Devblog #17 - Workshifts, waypoints, permits, hunting & changelog
New exciting mechanics afloat!
There’s been quite a lot of small-ish additions made and it’d be impossible to show all of them with pictures etc, instead I’ve opted to summarize them at the end in a changelog with all the new features / improvements / bug fixes. The larger features however I’ve highlighted and displayed with video clips as usual, enjoy this weeks devblog! Next week we’ll showcase the new skills UI and gas/xen spore system and new CP suit system!
New workshift mechanics
The terminal model is a placeholder
We’ve implemented a new and easy way to easily administrate workshift rewards without need of an admin being present. Either a CWU member or a CP can walk up to the check-in terminal and activate a workshift. Once a workshift is enabled, any citizen may register themselves at the machine and proceed with the workshift. A CWU/CP may end the workshift at any point and can then easily issue out rewards. Rewards being either loyalist points or ration coupons. Interact with a pickup terminal to acquire your ration coupon.
Barricades/manhacks/breaching charges
CPs now have access to new tools! They may deploy barricades with ease, set up defensive turrets and deploy manhacks to attack their enemies. A breaching charge is also implemented if you need something explosive to blast open a locked door.
Alongside deployable barricades etc, CPs now have access to waypoints to help ease their communication. You can set the waypoint text, timer and color, visible for all CPs to see.
Expanded computer notes
We’re aware the computers were somewhat useless given the limited note space previously set. We’ve now fixed that and as you can see from the video clip there’s now plenty of text for your notes. This accounts for both the normal citizen computer and the medical computer.
A huge issue we were experiencing during the first launch was a lack of easily administrating shops in terms of what they sell, their activity and administration. We’ve remedied this by having the bartering skill no longer use levels, the skill now relies on permits granted by the CWU. We’ve built a system to easily administrate, and issue out permits as can viewed on the video clip. Permits may be granted for 1, 2, 3 weeks or for an infinite amount of time until revocation.
We’ve also implemented an easy way to list all people with extra wages as can also be seen in the video clip, we had a few moments of people abusing the wages and setting them quite high, we’ve now set a max cap on wages as well to hinder this.
Antlion/headcrab hunting
Part of the cooking overhaul comes a new method of obtaining headcrab/antlion meat, previously you’d be able to purchase this via the bartering skill. This doesn’t make much lore sense and we’ve therefore prompted to make this a hunting mechanic. Once you’ve killed a headcrab/antlion grab a melee weapon and slice the body up into meat chunks. Good hunting!
New player quiz

This is just a placeholder, ignore the text shown on the image
Inspired by the clockwork quiz we all know from the past but this one comes with configurable, randomized questions that wont appear the same for every player. This is a measure to help reduce the amount of blatant trolls that join simply for the lulz. To fully pass this quiz you’ll need a basic understanding of our lore.
New features
You can now reposition ammo bar
Implemented CP waypoints
Added breach charges
Deployable manhacks
Deployable turrets
Deployable combine barricades
You can now read saved newspapers on citizen terminals
Added many more crafting breakdown (recycling) options
Implemented workshift check-in system
New weapons for CPS / OTA
Implemented questionnaire quiz for new players
Implemented configurable quiz manager
Added a CWU lock
Added CWU lock card
Implemented admin command to generate new ID cards
[PDA] High ranking CPs can now promote lower ranking units with the PDA
[PDA] Implemented list overview of all people with permits active
[PDA] Implemented shop permit expiration dates
[PDA] Implemented wages overview system on combine PDA
[PDA] It’s now possible to delete combine PDA logs
Gas/water/electric repairable entities (press E with toolkit)
Admin command to join groups
Popup alert when admins spawn items [SA only]
Implemented bartering permit system, no longer uses levels
Antlion / headcrab meat harvesting
Implemented expanded character description
Chattertoggle for CPs/OTA
Added ordinal, suppressor and charger OTA class
Bird whitelist
Added cracked newspaper (doesn’t require permit to work)
Cleaned up settings / admin settings texts, now has understandable English
Added more text space for medical computer notes
Added more text space for computer notes
Hunger/thirst hud refactor and optimization
Longer datafile generic notes (no squeezed)
Medicine skill overhauled (the crafting part)
Cooking recipes overhauled
Removed bloated amount of lore unfriendly cooking items
Many ingredients now have info texts how to acquire them
Beards take a bit longer to grow
Added toggle to view armor, steam id and steam name when using admin ESP
CPs now start with rank in their name
Re-balanced a lot of the crafting recipes
Re-balanced a lot of the bartering prices, especially clothes
Food permit renamed to snacks
Separated “drinks” permit into alcoholic and non-alcoholic permits
Separated “luxury” items into a luxury permit
Music radios can now only be picked up to inventory if you’re the owner
Added list of available shop permits in the info tab
Server now saves if a player is tied (they’re still tied if they disconnect and rejoin)
Players with the T flag can now remove their own containers
Voice command search bar
Stat boosts now reset on death
Notepads can no longer be stolen from a pinned wall
Refactored garbage cleanup plugin
Optimized various plugins to reduce save data load
Fixed armor god mode bug
Fixed suitcase swep (you can now see people holding the suitcase)
Fixed error popup when extracting alcohol
/mapsceneadd now shows in admin ESP
Fixed medicine pills not working
Fixed bug with ovens not allowing you to cook
Fixed pipe weapons not having firing sounds
Fixed scanner not respawning in correct location
Fixed scanners not spawning with any HP
Fixed suitcase UI scaling
Fixed sector index
Removed healthkit level restrictions
Fixed combine locks disappearing on server restart
Fixed various 2560x1080 UI scaling bugs
Fixed issues with ultrawide 4K support
Fixed bug where you could shoot doors open even if they have a combine lock
Fixed a handful of skill recipes with invalid items
Fixed lots of smaller bugs & optimization improvements
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