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For generations, the denizens of Xen have served their master. For generations, they have awaited a messiah to come and rent their fetters in twain. But now, these alien beings, unfree and shackled - are doomed to become what they fear the most.

The Nihilanth - living in fear as the Combine threat lurks beyond the boundaries of its dimension - has turned its eyes towards Earth.


An alternate history Short Story, set in a time where the Combine has yet to invade the borderworld of Xen. And where the Nihilanth launches a massive-scale colonization of Earth.

Humanity lives in terror as they are subjugated to the beginning of the Xenian occupation of their homeworld. Rounded up like cattle, and contained in urban centers - all will serve the will of their master or be discarded.


The Caste system is an important part of Xenian society, and it dictates the role one has in it. Those above your ordained Caste expect a certain amount of humility and respect, otherwise severe punishment is the cost of disregarding hierarchy.

1. Kingpin [1/1] - A beady eyed, large, slug-like creature. The overseer and bureaucrat of the entire City. Its advanced telepathy has made it a master of suggestion and charisma, and it is routinely used to stamp out defiance in humans through reasoning, fear and propaganda.

@Raptorian (Ich'Kurah'Paloun'Tehr)

2. Controller [3/3] - These intelligent, but dainty beings are usually found bearing the position of ‘foreman’ in any urban center. They are responsible for all human labour in the various warehouses and factories.

@Vadim (Tha'ulm)
@coffee (V'hora Nemz)
@ConcernedCitizen (Xytrakk Von'keli)

3. Grunt [2/2] - Extremely powerful brutes, who hold no sympathies to men or women. Known for their violent attitude towards humans. Although, they are rarely seen unless deemed absolutely necessary.

@Petski (Sha’Kyyl Krakka’)
@Mist (Akozza'Kril)

4. Vortigaunt Elder [1/1] - A hulking, armoured and ancient Vortigaunt. Responsible for the “safety” of humans living within the City and his Vort underlings.

@crustytoes640 (Gaarth'shu'vu)

5. Vortigaunt [5/5] - All Vortigaunts know the task at hand. Their incapacity for dishonesty and miscommunication among themselves has made these magical sages ruthless in the streets.

Vorts are tasked with the submission of humanity through any means necessary. Often Vortigaunts are conflicted with their actions - but would rather oppress humanity than suffer the wrath of their superiors. After all, they are no longer near the bottom of the hierarchy.

@Stinky Rags (Raz'arl)
@Mr_Cookie13 (Shaa'Lih Tash)
@Leudoberct (Vas'yal)
@Steffan (Dharr’ Mann)
@Ghost-Recon-Rex (Xie'Gro)

6. Human [?/∞] - The unfortunate victims of the Nihilanth’s new reign. Being the newest member of Xen, they are treated with severe austerity by their new masters, and are seen as weak for failing to adapt to a new environment and relying on technology.

7. Voltigore [1/4] - Uninvited rat-like creatures, who would rather swarm around sewers and rubbish than contribute to the occupation of Earth. Routinely receive harsh treatment from all denizens of the City, and are heavily discriminated against. While their intelligence is sub-par, they are clever and conniving creatures that routinely scheme and subvert all other castes. While they can speak English, it's usually in a broken - distorted manner.

@Chara HamSlapper (Unknown)

Total xen slots: 16


xen occupation.png

Once an ordinary human dwelling, now a cosmopolitan metropolis… at least in the eyes of the otherworldly. Xenian growths sprout from each nook and cranny. The native human population are, day by day, beginning to feel more and more isolated.

They are now foreigners on their own planet, forced to live with disgusting and anti-social monstrosities that seem as if they just came out of a toilet. What a time to be alive.

No one is quite sure where exactly the Nihilanth currently resides. But what is known is that it has employed “Kingpins” to enforce the new doctrines of Xen onto the Human population. One of these doctrines is the strict social hierarchy, based entirely on caste (as shown above). As a human must serve his Vortigaunt master, so too does the Vortigaunt serve his grunt liege, and so on.

Outside the cities is a dense and hostile Xenian jungle of life, where no human dare venture. Only within the cities does the Nihilanth regime keep humanity safe, and productive.

Lowly humanity, near the end of the Xen Hierarchy - is not even as frowned upon as the repulsive Voltigore.


  1. This Short Story will be completely open to those who don’t make an application, but they will be playing as a human instead of a Xenian.
  2. “Alien” language flags will be given to alien characters.
  3. A Vortigaunt whitelist is preferred for Vortigaunt applicants.
  4. Xenian characters will receive more information about their roles upon acceptance in the form of a google doc.


Being quite a unique event, I feel compelled to clear up some potential confusion with regards to some of the core themes.

This Short Story is not a 1:1 with regular city RP. Although there are some similarities; if you are applying with the mindset that this is a re-skinned city RP, then you couldn’t be more mistaken. The two are only comparable because of the map (which will be heavily edited) and the theme of alien colonization of Earth. Abandon what you think you know.

All creatures in the end are looking out for themselves and their own survival. There is no “brainwashing” or “memory replacement” under the Xenian regime. Only a survival of the fittest mentality, and a top-down societal structure which seeks to keep everyone in line.


The * symbol represents a required filling, below.
Please DO NOT put your answers in bold, as to make the entry easier to read. Failure to do so will only result in me angrily staring at you from across the screen.
Post in this thread.

--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:

*Character Name:
*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
*Why do you want to play this character?:
Full Backstory (Optional):

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:

If there are any questions, please feel free to contact us and we hope to see you there!
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Petski
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17461532
  • *Discord Name & ID: Petski#8585
  • *Timezone: CET
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
Alien Grunt
*Character Name: Sha’Kyyl Krakka’

*Brief summary of the character (be creative): Sha’Kyyl stands at a great height, approximately 7’7 feet (231.14 centimeters), Equipped with obsidian-black armor covering his shoulders, shins, hooves & the back and sides of the head. Two large arms extend from either side of his torso, ending in a hivehand creature on his right arm, and a claw on his left. Protruding from his stomach is a smaller arm, mainly meant for feeding. His legs are backwards jointed and are noticeably less bulky in the joints themselves.

Shakka', like most Grunts, has an extremely aggressive personality, although kept in check when conversing with superior caste members, such as controllers. Much to the caste systems credit, Shakka' know his place, who he should respect and who he can dismember if they talk annoyingly.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Alien Grunts are by far the coolest enemy i've ever experienced in any game, i hold them on a pedestal if i'm being quite honest. Ever since i played HL1 for the first time back when i was 7 or so, they've always stood out to me as something extremely horrifying, yet equally interesting. We don't know much about the Nihillanth, nor his army or region of space, but what we do know is exciting & personally makes me want to dig in for more.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a 21 year old Danish dude, who works with customer service for apple, where i earn my living. I enjoy all sorts of video games, ranging from MMORPG's, RTS, FPS, Card games & so on.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been here since Launch for this current version of the server.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I've made friends with quite a few people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Love the lore, the character designs, the actual stories, the inventions, the themes - i don't want to sound like a broken record, but i have a love for most parts of the Half-Life universe.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Mist
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30019129
  • *Discord Name & ID: Mist#7037
  • *Timezone: GMT+1
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
*Character Name: Akozza'Kril
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): Akozza is a brute at best. He shows no humility for anyone, but those who is above him in this 'caste system'. Everyone else is below him. He has little to no care about how anyone else feels, and simply slaves away if those above him tells him to. For some reason he holds great hatred for humans, but also other Xenian life is not something he really admires either.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play this character as it sounds a lot of fun, and something along the lines of OTA. I have experience in this field, and trying it in a different universe certainly seems interesting.
Full Backstory (Optional): Akozza was born in the harsh conditions of the Xenian universe but managed to get by as he was born into this race/caste, which made it easier for him to get by. It was only through power and fear that he managed to find himself a spot in the world, however, he never learned to love nor show sympathy for anyone or anything. It was all brute force and muscle that he relied on. One day, he was picked up by someone smarter and much more menacing than himself. The individual seemed to have no name but went under 'Kingpin'. Here he was forced to work under him and the extraordinary line-up of other Xenian creatures to take over Earth. Akozza simply complied as it was either that or continuing to risk his own life constantly.
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a 22 year old guy that loves story building and roleplay. I have been in the scene for far too many years at this point, but I still love doing it from time to time. I have been with Willard ever since its humble beginnings and been helping it to get to where it is today as an ex-mod and admin.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Most certainly not.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know quite a few people around here now.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The world and the story building. Whether that's from the game or through roleplay. All of it is extremely fun to be a part of.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Sheepyk
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197565079
  • *Discord Name & ID: Sheepyk#6088
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Grunt
*Character Name:
N'theva 'Datum
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A hulking golem of alien might, it shows little intelligence but is very violent when called upon
*Why do you want to play this character?: I would love the chance to play as a xen alien of some kind plus this event looks really cool
Full Backstory (Optional): N'theva 'Datum is a brute, not much going on in the brain so tends to seem unintelligent especially when compared to its other alien compatriots.

Regardless what he lacks in brain he makes up with brawn, he is a strong alien and has shown very violent tendencies sometimes appearing inpatient when waiting to called upon.

N'theva 'Datum is your average looking grunt, big lumbering mass the usual crap. While under command of his “masters if you will” he seems to be very cooperative if not at times reckless. Not a thing to trust with your life but a thing to trust to end other lives.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: the usual stuff, I’m a man living in the ass end of nowhere in Scotland who has a pc that barely hangs onto life (it’s getting upgraded soon bois!!)
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope!
  • Are you Familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes a good few now!
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: practically everything, the fact it focuses on more story telling than just run and gun. Also the combine ofc haha
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: ugly
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:505645
  • *Discord Name & ID: Stinky Rags#0912
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
Vortigaunt [I have whitelist]
*Character Name: Raz'arl
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A slim and sharp Vortigaunt; this particular member of the enslavers appeared to put a lot of strength into their wits and almost charm. While they more than certainly followed in their kin's steps by enacting the Nihilianth's will over the subdued human populace, Raz'arl would often use guile and trickery to get outcomes that it wanted, if this was catching a troublesome human to be dealt with, or gaining more food for itself at the expense of others that weren't also Vortigaunts, there was little out of its moral compass when considering alien species.
*Why do you want to play this character?: This event concept seems extremely interesting, and unique. I genuinely would love to play a part in this.
Full Backstory (Optional): Ever being the creature of voice, rather than action, Raz'arl spent their days rather relaxed before their enslavement. Before they crossed into the border world they enjoyed a role in their tribe that was advisory, giving suggestions to the tribal leader in return for safety and a lack of necessity to venture into the outside, lush jungles of their homeworld. This didn't mean Raz'arl was inept in his abilities, no, but the creature simply preferred a lifestyle that didn't require overexertion, the only time it ever did exert itself was to protect their tribe and their kin, which was a rarity until Xen.

With the creature's subjugation under the Nihilianth's might it made do; Vortigaunts were the lowest of the low for a while and naturally, their treatment was monstrous, but Raz'arl made sure that it didn't prevent it from trying to persuade the brutish grunts to give it more food, and food for their kin... through guile and trickery, it more than often did get what it wanted, but in the rare times it was caught in a lie, it was punished severely.

With humanity replacing Vortikind as the lowest species, Raz'arl became relieved they were no longer the point of sheer torment. They did feel bad for humanity, and if circumstances were different they would have never participated in their subjugation, but when it comes to being it or their tribe of kin, there was no other choice to be made. Still, Raz'arl could be persuaded to aid the humans for the right price and reasoning, and it might even be moved to do so purely out of emotional affection-- it still had its glib tongue after all.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: i rp on willard networks
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I've been here since V1.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Most staff, most players.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Combine Assassins.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: General_Milk
  • *Steam ID: 76561199149030942
  • *Discord Name & ID: General Craw419#9525
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for Vortigaunt (I have WL).

*Character Name: Char'Knyx

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
A hunched over Vortigaunt Sage standing at 6'6.. its skin is brown and tanned while its Orange eye glows from its face..a scar cuts across its upper Left eye.

Char'Knyx is a sage vortigaunt who is strong in both Its claws as well as The Vortessence...It is conflicted on its thoughts with the Nihilanths leadership however it is loyal to their elders...Humans, would shun and hate unless one impresses the old vortigaunt..and in that case..they may form silent respect for those who continue to impress them...
It is a true fighter of a vortigaunt and almost always completes a task once asked.

*Why do you want to play this character?: I love playing Vortigaunt on the Main server and try to play as my Vort character whenever I can and lately I've had ideas on multiple Vortigaunts

Full Backstory (Optional):
"Born from the vortessence in the Vortigaunt Homeworld Char'Knyx was born as a true Hunter in its tribe of Fifteen Vortigaunts.
Char'Knyx spent its youngling and Maturing ages Learning from its elders and going on hunts with its fellow Kin. Char'Knyx learned how to hone its claws and use tactics to truly feel the thrill of the hunt and which allowed it to bring bountiful meat back to its Tribe.

Char'Knyx would live in peace and hunt for the foreseeable future until its Sage years...

Char'Knyx would be on a hunt with two of its kin when he looked to the sky to see it...Tear itself synthoid ships rained hellfire below smashing trees and burning grass as Char'Knyx would lead its Kin deep into the woods in search of cover as it leads them to an opening full of other tribes...Their elders channel their vortal energy together as they rip open a portal and usher all its Kin to walk through...Char'Knyx wouldn't hesitate and fulfil the order and walk through the Portal into this strange new world...

Upon entering through to this new land...Char'Knyx would look around at the floating rock that would be their foreseeable home...more vortigaunts entered through...and The Portal closed...Char'Knyx as well as other kin would look to their elders for guidance..however...before the elders could speak...Grunts poured out from behind the rocks and held their arm cannons to them all...they would gun down any vortigaunt that chose to run or fight back...Char'Knyx tried to fight, however...the grunt behind the vortigaunt simply whacked the side of Char'Knyx's head...and it went out cold...

Time passed as the Vortigaunts were enslaved by the Nihilanth...Char'Knyx would obey as long as it was fed and kept alive...even if barely....until one day a grunt had gripped Char'Knyx by its arm and dragged it towards the great tower of the Nihilanth...

Upon arrival, Char'Knyx had seen hundreds of its kin that were all lined up alongside it...A large slug-like creature stood in front of them..they proclaimed "Those who can fight...Will fight to earn their freedom" as Char'Knyx was swallowed up in a green blast...half-life-Игры-vortigaunt-Игровой-арт-6825729.jpeg

The Nihilanths conquering of Earth had begun...

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I've always been a fan of Gmod RP's and I've always been a huge fan of the Half-Life series so I have a good bit of experience of Gmod RP's over the last few years and I enjoy Willard Networks and Especially the Short Stories and I've been hooked since CERES

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not really I've been playing on the server since around mid-August and have enjoyed every second.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Recognise some names from other RP servers I've been in the past but other than that not really but it's always good to meet new people.

  • What's your favourite thing about Half-Life?: Well I've always been a fan of Half-Life for years but The thing I love the Most by far is the Lore and Story as it's just amazing how the Enviournments have changed since the Combine came and how The Government's of the world which have ruled us all for over hundreds of years get crushes within 7 hours by a newcome
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--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
*Character Name: Unknown
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): An absolutely hideous 4 legged creature that's smell like utter shit. It's constantly twicthing and checking their surroundings similar to what a rat would do in an new enviornment. Whatever the hell this thing is it's definitely not from xen...Well nothing originally came from Xen anyway.
*Why do you want to play this character?: They are definitely the most interesting creature to me as they are by far the most morally ambigious. They are merely creatures trying to survive, and would do ANYTHING to make sure they keep alive
Full Backstory (Optional): This voltigore did not participate in the invasion of earth, as the creature was far too afraid, ad did not want to risk dying. It stayed on it's planet eating trash and sleeping while other memebers of his race fought bravely for their plans. Once the invasion was a failure. This voltigore and many others like him were harshly ridiculed for their cowardness. And as their situation worsened the voltigores were treated worse and worse to the point where after the invasion many shock troopers started to hunt down and kill voltigores out of frustrtion and resentment for not assisting their comrades.

Many, like this voltigore escaped into Xen and made it their home, by going around destroying and defecating all over the Xen wildlife. Luckily for the voltigore Xen was much bigger and most desolate then Race Xs homeworld. So it went mostly unbothered...Mostly.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I have depression due to my huge cock 😔
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yep quite a few
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Alyx Vance 😩
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:555082508
*Discord Name & ID: vadim#6070
*Timezone: CST, though I've never had issues attending GMT events over the weekend

--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
Alien Controller
*Character Name: Tha'ulm
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): An obedient, powerful and loyal Alien Controller to the Nihilanth, Tha'ulm has effectively betrayed the free will of his own kin for his own safety and ensuring he remains in his position of power and semi-autonomy.

Alien Controller's are easily told apart from their Vortigaunt Kin by the large, bulbous head, with multiple red eyes and a small body in comparison to their head. They are capable of levitation and use it as their primary method of transportation. and as they're quite similar to the Nihilanth, they're also capable of bending the will of their enslaved brethren to do the Nihilanth's bidding whenever they need to.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I've always been a fan of the event of Half-Life and the remastered Black Mesa, as the Black Mesa Incident is the inciting incident of the entire Half Life series and started one of my most beloved series of any game. I also love the Xen creatures presented in Half-Life and believe that they would be interesting to RP as.
Full Backstory (Optional): A Field Leader of the Nihilanth's army, Tha'ulm is like many other Alien Controller's under the Nihilanth's control. Ruthless, efficient, and ready to do whatever they can to make sure the Nihilanth is please, by doing its bidding. For he knows if he fails that he might be put at risk of punishment.

Tha'ulm what basically born into the Nihilanth's reign, and as such is extremely loyal to it, even knowing how much he might risk through failure and being unable to carry out its orders. Though due to his caste's similarities to the Nihilanth he suspects they've been granted a lot more leeway than other Xen castes under its control, which has lead him to occasionally step out of line to have things done his way. Despite this he is still under the Nihilanth's control and tries his best not to screw up.

Tha'ulm is experienced, helping enslave other Vortigaunts and Grunts alike in Xen before the incursion into Black Mesa, where he led groups of Vortigaunts and Alien Grunts to triumph against the various enemies present

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

Tell us about yourself:
Half Life lore fanatic. I've been interested in the game for years and love it to death. I've recently come back to Willard and am trying to get back into the swing of things too
Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I've been RPing on and off since August this year. break and have been following the Lore of the server since before I attended my first SS (Exodus)
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, I've been meeting new people and talking alot since mid-November and especially during my time in the Exodus event.
What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: My favorite thing is how unique and lore-rich the story of the half life series is, never before in gaming have I seen anything similar to the concept of the half life series

Note: did this on mobile so if formatting is fucked up I'll change it later
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:

*Character Name:
V'hora Nemz

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
V'hora is a kind soul to his kin, but a ruthless demon to those outside of it. Obedient and loyal to those higher than him, always trying to please them. His bulbus head sticking out like a sore thumb standing with a all-seeing eye, always watching. His stature is tall and dominating, striking fear into many.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
This event looks really cool and I like the idea of a controller who is kind to his kin, almost like a guardian.

Full Backstory (Optional):
V'hora was born and raised into the harsh lifestyle of the Xenian creatures. He stood out by many as a genius, someone with great potential and greater deams.

V'hora was enlisted into the Nihilanth's army, destined to fight until he could no more. At the army he learned respect and the power it can bring to many people. Seeing this power he began to make good connections with those around him, many saw V'hora as a "friend" they could rely on.

His skills in the army were noticed, he stuck out amongst the rest of the Xenian forces eventually being trusted with a small army of his own to lead at his will.
V'hora took great pride in his army and led them on many successful missions increasing his own status in the Nihilanth's army so much that he became well known for his amazing leadership and was tasked with leading his small army in the attack on Black Mesa, a decisive victory no doubt.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    Music, games, vibes.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    Yes, many people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
    The lore surrounding the games and the HL2RP community.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Ghost Recon Captain Rex
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42475618
  • *Discord Name & ID: Ghost Recon Captain Rex#5734
  • *Timezone: GMT-0 / BST
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Vortigaunt

*Character Name:

*Brief summary of the character (be creative): An adult, rather smaller than other vortigaunts, wearing a green collar around their neck which seems to have inscriptions of an alien language scrawled around it. You can see some light greenish skin slowly peeling off to reveal a fresh brown scaly skin underneath. The Vortigaunt has shining yellow eyes and seems to carry a small bag. The Adult Vortigaunt would seem to be scared when confronted by the mutant Grunts, Controllers and other powerful Xenian creatures.

*Why do you want to play this character?: The reason why I want this char to be in this SS event is to give more additional roleplay while the event itself looks interesting to roleplay as a vortigaunt. I have experience roleplaying on a vort faction that I have been on the main server itself. While the event itself has interesting lore itself and I wishes to explore the story while playing as one of my oldest vort char in this strange world.

Full Backstory (Optional):

Blinded by the light of the tower, Xie placed their claw over their retinas... Their eyes needed time to adjust to the new light, eventually, their eyes adjusted and he saw the room it finds itself in is dilapidated. Wallpaper ripped.. furniture cut and torn.. the smell of smoke as the distant yet far screams are blocked by the whistling wind below... Xie gazes down to see tiny dots of humans running from large burly mutants and fellow Kin... it sits and watches as the Kin go and return with more Humans... Going back and forth capturing them.."

Xie would watch for what seemed like hours until it noticed the Controllers floating higher to the building Xie was in. They watch the controller float up.. up.. and up until eventually, they were both meetings each other's gaze... Each looking at each other before the Controller shouts in alien "Return to the ground below, now!" Xie retreats down the stairs for a while until landing on the second floor... They walk down the hall to find a conveniently broken wall with concrete rubble pouring downwards to the ground. Xie follows and ends up on Main street. They turn their yellow eyes to the right and walk until they find the rest of the Invading forces. The Vortigaunts had been sent off to finish the rest, while the mutants remained. One shouted at Xie for not fighting, the other simply grabbed a quivering Human and ordered Xie, "PROVE YOUR STRENGTH!"

Xie looked back, they would pull their arms back, the energy of what was left swirled on his palms... The Grunts watched intently, Xie wished not to use much power. They did not wish to harm the humans... But the Grunts ordered it so. The energy grew in size as Xie threw its arms forward, throwing the vortal energy at the human. They would yelp but quickly fall unconscious... Xie felt guilty... However, the Grunts laughed as Xie walked back towards the crumbled building..

Xie looked back..they would pull their arms back..the energy of what was left..swirled on its palms...the Grunts watched intently...Xie wished not to use much..they did not wish to harm the human...but he Grunts ordered it to..the energy grew in size as Xie threw its arms forward, Throwing the vortal Energy Ball at the Humans...they would yelp but quickly fall unconscious...Xie felt guilty...however the Grunts laughed and shouted "YOU REST...STRONG" as Xie walked back..towards the crumbled buildings...

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Hi, everybody knows me as Xie and the one who draws vortigaunt type on the walls and the most loved vort who just want to get a crayon collection.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope I've been here a long time.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, I been a member for a 5 mouth
  • What's your favourite thing about Half-Life?: Learning about vortigaunt lore and their backstory and loves how half-life theme is.
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The long journey of a Vortigaunt

Born trough the Vortessence Shaa'Lih Tash lead a life of a sage and a avid hunter using both his Vortessence teaching younglings the art of hunting. As a mage he'd ensure the safety of his tribe and kin and held a political position within his tribe. But unfortunately things took a turn as the portal to the border world named Xen was opened where he became a slave of the Nihilanth.

Here he spent his years suffering under the hard conditions the Nihilanth brought upon the Vortigaunt species. They were seen as the lowest lifeform under the might of the Nihilanth and so he used his skills to bring more food and necessities to his kin. He continued living under the hard conditions until one day a rift ruptured the sky trembling the ground. This event would be known as a portal storm to the humans. Shaa'Lih was sent into the rift travelling trough time and space ending up on Earth.

Here he ended up in harsh conditions around the Northern hemisphere of Europe. Confused and worried of the safety of his kin he set out on a long journey attempting to find them on this new strange world. Years pass by and he would meet humans from time to time hearing their stories and slowly learning English. He sometimes accompanied other human survivors on his travels, some humans called his journey useless but Shaa'Lih ignored them as he knew his kin would be somewhere out there.

Shaa'Lih was sitting next to a campfire listening to a old man playing a guitar.
While underneath the aurora borealis of the Northern
Hemisphere. The sky ruptures once again trembling the ground once more, this time a load of Synthoid ship leave the rupture.
Shaa'Lih recognized the ships only to be certain that the Nihilanth was invading Earth.

Years pass and he'd continue looking for his kin until he was captured by a group of grunts forcing him to go to a old human city. What beholds in this city is unknown for him but he has hopes to find his Kin and this time not be the lowest lifeform.

  • --- Section One ---

    - Steam Name: Mr_Cookie13
  • - Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49848832
  • - Discord Name & ID: Mr_Cookie13#9722
  • - Timezone: GMT+1
  • --- Section Two ---

  • - Caste you're applying for:
  • Vortigaunt (I'm not whitelisted )
  • - Character Name:
  • Shaa'Lih Tash
  • - Brief summary of the character (be creative):
  • A Hooded Vortigaunt sage standing at around 6'5 tall, His eyes glow with the familiar orange hue. It's skin colored in shades of olive green. It's sharp claws protrude it's hands and a scar covers his left eye.
  • - Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I've been wanting to play a Vortigaunt character for a long time and I think using the short story would be a good way to see if I'm up to the task for it. I like the idea of this alternative world where the Nihilanth and Xen is taking over Earth and I'm looking forward to play it with this character.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • ConcernedCitizen
  • *Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:1:61775426
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • ConcernedCitizen#2857
  • *Timezone:
  • CST
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:

*Character Name:
Xytrakk Von'keli

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
An ectomorphic humanoid with a noticeably gigantic head and several visible markings of implantation along the sides of its upper forehead and back, the creature uses its immense psychic pool to propulse itself and float through the air as a natural form of transportation through the genethearpies of the Nihilanth. This natural pool of psychic energies is also used as a means of self defense as they are capable of projecting several electro-kinetic orbs of energy. This particular controller views the human subordinates with distain and distrust and outright contempt; often referring to them as insects. With this new occupation they have found to harbor an uneasy contentment in the presence of lower forms of the caste such as vortigaunts and grunts; this is in part due to their genetic similarities- finding humans to be lower forms of life, as even voltigore's were able to survive in xenian space. Make no mistake; this controller has contempt for all lower caste members- but their particular hatred can be found concentrated on humanity; and to that may find mutual company even among the lower caste members on this subject...

*Why do you want to play this character?:
In a interesting and enigmatic world it would be doubled to have a role even more enigmatic and auspicious, believe me I want to do my best at synthesizing a unique and esoteric character that would have you saying; 'Yup that's a controller' but in intuitive and pragmatic manner; I want everyone to have fun during this short story as its an incredibly unorthodox concept which presents many possibilities for interesting roleplay and I believe these particular roles are coveted due to their rank in the hierarchy so I will do my best to fit the required boots.

Full Backstory (Optional):
'The First Generation' as it was put; was the first batch of Controller overseers with fully functioning implants and powers- refined and harnessed through genetic mastery by the Nihilanth; their vortigaunt subservients would begin to construct grand technological marvels of biological warfare- building incubatory chambers for 'Hive-Hand' biological weapons, along with their custodial troopers; grunts who strictly enforced the Nihilanth's rule; and floating high above their shoulders was the controllers.

Spawned from the machine mother of cloning chambers and surgical implantation units; Xytrakk had become part of the first batch of eugenically sponsored enslavers tasked with upholding the Nihilanth's rule. At first Xytrakk had grown spiteful of its master's genetically abominatory acts; but had come to the selfish conclusion that so long as their place upon the hierarchal caste not fall low; they would gladly punish others to spare themselves of the same treatment. Weather this inflated sense of superiority is a fragment of the Nihilanth's psyche weaved into each controller's being- or the environmental factors at play, no one can be the judge- but they have grown to suit the shoes required of them; meticulously working vortigaunts and grunts alike to enact the Nihilanth's will; so that it may align with their own.

And so it was to be, Xytrakk Von'keli to terrorize and scrupulously work the vortigaunts under them; Instilling unto them a fear of ever looking into the skies, lest they be greeted with Xytrakk's face; but it was rare for a vortigaunt to look to the skies with hope, as the ever constant lingering harmonic hum of the Nihilanth's eye gazed over the sprawling ghettos outside its lair; this content would soon meet ambition as war boils on the horizon.

As news of the Nihilanth's plans for invasion trickled down the hierarchal ladder; Xytrakk grew ambitious- it was their hope that should this invasion be a success their position in the caste would greatly rise in importance. But it was with a weary mind did they step through the borderworld into earth that earned them their life. Many Controllers had been gruesomely defeated in this war of attrition; but it was the humans who had been qwelled- As the portal stormed worsened; and the Nihilanth's armies never ceasing in their production or even showing signs of slowing down, it was humanity who had to lay defeated.

Using their vortigaunt puppets as cannon fodder in most situations this self preservation had avoided them any harm unto themselves; at the expense of their grunts- which never bothered the controller as they simply would be replaced with more during the invasion they we're alongside one of the many controllers in the North American continent; while never experiencing black mesa's nuclear singing flames; they had grown fond of the skies; as bombs we're quite a common sight earthside. The invasion grew to a close and Xytrakk's contributions to it didn't weigh much in the grand scale of things; but they did not go unrewarded.

With the caste added new membership, so too grew the superiority and ego of the controller- and their reputation revered; fearfully despised by some, while respected and tolerated by others. It was only into the occupation did their emotions start to unearth themselves as they found humans being trivially inferior; menial labor that was no better if worse than a vortigaunts- the only common similarity this controller saw between humans was their vast presence; as they filled ever crack and crevice of this world. Insects they thought, an adequate description for those beneath even the slave; they despised humans and would only call upon them for the most menial of tasks; and grew quickly annoyed of their presence and their languages. Truly, this controller is suffering from success.

(SIDENOTE: Im a bit confused on controller lore; specifically how prestigious of a caste member the actually are; as in Half Life we see visible red crystal shackles on their lower abdomen; similar to what the vortigaunts had- but in the Black Mesa remake these are removed. Im just assuming they have been genetically engineered to be much lesser versions of the Nihilanth with spliced vortigaunt genes acting as a reference; simmilar to the grunt cloning's we see in both Black Mesa and Half Life. BUT: The most concerning out of all would be the monolithic like implant in their brain; which of course, we're removed from the BMS copy.)

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I suffer from BDS (Big Dick Syndrome). My most popular character on the server was Yerslovekzdinianschnik Slavorad and I've legit met someone who games on willard in real life; but not in the loser way of meeting up- random occurrence, could you imagine that? Not gonna tell you who it is though :)
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Technically im one of the oldest members here since I joined on launch day, but never returned until months later in the summer.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
  • beloved.png

This short story looks amazing, pls have me even if I cannot get this role.
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--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Petski
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:17461532
  • *Discord Name & ID: Petski#8585
  • *Timezone: CET
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
Alien Grunt
*Character Name: Sha’Kyyl Krakka’

*Brief summary of the character (be creative): Sha’Kyyl stands at a great height, approximately 7’7 feet (231.14 centimeters), Equipped with obsidian-black armor covering his shoulders, shins, hooves & the back and sides of the head. Two large arms extend from either side of his torso, ending in a hivehand creature on his right arm, and a claw on his left. Protruding from his stomach is a smaller arm, mainly meant for feeding. His legs are backwards jointed and are noticeably less bulky in the joints themselves.

Shakka', like most Grunts, has an extremely aggressive personality, although kept in check when conversing with superior caste members, such as controllers. Much to the caste systems credit, Shakka' know his place, who he should respect and who he can dismember if they talk annoyingly.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Alien Grunts are by far the coolest enemy i've ever experienced in any game, i hold them on a pedestal if i'm being quite honest. Ever since i played HL1 for the first time back when i was 7 or so, they've always stood out to me as something extremely horrifying, yet equally interesting. We don't know much about the Nihillanth, nor his army or region of space, but what we do know is exciting & personally makes me want to dig in for more.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a 21 year old Danish dude, who works with customer service for apple, where i earn my living. I enjoy all sorts of video games, ranging from MMORPG's, RTS, FPS, Card games & so on.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been here since Launch for this current version of the server.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I've made friends with quite a few people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Love the lore, the character designs, the actual stories, the inventions, the themes - i don't want to sound like a broken record, but i have a love for most parts of the Half-Life universe.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Mist
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:30019129
  • *Discord Name & ID: Mist#7037
  • *Timezone: GMT+1
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
*Character Name: Akozza'Kril
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): Akozza is a brute at best. He shows no humility for anyone, but those who is above him in this 'caste system'. Everyone else is below him. He has little to no care about how anyone else feels, and simply slaves away if those above him tells him to. For some reason he holds great hatred for humans, but also other Xenian life is not something he really admires either.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I want to play this character as it sounds a lot of fun, and something along the lines of OTA. I have experience in this field, and trying it in a different universe certainly seems interesting.
Full Backstory (Optional): Akozza was born in the harsh conditions of the Xenian universe but managed to get by as he was born into this race/caste, which made it easier for him to get by. It was only through power and fear that he managed to find himself a spot in the world, however, he never learned to love nor show sympathy for anyone or anything. It was all brute force and muscle that he relied on. One day, he was picked up by someone smarter and much more menacing than himself. The individual seemed to have no name but went under 'Kingpin'. Here he was forced to work under him and the extraordinary line-up of other Xenian creatures to take over Earth. Akozza simply complied as it was either that or continuing to risk his own life constantly.
View attachment 6699
--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I'm a 22 year old guy that loves story building and roleplay. I have been in the scene for far too many years at this point, but I still love doing it from time to time. I have been with Willard ever since its humble beginnings and been helping it to get to where it is today as an ex-mod and admin.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Most certainly not.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I know quite a few people around here now.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The world and the story building. Whether that's from the game or through roleplay. All of it is extremely fun to be a part of.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Sheepyk
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197565079
  • *Discord Name & ID: Sheepyk#6088
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Grunt
*Character Name:
N'theva 'Datum
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A hulking golem of alien might, it shows little intelligence but is very violent when called upon
*Why do you want to play this character?: I would love the chance to play as a xen alien of some kind plus this event looks really cool
Full Backstory (Optional): N'theva 'Datum is a brute, not much going on in the brain so tends to seem unintelligent especially when compared to its other alien compatriots.

Regardless what he lacks in brain he makes up with brawn, he is a strong alien and has shown very violent tendencies sometimes appearing inpatient when waiting to called upon.

N'theva 'Datum is your average looking grunt, big lumbering mass the usual crap. While under command of his “masters if you will” he seems to be very cooperative if not at times reckless. Not a thing to trust with your life but a thing to trust to end other lives.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: the usual stuff, I’m a man living in the ass end of nowhere in Scotland who has a pc that barely hangs onto life (it’s getting upgraded soon bois!!)
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope!
  • Are you Familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes a good few now!
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: practically everything, the fact it focuses on more story telling than just run and gun. Also the combine ofc haha
It was a close one between yourself and Mist. Unfortunately, I'll have to deny this due to the very limited number of slots for this role. But feel free to apply for another role, or not if you'd rather play as a human.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: ugly
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:505645
  • *Discord Name & ID: Stinky Rags#0912
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
Vortigaunt [I have whitelist]
*Character Name: Raz'arl
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A slim and sharp Vortigaunt; this particular member of the enslavers appeared to put a lot of strength into their wits and almost charm. While they more than certainly followed in their kin's steps by enacting the Nihilianth's will over the subdued human populace, Raz'arl would often use guile and trickery to get outcomes that it wanted, if this was catching a troublesome human to be dealt with, or gaining more food for itself at the expense of others that weren't also Vortigaunts, there was little out of its moral compass when considering alien species.
*Why do you want to play this character?: This event concept seems extremely interesting, and unique. I genuinely would love to play a part in this.
Full Backstory (Optional): Ever being the creature of voice, rather than action, Raz'arl spent their days rather relaxed before their enslavement. Before they crossed into the border world they enjoyed a role in their tribe that was advisory, giving suggestions to the tribal leader in return for safety and a lack of necessity to venture into the outside, lush jungles of their homeworld. This didn't mean Raz'arl was inept in his abilities, no, but the creature simply preferred a lifestyle that didn't require overexertion, the only time it ever did exert itself was to protect their tribe and their kin, which was a rarity until Xen.

With the creature's subjugation under the Nihilianth's might it made do; Vortigaunts were the lowest of the low for a while and naturally, their treatment was monstrous, but Raz'arl made sure that it didn't prevent it from trying to persuade the brutish grunts to give it more food, and food for their kin... through guile and trickery, it more than often did get what it wanted, but in the rare times it was caught in a lie, it was punished severely.

With humanity replacing Vortikind as the lowest species, Raz'arl became relieved they were no longer the point of sheer torment. They did feel bad for humanity, and if circumstances were different they would have never participated in their subjugation, but when it comes to being it or their tribe of kin, there was no other choice to be made. Still, Raz'arl could be persuaded to aid the humans for the right price and reasoning, and it might even be moved to do so purely out of emotional affection-- it still had its glib tongue after all.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: i rp on willard networks
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I've been here since V1.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Most staff, most players.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Combine Assassins.
--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
*Character Name: Unknown
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): An absolutely hideous 4 legged creature that's smell like utter shit. It's constantly twicthing and checking their surroundings similar to what a rat would do in an new enviornment. Whatever the hell this thing is it's definitely not from xen...Well nothing originally came from Xen anyway.
*Why do you want to play this character?: They are definitely the most interesting creature to me as they are by far the most morally ambigious. They are merely creatures trying to survive, and would do ANYTHING to make sure they keep alive
Full Backstory (Optional): This voltigore did not participate in the invasion of earth, as the creature was far too afraid, ad did not want to risk dying. It stayed on it's planet eating trash and sleeping while other memebers of his race fought bravely for their plans. Once the invasion was a failure. This voltigore and many others like him were harshly ridiculed for their cowardness. And as their situation worsened the voltigores were treated worse and worse to the point where after the invasion many shock troopers started to hunt down and kill voltigores out of frustrtion and resentment for not assisting their comrades.

Many, like this voltigore escaped into Xen and made it their home, by going around destroying and defecating all over the Xen wildlife. Luckily for the voltigore Xen was much bigger and most desolate then Race Xs homeworld. So it went mostly unbothered...Mostly.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: I have depression due to my huge cock😔
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yep quite a few
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Alyx Vance 😩
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name:
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:555082508
*Discord Name & ID: vadim#6070
*Timezone: CST, though I've never had issues attending GMT events over the weekend

--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
Alien Controller
*Character Name: Tha'ulm
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): An obedient, powerful and loyal Alien Controller to the Nihilanth, Tha'ulm has effectively betrayed the free will of his own kin for his own safety and ensuring he remains in his position of power and semi-autonomy.

Alien Controller's are easily told apart from their Vortigaunt Kin by the large, bulbous head, with multiple red eyes and a small body in comparison to their head. They are capable of levitation and use it as their primary method of transportation. and as they're quite similar to the Nihilanth, they're also capable of bending the will of their enslaved brethren to do the Nihilanth's bidding whenever they need to.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I've always been a fan of the event of Half-Life and the remastered Black Mesa, as the Black Mesa Incident is the inciting incident of the entire Half Life series and started one of my most beloved series of any game. I also love the Xen creatures presented in Half-Life and believe that they would be interesting to RP as.
Full Backstory (Optional): A Field Leader of the Nihilanth's army, Tha'ulm is like many other Alien Controller's under the Nihilanth's control. Ruthless, efficient, and ready to do whatever they can to make sure the Nihilanth is please, by doing its bidding. For he knows if he fails that he might be put at risk of punishment.

Tha'ulm what basically born into the Nihilanth's reign, and as such is extremely loyal to it, even knowing how much he might risk through failure and being unable to carry out its orders. Though due to his caste's similarities to the Nihilanth he suspects they've been granted a lot more leeway than other Xen castes under its control, which has lead him to occasionally step out of line to have things done his way. Despite this he is still under the Nihilanth's control and tries his best not to screw up.

Tha'ulm is experienced, helping enslave other Vortigaunts and Grunts alike in Xen before the incursion into Black Mesa, where he led groups of Vortigaunts and Alien Grunts to triumph against the various enemies present

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

Tell us about yourself:
Half Life lore fanatic. I've been interested in the game for years and love it to death. I've recently come back to Willard and am trying to get back into the swing of things too
Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, I've been RPing on and off since August this year. break and have been following the Lore of the server since before I attended my first SS (Exodus)
Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, I've been meeting new people and talking alot since mid-November and especially during my time in the Exodus event.
What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: My favorite thing is how unique and lore-rich the story of the half life series is, never before in gaming have I seen anything similar to the concept of the half life series

Note: did this on mobile so if formatting is fucked up I'll change it later
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • *Steam ID:
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • *Timezone:
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:

*Character Name:
V'hora Nemz

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
V'hora is a kind soul to his kin, but a ruthless demon to those outside of it. Obedient and loyal to those higher than him, always trying to please them. His bulbus head sticking out like a sore thumb standing with a all-seeing eye, always watching. His stature is tall and dominating, striking fear into many.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
This event looks really cool and I like the idea of a controller who is kind to his kin, almost like a guardian.

Full Backstory (Optional):
V'hora was born and raised into the harsh lifestyle of the Xenian creatures. He stood out by many as a genius, someone with great potential and greater deams.

V'hora was enlisted into the Nihilanth's army, destined to fight until he could no more. At the army he learned respect and the power it can bring to many people. Seeing this power he began to make good connections with those around him, many saw V'hora as a "friend" they could rely on.

His skills in the army were noticed, he stuck out amongst the rest of the Xenian forces eventually being trusted with a small army of his own to lead at his will.
V'hora took great pride in his army and led them on many successful missions increasing his own status in the Nihilanth's army so much that he became well known for his amazing leadership and was tasked with leading his small army in the attack on Black Mesa, a decisive victory no doubt.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
    Music, games, vibes.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
    Yes, many people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
    The lore surrounding the games and the HL2RP community.

The long journey of a Vortigaunt

Born trough the Vortessence Shaa'Lih Tash lead a life of a sage and a avid hunter using both his Vortessence teaching younglings the art of hunting. As a mage he'd ensure the safety of his tribe and kin and held a political position within his tribe. But unfortunately things took a turn as the portal to the border world named Xen was opened where he became a slave of the Nihilanth.

Here he spent his years suffering under the hard conditions the Nihilanth brought upon the Vortigaunt species. They were seen as the lowest lifeform under the might of the Nihilanth and so he used his skills to bring more food and necessities to his kin. He continued living under the hard conditions until one day a rift ruptured the sky trembling the ground. This event would be known as a portal storm to the humans. Shaa'Lih was sent into the rift travelling trough time and space ending up on Earth.

Here he ended up in harsh conditions around the Northern hemisphere of Europe. Confused and worried of the safety of his kin he set out on a long journey attempting to find them on this new strange world. Years pass by and he would meet humans from time to time hearing their stories and slowly learning English. He sometimes accompanied other human survivors on his travels, some humans called his journey useless but Shaa'Lih ignored them as he knew his kin would be somewhere out there.

Shaa'Lih was sitting next to a campfire listening to a old man playing a guitar.
While underneath the aurora borealis of the Northern
Hemisphere. The sky ruptures once again trembling the ground once more, this time a load of Synthoid ship leave the rupture.
Shaa'Lih recognized the ships only to be certain that the Nihilanth was invading Earth.

Years pass and he'd continue looking for his kin until he was captured by a group of grunts forcing him to go to a old human city. What beholds in this city is unknown for him but he has hopes to find his Kin and this time not be the lowest lifeform.

  • --- Section One ---

    - Steam Name: Mr_Cookie13
  • - Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:49848832
  • - Discord Name & ID: Mr_Cookie13#9722
  • - Timezone: GMT+1
  • --- Section Two ---

  • - Caste you're applying for:
  • Vortigaunt (I'm not whitelisted )
  • - Character Name:
  • Shaa'Lih Tash
  • - Brief summary of the character (be creative):
  • A Hooded Vortigaunt sage standing at around 6'5 tall, His eyes glow with the familiar orange hue. It's skin colored in shades of olive green. It's sharp claws protrude it's hands and a scar covers his left eye.
  • - Why do you want to play this character?:
  • I've been wanting to play a Vortigaunt character for a long time and I think using the short story would be a good way to see if I'm up to the task for it. I like the idea of this alternative world where the Nihilanth and Xen is taking over Earth and I'm looking forward to play it with this character.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name:
  • ConcernedCitizen
  • *Steam ID:
  • STEAM_0:1:61775426
  • *Discord Name & ID:
  • ConcernedCitizen#2857
  • *Timezone:
  • CST
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:

*Character Name:
Xytrakk Von'keli

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
An ectomorphic humanoid with a noticeably gigantic head and several visible markings of implantation along the sides of its upper forehead and back, the creature uses its immense psychic pool to propulse itself and float through the air as a natural form of transportation through the genethearpies of the Nihilanth. This natural pool of psychic energies is also used as a means of self defense as they are capable of projecting several electro-kinetic orbs of energy. This particular controller views the human subordinates with distain and distrust and outright contempt; often referring to them as insects. With this new occupation they have found to harbor an uneasy contentment in the presence of lower forms of the caste such as vortigaunts and grunts; this is in part due to their genetic similarities- finding humans to be lower forms of life, as even voltigore's were able to survive in xenian space. Make no mistake; this controller has contempt for all lower caste members- but their particular hatred can be found concentrated on humanity; and to that may find mutual company even among the lower caste members on this subject...

*Why do you want to play this character?:
In a interesting and enigmatic world it would be doubled to have a role even more enigmatic and auspicious, believe me I want to do my best at synthesizing a unique and esoteric character that would have you saying; 'Yup that's a controller' but in intuitive and pragmatic manner; I want everyone to have fun during this short story as its an incredibly unorthodox concept which presents many possibilities for interesting roleplay and I believe these particular roles are coveted due to their rank in the hierarchy so I will do my best to fit the required boots.

Full Backstory (Optional):
'The First Generation' as it was put; was the first batch of Controller overseers with fully functioning implants and powers- refined and harnessed through genetic mastery by the Nihilanth; their vortigaunt subservients would begin to construct grand technological marvels of biological warfare- building incubatory chambers for 'Hive-Hand' biological weapons, along with their custodial troopers; grunts who strictly enforced the Nihilanth's rule; and floating high above their shoulders was the controllers.

Spawned from the machine mother of cloning chambers and surgical implantation units; Xytrakk had become part of the first batch of eugenically sponsored enslavers tasked with upholding the Nihilanth's rule. At first Xytrakk had grown spiteful of its master's genetically abominatory acts; but had come to the selfish conclusion that so long as their place upon the hierarchal caste not fall low; they would gladly punish others to spare themselves of the same treatment. Weather this inflated sense of superiority is a fragment of the Nihilanth's psyche weaved into each controller's being- or the environmental factors at play, no one can be the judge- but they have grown to suit the shoes required of them; meticulously working vortigaunts and grunts alike to enact the Nihilanth's will; so that it may align with their own.

And so it was to be, Xytrakk Von'keli to terrorize and scrupulously work the vortigaunts under them; Instilling unto them a fear of ever looking into the skies, lest they be greeted with Xytrakk's face; but it was rare for a vortigaunt to look to the skies with hope, as the ever constant lingering harmonic hum of the Nihilanth's eye gazed over the sprawling ghettos outside its lair; this content would soon meet ambition as war boils on the horizon.

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As news of the Nihilanth's plans for invasion trickled down the hierarchal ladder; Xytrakk grew ambitious- it was their hope that should this invasion be a success their position in the caste would greatly rise in importance. But it was with a weary mind did they step through the borderworld into earth that earned them their life. Many Controllers had been gruesomely defeated in this war of attrition; but it was the humans who had been qwelled- As the portal stormed worsened; and the Nihilanth's armies never ceasing in their production or even showing signs of slowing down, it was humanity who had to lay defeated.

Using their vortigaunt puppets as cannon fodder in most situations this self preservation had avoided them any harm unto themselves; at the expense of their grunts- which never bothered the controller as they simply would be replaced with more during the invasion they we're alongside one of the many controllers in the North American continent; while never experiencing black mesa's nuclear singing flames; they had grown fond of the skies; as bombs we're quite a common sight earthside. The invasion grew to a close and Xytrakk's contributions to it didn't weigh much in the grand scale of things; but they did not go unrewarded.

With the caste added new membership, so too grew the superiority and ego of the controller- and their reputation revered; fearfully despised by some, while respected and tolerated by others. It was only into the occupation did their emotions start to unearth themselves as they found humans being trivially inferior; menial labor that was no better if worse than a vortigaunts- the only common similarity this controller saw between humans was their vast presence; as they filled ever crack and crevice of this world. Insects they thought, an adequate description for those beneath even the slave; they despised humans and would only call upon them for the most menial of tasks; and grew quickly annoyed of their presence and their languages. Truly, this controller is suffering from success.

(SIDENOTE: Im a bit confused on controller lore; specifically how prestigious of a caste member the actually are; as in Half Life we see visible red crystal shackles on their lower abdomen; similar to what the vortigaunts had- but in the Black Mesa remake these are removed. Im just assuming they have been genetically engineered to be much lesser versions of the Nihilanth with spliced vortigaunt genes acting as a reference; simmilar to the grunt cloning's we see in both Black Mesa and Half Life. BUT: The most concerning out of all would be the monolithic like implant in their brain; which of course, we're removed from the BMS copy.)
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--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I suffer from BDS (Big Dick Syndrome). My most popular character on the server was Yerslovekzdinianschnik Slavorad and I've legit met someone who games on willard in real life; but not in the loser way of meeting up- random occurrence, could you imagine that? Not gonna tell you who it is though :)
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?:
  • Technically im one of the oldest members here since I joined on launch day, but never returned until months later in the summer.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:

This short story looks amazing, pls have me even if I cannot get this role.

Great app, couldn't ask for better!
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Leudoberct
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80190
  • *Discord Name & ID: Leudoberct#7951
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
*Character Name: Vas'yal
*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
An adult vortigaunt of the weavers, skilled in vortal manipulation, with a particular focus upon the healing of wounds. Spawned upon the homeworld and having fled the encroaching Combine only to fall into the clutches of the Nihilanth, Vas'yal is desperate to gain a new home, and will do whatever it is needed to secure their new future upon Earth.
*Why do you want to play this character?:
This is my Vortigaunt that I have on the main server- obviously with a few twists, given the nature of this short story. The character is generally quite sympathetic to humans in the main timeline- I think it'd be interesting to explore the reversal of this attitude with this short story.
Full Backstory (Optional):
Going to leave this one out, it'd be quite bare given that they simply remain enslaved to the Nihilanth, rather than the other defining moments of Vas'yal's backstory in the main timeline.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Experienced roleplayer with over ten years experience on multiple platforms such as World of Warcraft, Garry's Mod, Neverwinter Nights, Space Station 13 and text based MUDs such as ArmageddonMUD.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, been here about two months.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'm management in the CWU, so I'm familiar with all of those players, and I'm also familiar with the Vortigaunt players, and a bunch of the CBU and CCA players- CMU too.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The atmosphere that underlines the universe and the sense of futility in the face of the Combine.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Leudoberct
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:80190
  • *Discord Name & ID: Leudoberct#7951
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
*Character Name: Vas'yal
*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
An adult vortigaunt of the weavers, skilled in vortal manipulation, with a particular focus upon the healing of wounds. Spawned upon the homeworld and having fled the encroaching Combine only to fall into the clutches of the Nihilanth, Vas'yal is desperate to gain a new home, and will do whatever it is needed to secure their new future upon Earth.
*Why do you want to play this character?: This is my Vortigaunt that I have on the main server- obviously with a few twists, given the nature of this short story. The character is generally quite sympathetic to humans in the main timeline- I think it'd be interesting to explore the reversal of this attitude with this short story.
Full Backstory (Optional): Going to leave this one out, it'd be quite bare given that they simply remain enslaved to the Nihilanth, rather than the other defining moments of Vas'yal's backstory in the main timeline.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Experienced roleplayer with over ten years experience on multiple platforms such as World of Warcraft, Garry's Mod, Neverwinter Nights, Space Station 13 and text based MUDs such as ArmageddonMUD.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No, been here about two months.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'm management in the CWU, so I'm familiar with all of those players, and I'm also familiar with the Vortigaunt players, and a bunch of the CBU and CCA players- CMU too.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The atmosphere that underlines the universe and the sense of futility in the face of the Combine.
Alright yes I know I've done this before like four times in a row but this time I'm only doing it ONCE.

I've edited the spelling and added some photos to look nice.

Yes I'm a fast writer and make spelling mistakes when I try and speed run typing.
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Steffan Gaming™
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:201739431
*Discord Name & ID: Steffan Wilhelm#4013
*Timezone: GMT

--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Vortigaunt
*Character Name: Dharr’ Mann

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
He is short in terms of the height of a Vort, something he’d often be looked down for, but this insecurity fuels his anger, and with his job being changed to oppressing the human race, this anger is often turned onto them, although after his outbursts of rage he sometimes considers his actions immoral, he realises the futility of fighting the Nihilanth, therefore he believes he has no other choice in his life, he will never forget those years in the factory that he had been placed into, he holds that hate especially for the Nihilanth himself.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to play this character because I want some experience in being a Vortigaunt as it is not something I have done before, and also the fact that I would be in the unique position of conducting the oppression as the Vortigaunt which is a unique perspective never seen in the main server, I think both of those reasons are why I am applying for this role

Full Backstory (Optional):
Dharr’ Man has been working in the Xenian factories for 200 years, the Nihilanth dominance scares him into submission and now after his dedicated work, he has been given a new assignment, his job to suppress the earthen population into slavery removing every right these people once had, although he knows what the humans have done he still sees the light of the human race through slight visions and theoretical ideas given to him in his resting hours, although due to the Nihilanth’s strict regime those resting hours are few and far between, he has a deep hatred for the Nihilanth and his subservient controllers, but neither does he trust this new race called the humans which he is now in daily contact with.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

Tell us about yourself:
I have played many different roles in different events and I think I can play this role Good like the others.

Are you new to Willard Networks?:
I am not new to Willard network and I have been involved in the Willard RP since 09/08/2021 at least, I am very familiarised with the community at this point.

Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
Yes, quite a few of the staff members and a decent amount of the community.

What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
I love the lore and the gameplay the most and the art design and map design that really ties it all together to make a fantastic game.
Just realised I wouldn’t be able to make to this anyway, rip. Got an ACF training weekend I need to attend. (Got that sweet real life I gotta live)
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