Not open for further replies.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Raptorian
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419522897
  • *Discord Name & ID: Raptorian#9627
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---
*Caste you're applying for: Kingpin
*Character Name: Ich'Kurah'Paloun'Tehr

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):

A hideous creature with a leathery hide stretched over its artificial vessel, with small beady abyssal eyes jutting out from its body on stalks. Placed firmly atop the hierarchy, second only to the Nihilanth itself, this creature thinks itself superior by nature to all. However in its presiding over humanity and Xenians alike, it does not feel hatred, nor any ill-will towards those below it. It is simply by its nature that it is superior, and by the other's nature that they are inferior. In its born-wisdom it sees the peace the Nihilanth has gifted to it, and sees clearly what it owes to the Psychic God. Dutiful, wise, and incredibly intelligent, Ich'Kurah'Paloun'Tehr is the master of this city, and will defend it at all costs.

*Why do you want to play this character?:

I find the setting incredibly intriguing, and a chance to grow my skills as a roleplayer with an exotic experience. I chose the Kingpin in particular as I wanted to try and tackle a role that has almost no prior establishment, and portray it in all of its oddity and mystery. I hope to make all interactions interesting with the psychic-slug, and hopefully improve the experience of everyone involved in the process.

Full Backstory (Optional):



Thousands of years passed in Xen as the Nihilanth plotted its escape from the cosmic horror of the Combine. Meticulously considering every possibility, every outcome, it had realized that for it to succeed it must pass down its own psychic capability. And such, two creatures came to be, the Kingpin and the Controller. Both psychic amalgams of flesh and mind, the Nihilanth sculpted the Controller after itself, yet forged the Kingpin to be an entity of its own distinct signature.

Ich'Kurah extended one of its chitinous appendages out from the warm, soothing pool that it had been formed in. Dragging itself with all of its might so it may view the world around it. The psychic message droned on in its conscious, like a sweet alluring lullaby, for it was all it had known in its creation. The brain of a Kingpin was incredibly large, spanning most of its body, in order to produce the massive psychic capability innate to the creatures.

Ich'Kurah dragged itself to a balcony, overlooking a massive civilization resting upon a floating island in the borderworld. It felt perfectly familiar in this place, as if it had existed for eons in this realm before its conception. Indeed, the Nihilanth's psychic capabilities were not its only gift. It had imparted upon the Kingpin's its experiences, its knowledge, though not entirely. Viewing a marching line of Vortigaunt slaves as they carried large drums for the creation of Grunts, it nearly cried out in rage as it saw one of them shirk his burden, lazily allowing all of the others to work in his stead.

Out of pure instinct alone, it shot forth psychic energy to the Vortigaunt, a stream of violent demands and reprimand causing it swiftly and brutally stiffen up, nearly killing the creature. Though it quickly detected this, and in a small panic ceased its assault. The terrified slave contributed with all his might, glancing around, terrified. The Kingpin was sated, and if were able to, would have let a sigh of relief. It knew its place, and understood its purpose. As long as it kept order, it would bring happiness upon all...

"I never thought I'd see a Resonance Cascade, let alone create one..."

The Nihilanth sprung forth as portals ripped open, sending hordes of wildlife and slaves alike into the foreign planet. It knew this may be its only opportunity to not only escape the Combine, but the greater powers that be. It called all of the Kingpins together, near the Nihilanth's own chamber, placing upon them a simple task: To maintain the portals and the assault.

Eager and dutiful as it was from birth, Ich'Kurah tore the seams of reality apart and sent a legion of his own oversight to assault Black Mesa. Not very experienced in combat, he sent soldiers through wildly to their death. As the incident proceeded, he watched as a particularly abnormal human tore through the facility, launching some form of rocket into the sky. Suddenly, he was struck with a violent psychic assault not too dissimilar to the one he lashed upon the Vortigaunt slave so long ago.

The Nihilanth knew that he must not squander this opportunity. It was clear to him that this "Freeman" would disrupt his plans, and doom all Xenians to be at the mercy of the Combine. He surged the minds of the Kingpins under his command, using his own power to maintain the portal, and blessing them with enhanced powers so they might succeed in this invasion.

What was once wild strikes and hordes became precisely placed scalpels, constantly flanking and surprising the enemies of Xen. It was not long before Black Mesa fell, and the militant creatures adorned in white retreated. It appeared the abnormal human had failed to pass through to Xen, and as such, the portals only tore further as the contents of Xen spilled onto the Earth and assaulted its lands.

Humanity fell before the might of the Nihilanth, and its immense pleasure with itself resounded through all under its command. It knew that the creatures of this planet could, no, must be put to use should it hope to ever truly escape the Combine once and for all. And as such, it began to horde them together in great urban centers, its hierarchy maintained as it moved Xenian civilization from the borderworld and onto Earth. Great factories were constructed, and a new regime was installed.

A reward to the Kingpins for their dutiful service, it placed each of them in an urban center, giving them their own small realm to rule over. And though serving the Nihilanth was its own gift, Ich'Kurah proudly accepted his new domain. Ruling over Xenians and humanity alike, what would this Kingpin do in service to its master, and how could it stop the Combine? It faced the future with determination. Order, thus peace, thus happiness...

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I'm one of the current Vortigaunt Leads at WN and love to create and contribute to RP, even if my own is lacking sometimes.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been around for a few months.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: A good amount of people, its the community that makes me dedicated to the server more than anything.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Its contributions to the gaming industry and lore alike land the games in some of my favorites of all time.
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Steffan Gaming™
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:201739431
*Discord Name & ID: Steffan Wilhelm#4013
*Timezone: GMT

--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Vortigaunt
*Character Name: Dharr’ Mann

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
He is short in terms of the height of a Vort, something he’d often be looked down for, but this insecurity fuels his anger, and with his job being changed to oppressing the human race, this anger is often turned onto them, although after his outbursts of rage he sometimes considers his actions immoral, he realises the futility of fighting the Nihilanth, therefore he believes he has no other choice in his life, he will never forget those years in the factory that he had been placed into, he holds that hate especially for the Nihilanth himself.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
I want to play this character because I want some experience in being a Vortigaunt as it is not something I have done before, and also the fact that I would be in the unique position of conducting the oppression as the Vortigaunt which is a unique perspective never seen in the main server, I think both of those reasons are why I am applying for this role

Full Backstory (Optional):
Dharr’ Man has been working in the Xenian factories for 200 years, the Nihilanth dominance scares him into submission and now after his dedicated work, he has been given a new assignment, his job to suppress the earthen population into slavery removing every right these people once had, although he knows what the humans have done he still sees the light of the human race through slight visions and theoretical ideas given to him in his resting hours, although due to the Nihilanth’s strict regime those resting hours are few and far between, he has a deep hatred for the Nihilanth and his subservient controllers, but neither does he trust this new race called the humans which he is now in daily contact with.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

Tell us about yourself:
I have played many different roles in different events and I think I can play this role Good like the others.

Are you new to Willard Networks?:
I am not new to Willard network and I have been involved in the Willard RP since 09/08/2021 at least, I am very familiarised with the community at this point.

Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?:
Yes, quite a few of the staff members and a decent amount of the community.

What's your favorite thing about Half Life?:
I love the lore and the gameplay the most and the art design and map design that really ties it all together to make a fantastic game.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Raptorian
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:419522897
  • *Discord Name & ID: Raptorian#9627
  • *Timezone: EST
--- Section Two ---
*Caste you're applying for: Kingpin
*Character Name: Ich'Kurah'Paloun'Tehr

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):

A hideous creature with a leathery hide stretched over its artificial vessel, with small beady abyssal eyes jutting out from its body on stalks. Placed firmly atop the hierarchy, second only to the Nihilanth itself, this creature thinks itself superior by nature to all. However in its presiding over humanity and Xenians alike, it does not feel hatred, nor any ill-will towards those below it. It is simply by its nature that it is superior, and by the other's nature that they are inferior. In its born-wisdom it sees the peace the Nihilanth has gifted to it, and sees clearly what it owes to the Psychic God. Dutiful, wise, and incredibly intelligent, Ich'Kurah'Paloun'Tehr is the master of this city, and will defend it at all costs.

*Why do you want to play this character?:

I find the setting incredibly intriguing, and a chance to grow my skills as a roleplayer with an exotic experience. I chose the Kingpin in particular as I wanted to try and tackle a role that has almost no prior establishment, and portray it in all of its oddity and mystery. I hope to make all interactions interesting with the psychic-slug, and hopefully improve the experience of everyone involved in the process.

Full Backstory (Optional):



Thousands of years passed in Xen as the Nihilanth plotted its escape from the cosmic horror of the Combine. Meticulously considering every possibility, every outcome, it had realized that for it to succeed it must pass down its own psychic capability. And such, two creatures came to be, the Kingpin and the Controller. Both psychic amalgams of flesh and mind, the Nihilanth sculpted the Controller after itself, yet forged the Kingpin to be an entity of its own distinct signature.

Ich'Kurah extended one of its chitinous appendages out from the warm, soothing pool that it had been formed in. Dragging itself with all of its might so it may view the world around it. The psychic message droned on in its conscious, like a sweet alluring lullaby, for it was all it had known in its creation. The brain of a Kingpin was incredibly large, spanning most of its body, in order to produce the massive psychic capability innate to the creatures.

Ich'Kurah dragged itself to a balcony, overlooking a massive civilization resting upon a floating island in the borderworld. It felt perfectly familiar in this place, as if it had existed for eons in this realm before its conception. Indeed, the Nihilanth's psychic capabilities were not its only gift. It had imparted upon the Kingpin's its experiences, its knowledge, though not entirely. Viewing a marching line of Vortigaunt slaves as they carried large drums for the creation of Grunts, it nearly cried out in rage as it saw one of them shirk his burden, lazily allowing all of the others to work in his stead.

Out of pure instinct alone, it shot forth psychic energy to the Vortigaunt, a stream of violent demands and reprimand causing it swiftly and brutally stiffen up, nearly killing the creature. Though it quickly detected this, and in a small panic ceased its assault. The terrified slave contributed with all his might, glancing around, terrified. The Kingpin was sated, and if were able to, would have let a sigh of relief. It knew its place, and understood its purpose. As long as it kept order, it would bring happiness upon all...

"I never thought I'd see a Resonance Cascade, let alone create one..."

The Nihilanth sprung forth as portals ripped open, sending hordes of wildlife and slaves alike into the foreign planet. It knew this may be its only opportunity to not only escape the Combine, but the greater powers that be. It called all of the Kingpins together, near the Nihilanth's own chamber, placing upon them a simple task: To maintain the portals and the assault.

Eager and dutiful as it was from birth, Ich'Kurah tore the seams of reality apart and sent a legion of his own oversight to assault Black Mesa. Not very experienced in combat, he sent soldiers through wildly to their death. As the incident proceeded, he watched as a particularly abnormal human tore through the facility, launching some form of rocket into the sky. Suddenly, he was struck with a violent psychic assault not too dissimilar to the one he lashed upon the Vortigaunt slave so long ago.

The Nihilanth knew that he must not squander this opportunity. It was clear to him that this "Freeman" would disrupt his plans, and doom all Xenians to be at the mercy of the Combine. He surged the minds of the Kingpins under his command, using his own power to maintain the portal, and blessing them with enhanced powers so they might succeed in this invasion.

What was once wild strikes and hordes became precisely placed scalpels, constantly flanking and surprising the enemies of Xen. It was not long before Black Mesa fell, and the militant creatures adorned in white retreated. It appeared the abnormal human had failed to pass through to Xen, and as such, the portals only tore further as the contents of Xen spilled onto the Earth and assaulted its lands.

Humanity fell before the might of the Nihilanth, and its immense pleasure with itself resounded through all under its command. It knew that the creatures of this planet could, no, must be put to use should it hope to ever truly escape the Combine once and for all. And as such, it began to horde them together in great urban centers, its hierarchy maintained as it moved Xenian civilization from the borderworld and onto Earth. Great factories were constructed, and a new regime was installed.

A reward to the Kingpins for their dutiful service, it placed each of them in an urban center, giving them their own small realm to rule over. And though serving the Nihilanth was its own gift, Ich'Kurah proudly accepted his new domain. Ruling over Xenians and humanity alike, what would this Kingpin do in service to its master, and how could it stop the Combine? It faced the future with determination. Order, thus peace, thus happiness...

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I'm one of the current Vortigaunt Leads at WN and love to create and contribute to RP, even if my own is lacking sometimes.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: I've been around for a few months.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: A good amount of people, its the community that makes me dedicated to the server more than anything.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Its contributions to the gaming industry and lore alike land the games in some of my favorites of all time.
Great application, I have faith you'll preform the role of Kingpin well, and look forward to seeing you on the server.
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Visit
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55371442
*Discord Name & ID: sand#4664
*Timezone: AEST

--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Humans
*Character Name: Saint Squinkrot St. Flutternutter, Potentate of the Voltigores, Patron-saint of all things extravagant & filthy, esq.
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A pale, sickly-looking, beady-eyed poindexter who's stench is so potent, so foul and unequivocally revolting that the human brain is physically unable to recognise such a wafting stank. He hobbles around with a mesmerising elegance to his gait, that is: bare-knuckled on the floor like some sort of ape-thing, but with a rythmic scutter to his steps, which is strange because the pitter-patter of his barefeet is often accompanied by the sound of him dragging along some hefty cargo, whether or not he's actually holding something. He speaks with nasally, high-pitch sum of broken English (the King's language) and an obsessessive chittering of plaque-ridden teeth, which would be otherwise be tolerable on their own, but when he mixes them up to string together cacophonous slurs of speech and grating it really examplifies that anyone near this man would have to consciously suppress their innate desire to throttle him. Rumour has it before being snatched up by whatever-the-fuck that he was a lawyer, thusly in the eyes of the caste system, he's lower than low by standard. He's fucked!
*Why do you want to play this character?: I play out of absolute necessity. Honestly, I think there's no better representative for the human caste as a whole other than Squinkrot. I want Squinkrot to be the face Xenians picture when they hear the word 'human' and I am wholely dedicated to getting this goal of mine met.
Last edited:
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Atlas ᛟ
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45758426
  • *Discord Name & ID: Atlas#8789
  • *Timezone: GMT +3
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Human
*Character Name: Edward Adams 'Monkey'

*Brief summary of the character:




Due to some mysterious circumstances Adams got abducted by the Xenians into their realm. All those jokes about Aliens are now more relevant than ever. He may not express his distaste towards Xenian species out in the open but it can be noticed in his facial expressions.



Due to his height of 6'5 and his muscular body composition, he is considered to be stronger than an average Human. Some Xenian overlords have given him the nickname 'Monkey' for his abilities and as a mockery of his species' evolution.



Adams may enter a debate or a dispute with any Human for the most silliest reason. He may or may not be guilty of willing to instigate a fight with almost anyone, given the right circumstances.

Moral Allignment: Lawful Evil

*Why do you want to play this character?: It's been a while since I partook in any event that revolves around exclusively passive Roleplay. I also believe that my 'exposure' to Xen RP (Vorts and etc.) is somewhat lacking, so I believe it is a good opportunity for a change. Instead of applying for human-based events, like CPs vs Rebels, I reckon it's time for a change in RP pace.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I believe I needn't talk about myself but I will still do it. I'm Atlas, the Russian hl2rper. Been around on Willard since its very first launch in December 2020 as one of the Admins. Then I took a bit of a break and now here we go again.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Clearly not
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'm familiar with the majority of the Willard playerbase, most notably the CMU, CWU, CP and some various rebel mains.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: If we are talking about the game franchise itself, then it would definitely be the soundtrack and the colour pallette in each game of the series, and I'm not talking about just Half Life 2 and the episodes. The first Half Life games, especially Opposing Force are also special to me, since it affected my later preference in videogames. If we talk about the whole Half Life universe, it would definitely be the whole 'dystopian' aesthetic.
Last edited:
--- Section One ---

*Steam Name: Visit
*Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:55371442
*Discord Name & ID: sand#4664
*Timezone: AEST

--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Humans
*Character Name: Saint Squinkrot St. Flutternutter, Potentate of the Voltigores, Patron-saint of all things extravagant & filthy, esq.
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A pale, sickly-looking, beady-eyed poindexter who's stench is so potent, so foul and unequivocally revolting that the human brain is physically unable to recognise such a wafting stank. He hobbles around with a mesmerising elegance to his gait, that is: bare-knuckled on the floor like some sort of ape-thing, but with a rythmic scutter to his steps, which is strange because the pitter-patter of his barefeet is often accompanied by the sound of him dragging along some hefty cargo, whether or not he's actually holding something. He speaks with nasally, high-pitch sum of broken English (the King's language) and an obsessessive chittering of plaque-ridden teeth, which would be otherwise be tolerable on their own, but when he mixes them up to string together cacophonous slurs of speech and grating it really examplifies that anyone near this man would have to consciously suppress their innate desire to throttle him. Rumour has it before being snatched up by whatever-the-fuck that he was a lawyer, thusly in the eyes of the caste system, he's lower than low by standard. He's fucked!
*Why do you want to play this character?: I play out of absolute necessity. Honestly, I think there's no better representative for the human caste as a whole other than Squinkrot. I want Squinkrot to be the face Xenians picture when they hear the word 'human' and I am wholely dedicated to getting this goal of mine met.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Atlas ᛟ
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:45758426
  • *Discord Name & ID: Atlas#8789
  • *Timezone: GMT +3
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Human
*Character Name: Edward Adams 'Monkey'

*Brief summary of the character:

View attachment 6753



Due to some mysterious circumstances Adams got abducted by the Xenians into their realm. All those jokes about Aliens are now more relevant than ever. He may not express his distaste towards Xenian species out in the open but it can be noticed in his facial expressions.



Due to his height of 6'5 and his muscular body composition, he is considered to be stronger than an average Human. Some Xenian overlords have given him the nickname 'Monkey' for his abilities and as a mockery of his species' evolution.



Adams may enter a debate or a dispute with any Human for the most silliest reason. He may or may not be guilty of willing to instigate a fight with almost anyone, given the right circumstances.

Moral Allignment: Lawful Evil

*Why do you want to play this character?: It's been a while since I partook in any event that revolves around exclusively passive Roleplay. I also believe that my 'exposure' to Xen RP (Vorts and etc.) is somewhat lacking, so I believe it is a good opportunity for a change. Instead of applying for human-based events, like CPs vs Rebels, I reckon it's time for a change in RP pace.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself:
  • I believe I needn't talk about myself but I will still do it. I'm Atlas, the Russian hl2rper. Been around on Willard since its very first launch in December 2020 as one of the Admins. Then I took a bit of a break and now here we go again.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Clearly not
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: I'm familiar with the majority of the Willard playerbase, most notably the CMU, CWU, CP and some various rebel mains.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: If we are talking about the game franchise itself, then it would definitely be the soundtrack and the colour pallette in each game of the series, and I'm not talking about just Half Life 2 and the episodes. The first Half Life games, especially Opposing Force are also special to me, since it affected my later preference in videogames. If we talk about the whole Half Life universe, it would definitely be the whole 'dystopian' aesthetic.

Read the thread, if you want to play as a human you don't need to make an application. It's highlighted and everything.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Chara HamSlapper
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105375391
  • *Discord Name & ID: Chara HamSlapper#6924
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:

*Character Name: N/A

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
A squealing, hulking quadraped that, even with its size, is pathetic when compared to the other castes. It is a mother to two eggs, soon enough to hatch into infant voltigores. It spends its time feasting on what refuse it deems edible and defending its soon-to-be-children.

*Why do you want to play this character?:
Looked liked an interesting role to play as, especially given the setting.

Full Backstory (Optional): T
hreatened with punishment for non-compliance, this Voltigore was thrown into the Race-X invasion where they were expecting to support infantry. Instead, much like their other kind, they found a derelict tunnel and stayed there for the duration of the invasion, hunting prey such as headcrabs and zombies. They met another Voltigore that had gotten lost and mated with them, sticking together to hunt for the remainder of the invasion. Soon enough, a squad of soldiers trying to escape the facility found them and opened fire, one of them dying and the other making it to a portal.

Displaced on an unfamiliar island, floating through a nebulous void, the Voltigore remained. Eating crabs, sleeping and awaiting the day they'd lay their eggs. It wouldn't be until another portal took them in their sleep and brought them back to Earth, where Xen's invasion had yet to cease. There, they'd lay their eggs in the slums of one of the few urban centres and, ever since, they've remained.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I enjoy writing a lot, so naturally i gravitate towards roleplay and the like.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nah, i've been on there a few times.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Despite being on there a good lot, can't say i'm too familiar with many people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The sublt worldbuilding for sure, like how much information you can gleam from listening to civil protection radios or how the game introduced barnacles.
--- Section One ---

  • *Steam Name: Chara HamSlapper
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:105375391
  • *Discord Name & ID: Chara HamSlapper#6924
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:

*Character Name: N/A

*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A squealing, hulking quadraped that, even with its size, is pathetic when compared to the other castes. It is a mother to two eggs, soon enough to hatch into infant voltigores. It spends its time feasting on what refuse it deems edible and defending its soon-to-be-children.

*Why do you want to play this character?: Looked liked an interesting role to play as, especially given the setting.

Full Backstory (Optional): Threatened with punishment for non-compliance, this Voltigore was thrown into the Race-X invasion where they were expecting to support infantry. Instead, much like their other kind, they found a derelict tunnel and stayed there for the duration of the invasion, hunting prey such as headcrabs and zombies. They met another Voltigore that had gotten lost and mated with them, sticking together to hunt for the remainder of the invasion. Soon enough, a squad of soldiers trying to escape the facility found them and opened fire, one of them dying and the other making it to a portal.

Displaced on an unfamiliar island, floating through a nebulous void, the Voltigore remained. Eating crabs, sleeping and awaiting the day they'd lay their eggs. It wouldn't be until another portal took them in their sleep and brought them back to Earth, where Xen's invasion had yet to cease. There, they'd lay their eggs in the slums of one of the few urban centres and, ever since, they've remained.

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I enjoy writing a lot, so naturally i gravitate towards roleplay and the like.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nah, i've been on there a few times.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Despite being on there a good lot, can't say i'm too familiar with many people.
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: The sublt worldbuilding for sure, like how much information you can gleam from listening to civil protection radios or how the game introduced barnacles.
The event is now three days away, and there are only four slots left to be filled. In particular, I'd like the role of Vortigaunt Elder to be occupied by the 9th. Consider applying for the event if you're interested, or if you have a Vortigaunt whitelist on the main server.
--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
Vortigaunt Elder
*Character Name: Gaarth'shu'vu
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A taller then average vortigaunt, he wields a special armour that is not seen on many others. There are noticable differences between him and his kin, he has received modifications that have made him bigger and stronger then his kin, but not to the extent of a grunt. Perhaps the nihilanth under-estimated the Elders ability to lead his kin.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I like the of a leader who has to do things that he does ot want to do and is just a mere puppet
Full Backstory (Optional): (I gotta be perfectly honest when i say that i can't be asked to write a full backstory lol. You know the drill anyway, homeworld, invasion, xen and in this case just Xen. And besides i prefer naturally progressing a character rather then writing a detailed backstory and sticking to it)

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: No
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Judith Mossman
--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
Vortigaunt Elder
*Character Name: Gaarth'shu'vu
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A taller then average vortigaunt, he wields a special armour that is not seen on many others. There are noticable differences between him and his kin, he has received modifications that have made him bigger and stronger then his kin, but not to the extent of a grunt. Perhaps the nihilanth under-estimated the Elders ability to lead his kin.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I like the of a leader who has to do things that he does ot want to do and is just a mere puppet
Full Backstory (Optional): (I gotta be perfectly honest when i say that i can't be asked to write a full backstory lol. You know the drill anyway, homeworld, invasion, xen and in this case just Xen. And besides i prefer naturally progressing a character rather then writing a detailed backstory and sticking to it)

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: No
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Judith Mossman
he really just said "im not bothered" on an important role.. this mf
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: General_Milk
  • *Steam ID: 76561199149030942
  • *Discord Name & ID: General Craw419#9525
  • *Timezone: GMT
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Vortigaunt (I have WL).

*Character Name: Char'Knyx

*Brief summary of the character (be creative):
A hunched over Vortigaunt Sage standing at 6''s skin is brown and tanned while it's Orange eye glows from its face..a scar cuts across its upper Left eye.

Char'Knyx is a sage vortigaunt who is strong in both Its claws aswell as The Vortessence...It is conflicted on its thoughts with the Nihilanths leadership however it is loyal to their elders...Humans it would shun and hate unless one impresses the old vortigaunt..and in that case..they may form a silent respect for those who continue to impress them..
It is a true fighter of a vortigaunt and almost always completes a task once asked.
View attachment 6727

*Why do you want to play this character?: I love playing Vortigaunt on the Main server and try to play as my Vort character whenever I can and lately I've had ideas on multiple Vortigaunts

Full Backstory (Optional):
"Born from the vortessence in the Vortigaunt Homeworld Char'Knyx was born as a true Hunter in its tribe of Fifteen Vortigaunts.
Char'Knyx spent its youngling and Maturing ages Learning from its elders and going on hunts with its fellow Kin. Char'Knyx learned how to hone it's claws and use tactics to truly feel the thrill of the hunt and which allowed it to bring bountiful meat back to its Tribe.

Char'Knyx would live in peace and hunt for the foreseeable future until its Sage years...

Char'Knyx would be on a hunt with two of its kin when he looked to the sky to see it...Tear itself synthoid ships rained hellfire below smashing trees and burning grass as Char'Knyx would lead its Kin deep into the woods in search of cover as it leads them to an opening full of other tribes..Their elders channel their vortal energy together as they rip open a portal and usher all its Kin to walk through...Char'Knyx wouldn't hesitate and fulfill the order and walk through the Portal into this strange new world....

Upon entering through to this new land...Char'Knyx would look around at the floating rock that would be their foreseeable home...more vortigaunts entered through...and The Portal closed..Char'Knyx aswell as other kin would look to their elders for guidance..however...before the elders could speak..Grunts poured out from behind the rocks and held their arm cannons to them all...they would gun down any vortigaunt that chose to run or fight back...Char'Knyx tried to fight however...the grunt behind the vortigaunt simply whacked the side of Char'Knyx's head...and it went out cold...

Time passed as the Vortigaunts were enslaved by the Nihilanth....Char'Knyx would obey as long as it was fed and kept alive...even if barely....until one day a grunt had gripped Char'Knyx by its arm and dragged it towards the great tower of the Nihilanth...

Upon arrival Char'Knyx had seen hundreds of its kin that were all lined up alongside it....A large slug-like creature stood in front of them..they proclaimed "Those who can fight...Will fight to earn their freedom" as Char'Knyx was swallowed up in a green blast..View attachment 6726

The Nihilanths conquering of Earth had begun....

--- Section Three (Optional) ---

  • Tell us about yourself: I've always been a fan of Gmod RP's and I've always been a Huge fan of the Half Life series so I have a good bit of experience of Gmod RP's over the Last few years and I really enjoy Willard Networks and Especially the Short Stories and I've been hooked since CERES

  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Not really I've been playing on the server since around mid August and have enjoyed every second.

  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Recognise some names from other RP servers I've been in the past but other than that not really but it's always good to meet new people.

  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Well I've always been a fan of Half Life for years but The thing I love the Most by far is the Lore and Story as its just amazing how the Enviournments have changed since the Combine came and how The Government's of the world which have ruled us all for over hundreds of years get crushes within 7 hours by a newcome
Between yourself and Rex, it would have to be Rex due to the more numerous grammar issues here. But consider applying for one of the other roles, or simply play as a Human tomorrow.
--- Section One ---
  • *Steam Name: Ghost Recon Captain Rex
  • *Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42475618
  • *Discord Name & ID: Ghost Recon Captain Rex#5734
  • *Timezone: GMT-0 / BST
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for: Vortigaunt

*Character Name:

*Brief summary of the character (be creative): An adult, rather smaller than other vortigaunts, wearing a green collar around their neck which seems to have inscriptions of an alien language scrawled around it. You can see some light greenish skin slowly peeling off to reveal a fresh brown scaly skin underneath. The Vortigaunt has shining yellow eyes and seems to carry a small bag. The Adult Vortigaunt would seem to be scared when confronted by the mutant Grunts, Controllers and other powerful Xenian creatures.

*Why do you want to play this character?: The reason why I want this char to be in this SS event is to give more additional roleplay while the event itself looks interesting to roleplay as a vortigaunt. I have experience roleplaying on a vort faction that I have been on the main server itself. While the event itself has interesting lore itself and I wishes to explore the story while playing as one of my oldest vort char in this strange world.

Full Backstory (Optional):

Blinded by the light of the tower, Xie placed their claw over their retinas... Their eyes needed time to adjust to the new light, eventually, their eyes adjusted and he saw the room it finds itself in is dilapidated. Wallpaper ripped.. furniture cut and torn.. the smell of smoke as the distant yet far screams are blocked by the whistling wind below... Xie gazes down to see tiny dots of humans running from large burly mutants and fellow Kin... it sits and watches as the Kin go and return with more Humans... Going back and forth capturing them.."

Xie would watch for what seemed like hours until it noticed the Controllers floating higher to the building Xie was in. They watch the controller float up.. up.. and up until eventually, they were both meetings each other's gaze... Each looking at each other before the Controller shouts in alien "Return to the ground below, now!" Xie retreats down the stairs for a while until landing on the second floor... They walk down the hall to find a conveniently broken wall with concrete rubble pouring downwards to the ground. Xie follows and ends up on Main street. They turn their yellow eyes to the right and walk until they find the rest of the Invading forces. The Vortigaunts had been sent off to finish the rest, while the mutants remained. One shouted at Xie for not fighting, the other simply grabbed a quivering Human and ordered Xie, "PROVE YOUR STRENGTH!"

Xie looked back, they would pull their arms back, the energy of what was left swirled on his palms... The Grunts watched intently, Xie wished not to use much power. They did not wish to harm the humans... But the Grunts ordered it so. The energy grew in size as Xie threw its arms forward, throwing the vortal energy at the human. They would yelp but quickly fall unconscious... Xie felt guilty... However, the Grunts laughed as Xie walked back towards the crumbled building..

Xie looked back..they would pull their arms back..the energy of what was left..swirled on its palms...the Grunts watched intently...Xie wished not to use much..they did not wish to harm the human...but he Grunts ordered it to..the energy grew in size as Xie threw its arms forward, Throwing the vortal Energy Ball at the Humans...they would yelp but quickly fall unconscious...Xie felt guilty...however the Grunts laughed and shouted "YOU REST...STRONG" as Xie walked back..towards the crumbled buildings...

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: Hi, everybody knows me as Xie and the one who draws vortigaunt type on the walls and the most loved vort who just want to get a crayon collection.
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: Nope I've been here a long time.
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes, I been a member for a 5 mouth
  • What's your favourite thing about Half-Life?: Learning about vortigaunt lore and their backstory and loves how half-life theme is.
--- Section One ---
--- Section Two ---

*Caste you're applying for:
Vortigaunt Elder
*Character Name: Gaarth'shu'vu
*Brief summary of the character (be creative): A taller then average vortigaunt, he wields a special armour that is not seen on many others. There are noticable differences between him and his kin, he has received modifications that have made him bigger and stronger then his kin, but not to the extent of a grunt. Perhaps the nihilanth under-estimated the Elders ability to lead his kin.
*Why do you want to play this character?: I like the of a leader who has to do things that he does ot want to do and is just a mere puppet
Full Backstory (Optional): (I gotta be perfectly honest when i say that i can't be asked to write a full backstory lol. You know the drill anyway, homeworld, invasion, xen and in this case just Xen. And besides i prefer naturally progressing a character rather then writing a detailed backstory and sticking to it)

--- Section Three (Optional) ---
  • Tell us about yourself: No
  • Are you new to Willard Networks?: No
  • Are you familiar with anyone around Willard Networks?: Yes
  • What's your favorite thing about Half Life?: Judith Mossman

I will close the thread by 8PM GMT tonight (you have three hours to make an application).
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