"Commuter's Catacombs"


Active member

It has been approximately 7 days since the Xen invasion was reported to have gone global. 7 days since the world was ripped right underneath everyone's feet, and replaced with a desolate hellhole; everyone fighting to survive. Albuquerque, New Mexico, was shafted with a large of the warfare due to its close proximity to the infamous Black Mesa Research Complex; with the entire city becoming a warzone ever since the Resonance Cascade happened. The military constantly vied for control over the city's ruins, battling for days on end against waves and waves of Xenian monstrosities. On this fateful day, the military took a catastrophic hit to their defenses, as one of the evacuation zones around the city was overwhelmed and flooded by all manner of vicious beasts.

People awoke in the dead of night to their families, friends, and neighbors being ripped apart and chewed up by an ugly critter's jaws. The military held off what they could, as civilians were forced to flee with what little belongings they had on their person; watching the place which they had made their abode in the last week crumble down in an engulfing spew of flames. Those who barely managed to make it out alive found the outside just as hectic, with only one place that seemed to be a respite from the chaos-- the underground Metro station. A group of these unwilling survivors managed to just barely claw their way down the stairs before a hellfire of steel and rubble came crashing down; sealing them within the abandoned subways. The miserable crew of those not quite dead had been left to their own devices, in a hostile area seemingly unfamiliar to them; all while they were left helpless to hear the raging war occurring topside, a losing battle against military and extraterrestrial foes.

Whoever they used to be in their past; family men, doctors, they were all but refugees trapped in a dark cavern of humanity's lowest point. Morale is shot, and desperation creeps its way in, as every human does what it takes to survive-- even if it means at the cost of their coworkers and friends from a past life. And what if they uncover something more sinister?

Steam Name & ID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/Iandon/
Discord Name & ID: Landon#2591

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team): Maybe.

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?: Yes.

Will this concept follow Willard's Timeline?: Yes.

Will this concept affect the main server?: Likely not.

Where on the WN lore map - https://willard.network/forums/pages/map/ (if anywhere) would this effect, and to what severity?: Albuquerque, New Mexico. Due to how it is currently on the world map it is likely that little will be affected.

Do you have any SS members vouching for the event?: No.

(Subject to change depending on application quantity and etc.)​

The only remnants of authority and law left in the world. Formerly police officers of the Albuquerque Police Department, many of them had seen things that would break even the most willed of soldiers during the first couple of days. Once communications went radio silent, they came to terms that their word held little against the troublemakers and rabble-rousers of the new world. However, they're the ones with the guns, and how they use them has left to be determined.
- [LIEUTENANT] The highest ranking of the officers, if that even matters anymore; they're the most skilled when it comes to firearm handling.
- [DETECTIVE] A private investigator formerly tasked with analysis of forensics, with criminology being their specialty; they've grown to accrue a keen eye.
- [DEPUTY] One of the fresh faces on the block, they didn't get to spend much time in the field before the military took over; now promotion's a pipe dream in this world.

FIRST RESPONDERS: An umbrella term consisting of everyone that used to help alleviate the troubles of the world. With too many troubles engulfing the world, they've been left a commodity that doesn't hurt to have around. They primarily consist of people from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Albuquerque Fire Department, American Red Cross, and more. Their intellect is unmatched and invaluable, but whether or not they're keen to lend a hand to their fellow man is anyone's guess.
- [DISASTER ASSISTANCE] A contractor apart of FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Department, shipped in globally to help with repairs; now trapped in a crumbling metro with an innate talent for repairing and breaking electronics.
- [PROBATIONARY] A newbie firefighter once hailing to the Albuquerque Fire Department, tasked with making sure the whole city doesn't burn down; now that goal's long failed, they're left with the ability to easily break down structures and build up barricades.
- [PARAMEDIC] A medical worker employed at the local American Red Cross clinic, they've seen what those aliens don't bother to digest; being given the ability to mend even the direst of wounds as a result.
- [SURGEON] A surgeon for a local small-time clinic, once backed to the brim with all sorts of clients in the beginning; whatever bodies they find still breathing can easily be stitched up in no time.

REFUGEES: Anybody that doesn't fit the bill for the other factions mentioned. Typically white-collared workers, never fathoming to be in this position, now stuck wandering the endless halls of decay in hopes of seeking respite in this cruel and unforgiving world. Spanning from the lowest fast-food cashier to the once prestigious lawyer and everything inbetween, these people come from a wide variety of backgrounds deep within Albuquerque. These locals may have family back home, or with them in this mess of a subway, but everyone knows they'd stop at nothing to return back to them.
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