estimated weekly availability: Available anytime unless exam weeks.
IC application

Name: Ted Kowacks
CID: 85100
Social Credits: 108
Your Current City: C24
Next of Kin: -

Which Position do you desire? Why?

-I would like to be an Armed Escort because I am very experienced in weaponary with my military career. And I can also act like a

What skills and knowledge can you offer to the team?:

-Pre-Union: First off all, I'm experienced with weapons of any kind thanks to my military career so I'm comfortable with any firearm. I was also a Combat Medic in the army so I have treated many wounded people. I was also a total Computer-Whiz so I can aid in things related to computers, coding etc.

-Union: Advanced my surviving skills in dire times and advanced myself in unarmed combat.

What position do you want on our team?:

-I want to do keep everyone safe and sound, I have lost many people in my life and now I want to make sure no-one loses another
loved one when I can protect them. My Choice is Armed Escort.

What interests you in joining the C.E.F?:

-See new places and Reclaim the Earth for a better future and a better fate for humanity. Plus I just want to have a new experience in my mundane and reasonless life, and I think I can achieve it by joining the C.E.F.

What do you hope to achieve within our team?

-Attending the wounded if any, keeping the team safe from any danger, aiding researchers on computer engineering.
-Restoring earth and claiming what's left of it.

Do you understand that the C.E.F is not liable for any injuries or fatalities that may occur when out on the field?

-Yes, I do.
OOC Info

Discord Name and #: Ansty#0269
Steam Name & ID :
GMT+1 With daylight savings
Estimated weekly availability:
All but Saturday until 9PM GMT+1 can go up to 10:30PM GMT on Friday. I do need to keep a tight schedule as i have to wake up for school very early. But should be able to do a lot more once summer holiday starts in a few months.
IC application

Jan Kacer
Social Credits:
Your Current City:
Next of Kin:
Brother C18 Civil Protection, Cousin C34 Laborer.

What skills and knowledge can you offer to the team?:
Standard Echelon education, willing to learn new skills.

What position do you want on our team?:
Armed Escort.

What interests you in joining the C.E.F?:
A more stable and rewarding work then a laborer, and the idea of travelling rather then sticking around the same place and to help in more ways then just moving boxes in a warehouse.

What do you hope to achieve within our team?
Help reclaim what was lost, keep the scientists safe.

Do you understand that the C.E.F is not liable for any injuries or fatalities that may occur when out on the field?