Accepted Deus Ex: 2052

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Active Member

Welcome to New York City
It’s the year 2052.
The NSF have occupied Liberty Island and detonated a C4 charge on the very top of the Statue of Liberty, replacing what once was her head into a base of operations for the terrorist cell’s leader. News is already spreading of the terrorist lead being taken down by some mysterious organization labeling themselves as the state police. Citizens in New York are shaken of the recent terrorist attacks, along with a plague running rampant throughout the country known as the ‘Gray Death’.

This event will take place directly in the events of the first Deus Ex game where you can play as a resident in New York City. Most citizens are augmented with low grade cybernetics, though the rich are beginning to get their hands on nanotech that could fundamentally replace the crude prosthetic cybernetics that many possess. The event will (hopefully) be somewhat of a megaevent, taking place throughout the span of 4-5 days for character development, bigger plotline, etc.

Play as an NSF terrorist in a newly formed terror cell occupying New York, or play as a corrupt beat cop. Maybe you’re a neutral person, so being a citizen is for you. The options are limitless.

Event Factions:
An on-the-fence position, you start with little to nothing in your standard apartment block. Your backstory and your upbringing to New York will determine what kind of character you will be and what you become. You can be indoctrinated into other factions by their respective leaders or officers, build relationships, and get connections.

New York Police Department
The biggest law enforcement agency in the city, primarily consisting of corrupt and oppressive police officers. There is always the occasional incorruptible soul, wanting to find the truth. But they’re always shunned or silenced easily by their peers. With the recent terror attacks and terrorist occupation in the city, all officers are equipped with riot gear and start out in the streets of the city, either with a companion or by themselves.

Majestic 12 / Illuminati
Rumors of the Illuminati’s existence is commonplace, especially nowadays. A secret organization dedicated to controlling the world, all of their members being those in high positions of power, such as corporate leaders or government figureheads. Majestic 12 was a branch of the Illuminati, though they recently defected and became their own group with the same goals in mind. No one in the event is capable of applying for this faction, though they will make occasional appearances depending on the choices of certain factions and how things go.

New Secessionist Foundation
The terrorist group taking place in the heart of New York City. The overall motives for their attacks are completely unclear, though it’s assumed it’s due to the current abuse and negligence that the United States of America is portraying to its citizens.

The United Nations Antiterrorist Coalition is a branch of the UN founded to combat the growing rise of international terrorism in the country. A recent operation had taken place in Liberty Island that resulted in the arrest of the NSF leader, angering a terror cell in the city and resulting in their occupation in New York. UNATCO has only sent a few agents into the city to quell the constant riots and terrorist attacks taking place in the streets, though UNATCO existence is meant to be strict and secretive. This means each agent will enter the city through different means and will all be alone until they are forced to group up together later on.

Steam Name: YungJenkins, STEAM_0:0:506620259
Discord Name: YungJenkins#1001

Do you wish to spearhead the project if your concept is accepted? (You will run the event alongside the SS team): Yes.

Is this concept set in the Half-Life universe?: No.

Will this concept follow Willard's Timeline?: No.

Will this concept affect the main server?: No.

Do you have any SS members vouching for the event?: No.
This event concept is Accepted, but will be ran by a new member of the staff team who is already planning something along the lines of a Deus Ex experience.
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