Devblog #24 - Drugs, Attachments, Quality of life
1. Drugs

We've added a collection of drug items designed to work as short-term attribute boosters but usually at the cost of other attributes when used. They're generally made to be more powerful compared to the regular pills in their specific areas but with a whacky visual effect to go with it, lasting 15 minutes.

You're able to make drugs rom the Medicine skill but also a few ones in the cooking panel as well. We'll be adding more drugs as time go by or people 'invent' them via IC means. You can also buy drugs from the smugglers for chips.

A player will be able to detect if you're high on drugs by looking at you, so keep that in mind! Especially if you're walking in the plaza... Don't let a CP catch you.

Here's a few showcases of drug effects, each has its own spin on things. (Yes you can combo the effects, be warned it will destroy your eyes
2. Attachments
You may now craft weapon attachments from the crafting skill panel, we've added a handful but more will arrive down the line.

3. Attribute rolls
We've added attribute rolls as a alternative to your standard /roll command utilizing your attributes pas art of the process

4. Broadcast improvements
We've implemented /BroadcastMe & /BroadcastIt commands to help support broadcasters, here's a few examples below

5. Misc
5.1 - Fullbright admin noclip mode

5.2 - Quiz retries
The quiz will no longer instant kick you out of the game if you fail once, you may now try up to 3 times before it kicks you.

5.3 - Dispatch typos
Dispatch players rejoice, your days of woe are over! If a dispatch typo is detected you'll be alerted and made aware of said typo. It'll auto cancel the message for you and allow you to fix the spelling mistake in peace. No longer will you awkwardly type "Dispatch: Judgment" while the entire server laughs tell you to git gud.
5.4 - Masked person fixes
For a while we had a couple of issues with the masked person plugin as it applied the "masked figure" to CPs + it was quite messy to figure out who was talking given there were lots of sudden "Masked Figure: Blablabla". We've now approached that issue and should be able to once again use the plugin. You'll appear as a [Masked person] if you're wearing a gas mask or a bandanna.

5.5 - Game icon flashes
Whenever a player sends a message directly to you (looks at you), you'll have your game icon flash orange to let you know someone is currently attempting to communicate with you. Quality of life feature! It also works for PMs and you can toggle it on/off from settings.
5.6 - Request device update
You're now able to directly message the CWU / CMU with your request device or just a generalized request that's sent off to Civil Protection. We've also added measures to prevent request device spam. CPs now also have their CIDs/taglines hidden in requests.

5.7 - Vocoder toggle
This feature is being re-worked given feedback, following this principle instead:

5.8 - Spinning logo
It spins!!
5.9 - More breakdown recipes
We've added breakdown recipes for pretty much all the drinks and a handful of food items. New junk items were added to support this and may too have their own breakdown recipes.
5.10 - Combine door breacher
You may now craft a handy breaching utility for combine doors.
6. Changelog
New features
Can now specifically request CWU/CMU with request device
Added drugs + recipes
Breakdown recipes for drinks and bottles added
Added weapon attachment recipes to crafting
Added admin command to remove players from groups
Added admin command to disable charswaps
Implemented vocoder toggle setting
Typo warnings for Dispatch broadcasts added
Added d20 Attribute Rolls
Flash the game icon when a message is received
Implemented /BroadcastMe & /BroadcastIt commands
Static prop ESP added
Combine door breacher added
Added scroll wheel to PDA transaction log
You can now rotate props in thirdperson
Hide CP ID in requests
Added more wide support for info texts in code bases
CWU cards may now be attached like CID cards
You can now harvest headcrab meat from zombies
More food/drug items drop junk on use
CCA channel added to OTA
Buffed King Cobra
Added drugs to smugglers
Added ink recipe + added to writers permit
HL1 & Alpha headcrabs can now be harvested
Players will be allowed 3 chances on the quiz before they're kicked
Request device messages are better formatted
Update food spoil text depending on spoil time
Willard logo now spins!
Added staff noclip full bright toggle
Updated chemistry workbench model
Vortigaunt beam nerfed from 80 damage to 55 (ignores armor)
Vortigaunt heal nerfed from 55 to 45
Added in new OTA models
Added /i command for dispatch (intel)
Renamed a couple of component materials "iron", "reinforced metal sheet", etc.
Vinegar is cheaper now.
Water bottles no longer require adhesive to make.
Lots of translation additions
Processed paste now gives plastic on use
Fixed bug with apartment auto-pay causing corrupt data
Fixed /massreward notification not showing
Synth/counterculture radios will now save on restart
Fixed smuggler cache duplication
Medical items no longer just have 1 use sound
Fixed issue with 'draw color modify' not being overridden in some situations
Fixed lots of weapon armor penetration values being completely off
Fixed broken spas-12 spread
Fixed a couple of broken crafting ingredients
Added in missing localized language strings
Added in measure to prevent request device spam
Hide Vortigaunt broom when entering observer
Log error fixes
Fixed wrong discord links on the main menu
Fixed OTA c_arms issues
Fixed issues with the masked person plugin, allowing us to use it again
Fixed many minor bugs & other balance issues too small to list here
What's next?
Quite a few things are in the works, some of which I wanted to show in this devblog but aren't quite ready yet. With the addition of the wonderful @Aspect to the team he'll be set to focus a lot on CWU gameplay which in turn will boost RP for citizens. A lot of exciting stuff coming up from him, so expect to hopefully see some of that in the next devblog! @SteyrShotgun is also working on a crafting re-balance, categorizing and listing all current recipes and crating items to gaiin insight into what needs adjusting early-mid-late game.
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